Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Burn baby burn!

Edit: Nice!

Edit 2: :thonk:
HolyDragoon threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Burn Unit +1 Total: 5
5 5
HolyDragoon threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Where? Total: 5
3 3 2 2
HolyDragoon threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Will it burn/melt? Total: 16
10 10 6 6
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Burn baby burn!

Edit. Nice!
modded to 6

Left Ankle. @HolyDragoon please roll 2 more d10. This is for fire catching & acid sticking after AV adjustment (-3) you want a natural 1,2, or 3 for Bad Shittm​ to happen to Osahi.

Edit: Normally such rolls are abstracted behind the curtain by me, I just thought players would like a peek at how I calculate such.
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modded to 6

Left Ankle. @HolyDragoon please roll 2 more d10. This is for fire catching & acid sticking after AV adjustment (-3) you want a natural 1,2, or 3 for Bad Shittm​ to happen to Osahi.

Edit: Normally such rolls are abstracted behind the curtain by me, I just thought players would like a peek at how I calculate such.

Ah, so those were the rolls that Osahi had to do when hit?
Ah, so those were the rolls that Osahi had to do when hit?
I roll off camera for special primary effects such as hellfires catching victim aflame, secondaries such Edge/Fire Mammoths tusks apply cauterization and only rarely (nat 10) check for ignition.

Dragon's Breath imho is a special dual primary and gets both checks, that's why when researching for special rounds say BadKatt's AA arty rounds as Electrical/Sonic the order of primary/secondary become important.

Edit: Osahi's spittle is another example of Acid primary (target only) / Poisonous secondary with an AoE bloom. (3x3 square)
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In his stunned state Osahi can do nothing but attempt to weather the shitstorm of incoming fire. Ongoing Flame from thigh wound bypasses armor causing scratch damage, 1 strike suffered!

Although the Mighty Merlin's fail to establish a targeting lock on Osahi's near prone form, the 2 cobra's now have orders allowing them to close and resort to the dual M-134 chainguns if the limited use Hellfires can not grab every advantage. The whine of the guns spinning up and letting go overrides any opportunity for trash talk.

Right shoulder suffers a glancing wound, the denticle encrusted flesh turning most of the force away. Osahi suffers 1 strike!

The left arm is not as fortunate, and suffering a Major wound, most of the kaiju blue steams in the air as the tracers cauterize it and the gibbets of meat cast aside. The remnant blue rains down fading from view soon after making ground fall, visible not apparently being a normal state, being more native to the 'there' than the here. Osahi suffer's a further 5 strikes, -2 to HtH, -2 to Dex.

(Using HolyDragoon's Arty rolls as they posted first, Cmd.Frost thanks for trying though!)

Next in is the indirect artillery fire, 1 battery scores solidly. The other is confused why their salvo never left the gun... apparently the warhead, powder charges were fine, but on detailed examination the igniter charge was faulty and it has failed to detonate. It has malformed and jammed into place it will require a certified E.O.D. tech to clear as removal might ignite it endangering the person attempting to clear it.

The round that does hit again blasts into the right shoulder this time with considerably more force. Osahi's shoulder takes a Major wound 5 strikes, a further -2 to HtH, -2 to dex.

Finally it is down to the brave men and women of the AKP's, standing man versus monster with no shelter, no metal shell, only air and too brief a span of distance.

A previously undistinguished AKP unit fires their salvo landing true, taking Osahi full in the throat causing a Major wound! 5 strikes, 5 ongoing, and the Acid glands breached!, The two stage chemicals mixing indiscriminately running down the front of Osahi's chest and torso causing the armor to blister and crack, offgassing violently as the yellow and blue components interact forming a thick cloud of toxic green (3x3). Chest armor -2 AV, Torso armor -2 AV.

Fortunate Son's barrage lands in the midst of the smoldering chest, easily breaching and destroying the weakened armor, Major Chest wound, chest armor destroyed, 5 strikes, Lung collapses, -3 to Str, Agi, Dex!

Burn Unit unleashes dragon's breath specialties and barely connect with the left ankle, neither special property has a chance to take effect before it trickles to the ground nearly ineffectual. Glancing blow to ankle, 1 strike suffered more from impact than the payload.

And not to be outdone Roy's Raiders land a telling blow, Critically striking Osahi in his unarmored eyes! Not only does the round destroy the eye, it slam through the hard skull into the primary brain causing a massive brain bleed. Major wound 5 strikes, blinded in one eye, brain bleed (fatal 1d5 rounds)!

(OOC) There's no kill like OVERKILL! (16 strikes worth to be exact, not counting penalties, ongoing, and brain bleed D.o.t.)

Osahi Defeated! Cat-3 killed, Quick kill bonus, Overkill bonus.

Category III (20/20) MV 8 / 16
Hand to Hand: 1
Ranged: 3
Strength: 3
Toughness: 4
Agility: 5
Dexterity: 4
Durability: 8
Structure: 17

Appearance: When ever visible it appears as a digitigrade legged humanoid form, the head is hidden from view inside an armored sleeve of flesh, the only visible facial feature are pale blue luminous eyes. Its form flickers and jumps like a poorly tuned television image complete with multiple ghosts images.

The hands consist of 4 double jointed talons that curve inward to palm or outward to back of hand with equal ease, bracketing the four talons are 2 opposable thumbs on the opposite side of the hand. (6 digits total - thumb, talon x4, thumb).

Dimensional Mass Displacement Cloak: At the start of its turn (or when it suffers any form of damage - strikes, ongoing,fire, etc.), Osahi vanishes and requires a 8 or higher on next sensor rolls to detect it, thereby forcing it temprarily into our reality. Attacks while visible are still at a penalty 1 pt higher than attackers base to hit.

If cloaked and Osahi goes near prone, he can move (low crawl)at 1/2 walk speed and detection becomes 10+.

If inside an AoE attack and currently cloaked/invisible, Osahi reduces damage rolls taken as if protected by 2 added AP.

+1 detection for nearby units; +3 detection for point blank units.
(Nearby is 3 units or less; point blank is shared unit or 1 unit away).

Cloaked is its natural state, it becomes invisible/cloaked at death/unconciousness.
Cleanup must be done constantly under intense scanning, to reveal all blue and residual flesh.

Freaky double jointed talons (with 2 opposable thumbs per hand)
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 1d10 (+3 HtH bonus)
Damage Type: Edged
Damage Bonus: Strength (3)
Armor Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: 3

Corrosive-Poisonous Gas Globule
Built-In Ranged Weapon (May be used in grapple)
Attack Dice: 1d10 (+3 range stat)
Damage Type: Acid/Poison
Damage Bonus: 0 / Conditional (Lethal)
Armor Penetration: 1 pt AAP
Range: 4/8/12
Poison Gas Radius: 3x3 square around impact point
Acid is a Double strength super acid. -2 AV/turn

Bone Encrusted Skin
(multiple ablative layers of dentical encrusted flesh)
Coverage: All excluding Eyes
Armor Value: 3
Resilience: Standard (+2 Impact, +2 Edged)
Durability: 6

Time sensitive CHOICE: (Pick only one)

[ ] Research Token: Dimensional Mass Displacement - requires tedious scanning maintained to harvest samples of lymph node equivalents (scattered throughout the body) and the linked portions of hind brain and limbic system that allow a controlled shift of Mass to an Alternate dimensional space. (OOC) think of a bastardized version of how Marvel's Pym Particles work. Or it could be more like the Transformers shunting mass into subspace.

[ ] Research Tokens x2: Corrosive-Poisonous Gas Globule - requires tedious scanning maintained to harvest intact samples of the glands that produce and contain Osahi's superacid/ AoE gas compounds.

[ ] Expedited Cleanup - with the extra-dimensional nature of Osahi, tedious scanning must be maintained to collect the naturally invisible flesh and kaiju blue not to mention to figure out a regimen to counteract his super acid and the toxic cloud it processes into. (this option gives a +4 to your research roll to develop an effective acid/gas cleanup program and sizabely reduces the environmental hit.) This means forgoing *ANY* sample collection for Osahi's inherent strangeness.

-----------------------------Please discuss the one choice you'll pursue----

Cleanup for even Guiron will be massive compared to most of your fights (he had arterial spray like the black knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail from the severing of a limb as kaiju equivalent of brachial artery isn't something easily sealed by a hot knife.)

Exact cleanup costs withheld as your choices (& die roll) will effect cleanup.

Edit: 4,000 r for kaiju kills and related bonuses alone not counting any of your other soon-to-be income from manufacture, rig, port authority, commodity exchange, blah, blah,...
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Hm. I'm not sure which one to vote for. Expedited cleanup could check one major concern off our list, making the aftermath of future fights that much easier, but we wouldn't get access to freaky science stuff. The mass displacement would be neat, though probably somewhat expensive to apply, and honestly I'm not sure what we might use it for. Finally, the acid gives us lots of tokens, but its utility is perhaps even more limited than mass displacement-- though if anybody has any sort of ideas about it, I'm willing to listen.

For now though...

Honestly, given the mess of this fight, I think I'll tentatively give my vote to
[X] expedited cleanup

It's a bit sad to give up shiny goodies, but in the long and short run I think the benefits from this will more than pay out.
Hm. I'm not sure which one to vote for. Expedited cleanup could check one major concern off our list, making the aftermath of future fights that much easier, but we wouldn't get access to freaky science stuff. The mass displacement would be neat, though probably somewhat expensive to apply, and honestly I'm not sure what we might use it for. Finally, the acid gives us lots of tokens, but its utility is perhaps even more limited than mass displacement-- though if anybody has any sort of ideas about it, I'm willing to listen.

For now though...

Honestly, given the mess of this fight, I think I'll tentatively give my vote to
[X] expedited cleanup

It's a bit sad to give up shiny goodies, but in the long and short run I think the benefits from this will more than pay out.

@Fyrstorm Small clarification, expedited cleanup will only effect this cleanup reducing the negative effects of invisible blue and any future Acid / Gas cleanups, it will not be a blue cleanup reduction for all future spills, you have a research token for that sitting unused.
[ ] Research Token: Dimensional Mass Displacement - requires tedious scanning maintained to harvest samples of lymph node equivalents (scattered throughout the body) and the linked portions of hind brain and limbic system that allow a controlled shift of Mass to an Alternate dimensional space. (OOC) think of a bastardized version of how Marvel's Pym Particles work. Or it could be more like the Transformers shunting mass into subspace.
Oh dear lord, is this the wrong sort of toy to give someone like me...
Hm. I'm not sure which one to vote for. Expedited cleanup could check one major concern off our list, making the aftermath of future fights that much easier, but we wouldn't get access to freaky science stuff. The mass displacement would be neat, though probably somewhat expensive to apply, and honestly I'm not sure what we might use it for. Finally, the acid gives us lots of tokens, but its utility is perhaps even more limited than mass displacement-- though if anybody has any sort of ideas about it, I'm willing to listen.
The possibilities begin with "adding mass at the exact moment of impact" and only get better/worse from there. We could make transforming units that don't have consistent mass, utilize it for a Blink-type defense against attacks, use it like Breach Storage, and the list goes on. That's off the top of my head. If we can parley it into mass manipulation or extradimension storage tech, the possibilities are...damn near endless, honestly.

Seriously, though, even just pulling Ant-Man and Transformers stuff is pretty freaking useful.

Well, in that case, I shall swap my vote to

[X] dimensional mass displacement

If only for the possibility of eventually being able to scream "super dimensional punch" before driving a massed-up fist into Cthulhu's jaw.
[X] dimensional mass displacement

Breach storage, Jaeger Parkour w/o flattening the city (MMA Jaeger build) & Super-Mass suplex.

Well, in that case, I shall swap my vote to

[X] dimensional mass displacement

If only for the possibility of eventually being able to scream "super dimensional punch" before driving a massed-up fist into Cthulhu's jaw.

Rocket powered, piston punch w/t a pair of MASS knuckles :V:V:V
I think we should probably use this token to create a lab for this stuff. Since there are so many ways to use this tech.
I think we should probably use this token to create a lab for this stuff. Since there are so many ways to use this tech.

I am not disagreeing, however our current research stat (4) can support 4 augments, we have K-Science, J-Tech, Mist Life Science, and Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense.

To qualify for another lab we'll need to upgrade our research stat.
Hey guys are any more rolls ne... Oh.

Well.... Okay.

[x] Research Token: Dimensional Mass Displacement - requires tedious scanning maintained to harvest samples of lymph node equivalents (scattered throughout the body) and the linked portions of hind brain and limbic system that allow a controlled shift of Mass to an Alternate dimensional space.
Hey @Smithsguild whats the status of Macon?

Cause we must have run through it twice going to and from Savannah and there's a trade convoy going though it now so can we get some intel on whats going on there?
Hey @Smithsguild whats the status of Macon?

Cause we must have run through it twice going to and from Savannah and there's a trade convoy going though it now so can we get some intel on whats going on there?

A fair question, and one I've been expecting, but it's not my place to push. Open sandbox and all that...

Macon itself is mostly a collection of ruins, as when it housed a largish population it unfortunately drew unwanted kaiju attention. Now only scattered pockets of survivors cling to caches of supplies guarding them jealously. Outside the city numerous small hamlets and villages cluster together to eek out an existence using civilian militia to repulse raiders, small antiverse life forms and the infrequent occurrence of the Mist and it's predators. With no localized government and law enforcement it is very clannish and strangers often mean danger or unwanted competition.

Word of the successful reconstruction of both Savannah and Atlanta have the effect that often the caravan is beginning to stall enroute as 'want-to-be' traders will flag it down to barter and seeing as how commodity exchange benefits from acquiring a versatile stockpile these trades have been encouraged (always deeply to the Atlanta/Savannah ventures favor). The convoy has little to fear from the average bandits as tanks & APC's of heavily armed men are not worthwhile targets. The convoys clearing the roads to a semi-usable state has encouraged use of the roads for local trade and travel although it is only the smallest of groups making mad dashes to other friendly nearby settlements.

Another effect that has been subtle but steadily growing is both Savannah and Atlanta are gaining an influx of refugees to just inside their spheres of influence, close enough to benefit from the increased stability without risking the wrath of these large and powerful city-states.

Once abandoned buildings become hamlets, hamlets grow to villages, and villages become small towns. Each ran by whatever charismatic individual could grab the peoples loyalty and improve their lot in life running the spectrum of political, religious, or economic ideas their population are willing to embrace.
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We have a couple of Macon related options.

Satellite city under our direct control, benefit of expanded action base but with the responsibility for effective defense.

Opens up cooperative research and allows each city to specialize in differing fields.


Supporting an independent city like we did with Atlanta, benefits are limited responsibilities, but potential trade relations, shared monetary system, & the mutual defense possibilities.
We have a couple of Macon related options.

Satellite city under our direct control, benefit of expanded action base but with the responsibility for effective defense.

Opens up cooperative research and allows each city to specialize in differing fields.


Supporting an independent city like we did with Atlanta, benefits are limited responsibilities, but potential trade relations, shared monetary system, & the mutual defense possibilities.
Hmm, could we turn it into a fortified embassy and/or shared reconstruction project between us and Atlanta, to build ties with them and shore up the area around our cities?
The problem becomes who runs the day to day in a 'shared' project doing things by comitees consisting of multiple political entities with differing agendas. (IMHO it would more likely cause friction than build solidarity).

I think that either option that helps link Atlanta to Savannah with unbroken comms, expands and improves our shared economy, and further strengthening the commodity exchange with another stable market could only further strengthen an already stellar relationship.
I say we take over Macon when we can and fortify the shit out of the highway. I don't know about the rest of you but having a wall up before the Kaiju/Mist decide to Florida Man us would be great.