Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

A settlement at Macon & another one near Vidalia both with comms 3 would make an unbroken line of comms from Atlanta to Savannah and make securing the intervening territories so much easier as the powerhouses on either end become infinitely more able to support the weaker center.

If it is the will of the group I can write a bare bones plan for smallest functional settlements to secure them.

1 def, 1 pop, 3 comms, 1 manufacturing & arty and AKP'S for a start both locations would be my suggestion.

Edit : manufacturing optional turn 1

Edit2: barest bones, def 1 and troops to stake a claim, but I would think armed occupation without claiming local populace would be harmful to long term morale.

Lesser comms doable, but won't provide us the unbroken line.
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Comms 2 can work very short term as a form of emergency only communication if you put military units stationed mid-way between more permanent area comms to act as a relay. (It's been previously establish military radios have a 30 mile range. It would require dice rolls to assure a good connection when actually needed).
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Arty 50 r/each x10 = 500 r
AKP'S 40 r/ each x10 = 400 r

Pop. 1 / 500 r
Def. 1 / 500 r
Comms. 2 / 500 + 1,000 = 1,500 r
---------- 2,400 r / settlement ----
Time sensitive CHOICE: (Pick only one)

[ ] Research Token: Dimensional Mass Displacement - requires tedious scanning maintained to harvest samples of lymph node equivalents (scattered throughout the body) and the linked portions of hind brain and limbic system that allow a controlled shift of Mass to an Alternate dimensional space. (OOC) think of a bastardized version of how Marvel's Pym Particles work. Or it could be more like the Transformers shunting mass into subspace.

[ ] Research Tokens x2: Corrosive-Poisonous Gas Globule - requires tedious scanning maintained to harvest intact samples of the glands that produce and contain Osahi's superacid/ AoE gas compounds.

[ ] Expedited Cleanup - with the extra-dimensional nature of Osahi, tedious scanning must be maintained to collect the naturally invisible flesh and kaiju blue not to mention to figure out a regimen to counteract his super acid and the toxic cloud it processes into. (this option gives a +4 to your research roll to develop an effective acid/gas cleanup program and sizabely reduces the environmental hit.) This means forgoing *ANY* sample collection for Osahi's inherent strangeness.

-----------------------------Please discuss the one choice you'll pursue----

Cleanup for even Guiron will be massive compared to most of your fights (he had arterial spray like the black knight from Monty Python's Holy Grail from the severing of a limb as kaiju equivalent of brachial artery isn't something easily sealed by a hot knife.)

Locking Research Token: Dimensional Mass Displacement (in support: Coker, DGR, Fyr, BadKatt, and even Nixeu (w/o an officail x) voiced support) and with no opposition.


I need a research roll including your Research stat bonus (+4) to figure out an effective means of cleanup for Osahi's spittle (super acid/poison hybrid) think of the off gassing as something that with enough exposure eats seals out of Personal Protective Equipment and acts as mustard gas blistering skin and causing lungs to weep resulting in pneumonia and dry land drowning. Shooting for highest roll you can manage...
Arty 50 r/each x10 = 500 r
AKP'S 40 r/ each x10 = 400 r

Pop. 1 / 500 r
Def. 1 / 500 r
Comms. 2 / 500 + 1,000 = 1,500 r
---------- 2,400 r / settlement ----

Almost accurate... unless you want to start with improvised civilian shelters you need to include costs of shelter upgrades as well. +375 R to start with the same quality Dispersed NBC shelters as Savannah. +250 r more for the Civil Defense Patrols that help offset mob panic and mitigate injuries.

You also neglected to factor in Massarone Construction 10% reduction (they could split their teams and handle 2 startups simultaneously; however they become unavailable for any Savannah projects while so occupied.)
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Guiron blue cleanup 650 r (gushing like a fountain)

Osahi blue cleanup 450 r (200 r for need chemicals, +250 r for the expanded sensor teams running full tilt to reveal invisible viscera & invis Blue)

(OOC) Reminder this has been sitting neglected since Ickthorn battle :
Research Token - Kaiju Cleanup (Ickthorn Nest Moss Sample)


Guiron defeated! 1,000 R Quick Kill bonus achieved! 500 R, Flawless Victory bonus achieved! 500 R

Osahi Defeated! 1,000 R Quick kill bonus 500 R, Overkill bonus 500 R.

4,000 Resources from combat.


Acid/Poison cleanup costs still awaiting a roll... Roll 1d10+4 aim high
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Shall I begin to handle all the 'events' that come with your beginning of turn income? (Manufacturing, Embassy diplomacy, Commodity Exchange, Rig, Port Authority, Etc.)?
Rolling rolling rolling-

(OOC a Modified Eleven) Environmental damage reduced from Crippling to Mild

Your recent experience with Sarin gas has had your cleanup crews prepping for the worst both history and nature had devised, 'what if' scenarios now provide an expert assessment and treatment plan as soon as ph, vapor density, and water solubility is determined and previously readied stockpiles of neutralizing counter-agents are shipped by Jump Hawk on-site reducing a potentially crippling eco-disaster to only the dangers of erosion, and the need to monitor the danger of residual seepage into the local groundwater. Effected earth is dozed up and sealed in vacuum sealed, inert plastic containers that are quickly hustled to a chemical treatment plant to be rendered inert as soon as practical.

270 / R for missed spit attack versus Mammoth, 360 / R for leakage from throat destruction (Below 10% bonus applied, remember these were both 3x3 = 9 square units of AoE)

Cleanup teams gain Veteran Status!

+1 to all future cleanup rolls in addition to those given by your research stat, 10% reduction of ALL cleanup costs whether Blue or NBC related.

The exposure to such virulent and caustic chemical exposes flaws in existing PPE (personal protective equipment) it inspires ideas for future iterations.

All troops including Jaeger & civilian forces gain a bonus resilience to NBC attacks equivalent to +1 Armor Value. Once a 250 R upgrade fee is paid.
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As the last remnants of cleanup are being handled, the importance of the new military edict regarding use of the protective clothing during combat ops finally sinks into the last grumbling soldier.

A display of partial melted masks, gloves and boots from cleanup are displayed near the troops mess hall showing what 'might have been' to fragile flesh in an irrefutable visual display.

Lost Morale rebounds, and a final surge increases it back to higher than it's ever been. The amazing swift victory over Guiron and Osahi certainly contributes. The only real losses are attributed to equipment failure,(Smooth Operators & Whitecap's Rifle) and those involved only sprains, bruises, and equipment destruction.

Final result ;

Morale increase to Calm bordering Enthusiastic!!! All manufacturing gains a +25% bonus to R
Environment slips down another single notch (Which is fantastic considering the potential disaster faced), it is now on the lower side of Stable.
+ 4, 000 r (combat monies)
- 1,100 R in blue ( F invis monsters :rage:)

- 630 R in Osahi spit (F invis monsters :rage:)

- 250 R to gain +1 NBC resilience -forever-

= 1,980 in R expenses.

Still made out like a bandit IMHO.
Shall I begin to handle all the 'events' that come with your beginning of turn income? (Manufacturing, Embassy diplomacy, Commodity Exchange, Rig, Port Authority, Etc.)?

I am game, but I can wait if others need time to process.

I'm a bit leery with Atlanta diplomacy we need to meet our promised obligations, re: currency funding, need to fund a Stryker for caravan duty, pump more into commodity exchange. Etc.
1,700 R - beginning banked balance
+2,020 R - Combat cash - post cleanup
125 R - Pembroke Dairy (after successful calfing this spring, the farmers feel comfortable culling some less productive cattle)
+75 R - Pembroke bonus (for a limited time; Steak is back on Councillor's/Pilots menu!)
75 R - (up from 50 R ) Fort Pulaski Market - exotic goods from commodity exchange draw larger crowds
450 R - 'Landrum-Pickering Titanium mine' (OOC - Until someone handles the run-off they are generating no +environmental progress possible)
150 R - Liberty - foreign salvage (OOC - raiding into Charleston area of influence, fomenting rebellion, stealing their shineys)

Need a 1d10 rolled for Homeland defense to add a new outpost,( if you Dbl up on Homelands troops they can roll for 2 settlements/downtime Savannah's composite outpost morale score has improved enough to merit extra outpost/turn with required troop additions)
1,500 R - Savannah Manufacturing
+375 R - +25% morale bonus to manufacturing
250 R - Casino Taxes
Dice Dependent Income

Oil Rig - ( < 25% of full super carrier ) IE. 761 R of possible 4,800 R in crude stored rig side (resources not figured in standing totals as considered at risk until it makes port in Savannah, rolls were substandard this turn. We'll blame it on the rookie riggers. ;))

Port Authority - Container Salvage 1,005 R & a 'discovery':
Computerized Communications Center - (city communications augment) provides comms redundancy (reroll a comms crit-fail take better result)
This augment allows 1 free comms related action/turn.

Commodity Exchange - (starting seed amount - 550 R) return on investment +13% (seed grows to 568 R)
+27 R to Savannah coffers (seriously you guys have this grossly underfunded 13% is nearly twice the NASDAQ yearly average; your flipping this PER TURN)

Your coffers atm? 7,752 R available + 761 R crude oil stored rig side.(unavailable for spending)

Edit: forgot to process last of the 1,200 R crude oil in super tanker into processed Petro-chemical products (increase oils value +50%) to 1,800 R. Add that to coffers brings final tally to:

New total 9,552 R available + 761 R crude oil stored rig side.(unavailable for spending)
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I am game, but I can wait if others need time to process.

I'm a bit leery with Atlanta diplomacy we need to meet our promised obligations, re: currency funding, need to fund a Stryker for caravan duty, pump more into commodity exchange. Etc.

Partially Fund the Shared currency program (1,000 in of 5,000 R required)

M1131 Stryker Troop Transport (GLTD) / 20mm anti-material sniper (k-scale) 1x for Commodity Exchange (Atlanta gifted you the BP)
200 R / 250 R w/t 'Conestoga' troop transport trailer.
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Smithsguild how adaptable is the basic 'Conestoga' framework?

IE. Could it be easily converted to support an e-warfare platform or a mobile comms relay instead of a troop transport?
Smithsguild how adaptable is the basic 'Conestoga' framework?

IE. Could it be easily converted to support an e-warfare platform or a mobile comms relay instead of a troop transport?

It would work nicely; however each variant would need a successful RESEARCH roll of its own. The more technically intricate, the more expensive. They would also be limited to be unable to quite reach replacing a city stat, mobile relays would be limited to support only Military Comms. City comms stat also supports civilian comm usage and impacts morale, research, etc. to a minor extent (the ability to instantly communicate information over great distances should not be underestimated. It may not have a dice mod but your QM factors in such intangibles).
Need a 1d10 rolled for Homeland defense to add a new outpost,( if you Dbl up on Homelands troops they can roll for 2 settlements/downtime Savannah's composite outpost morale score has improved enough to merit extra outpost/turn with required troop additions)

Restating as it was buried in one of my ***many*** text walls.

Edit: and I do apologize for the hyper abundant posts; my personality is definitely some form of undiagnosed Obsessive behavior. Whatever my flavor of the month is, I become unrelenting and my brain spins tires processing 40+ variants related to it. It merely shows I am once again laser focused on this AU as my creative outlet for giant robot love...
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Restating as it was buried in one of my ***many*** text walls.

Edit: and I do apologize for the hyper abundant posts; my personality is definitely some form of undiagnosed Obsessive behavior. Whatever my flavor of the month is, I become unrelenting and my brain spins tires processing 40+ variants related to it. It merely shows I am once again laser focused on this AU as my creative outlet for giant robot love...
I get that. I'm mostly just busy running half a battle in Tacit Quest right now. Being the one balancing having to remember all the details and what we're doing makes me wary of stream-crossing right now. I only have so much room for remembering current events, unfortunately. But I can roll dice.

Edit: Not very well, apparently. I guess that emphatically answers that question, at least for this turn.
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: To Expand, or Not to Expand? Total: 1
1 1
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I get that. I'm mostly just busy running half a battle in Tacit Quest right now. Being the one balancing having to remember all the details and what we're doing makes me wary of stream-crossing right now. I only have so much room for remembering current events, unfortunately. But I can roll dice.

Edit: Not very well, apparently. I guess that emphatically answers that question, at least for this turn.

(OOC - never fear Nixeu, I understand being swamped with commitments, I'd participate more w/t Tacit if I weren't juggling all my Mammoth ideas!)

Actually this is case of failing so hard, you manage to do great good!

Your Homeland Defense troops uncover a fledgling nest site by investigating a village that had been showing signs of recent habitation only to realize it has been enveloped by an Antiverse version of Kudzu. K-science names the vile specimens 'Killzu'.

The green tendrils grow 6 to 8 inches during the daylight hours and if a warm blooded creature gets too close the green slowly shifts to a variegated green and purple as a sedative sap swells within the leaves. Any creature to succumb to the sleep inducing toxin is overwhelmed and becomes fertilizer for future growth. If the patch matures enough it buds ambulatory rootlets that break free from the parent plant and will run 8-10 km before they go to ground and infest a new area.

Thermal sterilization proves effective. And the MLRS is called in to do the heavy lifting, with the Ghost Riders motorcycle militia (and their flamethrowers) providing the necessary back up.
(OOC - never fear Nixeu, I understand being swamped with commitments, I'd participate more w/t Tacit if I weren't juggling all my Mammoth ideas!)

Actually this is case of failing so hard, you manage to do great good!

Your Homeland Defense troops uncover a fledgling nest site by investigating a village that had been showing signs of recent habitation only to realize it has been enveloped by an Antiverse version of Kudzu. K-science names the vile specimens 'Killzu'.

The green tendrils grow 6 to 8 inches during the daylight hours and if a warm blooded creature gets too close the green slowly shifts to a variegated green and purple as a sedative sap swells within the leaves. Any creature to succumb to the sleep inducing toxin is overwhelmed and becomes fertilizer for future growth. If the patch matures enough it buds ambulatory rootlets that break free from the parent plant and will run 8-10 km before they go to ground and infest a new area.

Thermal sterilization proves effective. And the MLRS is called in to do the heavy lifting, with the Ghost Riders motorcycle militia (and their flamethrowers) providing the necessary back up.

Sweet! I want samples gathered as well as soil & moisture conditions of where it thrives best. So far Sage is proving resistant to earth sedation, I wonder what changes if we use antiverse generated sedation versus antiverse life.
Given the hostile environmental situation as well as the biggest threats we might want to consider constructing armored trains to use as mobile fortresses and command stations for our military. Also given the size of the Kaju it might actually be practical to build railway guns to fight them.