Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

First off I want to apologize in advance if my chronic anal habits offend, I am an unrepentant min-maxxer.

I often review games I am playing looking for exploitable combinations. I think I found another of these. (Shame on me, I know).

Wojtek's Winners (perk: Comrade Bear is spotter...) and Smithsguild statement that elites are upwardly mobile.

Can you imagine the no indirect fire penalty perk applied to 'The Iron Bitch' Superheavy artillery?

Yes, there are some fundamental differences between mortar and artillery crews, but arcing angles of fire mean more similarities than differences.
First off I want to apologize in advance if my chronic anal habits offend, I am an unrepentant min-maxxer.

I often review games I am playing looking for exploitable combinations. I think I found another of these. (Shame on me, I know).

Wojtek's Winners (perk: Comrade Bear is spotter...) and Smithsguild statement that elites are upwardly mobile.

Can you imagine the no indirect fire penalty perk applied to 'The Iron Bitch' Superheavy artillery?

Yes, there are some fundamental differences between mortar and artillery crews, but arcing angles of fire mean more similarities than differences.

I am -well aware- of your LOOOONG history of rules lawyering and exploiting any loophole.

I could accept such a transition, However there would be an adjustment period as Woj retrained from Mortar crew to Artillery. During said period their perk would either have no appreciable effect, or a diminished one. Details on the how will be illuminated IF/When the 'Iron Bitch' is paid for and Woj is transferred.
Sweet! Thanks, I have an artillery round we need to slot into research asap.

Thundershot: an arty AA round, a flash bang inspired round for a concussion wave (sonic) w/t layden ball submunitions (electrical).

Exceptional for knocking the organic flyer out of the air, and also disrupt mechanical systems, aeronautical controls, and instruments.
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As our apparent military advisor, in the face of recent events I am forwarding a (in my mind) reasonable request.

Smithsguild with the WMD'S Sarin attack is there any chance to push through personal protective gear for our military units?

One would hope such were in place already considering kaiju blue and blood mist, but assumption makes an ass out of you and umption.
(ooc) Stupid forums ate my response to BadKatts post. Sort of...

When I viewed it appeared as a dbl post. I tried to delete the 2nd and it ate BOTH.

As best I can remember it:
"Personal protective gear is part of all soldiers standard kit. Possessing them is not the same as convincing them to wear them as they are seldom at point blank to Blue spillage. Forcing them to wear it could cause negative morale adjustment, but probably not as much as not mandating use and then suffering an incident that causes massive casualties... That would be a Council Policy decision, shall I call for a vote?

Updated Savannah Forces Roster: (These are currently your freely available forces, IE. not assigned a 'day job' such as Homeland, Garrisoned, Rig Defense Force, etc.) Any missing forces are likely assigned to a 'day job'.

Mammoth Apostate (Mk. 2 Jaeger)
Whitecap Triton (Mk. 2 Jaeger)

Hammer's Slammers (Tanks)
Wojteck's Winners (Mortar)
Rough Riders (Motorcycle Militia)
Ghost Riders (Motorcycle Militia)
EMS Road Hogs (Motorcycle Militia)
Outriders (Pathfinder Helo Scouts)
Mighty Merlins (Little Bird 'spotter' unit)
Smooth Operators (Cobra fast attack helo)
Roy's Raiders (AKP)
Burn Unit (AKP)
Fortunate Son's (AKP)

1x T-100 AK Tank
4x Avenger (Anti-Aircraft)
2x ALSV (Fast attack patrol vehicles)
1x M270 MLRS
1x SPLL (dedicated reload vehicle for M270)
4x AK Patrol Torpedo Boat
1x Resupply Platoon
2x AKP
1x Civilian Militia K-9
1x Motorcycle Militia
1x Cobra attack helo
6x Jump hawk deployment groups (w/t optional cargo pallet)

Permanently Attached Allied Units courtesy of Atlanta:
1x T-100 AK tank
1x M1131 Stryker (Spotter/Transport)
2x AKP's (Typically mounted on Stryker)
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Council vote called -

Shall Savannah troops (and attached Allied Forces) be forced to wear Personal Protective Equipment when in the field in a combat capacity.

IE. When responding to a suspected threat whether Kaiju, Mist related, or possible human combatants. This regards the institution of sanction and punishment of soldiers in non-compliance. Morale and comfort are to be viewed as secondary considerations.

[ ] Aye.
[ ] Nay.
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[jk] Neigh.

Because I can never see a vote with "nay" as an option and not think that.

[X] Aye.
I'm wondering if setting up checkpoints on major highways near our area of influence borders would be cost effective to watch for major troop movements from Charleston.

At 20 R a pop, garrisoned rifle platoons are fairly inexpensive, and can be stationed beyond our sensor range.

Unless coming at us strictly by sea, I count only 1 interstate, 6-7 US highways, and less than a dozen States highways.

Sure that leaves scores of back roads small groups might use, but columns of troops will readily stand out attempting to use them.

For the cost of 40 platoons of Garrisoned rifle (800 R) listening posts tied into our coms could eyeball any largish group movements on our Northern border.

Edit: have some combat engineers on the major inbound roads boobytrap, streams, overpasses, etc. And show the rifles how to set them off and for a pittance an armored column is slowed to a cross country crawl.
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I am about to implement a rule change, I just viewed an oversight in how city defense is currently broken occur in 'Tacit Ronin vs the World' a much longer running quest that inspired this one.

Current wording is city Defense Stat is currently 1 to 1 AV protecting units inside the defensive perimeter. Armor is insanely OP at 6+ making all conventional forces nearly powerless to effect anything behind a city defensive perimeter.

Proposed rule change:

1DV = 1AV
2-3DV = 2AV
4,5,6DV = 3AV
7,8,9DV = 4AV
10+DV = 5AV (maximum defensive value)

(OOC) I promised I would give you a voice in rules changes, I have viewed the current system is untenable, I am open to other possible solutions but this seems fair across the board, and you are nowhere near advanced to feel the sting as much as tacit's player base who have a city currently at def 7.
I am about to implement a rule change, I just viewed an oversight in how city defense is currently broken occur in 'Tacit Ronin vs the World' a much longer running quest that inspired this one.

Current wording is city Defense Stat is currently 1 to 1 AV protecting units inside the defensive perimeter. Armor is insanely OP at 6+ making all conventional forces nearly powerless to effect anything behind a city defensive perimeter.

Proposed rule change:

1DV = 1AV
2-3DV = 2AV
4,5,6DV = 3AV
7,8,9DV = 4AV
10+DV = 5AV (maximum defensive value)

(OOC) I promised I would give you a voice in rules changes, I have viewed the current system is untenable, I am open to other possible solutions but this seems fair across the board, and you are nowhere near advanced to feel the sting as much as tacit's player base who have a city currently at def 7.
Seems acceptable to me. It does make the main point of upgrading Defense be "adding more fixed defenses as City Mods", after a point, but I find that a perfectly good reason to do so.

Part of the reason this hasn't come up before now is simply that we haven't had any major combat either on the DP, or between us and smaller, conventional forces on the DP. This issue is going to be much more significant here, since this quest has more small-unit combat.
Closest we've came was the Atlanta fights, and that Mini-gun Defensive emplacement you built mulched the K-scale opponent as she flew in...

Edit: Defensive mods can be terrifyingly effective.
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Re: PPE for soldiers has a 5 in assent/0 opposed tally so far we will consider it locked.

While on paper the precaution sounds reasonable, the soldiers chafe at the perceived future discomfort and quietly complain whenever the command ranks leave them unattended.

Savannah is first and foremost a city built to support the business of kicking Kaiju ass, so moods around town are very much reflective of soldiers attitudes even if the general populace don't understand why their heroes are suddenly malcontent.

General Morale Savannah takes a moderate hit. Further losses will drop it from Calm to Steady. Morale manufacturing bonus drops from 20% to 10%
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Re: PPE for soldiers has a 5 in assent/0 opposed tally so far we will consider it locked.

While on paper the precaution sounds reasonable, the soldiers chafe at the perceived future discomfort and quietly complain whenever the command ranks leave them unattended.

Savannah is first and foremost a city built to support the business of kicking Kaiju ass, so moods around town are very much reflective of soldiers attitudes even if the general populace don't understand why their heroes are suddenly malcontent.

General Morale Savannah takes a moderate hit. Further losses will drop it from Calm to Steady. Morale manufacturing bonus drops from 20% to 10%

I knew it was going to be unpopular, never thought it would be this ugly a hit.

I have been witness to reports however that a simple Oops can devastate military morale way out of proportion to incident.

A freind relayed this example, as a positive morale building exercise aboard subs they instituted weekly 'slider' Saturdays (mini hamburgers), on maneuvers the galley ran out of Hamburger meat, and attempted purchase of local meat (?lamb?) To improvise slider-esque burgers, morale tanked for nearly a month afterwards.
I knew it was going to be unpopular, never thought it would be this ugly a hit.

Think of civilians as a reflective lens, they mirror and sometimes amplify the military mood (especially when not informed why). Military are still operating under an internal general gag order to minimize panic re: Sarin. Stressing the new PPE policy might get the civvies asking "Why now?"

It's an ugly self feeding coincidence, these are merely the consequences...
Hmmm, I wonder if coming clean about the attack now that NBC shelters are in place and the soldiers are only bitching because of new safety regs. Would ease civilian worries and mitigate the morale loss? Or make it worse?
Hmmm, I wonder if coming clean about the attack now that NBC shelters are in place and the soldiers are only bitching because of new safety regs. Would ease civilian worries and mitigate the morale loss? Or make it worse?

That would be a diplomatic situation and depending on how you spun it, it could go either way... People usually get ill, when secrets are kept about things they feel they have 'a right to know'.

Edit: It's even worse when the secret comes out as an accidental leak, or a third party shines a light on the secret.
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Need input from my fellow councillors about a possible 'Press release' to mitigate that morale loss.

Smithsguild has previously stated diplomatic actions are generally free actions.

"People of Savannah, we come to you to ease your minds and provide you with information we believe you have a right to know.

Recently Savannah itself was the target of an attempted attack by party or parties unknown. We have some strong suspicions of the culprits identity and are continuing our investigation.

This attack was readily thwarted by Savannah's armed forces, but it's nature was alarming as it involved a chemical weapon.

Immediate information was withheld to avoid a useless panic, we have upgraded the shelters to be safe versus a wide variety of WMD threats and instituted new military protocols regarding use of personal protective gear, this is probably the cause of recent discontent among the military rank and file, but their safety is more of a concern than their comfort.

Please take their complaints in stride as they adjust.

We the council, thought you the good people of Savannah deserved clarity and transparency in these matters."
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BadKatt said some legit spin doctoring.

Smithsguild jaw drops...

"I too often underestimate you." :drevil:

Edit: Council breaks news, reassures populace, publicly shames military about comfort vs safety, and diffuses potential fallout from news blackout while showing they believe the common man has a 'right to know.' In a single short press release.

Consider this Cannon, a response this good doesn't need a hold to vote... I don't believe anyone will object to it on any grounds.

Morale loss mitigated, although people are still nervous they now know what to be nervous about, the specter of the unknown no longer feeds off hysterical imaginings. Morale bonus to manufacturing climbs back to 15%.
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Good work, Councilor @BadKatt85 !

Now the question is whether Councilor Knight would tell literally anyone about his....dream.

...Yeah, he would. Probably his fellow Councilors, and whatever therapist is the most-cleared for working with the Councilors.