Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Well, if we've got a whole 4000 Resources...

[X] Plan: Welcome Home, Mammoth
-[X] Free Actions:
--[X] Repair "Pathfinders" unit (-100 R)
--[X] Repair "Wotjek's Winners" unit (-20 R)
--[X] Repair Savannah's Manufacturing and Scanners (-400 R)
--[X] Explore the Shatterdome for leftover Mammoth stuff.
--[X] Meet with Mr. Bones
-[X] Standard Actions:
--[X] Repair Mammoth's shoulder joint (-100 R)
--[X] Increase Population to 2 (-1000 R)
Total Resource Cost: 1620 R
Remaining Resources: 2380 R

Next time we get a chance, we can boost Research and Comms, and finally get started on doing stuff.
Also, I wasn't sure if we were allowed to fix both the shoulder joint and the armour in a single action, so I prioritized the shoulder joint. If we can do both, then I'll add the other one in.
Also wanted to point out Savannah repairs aren't pick one, you can perform as many as your willing to spend the R.
Both repairs would be acceptable. You need to remove the shoulder armor to work on the shoulder joint. If they weren't adjacent it'd take 2 actions
In that case;

[X] Plan: Welcome Home, Mammoth v1.2
-[X] Free Actions:
--[X] Repair "Pathfinders" unit (-100 R)
--[X] Repair "Wotjek's Winners" unit (-20 R)
--[X] Repair Savannah's Manufacturing and Scanners (-400 R)
--[X] Explore the Shatterdome for leftover Mammoth stuff.
--[X] Meet with Mr. Bones
-[X] Standard Actions:
--[X] Repair Mammoth's shoulder joint and armour plating (-260 R)
--[X] Increase Population to 2 (-1000 R)
Total Resource Cost: 1580 R
Remaining Resources: 2220 R
Although I anticipate a quick consensus it will probably be tomorrow at the earliest for my response. My fat fingers don't mix with android phones good enough to cover all those points. :(
[ X ] Plan: Welcome home, Mammoth V1.2

@Fyrstorm is there any real reason not to sink the cash into the Comms and other repairs now?
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[ X ] Plan: Welcome home, Mammoth V1.2

@Fyrstorm is there any real reason not to sink the cash into the Comms and other repairs now?

I don't see why. Also ty Fyr for making a new plan, I was making dinner.

[X] Plan: Welcome Home, Mammoth v1.3
-[X] Free Actions:
--[X] Repair "Pathfinders" unit (-100 R)
--[X] Repair "Wotjek's Winners" unit (-20 R)
--[X] Repair Savannah's Manufacturing and Scanners (-400 R)
--[X] Repair Savannah's Comms (-250 R)
--[X] Explore the Shatterdome for leftover Mammoth stuff.
--[X] Meet with Mr. Bones
-[X] Standard Actions:
--[X] Repair Mammoth's shoulder joint and armour plating (-260 R)
--[X] Increase Population to 2 (-1000 R)
Total Resource Cost: 1830 R
Remaining Resources: 1980 R
@Fyrstorm is there any real reason not to sink the cash into the Comms and other repairs now?
Comms isn't immediately vital (Comms 1 works fine for the moment, and we can upgrade it next round), and the repairs to the lab/facility/thing take normal Actions to do, which we currently can't afford. We need to focus on improving our action economy before we can get those going.
Comms isn't immediately vital (Comms 1 works fine for the moment, and we can upgrade it next round), and the repairs to the lab/facility/thing take normal Actions to do, which we currently can't afford. We need to focus on improving our action economy before we can get those going.

We are going to get more Rs from the next round of combat, so might as well have the Comms up instead of saving everything for a future expense and not having the asset now.
We are going to get more Rs from the next round of combat, so might as well have the Comms up instead of saving everything for a future expense and not having the asset now.
Yes, but repairing the Comms is a... Free Action, and...

Oh, fine. I guess it can't really hurt.

[X] Plan: Welcome Home, Mammoth v1.3
Downtime plans require a broader support than combat consensus; hopefully we can get that tonight and I can start planning my response.

Remember your area of influence extends to the lesser of comms/sensors each lvl adds 15 miles to radius. This is the area in which you can build outposts.
Damn, but that is a big DP. To the point where I'm thinking we should probably see about building a smaller one inside it. It looks comparable to our Comms/Sensor radius in many areas, mostly on the land side of things. Maybe even beyond it, down near Keller. That seems like an issue.

[X] Plan: Welcome Home, Mammoth v1.3
Ezra Omake
[X] Plan: Welcome Home, Mammoth v1.3

Anyway, this is short but it's the best I can come up with right now.
Ezra Carter was never a social person, unfortunately her life made it difficult to avoid such situations. First her height drew attention, then becoming a Ranger, then her arm, just to name the big three. It seemed that despite all her attempts the world would never accept that Ezra just wanted to go in, do her job and leave, let Keerat, someone who actually liked dealing with people, handle the veritable army of fans. So naturally when her presence was requested at the Savannah International defense line segment several miles away from the massive party near the Shatterdome she was all to happy to leave, not on one of the motorcycles at her dad's garage unfortunately but beggars can't choose.

Upon reaching the airport in a jeep that really needed a tune up Ezra was surprised to see Colonel Frost waiting for her in front of the southern hangars smoking a cigarette and leaning on his cane.

"Commander, I thought you'd be at the party or off making sure we can actually hold this place" Ezra said with a smirk.

"I'll celebrate when we take back Hawaii and find Tsunami Weaver, and request that you not bad mouth Marshall Deveraux, she did everything she could in a bad situation"

"I'm not insulting the Marshall, I'm insulting whoever decided that Savannah needed a Kaiju containment facility before it needed defenses that were actually worth a damn"

"Now that I will gladly join in on, anyway come here I've got something to show you." Frost replied as he walked into the southernmost hangar, tossing away his cigarette.

"I'm gonna warn you up front planes aren't my specialty" Ezra remarked as she followed.

"That's not what I called you here for, although I will need you to help with this" Frost said as he grabbed part of a tarp.

"Sure thing Commander"

Pulling away the tarp revealed a large pile of twisted and charred metal.

"This is what's left of the first run of the Airforce's response the the Jeagers. A new type of gunship code named Razorback" Frost announced solemnly.

"I... admit sir that I don't understand why you needed me to see this."

"Did you know that I'm the reason it happened? All information I was given showed that they could preform, if not as a Kaiju killer then as damn good backup for Jaegers. I swore up and down that based on all the information we had that the Razors actions would back up the data. As you can see it didn't and because it didn't twenty three people died, that the scanners fucked up and reported the Kaiju being a size smaller than it actually was is the only reason I'm still here. Do you know what these two situations have in common Ezra?"

"I think I do sir" Ezra replied looking down at her prosthetic.

"I believed you in the simulators-"

"I'm sorry sir if you feel that there is a better ranger-"

"Don't interrupt me Ezra, and you're not being replaced, I had a similar talk with Keerat earlier about her Elephant Drop or whatever it's called. I just want to make sure your victories haven't gone to your head. Hubris and ego has killed far to many Rangers"

"I understand sir"

"Good, now get out of here. The nights still young and there are a whole lot of people happy to see you." Frost said as he walked out of the hangar.

"If you don't mind sir, I'd rather turn in for the night."

"Airman if I have to order you to go out and socialize at your own fucking party I'm putting you on recruitment for the rest of the month."

"Actually, you what we both know how Kerrat gets in these situations I'd better go check on her" Ezra said as she ran back to the jeep and drove off.

"So boss that all you need the scrap metal for?"

"Thank you for ruining the moment chief." Frost said in annoyance as he lit another cigarette.

Comments and criticism welcome.
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[X] Plan: Welcome Home, Mammoth v1.3 is locked , consensus achieved!


@Cmd. Frost , I personally enjoyed it. I hope my own effort have painted Ezra appropriately. I got the somber get it done vibe from your character creation write up and have tried to show her as such. I do like how you incorporated the snafu on resources and the poor choice PODC made.

Now that the plan is locked, I can get the write up out.
downtime #5 write up
Long before Mammoth can make his way to the Shatterdome, Wojtek's Winners & the 'Pathfinder' hit the garage.
Woj is out and battle ready in less than twenty minutes.

The mechanic wonder quite -loudly- what possessed anyone to want to repair and recertify the twisted frames of the 'Pathfinders' before settling in to a long days work.

Loccent's nav beacon pulses comfortingly like a mother's heartbeat leading the way to Mammoth Apostates service berth in the Savannah Shatterdome.

Habit draws the eye to see 'Bracer Phoenix's' berth standing desolate; it is impossible not to wonder what fate befell the noble sentinel and its valiant crew. Now that you are home again, maybe soon you can devote the needed manpower and resources to finding answers...

Your stray thoughts waft away like pollen on the wind, as an eager Loccent command officer talks you into position in your Jaegers service cradle. The familiar chatter lulls you as old routines and protocols discarded as impractical on the road now fall back into use and feel quite -comforting-.

Practically before Keerat and Ezra can exit the conn-pod mechanics and machinists swarm Mammoth peeling off damaged armor to exposed the ruined shoulder joint.

As the armor is hoisted groundward it sends a shudder through both pilots to observe with their own eyes how Ickthorn's tail shredded and sheared away raw iron armor with such ease. The same armor Cherno Alpha successfully held the Siberian wall with alone for six years.


Now that they're clear and Mammoth is nestled safely for repairs; Kerrat and Ezra grab a passing foreman and ask the way to review the nature of the goods left in mid-production and how they can find their status, or even what the hell was produced...

The foreman grins, "Everything? It all finished flawlessly and is stored at the quartermasters. Good luck with Everett!" He laughs as he walks away.

He pointed to the far side of the dome, to an enormous warehouse area caged on all sides by chain link fence. The doors appear more suitable to a prison than a warehouse, and require a coded entry. Public access is handled at a chest high service counter where a toad of a man looks down from his raised seat disbursing goods or denying them with sultan like authority. People wait in line clutching parts orders nervously.

Upon getting close enough to hear the chatter, Toad face raises a hand preemptorally to a man at the counter shutting him down mid sentence. Toad faces name tag on his coveralls reads 'Everett'.

Everett speaks "Quiet everyone, we'll get to you in a moment, we have 'stars' in the house."

He smirks at Keerat a second condescendingly before really noticing Ezra there staring silently back at him levelly eye to eye. He gulps once nervously, his history with her apparent from her days as a mechanic before her injury. You get the impression whatever it was between them, it didn't go very well for Everett.

"Quick like bunnies Rangers, these people need parts if they are going to get Mammoth fight ready this decade."

Keerat oblivious to the tension & derision rattles off a desire to know what was made, how many, and what color do they come in?

Everett's saccharine smile and dismissive hand wave to a table with 3 computers and several empty seats goes unnoticed by Keerat.

"Go to computer Kiosk 2, It'll pull up a manifest. Just follow the links for cute little pictures."

Gain Pre Purchased Jaeger Stat Improvement rolls:

5 rolls to improve Ranged
5 rolls to improve Dexterity
15 rolls to improve Toughness

Gain (x2)

SKH-01 'Sikh' Vibroblade Chakram
(Non-Equipped Mammoth currently lacking the Req. Dex -or- Ranged)
Held Melee / Ranged Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10+1
Parry Dice: 1d5+Str (because of blades thin profile parry NOT suggested).
Armor Penetration: 1 AP
Grappling Bonus:-2 (each)
Durability: 6
Damage Type: Edged/Thermal
Thrown Damage Bonus: Strength
Range: Str+3/Str+6/Str+9 (carbine)
AV: 4/2
Requires: Dex 1 (melee), Rng 1 (ranged) to use to full potential.

It is noted that currently on Mammoths frame at waist level are 2 hydraulic 'C' clamps intended to store the Chakram; yet keep them in easy reach. (Equip or store as free action).

The Council has overlooked the ongoing utility of having Massarone Construction on the payroll.
All repairs to city stats, as well as new construction benefits from 10% discount!
145 R refunded

Current Resources is now 2,125 R.

In a similar vein, Massarone slaps up an office for Nathaniel Gulf (your Architect)as you promised him. Your promised Urban Planning & Development center is now open for business. To show you the guaranteed utility of his designs, your initial design is FREE*.

Urban Planning & Development - This Free* research augment Cost 250 r per use -Cumulative- (one use per turn) to recieve blueprints for a city augment. Using this facility is a free action.

*(When I said free, I meant it. No aug slot required, no resource spent to obtain: FREE)

10 research points equals actionable blueprints. You gain +1 research point for each point in the research stat, additional points are gained by a using a standard action. "Research Aug (aug name) grants an unmodified d10 roll; on a 'natural' 8 gain +1 research point, on a 'natural' 9 gain +2 research points, on a natural 10 gain 3 research points. Multiple standard actions may be used in same turn on same aug.

Example: City w/t 3 research gets a Blueprint researched to 3/10, multiple additional research rolls will be required, however each Aug gained are intended to represent a natural 10 roll on an independent research roll. (IE. Nearly as perfect an Aug as I can envision).


The meeting with Mr.Bones was him wanting to set down with a few of your engineers to help design a 'better wayTM'​ of clearing Nests. And what Billy makes amply clear better involves increasing our collective cash flow while minimizing danger.

The preliminary thoughts sound somewhere between a bastard lovechild of a Farmers Combine Harvester and WW2 Germany's Ratte superheavy tank design.

God help you, the council agreed to allow the meeting, the engineers laugh at first, pull out some paper and start doodling, 30 minutes later they think if they can get a research slot and some lab space the idea is ACTUALLY feasible and quite likely to be lucrative.
(OOC) And that dear Councillors should cover it all, will adjust sheets in the a.m. as I am now off to bed.​
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Also needed rolls to see if any of the active survivors of the Ickthorn battle graduate to elite status.

Roll for:
Cobras - 2x 1d10 = elite on a 'natural' 10
Pathfinder - 1d10 = elite on a 'natural' 9 or 10 (survived a near death incident)
Tanks - 2x 1d10 = elite on a 'natural' 10
Artillery - 2x 1d10 = elite on a 'natural' 10
Btw @Smithsguild , am I understanding the Urban Planning is both a free action AND no resource cost? We go in and walk out with a blueprint idea for a 'near perfect ' city aug?

We then spend actions at our leisure to develop the idea into something we can build?
Pretty much... it generally tacks on the city's Research level when acquired as a bonus. Right now that is at zero; might be better held on to until you get -any- lvls in research.

They will work on specific designs you forward, but Mr. Gulf and his team excel at creative solutions to problems you didn't know you had. You want a 'near perfect' augment tell them a city stat you'd like supplemented and step back or just say 'amaze me' and let them shine with them digging in their vast experience to cherry pick something Savannah didn't know they needed until they show you. Then wonder how you ever lived without it...
Damn, but that is a big DP. To the point where I'm thinking we should probably see about building a smaller one inside it. It looks comparable to our Comms/Sensor radius in many areas, mostly on the land side of things. Maybe even beyond it, down near Keller. That seems like an issue.

With your repaired comms/sensors your early warning radius is now much greater. The first image showed you what your -current- before repair radius of 1. The up to date strength 2 Sensor/Comms area is on the Savannah sheet.
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I'll roll for Tanks.

EDIT: Nope, not evolving today probably need some more fights and a few minerals.

EDIT: That was a Spectrobes reference because fuck Pokemon.
Cmd. Frost threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: EVOLVE!!! Total: 8
4 4 4 4
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