Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

'Pathfinders*' need a name and something to make for a distinctive appearance.
I also earlier forgot to provide you with the info on your Jumphawks (which now you're safe, can obtain the servicing to keep them from falling out of the skies).

Regain use of Jaeger Deployment 'Jumphawk' Squadron (x6)
100 Resources
Extremely powerful helicopters that operate in groups of eight. Together, a squadron can lift the full weight of a Jaeger, though it does exert tremendous strain on their engines. With the aid of specialized pallets, they can also carry individual military units.

- Move up to 10 units a turn.
- 1 squadron can carry 1 Jaeger or 1 Non-Superheavy Military Unit. Takes two turns to load units, one turn to load Jaegers.
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I know there has been a metric buttload of information thrown at you. Shall I:

[ ] Pause, and allow you to come to grips with all the info?
[ ] Hit me with it all, I speed read and your puny info scares me not!
[X] Pause, and allow you to come to grips with all the info?

At the very least wait for us to name the Pathfinders lol.
[X] Pause, and allow you to come to grips with all the info

So that we don't suggest something like "Findpathers" for the Elite Pathfinders squadron.
With your repaired comms/sensors your early warning radius is now much greater. The first image showed you what your -current- before repair radius of 1. The up to date strength 2 Sensor/Comms area is on the Savannah sheet.
Much better. That's a nice amount of warning, right there.
'Pathfinders*' need a name and something to make for a distinctive appearance.
They're scout helicopters, right? Hm....

...Nope, nothing coming to mind. Not a whole lot of famous scout 'copters in the fiction I read.
The Outriders? Too bad our UH-1 Pathfinders, don't carry all the extra sensors their RL contemporaries do.

The UH-1N had forward looking infrared sensors. Handy if the Mist wasn't a one shot.
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Hmmm, 'Outriders' sounds like a cavalry type unit... specifically Air Cavalry - They have a built in PA system that uses cavalry bugle calls?

(just spitballing ideas to help...)


Idea for a perk; "Seeing the Unseen" one of the wings door gunners, a Walter 'Radar' O'Reily, is an ametuer electronics enthusiast and has cobbled together an improvised sensor suite from fish finder sonar, a set of IR goggles, and a cat's eye light amplification scope running on a (early release beta) copy of MS-DOS on a 5 1/4 inch floppy - for some unknown reason only he can operate it.

Rolls 1d10 + closest city sensor stat bonus + 2.

Outriders Motto: "Out front, out run, out gun, & out last."

(OOC - I got bored /shrug)
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@BadKatt85 inspired me to do some additional research on the RL uses for the UH-1.

If no one objects I want to make it where one wing of 'Pathfinders' may -mount- a basic infantry unit, the only such units currently researched/known by you would be AKB's, or Combat Engineers (Purchased Separately). [There -are- others.]

1 turn to mount/dismount; and infantry always share the fate of the 'Pathfinder' they are mounted on.
Awaiting the naming of your Pathfinders and something that makes them visually distinctive.
Patience is a virtue (one I apparently lack...) BadKatt85 offered a possible name for the elites on Friday and out of boredom -I- fleshed them out.
I am now setting a 6pm EST today deadline for support or lack of support to be voiced.


You should also disengage the brakes when you want forward movement on campaign, consensus was to pause & allow you to process, without some feedback I don't know when to start again...
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@Cmd. Frost I enjoyed Ezra's little encounter omake, any ideas what 'type' of reward you'd be amicable with? Your effort , your choice (of one)...

[ ] It could be a juicy plot hook...
[ ] An auto-fire modification for Ezra's Perk (I'll attempt to nudge players from now on for a reroll on failed right side blocks)
[ ] blueprints for an undiscovered troop type
[ ] A token for 1 -exploding- die roll (only you can redeem) on the die roll of your choice.
[ ] Write in something of comparative value to the above and I'll consider it
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@Cmd. Frost I enjoyed Ezra's little encounter omake, any ideas what 'type' of reward you'd be amicable with? Your effort , your choice (of one)...

[ ] It could be a juicy plot hook...
[ ] An auto-fire modification for Ezra's Perk (I'll attempt to nudge players from now on for a reroll on failed right side blocks)
[ ] blueprints for an undiscovered troop type
[ ] A token for 1 -exploding- die roll (only you can redeem) on the die roll of your choice.
[ ] Write in something of comparative value to the above and I'll consider it

[X] Plot.
As you wish; once our group are in motion again expect 1 juicy plot hook. ;)

I'm sure your fellow councillors will thank you when they see where it leads...
2 hours remain for input regarding the Elite pathfinders... If you have some thoughts, suggestions, etc. now is the time for input!