Now, question; was this effectively a hunting mission, or our weekly incursion?
Because if it's the former, and we have no repair actions set up, I am not looking forward to the latter.
(Edit: also, I'd suggest that once we settle down, we use that anti-armour token to either make some sort of pilebunker weapon for Mammoth, or to beef up his tusks to better deal with armour. Once we settle down, of course.)
Neither, my schedule is a bit less 'concrete'. A nomadic lifestyle by your forces to date hasn't lent itself to that style of play.
This is closest to a hunt though, Having not been stable in the area you haven't been earmarked for extinction (yet). So weekly incursions aren't a thing (yet). Confidence is high that you may make Savannah safely...
Just a reminder, just because there are no -active- defenders does that mean the remaining antiverse plantlife expires on it own; you can however take a less hurried approach as at this point it should be the equivalent of a live fire exercise to clear the remaining veg.
"Buffalo Billy Bones" (your on staff Kaiju Black Marketeer) requests you take this opportunity to retrieve any samples of flora & fauna (bits) you can... Knowledge of nests to date is mostly theory.
Your Convoy is 40 miles away from Savannah, if the slash and burn proceeds as planned, you should make Savannah before nightfall.
Councillors, anyone want to give instructions as to the last of the clearing, do you want to skip clearing and head on, There is also a good deal of blue that needs dealt with (about 500 R as claymore 'pede mulch and Ickthorn ongoing wounds weren't pretty) if you are so inclined. 40 miles isn't exactly on your doorstep, but then again you only have 1 planet.
So this baddie was suppose to be designed to be a flee scenario? Great job team! Well, those that design the tactics, I'm just here to roll the dice after Fyr abstains from rolling ever again <3.
I'm in favor of cleanup, and finishing up the extermination.
Can we check for less obvious plants and such before putting it all to the torch?
I also don't like Smiths choice of the word -active- defenders. Paranoia is healthy in these environs. Keep head on a swivel, we never saw much of those hornets.
So this baddie was suppose to be designed to be a flee scenario? Great job team! Well, those that design the tactics, I'm just here to roll the dice after Fyr abstains from rolling ever again <3.
Yep, I had the road back to Savannah bisect a nest so you could see they were NO joke; I didn't envision Thermobaric truck bombs or claymore traps back when I first storyboarded.
Mr. Bones finds enough pieces to jigsaw an approximation of the mossipede, the nicklepede and a sizeable chunk of Ickthorns flesh and Tail flail before allowing his crews to get down to the gory business of dismemberment for profit. So far not a large enough sample of a lightning palm is found to be useful, combustion appears as super effective leaving little but ash. (stealth edit) Sample of Lavender Lichen obtained.
A smaller team of his workers begin the cleanup service only to find an oddity, the cost of cleanup and area involved are DECREASING.
An innocent looking green moss that was first confused for terrestrial moss soaks up Kaiju Blue and ammonia , sprouts match head sized black flowers, then blackens and dies. 500 r paid in; 150 R returned as unnecessary.
Copious samples in various stages of its life cycle obtained. Cleanup Research token gained!
It is the intrepid members of the GhostRiders wanting to check the efficaciousness of their flamethrowers that discover the small handful of Pseudo-Hornets clinging tenaciously to the underside of the overpass. Winglessly (thanks to the truck bombs) awaiting to drop on the convoy. Flame makes short work if you don't mind the wet pop as the carapace splits when the body is heated so rapidly. (stealth edit) sample was obtained.
The Road to Savannah is clear; Now begins the QM workday I warned about. Will be on here for a few hours before I begin, to answer any questions. And I will also announce when Savannah arrival is imminent to start us back up. I hope everyone continues to enjoy this as much as I do...
@Cmd. Frost , any contributions to expanding our shared universe can earn rewards. The more relevant, the better.
You & @KnightDisciple have been the major NPC flavor contributors (Ezra & Mr. Bones respectively), it seems @BadKatt85 leans in as our surprisingly effective strategist. @Nixeu is a generalist analyst par excellence, @Fyrstorm wears too many hats, too well, for me to -try- and place a label upon him. Various and sundry other councillors stand in the wings giving excellent feedback and those critical votes that keep everything in motion.
As a QM, I find I have a well rounded group of players, that appear to have all the vital boxes ticked. And as our ranks swell things just get better and better (from my perspective at least.) Thank you all for making this labor of love as enjoyable for me as it has been so far!
QM workday is going well so far. Jaegers: now features a bit sleeker format for Mammoth Apostate. Relevant facts listed up top for ease of access, fluff below.
Conventional Forces cleaned up, given a consistent template across all troops, perks are visible, and chatter minimized. Forces damage modified as I warned about earlier.
Introducing the new 'called shot' mechanic, requires an 'Accurate Weapon' weapons such as Tank Cannons, Miniguns, and guided missiles. Accurate weapon perk allow you to choose to take a minus 1 to hit, in exchange for the ability to shift a to hit location roll 1 place up or down towards the desired location. Additional shifts become possible with as yet unresearched technological advancements. Called shot now included on MAvsTW Rules Variants
Just meant to 'quickly' respond to Cmd.Frost, and have written you a novella... I'm just enthusiastic about these (hopefully) positive changes and wanted to thank my audience. [Whip cracks] "Back to work, Smiths. It's -supposed- to be QM 'workday' not chatter aimlessly..."
"Buffalo Billy Bones" (your on staff Kaiju Black Marketeer) requests you take this opportunity to retrieve any samples of flora & fauna (bits) you can... Knowledge of nests to date is mostly theory.'s the basis of entire fields of study that people spend their lives refining minute details of, then? I think the word you want is "hypothetical".
(Sorry, I've been hearing people misusing "theory" a lot lately, sometimes deliberately, and it bugs me. The common definition clashes so hard with the modern scientific one, it's ridiculous. They're almost polar opposites.)
You & @KnightDisciple have been the major NPC flavor contributors (Ezra & Mr. Bones respectively), it seems @BadKatt85 leans in as our surprisingly effective strategist. @Nixeu is a generalist analyst par excellence, @Fyrstorm wears too many hats, too well, for me to -try- and place a label upon him. Various and sundry other councillors stand in the wings giving excellent feedback and those critical votes that keep everything in motion.
Mostly due to Google and a retentive memory for oddities and facts. But I suppose I'm good enough at it. I also speak most forms of Jargon, so long as it's not every other word, which helps.
As a QM, I find I have a well rounded group of players, that appear to have all the vital boxes ticked. And as our ranks swell things just get better and better (from my perspective at least.) Thank you all for making this labor of love as enjoyable for me as it has been so far!
NP. Wish I could be more engaged, but a rather active Quest I'm involved in came off hiatus recently. I'm also working on my health, and school is looming, but I'll try to keep as up-to-date as I can.
The benefit of storyboarding ahead and writing narrative sections in advance is I can -appear- to be quite energetic despite my lazy ass being drained.
Without further ado; Ladies and Gentlemen...
Welcome to Savannah! ------------
The road back from Atlanta was hard earned; as scouts report back they tell a tale you longed to here. Finally as your nearing home, Loccents nav beacon reads as still active so there is some slim hope that you'll find a semi-functional Shatterdome at journeys end.
If the scouts have the right of it Savannah and the Shatterdome did not escape entirely unscathed, but it is not as bad as you had feared.
The first signs of Kaiju carnage appear mild...
Downed power and phone lines are everywhere. One or two fires had sprung up, where the automation that cuts power to downed lines was slow to respond or simply failed.
The earthwork ramparts of the defensive perimeter have been repeatedly breached as if multiple offenders wandered aimlessly back and forth casually disturbing the battlements in a fruitless search for something not present.
Every 3.2km along the defensive perimeter is an empty artillery entrenched position and an accompanying observation post for a platoon of garrisoned rifleman. Those troops had never been drafted, the guns not yet purchased. Had the perimeter been manned you might have had the support for Mammoth & Bracer Phoenix to stand and fight.
Command was busy spreading resources around, the East Coast needed a PODC presence and Savannah was meant to be the shining star others would aspire to; it was a gamble trying to do so much at once... A gamble we lost.
Had it been run as a strictly military op the troops would have been purchased and at their posts, but PODC wanted a 'state of the art' Research & Development facility online as well for 'Public Relations' purposes to help win back the hearts of the people & away from the political fools and their failed wall.
To be fair to Marshall Deveraux; the PODC had the resources earmarked to have done it all in a timely fashion. No one had counted on the Cat-5 making communications impossible (including electronic funds transfers).
The Marshall did the only sensible thing available to her, she performed fiscal triage. For nearly six months Bracer Pheonix held Savannah alone...
Every project and purchase besides routine maintenance on Bracer Phoenix and the restoration of Mammoth were cut where they stood and the limited production capacity of Savannah focused with laser precision on that one end. Nothing else even remotely was as useful as a second Jaeger in combat ready form.
Within days of Mammoth booting up successfully is when the enemy strike group was caught on sensors, the decision for Bracer's heroic chase, and your heart wrenching evac to Atlanta.
Some local civilians that spotted your caravans approach are now willing to offer to serve; if you intend to stay.
It takes a few hours for scouts to take stock but the news is generally upbeat, Savannah suffered some minor damage but the city is now yours!
You gain Command of the City of Savannah!
Manufacturing 1
(2 if repairs done 150 R)
Research 0
(However, you are aware of a facility near completion nearby)
Communications 1
(2 if repairs done 250 R)
Scanners 1
(2 if repairs done 250 R)
Population 1 (caravan survivors + new arrivals)10,000+ people
Defense 1
(Earthworks and existing network of coastal mines - to be detailed later)
Hazardous Research & Containment Facility - Built new on plans based off an upscaled Titan II subterranean launch facility.
(Basic structure in place; needs finishing touches)
Silo #1 K-Scale Cat 1/2 containment AV 6/4, 10 structure
estimated cost: 1,000r Current Status: Incomplete
Silo #2 Cat-zero/API small scale containment
estimated cost: 500r Current Status: Incomplete
Silo #3 Hazardous High Energy Lab
estimated cost: 1,500r Current Status: Incomplete
Independent Energy plant (Fusion Nuclear Reactor)
estimated cost: 750r Current Status: Incomplete
Command center space repurposed as onsite labs (completing this gives Research 1)
estimated cost: 125r Current Status: Incomplete
Communications center; a backup Comms center
estimated cost: Standard City Stat pricing
Status: Unstarted's the basis of entire fields of study that people spend their lives refining minute details of, then? I think the word you want is "hypothetical".
(Sorry, I've been hearing people misusing "theory" a lot lately, sometimes deliberately, and it bugs me. The common definition clashes so hard with the modern scientific one, it's ridiculous. They're almost polar opposites.)
Don't worry about it. It's kinda like people getting annoyed over the misuse of literal...except with more serious consequences, as people brush off established science as "just a theory". But I won't rant too hard about that here.
Free actions:
[ ] repair the 'Pathfinders' -100 R
[ ] repair Wojtek's -20 R
[ ] Take a meeting with Mr. Bones
[ ] any Savannah repair expenditures
[ ] Explore the Shatterdome for 'Mammoths upgrade' that were left in mid construction
Not Free actions:
[ ] Anything regarding the silo labs
When we make this down time plan, you will want to spend an action for Mammoth repairs (Total of 8 strikes buffed out free, benefit of iron armor) 100 r to repair the damaged shoulder joint, and 160 r to repair the structural damage to both shoulder armors.
For ease of planning I'm linking Downtime Actions
Feel free to cut paste relevant portions.
You still are getting two actions this last turn, Next turn you'll get 1 as per your population, want more? Grow your population. Your no longer homeless
QM charity actions are all dried up.
Remember your area of influence extends to the lesser of comms/sensors each lvl adds 15 miles to radius. This is the area in which you can build outposts.
[ ] Plan Repair and Explore
- repair the 'Pathfinders' -100 R
- repair Wojtek's -20 R
- Take a meeting with Mr. Bones
- repair Savannah Manufacturing
- Explore the Shatterdome for 'Mammoths upgrade' that were left in mid construction
- Silo Work: Command center space repurposed as onsite labs (completing this gives Research 1) (150 R cost)
- Explore nearby research facility and secure investment need (find out R cost)
[0/2 Actions left, 5 free actions taken, 270 R spent]
Btw @Smithsguild, where do you keep our banked R? If it's not pinned can you pin it, and if it is pinned can you make it a little clearer? I can't find it atm.