Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Wait, we have perks? I completely forgot about that!

@Smithsguild, if I might recommend putting our perks on our sheet? That way, we don't have to worry about forgetting them.

In any case, however, I don't think we're allowed to retroactively declare the use of a Perk after passing by the situation it would have been used in.
The block failed against an attack on Mammoth's right side. That triggers Ezra's perk giving us a re-roll.

Ezra's Perk: Cybernetic reflexes, can re-roll 2 failed block or parry actions against attacks at Mammoth's right side(Cannot use both re-rolls on the same attack, does not work if the right arm is destroyed or otherwise incapable of blocking or parrying)

Like any perk that requires a use requiring choice it needs a player to chose to use it when relevant, not 2 turns later as a ret-con.

@Smithsguild, if I might recommend putting our perks on our sheet? That way, we don't have to worry about forgetting them.

You mean this sheet; like on post 3 I just quoted from?
Ezra's Perk: Cybernetic reflexes, can re-roll 2 failed block or parry actions against attacks at Mammoth's right side(Cannot use both re-rolls on the same attack, does not work if the right arm is destroyed or otherwise incapable of blocking or parrying)

Like any perk that requires a use requiring choice it needs a player to chose to use it when relevant, not 2 turns later as a ret-con.

Right, note to self get here sooner.
If Ezra's perk had been an auto re-roll, I would have prompted on a failed block; but it is stated as CAN which means that there is a choice involved and that puts it as a player responsibility.
medusa tendril roll 1d2 (edit: removed a erroneous -1)

11 - 8 = 3 adv. pts. +2 for medusa tendrils = Total advantage 5

-4 pts Free Attack, using the Anti-Armor Flail Tail. 2d5 +4HtH (Edged) (1d5 Anti-armor roll)
Smithsguild threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
Smithsguild threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Tail Flail to hit Total: 2
1 1 1 1
Smithsguild threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: hit locs Total: 13
9 9 4 4
Smithsguild threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Anti-Armor roll Total: 5
5 5
Smithsguild threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: porky pine hit loc Total: 7
6 6 1 1
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6 hit roll (edged), 5 ap vs Left Shoulder AV 4 raw iron armor, 5 damage to left shoulder armor structure 3/8 remaining.

6 edged no armor reduction equals Minor Wound! Mammoth suffers 3 strikes, -1 HtH, -1 DEX

Mammoth suffers another glancing blow from Ickthorn's Spiked Carapace. 1 strike to left thigh.

Mammoth is looking rough; 1 durability & 9 structure remaining
We need to resolve what your conventionals are doing as the Titans shuffle back and forth...

I also need to resolve the ongoing for Ickthorn. 1 strike taken, 1 ongoing healed, now 2 over durability.
Smithsguild threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: ongoing 4 Total: 26
7 7 4 4 5 5 10 10
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(OOC) Once this encounter has been resolved and Pre-Savannah arrival; I am declaring a QM 'workday' or two to follow some excellent ease of access ideas provided and cleanup some formatting issues with existing sheets.

As part of that effort I will also be juggling a few of the conventional stats, while this may downgrade overall Conv damage a small bit, it will open up the viability of a new 'called' shot mechanic for your more accurate units. These changes will be 'beta' testing and after a trial run or two we can see if they are a happy change or you prefer the older style. I personally think the introduction of a called shots mechanic will be a easy winner.

I would also like to apologize for the lack of narrative description this last little bit; getting all rulesy tends to be counter to my writing muse. I figured it would be better results to get the combat resolved and when a tad more inspired edit in a narrative response than to 'phone in' a lackluster effort. YMMV

These were unresolved during the first round of Grapple: (in the excitement, rules clarifications, and momentum of Jaeger vs Kaiju goodness the common man were forgotten. Lets rectify that shall we?)

Roll 2 Cobras 1d10 (rocket pods), hit 5+
Wojtek's Winners roll 1d10 (nat 10's explode +1d5), hit 5+
2 arty roll 1d10, hit 7+

---edit 3 lightning palms are remaining and the various 'pedes were headed into the jaws of your claymore trap
-------Grapple round 2 (current round)--------------
to be included after first grapple round conventional turn resolved. Again my apologies for the temporal disconnect...​
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1 lightning palm remains...

---- Edit

Looking like your running out of cat-zero foes so the remaining handful of mossipedes (15) and nickelpedes (5), are equally scattered over 2 units. We'll call them Z-1, and X-1 for targeting purposes.
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Please roll for:

Wojtek's Winners roll 1d10 (nat 10's explode +1d5), hit 5+
2 arty roll 1d10, hit 7+
Wojtek's Winners shot goes wild, it veers unexpectedly to the left and with way more thrust than it should have possessed.

Apparently a flaw in the propellant charge, too much propellant was loaded in this batch of shells. The kick of the round actually damages the mechanism for ranging the shots it will require a 20 R charge during your next downtime to repair it.

Wojtek may still use its Heavy SSC weapon (M-60) to engage in SSC & move normally but the main mortar is non-functional until repaired.
That effectively end the first grapple turn.

Surviving enemy 'pedes advance. (7 mossipedes, 2 Nicklepedes) into the jaws of the 1st of 2 Claymore traps. 3+ hits.

Someone roll 1d10 for the first claymores please.
Claymore fire luck a go
The claymores lines were set up as a series of overlapping v's; like the mouths of a funnel. Once the 'pedes entered far enough inside the charges detonate throwing (700) 3.2mm steel balls per mine a 'funnel' had 3 mines per leg.

What this equates to in layman's terms is two 2M tall walls of steel travelling at high velocity; impacting with 'pedes in the center. The spray of blue mist and chitinous parts is both disturbing and gratifying.
Grapple turn 2; your conventional forces are free to operate however you wish. However be aware any K-scale attacks that are aimed at Ickthorn endanger the clustered Mammoth as well.

(OOC- Oh if only a technology existed where you could fire safely into a cluster... :drevil:)


Consensus decision required re: Conv actions grapple round 2. Once there is a firm decision we can move to next round...
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[ X ] Standby to rain hell if Mammoth goes down.

Edit: I am still advocating the push for moderately decent manufacturing guaranteed resources and remove some of the misfire malus Smiths warned us about.

Last time I mentioned this no one commented for/against . It would be great to get some feedback.
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[X] Standby to fire should Mammoth go down.

Honestly, we've got a ton of Structure left, so I think we don't have to worry, but having people ready for the possibility can't hurt.
With it agreed that the Conv are taking the 'just in case' stance. Grapple turn 2 is now complete.


Ickthorn is currently 2 pt over durability = -2 to all stats

Ongoing Grapple - 1d10 + HtH (4) 2+ STR (3) 1 /roll of 3 + 2 +1 = grapple of 6 vs your roll ... Remember Mammoth currently suffers a -1 to his HtH.

Medusa tendrils roll:

Please roll Mammoths grapple roll: Roll 1d10 + 5 (+1 grapple bonus for your gauntlets)
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: grapple roll Total: 3
3 3
Smithsguild threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: medusa Total: 1
1 1
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