(OOC) Once this encounter has been resolved and Pre-Savannah arrival; I am declaring a QM 'workday' or two to follow some excellent ease of access ideas provided and cleanup some formatting issues with existing sheets.
As part of that effort I will also be juggling a few of the conventional stats, while this may downgrade overall Conv damage a small bit, it will open up the viability of a new 'called' shot mechanic for your more accurate units. These changes will be 'beta' testing and after a trial run or two we can see if they are a happy change or you prefer the older style. I personally think the introduction of a called shots mechanic will be a easy winner.
I would also like to apologize for the lack of narrative description this last little bit; getting all rulesy tends to be counter to my writing muse. I figured it would be better results to get the combat resolved and when a tad more inspired edit in a narrative response than to 'phone in' a lackluster effort. YMMV
These were unresolved during the first round of Grapple: (in the excitement, rules clarifications, and momentum of Jaeger vs Kaiju goodness the common man were forgotten. Lets rectify that shall we?)
Roll 2 Cobras 1d10 (rocket pods), hit 5+
Wojtek's Winners roll 1d10 (nat 10's explode +1d5), hit 5+
2 arty roll 1d10, hit 7+
---edit 3 lightning palms are remaining and the various 'pedes were headed into the jaws of your claymore trap
-------Grapple round 2 (current round)--------------
to be included after first grapple round conventional turn resolved. Again my apologies for the temporal disconnect...