Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Hm. Bit far for charging then.

In that case...

[X] Plan: Softening Up
-[X] Tanks open fire on Ickthorn. If it's allowed, make a Called Shot to the Eyes, sacrificing their +1 bonus to shift 1 location.
-[X] Cobras, Arty, and anyone else available shoot the hell out of those lightning palms.
-[X] Mammoth runs the full 10 units towards Ickthorn, staying out of the line of fire if he can.
Hm. Bit far for charging then.

In that case...

[X] Plan: Softening Up
-[X] Tanks open fire on Ickthorn. If it's allowed, make a Called Shot to the Eyes, sacrificing their +1 bonus to shift 1 location.
-[X] Cobras, Arty, and anyone else available shoot the hell out of those lightning palms.
-[X] Mammoth runs the full 10 units towards Ickthorn, staying out of the line of fire if he can.

Almost workable... Tanks and Woj still stunned.
[ X ] Plan : Softening Up 1.1

Cobras, Arty, and anyone else available shoot the hell out of the lightning palms.

Mammoth runs the full 10 units towards Ickthorn, staying out of the line of fire if he can.

EMS Roadhogs move towards the tank line. ( 5 units )
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Ah. In that case, I'll switch to...

[X]Plan: Softening Up 1.1

Softening v1 can wait for next round.
Combat consensus only requires the first 2 agreeing votes. So consensus achieved.

Roll 2 Cobras
Roll 2 Arty

Mammoth is at 2.0 km, still clutching the cement mixer.
I'll grab the Arty. Given their range brackets, I'll assume... hitting on 7s?

Edit: meant 7s.

Edit 2: Yeah, I know *one* of these isn't hitting at all
Fyrstorm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Artillery Fire (-2 indirect?) Total: 11
2 2 9 9
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edit: Another Lightning palm 'splodes

Ickthorn races forward 1.4 km straight towards Mammoth chittering hatefully... (0.6 km now separate the two)

The remaining handful of mossipedes (15) and nickelpedes (5) make a beeline towards tank line and close 5 units (5 units remaining until 1st claymore line reached). They seem oblivious to the danger.

The four remaining Lightning palm inner lights begin to faintly glimmer again, slowly ramping upwards in speed and brightness.

-----Edit your turn commanders
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Alright then!

[X] Plan: Hardening Down
-[X] Roadhogs move to(wards) 4 units behind tanks.
-[X] All conventional forces in range, blast those palms!
-[X] Mammoth Charges Ickthorn, and tusk-Slams!
Roll 2 Tanks 1d10+1, hit 5+
Roll 2 Cobras 1d10 (rocket pods), hit 5+
Wojtek's Winners roll 1d10 (nat 10's explode +1d5), hit 5+
2 arty roll 1d10, hit 7+

Mammoth roll 2d5+2 AGI for charge (need a 6+), if succeeds roll slam 2 attacks (both vibro blades) 1d10 (+3 STR) vs defense
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I'll roll for Mammoth-- though don't his vibro-tusks have a +2 Slam bonus (or is that for damage), not to mention the +2 attack bonus from successfully charging? So wouldn't it be more like +7?

Edit: in any case, that's one working charge!

Edit 2: Slam attacks are 9 and 10.
Fyrstorm threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Stampede! (2d5+2) Total: 9
4 4 5 5
Fyrstorm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Slam! (2x, +7) Total: 5
2 2 3 3
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I'll roll for Mammoth-- though don't his vibro-tusks have a +2 Slam bonus (or is that for damage), not to mention the +2 attack bonus from successfully charging? So wouldn't it be more like +7?

Edit: in any case, that's one working charge!

You are correct; a rookie oversight on my account Fyr. (BTW nice catch, ty)
+2 slam bonus, +3 Str, +2 charge
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Ickthorn hears the thruummm of the vibroblades; and sees their cherry glow and swiftly decides it'd be better to be elsewhere... Dodge! (1d10+4AGI)

6+4AGI =10 vs 11 & 12 attacks... attack succeeds
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: dodge +4 Total: 6
6 6
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Edited my slam rolls into my previous post. I am very glad we've got that +7 bonus.

...though with +4 Agi, and defenders getting the advantage on a tie... seems like it still wasn't too good.
Need 2 hit locs, plz


Even though not a devastating hit, it -is- enough to knock Ickthorn prone...
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Need 2 hit locs, plz
Slight problem, though-- they didn't hit.

You said:
6+4AGI =10 vs 11 & 12 attacks... attack succeeds
However, you're adding the +7 to the charge rolls, not the attack rolls. The charge itself was 2d5+2, which rolled to 11, meaning it successfully reached Ickthorn. However, the subsequent attacks rolled 2 and 3 (9 and 10 with the +7 bonus). Irkthorn then rolled a total of 10 for its dodge, which beats or ties with both of Mammoth's attack dice. As the defender always has the advantage-- meaning if they and the attacker tie their rolls, the defender succeeds-- that means that Ickthorn successfully Dodged our Slam, albeit barely.

Given how Slams work, this means Ickthorn would now get a Passing Attack against us. And speaking of which...

[X] Block! (1d10+4 with Gauntlets)
Slight problem, though-- they didn't hit.

You said:

However, you're adding the +7 to the charge rolls, not the attack rolls. The charge itself was 2d5+2, which rolled to 11, meaning it successfully reached Ickthorn. However, the subsequent attacks rolled 2 and 3 (9 and 10 with the +7 bonus). Irkthorn then rolled a total of 10 for its dodge, which beats or ties with both of Mammoth's attack dice. As the defender always has the advantage-- meaning if they and the attacker tie their rolls, the defender succeeds-- that means that Ickthorn successfully Dodged our Slam, albeit barely.

Given how Slams work, this means Ickthorn would now get a Passing Attack against us. And speaking of which...

[X] Block! (1d10+4 with Gauntlets)

Which is why I'm glad to have your experience on tap. :)

Block might work except Ickthorn prefers to Grapple like a beast... 1d10+4Hth +3 for 3 pair of grappling claws

Medusa Tendrils - (special)
These tendrils are not under the Kaijus concious control, they writh and grasp of their own volition, the barbed tentacles seek to slip into weak areas, randomly yanking and tugging. If engaged in a successful grapple gain 1d2 additional advantage points, if victim of a lost grapple they reduce opponents grapple by same random amount 1d2.

12 grapple plus medusa tendril 1d2 bonus / malus
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: grapplez Total: 5
5 5
Smithsguild threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: medusa Total: 1
1 1
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