Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Ok, the consensus is strong. But the hour is late and I'm tired... rinse & repeat your rolls (with surviving units anyhow :whistle:)
I'll jump on adjudicating it in the A.M. (If misfires -or- crits for Wojtek occur do the added rolls).
Need rolls for:

Tank 1,
Tank 2,
Arty 1, target A3. Hit!
Arty 2, Miss!
Cobra 2,
Cobra 3,
Cobra 4,
Mammoth get ready to sling vehicles to disrupt any charges.
Pathfinders on overwatch with door guns to also break charges.​
Need rolls for:

Tank 1, Miss!
Tank 2, Miss!
Wojtek, Misfire, but Wojtek's Winners are able to clear it without outside assistance!
Arty 1, target A3. Hit!
Arty 2, Miss!
Cobra 2, (out of rockets) may fire dual M-134 chainguns -or- land for resupply
Cobra 3, (out of rockets) may fire dual M-134 chainguns -or- land for resupply
Cobra 4, 2/3 rocket salvos remain (this was the 1st turn jam serviced by resupply)

The day-glo orange palm trees with their purplish fringe fronds, sway frantically as if stirred by hurricane force winds, their many small internal lights increase how frequently they pulse and build in brightness as well...​
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I see no reason not to bump manufacturing up asap.

  1. Each level of manufacturing adds Resources per turn.
  2. Smithsguild has outright stated low manufacturing has negative impact on misfires. I for one would like to reduce downside as quickly as possible.
  3. It is possible that high enough Man. will produce some 'invisible ' benefit like the ones given by comms etc.
Oh btw, I also need 5x 1d10 rolls for your (3 cobra, 1 pathfinder, 1 for Mammoth) to see how observant they are... their higher elevation makes for a different perspective of the battlefield than the ground bound troops.
[ X ] cobras 2 & 3 resupply.

Trying my hand to see what we can see...
BadKatt85 threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Spying from on high Total: 33
7 7 8 8 10 10 1 1 7 7
Still need decision and rolls on Cobras...

However, most of your helos & Mammoth note an oddity. A sinkhole has formed north of the overpass on the 301. It appears some underground chamber had collapsed swallowing large quantities of earth and asphalt. The fourth Cobra wing actually spots the earth heave upwards and settle again.

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(OOC- I was awaiting permission from the artist to include the art work associated with the Hornet like horrors... this is near spot on just envision a double stinger instead of the single shown)

Wasp Monster by Shaneoid77
Marvel comics
LOL, I'm sure someone besides BadKatt85 can roll some dice... ;)

Cobra 2, (out of rockets) may fire dual M-134 chainguns -or- land for resupply Decision please
Cobra 3, (out of rockets) may fire dual M-134 chainguns -or- land for resupply Decision please
Cobra 4, 2/3 rocket salvos remain (this was the 1st turn jam serviced by resupply) Roll please
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Consensus achieved! Cobras reload rocket pods. Resupply Alpha 0/3 uses remain; Retreats to Civies, AKB's, & MM. Resupply Bravo 1/3 uses remain.

Cobra 4, Hits! A4

The Day-Glo Palms bend now like a flexi-straw aiming the fronds like a radar dish at each individual target, an actinic torus of electricity riding the crown of the tree. They fire a barrage of 3" needles sent winging towards their targets any successfully hit the torus of electricity soon follows.

Lightning Palms (x6) Charge up completed! Tesla needles fired: a barrage of 3" needles is sent winging towards each of the following targets:

Tank Alpha - Hit - no damage from ssc needles
Tank Bravo - Hit - no damage from ssc needles
Resupply Bravo - Hit - no damage from ssc needles
Wojtek's - Hit - no damage from ssc needles
Cobra 4 - Hit - no damage from ssc needles
Pathfinders - Hit - no damage from ssc needles

Smithsguild threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: pins Total: 45
5 5 5 5 9 9 7 7 9 9 10 10
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Electrical torus damage:

Tank Alpha - Hit - 0 pt unit stunned
Tank Bravo - Hit - 0 pt unit stunned
Resupply Bravo - Hit - 1 pt K scale electrical - roll 1d10 to see if disabled or destroyed natural 10 = disabled.
Wojtek's - Hit - 0 pt unit stunned
Cobra 4 - Hit - 0 pt unit stunned, roll 1d10 to see if disabled or destroyed natural 10 = disabled; on 10 pilot was able to auto rotate to the ground before lapse to stun .
Pathfinders - Hit - 0 pt unit stunned, roll 1d10 to see if disabled or destroyed natural 10 = disabled; on 10 pilot was able to auto rotate to the ground before lapse to stun .

(OOC- Wasn't sure how to roll for 0 or 1 results so I rolled 2 faced die and gave each roll a -1)

After the torus discharges the 'Lightning Palms' lapse into near dormancy...
Smithsguild threw 6 2-faced dice. Reason: torus Total: 7
1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
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There is also a rumble then an explosion of earth as the former sinkhole now disgorges a Cat-2 Kaiju that had been buried when its nest collapsed upon it when the thermobaric blast wave hit.

Councilors get a plan together, remember your stunned units cannot participate this upcoming turn. Prepare to deal with "Ickthorn" the Nestmaster.

Another wonderful Bracey design, inspired by original work by Sylizar
Ickthorn does show some scorch damage and is not at his peak...
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Well crap... :o

Edit: Ickthorn looks like something we DON'T want to grapple.

Spines everywhere, and barbed red tenacles? No hugs plz.

That tail looks brutal. . .
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I take it we still need to roll to see if our struck units are disabled or destroyed?

In any case, I think it's time for Mammoth to do his (her? their?) thing. Our conventionals did an excellent job, we didn't create monsters of our own so they could not fight monsters (awkwardly phrased, but you get the idea).
I take it we still need to roll to see if our struck units are disabled or destroyed?

In any case, I think it's time for Mammoth to do his (her? their?) thing. Our conventionals did an excellent job, we didn't create monsters of our own so they could not fight monsters (awkwardly phrased, but you get the idea).

That is correct, the air units suffered no -damage- per se, but unpiloted helos don't tend to stay airborne long...

Resupply suffered 1 pt K-scale we need to check if they miraculously are disabled instead of destroyed.
In that case, here goes!

Edit: Pathfinders are safe. Unfortunately, resupply and the Cobras don't seem like they're gonna make it.
Fyrstorm threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Save the Crunchies! Total: 22
9 9 3 3 10 10
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(OOC - Just a footnote this fight was scripted before quest went live. Your brilliance has made it a heck of a lot easier than scripted... Thermobaric collapsed tunnel BEFORE Ickthorn drove its minions towards you in waves. Your saturation AoE has thinned the 'pedes down to near extinction. It could have been much worse, as there were originally a dozen lightning palms...


This was meant as a 'Kobayashi Maru' exercise to teach you Nests were no joke; you blindsided me with your efficiency yet again... This actually looks winnable.)
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In that case, here goes!

Edit: Pathfinders are safe. Unfortunately, resupply and the Cobras don't seem like they're gonna make it.

Accurate assessment, Pathfinders will append an * to their designation... thereby increasing there future chance at Elite status!

The electricity was too strong the Resupply unit suffer from cardiac episodes and are lost enmasse, the Cobras merely continue on last course and speed gradually losing altitude until they impact the ground.
Could I request the distance between our new Cat II pal and Mammoth? As well as if any of our (surviving) forces happen to be stationed between the two?
Could I request the distance between our new Cat II pal and Mammoth? As well as if any of our (surviving) forces happen to be stationed between the two?

Request granted:

Mammoth is approx. 3km from Ickthorn
Tank line (including Woj) is approx 2km
and Arty is approx 2.8km

Pathfinders and the 2 remaining Cobra wings are 1 unit from the carnage of Resupply Bravo (Southern black ring behind tank line) ? 2.3 km