Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Crap, I forgot to use Mammoth...

I don't think running him into tiny stuff will be the smart play. If only he had a ranged attack.
Well... He is a jaeger.

Abandoned vehicles are fair game to be either lobbed or pitched... Just an FYI.
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Could I ask a favor? I am stuck using my phone, could someone cleanup my plan, and incorporate Mammoth readied to throw the biggest abandoned vehicles he can find?

[X] break out everything!
  • All cobras and pathfinders made ready maintain current distance once air borne.
  • Tank, Mortars, and resupply form a line combat spacing. Tanks outside, resupply, then Mortar in middle. Line will advance slowly after truck bombs to long range.
  • Helicopters advance in line 2 units behind tank line.
  • Mammoth advances 2 units behind tank line, enroute grabs the 2 largest abandoned vehicles, ready to play bean-ball w/t targets of opportunity.
  • AKB'S & Mm overwatch as civies guards.
  • Engineers roll bombs and ditch 1 km from lichen.
Incaendiary rockets are go?

[X] break out everything!
  • All cobras and pathfinders made ready maintain current distance once air borne.
  • Tank, Mortars, and resupply form a line combat spacing. Tanks outside, resupply, then Mortar in middle. Line will advance slowly after truck bombs to long range.
  • Helicopters advance in line 2 units behind tank line.
  • Mammoth advances 2 units behind tank line, enroute grabs the 2 largest abandoned vehicles, ready to play bean-ball w/t targets of opportunity.
  • AKB'S & Mm overwatch as civies guards.
  • Engineers roll bombs and ditch 1 km from lichen.
Incaendiary rockets are go?

Sounds great to me, deleted my post as I'd rather not have QM plans a 'thing'.
Consensus Achieved! plan locked.

First roll 2x 1d10 for the 'improvised' thermobaric truck bombs (these are the "to hits" higher the better; but being large scale AoE as with horseshoes and hand grenades 'close' is generally good enough) roll is to gauge optimum placement . Seeing as how everything is centered on 'Da bombz' I need to estimate how effective they are... Northbound lane first/Southbound lane is second roll.


Today will be on/off posting as I am also juggling some RL commitments. Please forgive if slower than my usual standard.
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With nearly perfect placement both tankers ride a line down the road, without incident at least until the lichen is reached. A sharp series of reports like gunshots as each tire entering the fungus deflates violently with no apparent cause.

Finally however a culprit is seen and identified as it latched onto the tire as it makes it circuit and is lifted clear. A foot long 'mossipede', a faux centipede that is covered in a lavender colored textured fluff that would allow it to creep up on a victim invisible amongst the lichen. The corpse piles are likely the result of repeated ambushes against unsuspecting terrestrial creatures.

So good was the Engineers initial aim that even the multiple flat tires did not appreciably detour the tanker-bombs. The engineers are quite confident that the bombs concept are simplistic enough that even a failed dispersal should be devastating. The results are impressive, but only about half the yield of the most conservative estimates. It is as if the bombs were oxygen deprived.

Nearly half of the fluorescent orange 'trees' are driven to the the ground and set alight. Everywhere the fireball touched the lichen withers, blackens, and burns. The 'mossipedes' fair no better; but devoid of cover a new threat is exposed. Nearly four feet in length but with the same low profile as the 'mossipedes' are a metallic nickel finish predator. If the 'mossipedes' were monstrous ; these beast are metal nightmares given flesh. These 'Nickelpedes' appear to have shrugged off both flame and blast with minimal ill effect and they now scurry to the outer fringes of lichen that weren't engulfed in flame. No sign yet of the hornet like terrors, one can only hope the blast was sufficient to end them.

(OOC - Imagine two concentric circles 1 is 0.1 km (fiery blast centered under the overpass), the second circle extends outward another 0.1km (a lavender doughnut of mossipede/nicklepede death). The remaining orange trees (6) are in the fiery center, yet are not as yet blazing.)

roll for: 1d10

2x Tanks
1x Mortar
4x Cobra thermite rockets can all hit seperate squares, and due to k-scale damage vs clusters rules pulp the area and everything within (hit on 3+, ground is not known for its skilled dodging.)
I'll roll for tanks and mortars!

Edit: apparently, RNG is not a fan of puns. Yeesh, those rolls.
Fyrstorm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Tank you very much Total: 4
2 2 2 2
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Mortar puns? Total: 3
3 3
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The newly forged Tank fires and comes up short of the lichen, its more experienced brethren fires and over shoots into the scorched wasteland at the overpass, the Mortar men & Comrade Bear unload sending lichen and both varieties of centipede remains raining to earth blistered and broken.

The cobras unleash their first salvo of thermite rockets, 3 wings worth explode on target but the fourth complains that the requisite avionic to initialize the firing circuit to the rocket pod are showing red across the board... no rockets available until after diagnostics iron out the faulty relay.
So good was the Engineers initial aim that even the multiple flat tires did not appreciably detour the tanker-bombs. The engineers are quite confident that the bombs concept are simplistic enough that even a failed dispersal should be devastating. The results are impressive, but only about half the yield of the most conservative estimates. It is as if the bombs were oxygen deprived.
Sounds like these things aren't fond of normal air. The 'plants' are probably taking in the oxygen and outputting something else, something less flammable. Probably not a good idea to send the AKBs in to close without dealing with that somehow.

Definitely going to want to focus on the bloody metal bugs as our main targets this turn, since they shrugged off the explosions.
Included to make visualizing things easier is my crap map cobbled together from google maps / map tools / and MS paint.

Make fun if you dare, we'll go to X, *, <, & > for asci maps from hell...

Each square is supposed to be 0.1 km, aka 1 unit. Mortars blasted B-3 successfully last turn.

Definitely going to want to focus on the bloody metal bugs as our main targets this turn, since they shrugged off the explosions.

Minor correction; they shrugged off the (oxygen starved) Thermobaric truck bomb, the thermite mortar shell shredded and roasted them just fine...

Tank & Mortar line is 2km out from blue pointer and all other positions are centered off that...
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Sounds like these things aren't fond of normal air. The 'plants' are probably taking in the oxygen and outputting something else, something less flammable. Probably not a good idea to send the AKBs in to close without dealing with that somehow.

@Nixeu Your assumption is spot on... (CO2​) The blast wave has pretty much displaced the air under the overpass it was apparently of a higher vapor density than oxygen and had pooled in the low spot. Between heat and blast the air has been much disturbed and the thermite now burns quite happily.
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So basically Smithsguild, we are playing AoE battleship reducing yellow to ash so bugs have no where to hide; then mopping up any beasties?

I expect increased resistance as they have less natural cover. Might be prudent to get the combat engineers to establish a claymore line or 3 between us and the nest to help break any charges.

Edit: I further suggest we clear a, b, c etc. Leaving E & F for last putting bugs farthest away.
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So basically Smithsguild, we are playing AoE battleship reducing yellow to ash so bugs have no where to hide; then mopping up any beasties?

I expect increased resistance as they have less natural cover. Might be prudent to get the combat engineers to establish a claymore line or 3 between us and the nest to help break any charges.

Edit: I further suggest we clear a, b, c etc. Leaving E & F for last putting bugs farthest away.

You have the heart of it, all the nest life (both plant & animal) are designer bio-weapons designed to terraform earth into a more Antiverse friendly place. If the Kaiju Masters want a change, you bet in the long run it's bad for humans...
Thoughts for an upcoming plan.

Cobra that critically failed, land it near the resupply unit for servicing to get its rockets back in play.

Engineers set up claymore defense.

Move artillery into range and lock them down to add to the barrage.

I'm feeling a bit too brain dead to build a battle plan.

Edit: If leveling Nests are going to be an ongoing thing, we may need to figure out a more efficient way than area saturation; I feel we are burning potential revenue. Might want to also get some samples.
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'Buffalo Bill' Bones is seen shaking his head in dismay, and muttering to himself. It's the look of a man watching a payday waft away on the smoke...

(OOC - It might be a nice downtime (free) action to consult him on how you might turn any future Nest encounters into paychecks.)
Thoughts for an upcoming plan.

Cobra that critically failed, land it near the resupply unit for servicing to get its rockets back in play.

Engineers set up claymore defense.

Move artillery into range and lock them down to add to the barrage.

I'm feeling a bit too brain dead to build a battle plan.

Edit: If leveling Nests are going to be an ongoing thing, we may need to figure out a more efficient way than area saturation; I feel we are burning potential revenue. Might want to also get some samples.

That sounds smart to me, too bad we don't have a nice fuel-air bomb to just incinerate the nests and any area open to the air within it.
That sounds smart to me, too bad we don't have a nice fuel-air bomb to just incinerate the nests and any area open to the air within it.

Fuel air was kinda what the 2 truck bombs were meant to act as... Unfortunately the high CO2 ​from the nests plants starved them of a good portion of their damage potential.
Okay, nap taken and brain fog lifted.

[X] "The flames they rain, all over both lanes"

Tank 1, target A2.
Tank 2, target A3.
Wojtek, target A4.
Arty 1, target A5.
Arty 2, target B1.
Cobra that misfired, land near resupply and get rockets fixed.
Cobra 2, target B2.
Cobra 3, target B4.
Cobra 4, target B5.
Combat Engineers set claymores at 1km & 1.2km from A line.
Mammoth get ready to sling vehicles to disrupt any charges.
Pathfinders on overwatch with door guns to also break charges.

Hopefully I've not forgotten anybody.