Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Someone feel free to roll all 4 Motorcycle militia and we'll move along...
Well if we can get unique names and appearances; I'll get to assigning some perks.
Well if we can get unique names and appearances; I'll get to assigning some perks.
The Rough Riders

The 1st Volunteer Motorcycle Cavalry have recently distinguished themselves in the fighting in Atlanta, repeatedly coming to the aid of both their fellow Militia members, and the civilians they sought to protect. While some considered their maneuvers "reckless", the undeniable fact is, they worked.
Modeling themselves after the famed historical cavalry unit, they have taken to wearing khaki-colored clothes over their cobbled-together body armor, and several members have scrounged up actual sabers to use alongside their more modern firearms and explosives.
The Rough Riders pride themselves on "drive by" tactics, seeking to make repeated sweeps by an enemy target, using their speed to avoid attacks while also increasing the potency of their strikes. If given a choice between attacking an enemy or defending fleeing civilians, though, they will choose the latter every time.
They are also highly focused on physical fitness, and are striking up a strong friendship with Wojtek's Winners, formed around the bear cub mascot the artillery group have recovered.


Ghost Riders

The 6th Volunteer Motorcycle Cavalry are a strange lot; some would describe them as "fatalistic", but they prefer the term "focused". Their members range a bit in personal philosophies and theologies, but all have a common strain: some sense of a "divine vengeance" against Evil. And wouldn't you know it, here come the Kaiju as personifications of Evil. Convenient, that.
The Ghost Riders like to try and tie down targets with ropes and chains, allowing them to use Molotov Cocktails and gasoline-based bombs to burn their targets to ash. A couple of their more...enthusiastic...members have scrounged up flamethrowers, which makes them a sight to see....

That's what I've got for now.
Okay we'll view Roughriders/Ghostriders a lock, BadKatt85 I'll await a -clear- vote from another player before we lock in your EMS MC...

All Elites gain:

Perk: "Combat Veteran" if successfully targeted by K-Scale attack, roll a d10, on a 'natural' 9 or 10, unit miraculously is merely disabled. You are considered mission Dead and require 1/2 your unit cost (no reductions) to bring you back into fighting shape [Free Action], when you survive such an attack add an asterisk (*) beside your unit name. More *'s = more plot driven love that unit gets…

Rough Rider 'unique perk'
"Surprisingly Durable": Whether it's through the improvised body armor, or physical conditioning, it takes an additional ssc hit to drop a Rough Rider.

Ghost Riders 'unique perk'
"Punch above their weight class" : Rough Riders hit on 5+, and do HVY SSC & no one knows how. It could be their tactics work well with their armament, it could be the added flamethrowers, whatever it is it works...
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Just because I'm a nut and I do <3 the Ems MC crew idea I researched some (in)appropriate medical patches
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Taking a slightly different tack, is anyone actually 'opposed' to an Emergency Medical Service MC being your third Elite unit of Motorcycle Militia?

I think it is a cool idea, & as yet there has been no opposition openly purposed for third slot to my knowledge. We get this tied up; I can finish the Tanks build and start you on the road to Savannah. (as the current quasi-downtime plan suggest, with no opposing plan and at least ?2? supporters at last count.
Okay we'll consider the EMS MC locked as of midnight

(Official name to be decide shortly)

Perk: "Combat Veteran" if successfully targeted by K-Scale attack, roll a d10, on a 'natural' 9 or 10, unit miraculously is merely disabled. You are considered mission Dead and require 1/2 your unit cost (no reductions) to bring you back into fighting shape [Free Action], when you survive such an attack add an asterisk (*) beside your unit name. More *'s = more plot driven love that unit gets…

Unique Perk: "Deathless Allies" All units within this units movement radius (5 units standard if lose mv; radius shrinks it is meant to reflect this unit performing field triage) suffer the disabled status rather than destroyed by 1 additional dice pip , so a unit with 'combat veteran' now survives on a natural 8, 9, or 10. (IE 30% chance of only being 'mission dead' and not 'throw dirt on me' dead.)

IMHO quite a kick ass perk.
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Okay we'll consider the EMS MC locked as of midnight

(Official name to be decide shortly)

Perk: "Combat Veteran" if successfully targeted by K-Scale attack, roll a d10, on a 'natural' 9 or 10, unit miraculously is merely disabled. You are considered mission Dead and require 1/2 your unit cost (no reductions) to bring you back into fighting shape [Free Action], when you survive such an attack add an asterisk (*) beside your unit name. More *'s = more plot driven love that unit gets…

Unique Perk: "Deathless Allies" All units within this units movement radius (5 units standard if lose mv; radius shrinks it is meant to reflect this unit performing field triage) suffer the disabled status rather than destroyed by 1 additional dice pip , so a unit with 'combat veteran' now survives on a natural 8, 9, or 10. (IE 30% chance of only being 'mission dead' and not 'throw dirt on me' dead.)

IMHO quite a kick ass perk.
Motto: "That Others May Live"
Why not both?!?

Motto: "Racing the Reaper..." Top Rocker Patch

"...That others may live." Bottom Rocker Patch

left side patch - EMS / right side patch - RoadHogs
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