I know that feeling. I can analyze like this, but producing actual ideas? Not anywhere near as easily as normal.Bleh. Brain is kind of fried but I'll try something. I don't have the energy to do too fine-pointed of a plan...
Greetings Smiths, are you still open to more new faces? Your game looks interesting.
It seems to me the plan is fine EXCEPT Mammoths pilots don't strike me as sitting on their hands. Keerat does not seem the type to let fault equipment get the best of her. Ezra should have the technical expertise having helped built Mammoth to start ripping off panels and dig into the crappie sensors. Can we add an addendum to the locked plan reflecting MA trying to figure out the sensor and running scans?
Correct, I meant non-combatants.This plan appears to have reached a consensus, consider it locked.
[X] Plan Clear The Area 1.0
-[X] Aircraft stay inside city perimeter.
--[X] If possible disperse some of the mist with their rotors.
-[X] Tank Platoon and 2 AKB go in one team, sweep the East side.
-[X] 2 AKB and 2 MM sweep West.
-[X] 2 AKB and 2 MM stay with the noncom forces.
-[X] Mortar team on overwatch with the noncom forces.
----Clarification request
@KnightDisciple Noncom in this sense is referring to noncombatants? as opposed to the more traditional use of noncom (non commissioned officers).
A tech somewhere is going to face a major ass chewing from the Amazon and the Imp
As before roll 1 set of rolls and give others at least an hour to get in a roll then feel free to grab another set of rolls... (each new set of rolls requires a separate post please)
...Muse isn't taking the bait right now. Sorry.I smell an omake opportunity in this... (any aspiring writers in the crew? rewards inline with effort involved.)