Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

[X] Send your troops out beyond the defenses into the Mist to attempt to intervene saving what lives they can at increased risk to themselves.

Save the civvies!
[X] Send your troops out beyond the defenses into the Mist to attempt to intervene saving what lives they can at increased risk to themselves.

Work forces don't just grow on trees, after all, and protecting people is a good way to get them to trust you.
Consensus achieved, without any opposition. Decision locked.

Now for the tactical part;

How many of who do you send? Do you maintain a presence inside the Defensive Perimeter?

Are each unit searching independently? or do they operate in small supportive teams?

Are the air forces involved? if so how are you attempting to prevent the risk of collision in zero visibility?

please paint me as clear a picture as possible...
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Hm. I don't have a full plan, but idea-wise...

- The air force should stay back/inside the perimeter.
-- That said, if they can disperse the Mist using their rotors or something, I'd suggest they try to clear out the air some just outside the perimeter.
- Everyone who's sent out works in unit teams of two, for safety.
-- each team should have one "smaller" (i.e. more infantry-scale) unit as a part of it. So if there's one team with a tank unit, the other should be infantry. This might help with their ability to search stuff (since tanks are heavy metal objects that you don't want careening through the night with obstructed vision).
- No clue what Mammoth should do. Wave his hands to try blowing away the Mist?

It's very rudimentary, and I'm gonna leave the actual fine/final details of the plan up to someone else, but I felt it'd be useful to share some thoughts I had for it.
Bleh. Brain is kind of fried but I'll try something. I don't have the energy to do too fine-pointed of a plan...

[X] Plan Clear The Area 1.0
-[X] Aircraft stay inside city perimeter.
--[X] If possible disperse some of the mist with their rotors.
-[X] Tank Platoon and 2 AKB go in one team, sweep the East side.
-[X] 2 AKB and 2 MM sweep West.
-[X] 2 AKB and 2 MM stay with the noncom forces.
-[X] Mortar team on overwatch with the noncom forces.
This plan appears to have reached a consensus, consider it locked.

[X] Plan Clear The Area 1.0
-[X] Aircraft stay inside city perimeter.
--[X] If possible disperse some of the mist with their rotors.
-[X] Tank Platoon and 2 AKB go in one team, sweep the East side.
-[X] 2 AKB and 2 MM sweep West.
-[X] 2 AKB and 2 MM stay with the noncom forces.
-[X] Mortar team on overwatch with the noncom forces.

----Clarification request
@KnightDisciple Noncom in this sense is referring to noncombatants? as opposed to the more traditional use of noncom (non commissioned officers).
It seems to me the plan is fine EXCEPT Mammoths pilots don't strike me as sitting on their hands. Keerat does not seem the type to let fault equipment get the best of her. Ezra should have the technical expertise having helped built Mammoth to start ripping off panels and dig into the crappie sensors. Can we add an addendum to the locked plan reflecting MA trying to figure out the sensor and running scans?
It seems to me the plan is fine EXCEPT Mammoths pilots don't strike me as sitting on their hands. Keerat does not seem the type to let fault equipment get the best of her. Ezra should have the technical expertise having helped built Mammoth to start ripping off panels and dig into the crappie sensors. Can we add an addendum to the locked plan reflecting MA trying to figure out the sensor and running scans?

Well reasoned argument, and your right I don't see the pilots as giving up on fixing a faulty system because of lack of 'orders' IC they would keep at it.

Addendum granted, in spite of locked usually meaning locked.

Beginning writeup now, using the non combatant understanding as contextually it makes the most sense.
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With the sudden lull in attacks on the defensive perimeter and the obvious ongoing assaults on the people outside the walls; the altruistic decision is made to do what we can to assist those endangered outside the walls.

Following council's decision the cobra helo's turn on every running light and clustered tightly enough to maintain visual contact. When the formation is stable enough they slowly shift position taking up a defensive circle chainguns facing outwards, they drop in elevation until the prop wash impacts the buildings and ground causing a violent turbulence that shreds the local mist as the moisture can no longer can remain suspended in the violent maelstrom.

Visual range improves Cobras gain 0.2 km line of sight!
( ooc- More prop wash from the currently grounded 'Pathfinders' and 'Little Birds' would extend this even further.)

Wojtek's Winners , 2 AKB, & 2 MM suddenly can see a swarm of 13 'Sturgis' that were approaching the civilian shelters from the SW.

Wojtek's Winners cannot use their Mortar rounds as they are a K-scale damage and pose a threat to everything inside that unit (helos & civies included).
They are limited to an M-60 hardpoint. So please roll for :

WW 1x Hvy SSC ; hit on 5+, 1 hit = 1 kill

Akb's 20x hit 5+, 1 hit = 1 kill

MM 20x hit on 6+, 2 hits = 1 kill

--------Mammoth Apostate

Roll 1d10 sensor


Tanks & 2 AKB sweeping east: It is not long before you encounter signs of carnage, people whose homes had been breached and apparently whole families made a dash for the safety of the defensive perimeter, now they sprawled lifeless... some drained and dessicated, others merely violently dismembered by pincers. Men , women, children all meat upon the butchers block...

For the moment no enemy contact made... but enough senseless horror is seen the men become enraged (+1 to next enemy to hit against the 'Sturgis')


2 AKB & 2 MM sweeping west: spot 3 'Sturgis' ripping boards from a window and crooning in anticipation of the meal they sense inside. You can hear the terrified wailing of an infant, and see a piece of rebar that stabs frantically out of the window at the creatures slowing, but not stopping their destruction of the obstructing lumber.

20x AKB hit on 5+, 1 hit = 1 kill
20x MM hit on 6+, 2 hit = 1 kill


Will write up after sufficient rolls generated.
Rolling for scans. :p

Edit: A tech somewhere is going to face a major ass chewing from the Amazon and the Imp.
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
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Inside Mammoth Keerat practically foams at the mouth; every option for resetting, recalibrating, or reboot has been tried and retried. Ezra herself has gone into Mammoths superstructure adjacent to the conpod and checked connections. All systems -should- be working, yet every sensor but Mammoths visual relays are blind. Finally Ezra pops an external hatch climbs onto the conpod, goes flat on her stomache, and peers over the edge.

Lo and behold, a safety cover was left latched in place to protect the sensor package while a pressure wash was done... some errant fool forgot to remove the cover when finished. Mammoth was functionally blinded by the jaeger equivalent of leaving a lens cover in place on a camera.


Not a plot device just an IG explanation of some really crappy rolls.
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This plan appears to have reached a consensus, consider it locked.

[X] Plan Clear The Area 1.0
-[X] Aircraft stay inside city perimeter.
--[X] If possible disperse some of the mist with their rotors.
-[X] Tank Platoon and 2 AKB go in one team, sweep the East side.
-[X] 2 AKB and 2 MM sweep West.
-[X] 2 AKB and 2 MM stay with the noncom forces.
-[X] Mortar team on overwatch with the noncom forces.

----Clarification request
@KnightDisciple Noncom in this sense is referring to noncombatants? as opposed to the more traditional use of noncom (non commissioned officers).
Correct, I meant non-combatants.
A tech somewhere is going to face a major ass chewing from the Amazon and the Imp

I smell an omake opportunity in this... (any aspiring writers in the crew? rewards inline with effort involved.)

And I like the synergy with the nicknames (alot) Ezra the towering amazon of a women with a metal arm, and Keerat small implike woman with a sharp tongue and the attitude of a titan.

(In her defense; I don't see any Jaeger pilot being the aw shucks humble type after their first time walking around commanding a metal titan to move as you move.)
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Rolls still needed:

Vs x13 'Sturgis'
WW 1x Hvy SSC ; hit on 5+, 1 hit = 1 kill

Akb's 20x hit 5+, 1 hit = 1 kill

MM 20x hit on 6+, 2 hits = 1 kill

Vs x3 'Sturgis'

20x AKB hit on 5+, 1 hit = 1 kill
20x MM hit on 6+, 2 hit = 1 kill

As before roll 1 set of rolls and give others at least an hour to get in a roll then feel free to grab another set of rolls... (each new set of rolls requires a separate post please)

I realize these amounts of overkill are OMG why roll...? you assigned troops I just narrate. :whistle:
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Jumping on the versus 3.


Edit: good enough! Baby eating monsters? Not on my watch!!! :rage:
BadKatt85 threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 20
6 6 5 5 9 9
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Taking AKB'S versus the x13

Booya! 13 kills... Shadow would be proud!
BadKatt85 threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: AKB Total: 59
7 7 10 10 8 8 5 5 5 5 4 4 6 6 1 1 5 5 1 1 2 2 5 5
BadKatt85 threw 8 10-faced dice. Total: 51
7 7 10 10 1 1 2 2 10 10 8 8 8 8 5 5
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The men and women of Anti-Kaiju Brigades left to guard the non combatants along with Wojtek's Winners and 2 companies of Motorcycle Militia, distinguish themselves as not only being crack shots, but quick on response. The longer range of the AK's prove their worth before the shorter ranged militia can even sight on the 'Sturgis'. The "Ta-ta-tat" of controlled bursts pulp the creatures mid flight before the M-60 of Wojtek's Winners can even chamber a round.

The westward patrolling AKB's and MM encounter a small pack of 'Sturgis' again the longer range, and precision shooting of the Anti-Kaiju forces win the day. 3 small burst lay the foe to rest without endanger the people inside the ramshackle building from overpenetration or stray rounds. There is however an unintended consequence; the rescued civilians pour from the buildings and huddle behind their saviors vehicles trying their best to keep pace. Nearly 60 civvies stumble along pursuing the patrol - some in shock, some with minor wounds, others merely wide eyed in fear. They bemoan the dead that they leave behind that prove their current shelters unsafe.

This patrol group must either:
[ ] slow movement to 2 to keep pace with civilians
[ ] leave civvies behind
[ ] split forces (some to escort survivors inside DP, some that continue patrol)
[ ] write- in
Once I know how your handling civies; You can propose next turns plan of action.

The first hint of false dawn are on the horizon...​
Consensus achieved! Slowing to protect civilians.

Please submit your next turn plan.

Plague Carrier (Hosts 40 ssc 'Sturgis' ) 35 of 40 KIA /5 MIA