Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

After 6pm, Outriders is locked. Is their fluff up to snuff? Unit insignia, motto, perk, etc...?
Is -anyone- getting my groan worthy nods to pop culture? Or am I so dated my pop culture is from the 1980's trivial pursuit box??? :V:V:V

You get all 3 of the intentional ones I've stashed, there is another participation award in it for the collective Council (smaller award depending on how many you miss.) There -are- four actually, one is a walk on cameo.

Pop culture where's waldo Game ends 8pm EST wednesday.
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'Radar' O'Reilly - M.A.S.H.

Massarone - The Saprano's

And for bonus points (and this took me a bit to spot)

Nathaniel Gulf & Daniel Vower. =
N.Gulf & D.Vower - Mel Brooks 'Silent Movie'

Edit: I love movie trivia, (I used to work @ Blockbuster).
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When your Fellow councillors are ready to begin again I owe a shared reward (although Badkatt carried everyone ;)).

[ ] An auto-fire modification for Ezra's Perk (I'll attempt to nudge players from now on for a reroll on failed right side blocks)
[ ] blueprints for an undiscovered troop type
[ ] A token for 1 -exploding- die roll on the die roll of your choice.
[ ] Write in something of comparative value to the above and I'll consider it
Thank you @BadKatt85, and I say we get the blueprint. Better the utility of that than something which may or may not be remembered <3.
[X] blueprints for an undiscovered troop type

Knowledge is power, after all.
4 players seems like a safe consensus to me... You have obtained the Blueprints for a Super Heavy Vehicle chassis; it is incomplete in that I am allowing you some discussion time to decide its primary armament.

[ ] A battery of 3 upscaled tank guns 8 inch (203 mm) M110 in the main turret. 'Accurate weapon' for purpose of called shots

[ ] A battery of 2 - Multiple Launch Rocket System, each battery fires & targets independently and may house either (12) rockets capable of area saturation or 1 (2) ATACMS missiles armed w/t 500 # warheads (Missiles will be considered accurate weapons for called shot purposes)

[ ] A platform for the deployment of an experimental Directed Energy Weapon - Dual laser cannons - slow but Accurate weapon & possess the ability to snipe into clusters relatively safely.

It will be resource heavy to create, it starts with exploding dice like a Jaeger and can actually survive some light K-scale damage. I as have yet to write out stats but they all will be of comparative worth.

No rush on the decision a call to vote will be held when consensus is reached to restart the game; I'm still in pause mode.

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(I apologise for my brainfart; I need sleep) each MLRS battery can only fire a single ATACMS missile; upside the explosion is massive enough it is considered 'burst'/'blast' damage. For those not familiar this is the damage type that is the most lethal, usually reserved for plasma, atomic, or other catastrophic events.
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Hm. On one hand, DEW support is nice, and the accuracy sounds like it'd be good, but on the other hand being able to fire off twelve rockets capable of rolling exploding dice is also really nice (if a little bit of a crit-seeker).

I'm gonna have to leave this up to others to decide, but honestly I'd go for one of those two. Tank/Naval guns, while reliable and still pretty cool, are a bit... tame for my tastes in superheavies.
A little addendum the Missile/Rocket boat version comes with its own self propelled launch loader, a dedicated resupply unit for it's ammo type chosen before deploy. (effectively doubling the payload. 2 turn/downtime for a full reload.
Hm. On one hand, DEW support is nice, and the accuracy sounds like it'd be good, but on the other hand being able to fire off twelve rockets capable of rolling exploding dice is also really nice (if a little bit of a crit-seeker).

I'm gonna have to leave this up to others to decide, but honestly I'd go for one of those two. Tank/Naval guns, while reliable and still pretty cool, are a bit... tame for my tastes in superheavies.

And actually the rockets are shot in clusters of 3, But 12 is only one battery, if both are loaded rocket that is 24 rockets if you go full on Macross Missile Massacre = 8 crit seeking rolls
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Please also note my edit RE: the Missile variant doing a reveal when sleepy never good thing.
[x] A battery of 3 upscaled tank guns 8 inch (203 mm) M110 in the main turret. 'Accurate weapon' for purpose of called shots
[X] A platform for the deployment of an experimental Directed Energy Weapon - Dual laser cannons - slow but Accurate weapon & possess the ability to snipe into clusters relatively safely.


Jaegers shouldn't be much of an issue as fusion power plants provide plenty of juice; Tanks it'll take more research to produce enough output on a petrol driven chassis (High capacity batteries, etc.) Unfortunately, right now you are research incapable. (Research Stat of Zero)
[ ] Maintain the pause a while longer?

[ ] Lets get back to saving the World!