Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Research idea: An 800 mm version of a flash bang round for the Iron Bitches.

Thundershock round - standard impact with a sonic AoE bloom.
M270 is the conventional version of the Super Heavy Missile boat.

With all the frailty of a conventional and half the missiles... Still anyone needing an Alpha strike shouldn't sneer at the "Finger of God"
from the wiki link:

"One launcher firing twelve rockets can completely blanket one square kilometer with (7,728) submunitions. For this reason, the MLRS is sometimes referred to as the "Grid Square Removal System" (metric maps are usually divided up into 1 km grids). Or informally among artillery personnel as "the finger of God," since a single launcher can sanitize an entire grid square, which is about the size of a fingertip on a typical map."

MLRS is a niche system excelling at Alpha Strike but with a very limited ability to produce sustainable fire. That's where standard 'tube type' artillery excel is ongoing sustained fire.
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[X] Badkatt85 has consensus! Cleanup and Free action locked.

[ X ] Cleanup -350 R
[ X ] Plan: Semper Fidelis, now with more guns. (thumbnailed for QM use)
-Accept refugees into the City.
-Accept the USMC troops to join our ranks.
-Take whatever steps are needed to make Fort Pulaski an outpost

Garrisoned at the Fort Pulaski: 5 stationary Arty / 5 garrisoned rifle platoons

Everything else...
Get all that shit home & scanned in for BP's.

Write up inbound tomorrow... Feeling ill, going to bed now
(ooc) I have tried to bring everything up to date including Inventory - Banked R after cleanup 1,775 R , Added additional troops to roster, BP for unfamiliar/new units added to build list. Filling in stats for new troops is a wip, want to maintain ease of access to important info but my brain is a tad foggy today, doing as the muse strikes.

With the addition of the Garrisoned Rifle Platoons and extra Artillery, your Defensive Perimeter can operating at around half efficiency of projected strength if you intend following Marshal Devereux's Plan. Here is projected vs current operational strength.

Garrisoned Forces; These are exclusively dedicated to defending Savannah and NOT available for field ops. Necessary to get full value of Defensive Perimeter.

15 / 30 Garrisoned Rifleman Platoon
12 / 30 T-95 AK-Artillery Batteries
7 / 7 (upto 14 max) Mark 60 CAPTOR AK-Naval Minefield

Quick Math to reach optimal garrisoned forces in resources:

x15 more Garrisoned rifles @ 20/r each = 300 R
X18 more T-95's @50/r each = 900 R
Captor mines are at projected @100/r each - 7 more would achieve maximum torpedo saturation

1,200 r to reach projected, 1,900 r to max torpedo defensive barrier

For my friends in accounting - Non Kaiju based income = 1,250 R / Downtime

Casino taxes - 250/r Downtime
Manufacturing Income - 2x 500/r Downtime = 1,000 R

[ ] Follow Devereux's outline and Garrison the appropriate existing troops
[ ] I have other plans, keep those forces free to assign elsewhere


With the arrival of the Fort Pulaski troops to supplement our own, and the new civilian arrivals, our peoples morale improves to Steady and the elimination of 'Mister Crabs' ongoing pollution allows the environment to rise to Stable for the first time in weeks.
(OOC - Incoming Plot hook) @Cmd. Frost

Colonel Frost was busily review a thousand mundane decisions his subordinates had approved and taken action on. He 'could' have skated and let things just happen, he trusted the officers beneath him to be competent and able to justify their actions at a whim, but the words of Devereux (his recent mentor) spurred him on. "You can delegate authority; but never responsibility."

A bold forceful knock at his open door interrupted his train of thought. Looking up he sees a Marine MSgt in immaculate BDU's sporting an impressive 6 golden service stripes the man appears to be in his 50's. Colonel Frost does the math in his head subconsciously 24+ yrs, the man was a lifer then. Gold service meant without disciplinary action any of those four year terms. Impressive...

Colonel Frost nods to the man, who then enters and salutes with a precision belonging on a drill floor.

"Sir, Master Sergeant Dwayne Fredrickson late of Parris Island reporting for duty Sir!" The Marine holds the salute awaiting Frost's return salute before falling to attention.

Frost unaccustomed to such strict discipline as neither the Air Force nor the PODC were as obsessed as the Marines, catches the spirit a bit and barks back "At ease Marine, I had heard there were new additions to our ranks, glad to have you and your men on board. In the future I prefer things a little less formal, consider it an ongoing order for permission to speak freely, indulge me as a favor. 24 years in Corps is rather impressive, I was not aware I was slated for receiving officer of the day, what brings you to my office Master Sergeant?"

The Marine hesitates only a heartbeat before assuming a more relaxed posture, some of the crisp tone mellowing to a southern drawl.

"Well Sir, 29 actually, we all are entitled to a rough patch. On a more personal note, I wanted to extend my hand to the man that pulled the plug on the flawed 'Razorback' program, fighting pentagon cronyism and coverups to save lives is usually a career ender. My nephew was a Marine test pilot slotted for next phase." He momentarily pauses choked by emotion before going on. "Sir, I'm probably violating some similar programs operational security by bringing this up, but I figured if I'd face court martial I'd rather it be at your hands."

"Explain Marine..." Frost's voice taking an edge amazed that someone with this mans record would 'think' to violate security.

"Well Sir, there was a decommissioned WW2 submarine pen at Parris Island. It did nothing but grow weeds and harbor spiders until last year. Then some 4 star navy brass arrived, demanded a 'private' meet with my C.O. and X.O. and declared that part of the base 'Top secret' and need to know access only with Zero marine presence tolerated. Sir, this smells of Black bag research, but with my position in the Corps I until today was in Naval Chain of command. By reporting for duty to you as a member of PODC as per my C.O.'s lawful order, I am no longer a member of the Naval forces. It's thin ice legally sir, but I'm not sure what the hell they were doing so secretly, but it's on your doorstep and might pose a clear and present danger to my new Command so I'm honor bound to report regardless."

(OOC - Intrigued yet Cmd. Frost?)

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I edited in a vote to last post - reposting here so it can get appropriate attn.

[ ] Follow Devereux's outline and Garrison the appropriate existing troops
[ ] I have other plans, keep those forces free to assign elsewhere
Being freshly back in Savannah no Kaiju have noticed you (yet)...

This means a new Downtime Action is available with attendant income influx. New resource total 3,025 R

2 actions to spend

The following incomplete actions remain:

Hazardous Research & Containment Facility - Built new on plans based off an upscaled Titan II subterranean launch facility.
(Basic structure in place; needs finishing touches)
  • Silo #1 K-Scale Cat 1/2 containment AV 6/4, 10 structure
    estimated cost: 1,000r Current Status: Incomplete
  • Silo #2 Cat-zero/API small scale containment
    estimated cost: 500r Current Status: Incomplete
  • Silo #3 Hazardous High Energy Lab
    estimated cost: 1,500r Current Status: Incomplete
  • Independent Energy plant (Fusion Nuclear Reactor)
    estimated cost: 750r Current Status: Incomplete
  • Command center space repurposed as onsite labs (completing this gives Research 1)
    estimated cost: 125r Current Status: Incomplete
  • Communications center; a backup Comms center
    estimated cost: Standard City Stat pricing
    Status: Unstarted
You may slot as many complete Hazardous Research & Containment Facility projects under 1 action as you are willing to invest the cash. Massarone Discount of 10% not reflected in these costs.
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Still my thought gets the basics up and running and doesnt cost much aswell and we dont have enough science or whatever stat yet to do research anyway in a turn or two so they can be put off abit?
Still my thought gets the basics up and running and doesnt cost much aswell and we dont have enough science or whatever stat yet to do research anyway in a turn or two so they can be put off abit?

The Lab gets you research 1 and you just invest more to city stat 'grows' the functionality of the lab. Nice to have them built in a bunker so stompy monsters mean you don't lose research progress.


A nice side effect of completing the energy plant, excess power can be shunted to the city making quality of life niceties (home A/C & refrigeration in home, etc.) a possibility as power no longer needs rationed to vital systems like the Shatterdome.
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We should definitely build the lab and the nuclear plant. It's fairly cheap (okay, close to 1/4th of our resources, but still fairly cheap), and the benefits are huge. We'd have enough to complete our defenses, as well, though adding more mines would stretch us very thin. Sounds like a decent plan to me.
[ X ] plan: Nixeu & Atrophy makes the best plans!

  • Complete energy plant & lab. -750 R / -125 R (total cost after discount 787 R / both ).
  • Construct (18) T-95's -900 R
Total cost of plan = 1,687 R
Leaving 1,338 R banked.

[ X ] Garrison troops per Marshal Devereux

Edit: Could only build 1 troop per action, Arty pack most punch.
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Unrelated post, does anyone else feel as tickled as I do about the fast attacks being added to our arsenal?

With outposts being a thing, having a patrol or three of these on constant cruise in our area of influence should make banditry less likely.
Again, I have hit everyone with text walls to assimilate. Will field questions but no new content atm, that should give you a chance to make your D/T plan.

We tie that up with a quick consensus, I can see if any 'events' occur before moving on to 'encounter of the week'.
[ X ] plan: Nixeu & Atrophy makes the best plans!
[X] plan: Nixeu & Atrophy makes the best plans!

I just doing the basics this turn seems the most wise idea in getting them running but didnt know that the lab gave the stat.
Research idea: An 800 mm version of a flash bang round for the Iron Bitches.

Thundershock round - standard impact with a sonic AoE bloom.

Sorry so slow to notice this; nice concept but would need to be more along the line of Blunt rather than impact as Flashbangs outer casing are by design meant to remain intact.

From Wikipedia:

"Unlike the high explosives (HE) used in traditional ordnance, the pyrotechnic charge produces a subsonic deflagration, not a supersonic detonation, minimizing the blast effects. On initiation, the inner aluminum case is designed to be consumed by the pyrotechnic compound, with only the auditory and visual elements of the deflagration being permitted to escape via the perforations in the cast outer body."

So it would be more like 'Thunk' as canister hit's doing Blunt damage; then BOOM! Pyrotechnic flash and pressure wave (sonic) stun.
[X] plan: Nixeu & Atrophy makes the best plans!

I just doing the basics this turn seems the most wise idea in getting them running but didnt know that the lab gave the stat.

No problem, my writing is not always as clear as I would like... Bare with me and forgive if you can. :)
[ X ] plan: Nixeu & Atrophy makes the best plans!

  • Complete energy plant & lab. -750 R / -125 R (total cost after discount 787 R / both ).
  • Construct (18) T-95's -900 R
Total cost of plan = 1,687 R
Leaving 1,338 R banked.

[ X ] Garrison troops per Marshal Devereux

Edit: Could only build 1 troop per action, Arty pack most punch.

Dude we can build artillery later we've got a black site to loot.

[X] Plan: Parris Raid.
- Complete energy plant & lab. -750 R / -125 R (total cost after discount 787 R / both ).
-Investigate Parris Island.

Plus Parris is a Marine training center, they'll probably have troops we can grab on the way out.