Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

[X] Let's get back to saving the world ! - has achieved a clear Consensus!

(OOC) I find the regular format of downtime-build /encounter of the week although structured and universally accepted for VsTW Quests is too limiting in my opinion. I want to throw an extra 'sometimes' category into the mix we'll just call 'events of note' and they will have their own independent action economy appropriate to the events encountered. Events will come with their own free actions and allow me room to do some world building without stealing your regular actions to respond to them. Combat Events -may- leave you ill prepared for an upcoming encounter of the week but are not compulsory, Combat events will be so labelled and may be passed by, but may negatively impact morale or environment if ignored.
Several peaceful days pass then...
Diplomatic Event
The Council is surprised while taking care of official business that they see a familiar name on their docket; Jack Massarone.
Apparently he waited through official channels like a normal citizen rather than the man who controls the powerhouse construction company that so recently did all of Savannah's repairs.

He has a request, he wants to open a Casino & Resort featuring gambling inside the City and seeks the Councils blessings.
Savannah has a long history of Riverboat gambling and four hour Cruise liners that go out into international waters to avoid legal issues. With Kaiju as a threat that is no longer a viable solution.

Legalized gambling and Las Vegas style entertainment could help revitalize the economy.
Providing adult entertainment opportunities to the hardworking construction crews, kaiju harvesters, soldiers and ground crews could only help their morale. People working dangerous jobs tend to play hard.

He offers 100 R per downtime in licensing/taxation, and he'll make it 250 R per downtime if he can acquire 'exclusive' rights for an in town establishment.

Jack has already obtained options to acquire ownership of a vacant Hotel and gambling equipment from the owners of bankrupt casino boats.

The Proposed site:
Massarone's Blackjack on River Street: "Las Vegas Style entertainment on River Street".(Formerly Embassy Suites Hilton Savannah)
Free action responses:
[ ]Deny the request; No gambling in our town.
[ ] Accept the offer, but leave it open it for competition
(100 R /downtime)
[ ] Accept the offer, and make it exclusive.
(250 R /downtime).

!?Unclassified Event?!
Loccent(local command center) begins running diagnostics syncing the expanded sensors & comms recently repaired with the older stable system. Surprisingly they detect frequent, military style, encoded burst transmissions coming from the northeast about 7 miles out from the Savannah Shatterdome and within your defensive perimeter!

The H.U.D. map is brought up on the main screen of Command Central, and if Loccents triangulations are correct the majority are centered on Cockspur Island, and a lesser number are radiating out roughly to about a mile from Cockspur in all directions.

How shall we respond Councillors?

[ ] Requires a write in action plan, if you chose to respond.
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[X] Accept the offer, but leave it open it for competition
(100 R /downtime)
!?Unclassified Event?!

[X] Deploy conventional forces to the area and attempt to decode the messages.
[X] Accept the offer, but leave it open it for competition
(100 R /downtime)
!?Unclassified Event?!

[X] Deploy conventional forces to the area and attempt to decode the messages.
[X] Accept the offer, but leave it open it for competition
(100 R /downtime)
!?Unclassified Event?!

[X] Deploy conventional forces to the area and attempt to decode the messages.
I understand the desire to maintain a free market economy in most cases.

With something that has the potential for negative consequences like gambling however limiting the outlets increases our leverage to control it.

There is also the positive aspect of catering to a valuable provider of services who have demonstrated a certain amount of trustworthiness providing refunds when no one expected them. That speaks well of his moral compass, we may not be as fortunate with a future competitor .

[X ] exclusive rights

I support a balanced response of send the conventionals, if handled intelligently.

Play to our strengths.

Initial fly by with Little Birds (flying evasive)

Other copters at range but visible.
Pathfinders loaded with AKB'S
Cobras carry rockets
Limit other ground forces to mobile armor.IE.Tanks & Woj.

Others man cordone around the Shatterdome and have Jaeger pilots strapped in below a jump hawk ready to kick ass.

Edit: revised little bird to be flying evasive
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There seemed a strong consensus, but Badkatt has forwarded a detailed plan in opposition (will extend vote to 6 PM EST) for fair opportunity for her arguments to be reviewed. However at 6 I'll do a tally and go with consensus.


Regarding the decryption of the messages, it seems an unlikely proposition as PODC didn't really have a -need- for cryptographic services. These aren't casual civilian encryption either it is a chipset based burst where a audio signal is compressed and digitized then sent in a high speed burst. Capturing the signal is easy, decompressing and then unscrambling it without a compatible chipset make it a nigh impossibility with your current research capabilities.
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[X] BadKatt85

If there's only one place for them to skive at, then we know where to find our soldiers at any given time.
[X ] exclusive rights

[X] Deploy conventional forces to the area and attempt to decode the messages.
-[X] Motorcycle Militia lead the way as ground-based scouts.
If my eyes didn't deceive me it looks like the Laser tank BP was the winner as well, only opposing was a single vote for the upscale tank guns.
Bp locked.

Toho Studio concept art

Stats for the new Laser Tank are posted here and may be found on Post #3 at threads beginning under super heavy.
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Hungry, Hungry Hippos
I never included the design sketches for Mr. Bones nest clearing suggestion: Oversight corrected

"The Hungry Hungry Hippo" Super Heavy - Let's Wreck Ferngully

This tank treaded vehicle is specifically designed for the quick leveling and harvest of Antiverse Nests with a minimum of risk. 8 high speed disk mulchers in front of the vehicle do an initial cut feeding raw antiverse stuff into a mulcher/shredder/wood chipper that sprays it backwards in the attached super heavy trailer. For those harder to reach areas a rear mounted crane arm maneuvers an excavator mulcher with a large suction hose to retrieve the debris. For point defense 2 K-scale M-134 vulcans mounted port and starboard as well as numerous (4 hvy ssc) m-60 hardpoints with overlapping fields of fire .

"Ramming Speed!"
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I think BadKatt85 has achieved a turn around in the general consensus!

Response will be posted tonight. Thoughts and first impressions for the 'Mastodon' would be appreciated.
The artwork does remind me of a Mastodon with the cannons being the tusks. Stat wise, it appears worthy of a super heavy designation if for the super heavy durability perk alone.

Focused makes sense to require hull down, especially if a anti-armor charged beam is inbound of any cluster we're a part of...

I prefer ventilation to be a foe only attribute.

Edit: Sniper range stat looks to be rather ugly addition at long range.
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I simply love the idea behind 'Hungry, hungry, Hippo' a mostly non-combat Super Heavy.

I'm betting it isn't nearly as tough as the Mastodon. Any chance smithsguild we can get a peek at the stats & cost? Or do we have to wait until we actually throw an action at it?

Edit: The let's wreck ferngulley videos were amazing. I never thought we had such environmentally devastating heavy equipment as 'real' and that the Leveller was just a boogeyman.
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A peek? Lol, not a chance.

Not only does it require an action, but a 'research' action specifically.

I have to do -something- to entice you to construct a lab.;)

The Ferngully vids are what helped inspire me to make Nests a bigger focus after I wondered how such awful technological things could be harnessed heroically.
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A peek? Lol, not a chance.

Not only does it require an action, but a 'research' action specifically.

I have to do -something- to entice you to construct a lab.;)

The Ferngully vids are what helped inspire me to make Nests a bigger focus after I wondered how such awful technological things could be harnessed heroically.
So you made evil, deadly forests that actually destroy the planet and ecosystem, rather than helping it. Makes sense.
So you made evil, deadly forests that actually destroy the planet and ecosystem, rather than helping it. Makes sense.

Someone has to be the representative of the evil kaiju masters. And healthy normal antiverse life is growing in abundance.

Me being all (secretly) pro-earth I give you the tools to fix things, planning how to use them that rests on the council... :V:V:V
[x] Accept the offer, and make it exclusive. (+250 R /downtime).
Jack smiles broadly, "You Gents and Ladies won't regret it... We'll make bank together." With that he leaves collecting some of his crew he spots and setting them in motion, virtual leaves before his storm. Massarone Construction Loyalty increases...

[X] BadKatt85 Battleplan

Initial fly by with Little Birds (flying evasive) - (1 flight of Little Birds)
Other copters at range but visible. (1 pathfinder/2 Cobras)
-Pathfinders loaded with AKB'S
-Cobras carry rockets
Limit other ground forces to mobile armor. IE. Tanks & Woj. (2 tanks/1 mortar)
Others man cordone around the Shatterdome and have Jaeger pilots strapped in below a jump hawk ready to kick ass.

All helos approached flying knap of the earth, skimming treetops, presenting minimal targets until they close on the position.

They have delayed their approach to allow the Mechanized troops, Wojtek's Winners and the 2 T-100's elevate barrels to reach 2 km out from Radio Central. The Cobras climb in elevation enough to be readily visible above the Tanks with their noses down presenting the dual Vulcans angled to enable strafing of ground targets, while the Pathfinder and it's belly full of AKB's remain hugging trees.

Only then does the 'Little Bird' come in taxing its engines for max speed as it shifts and jukes and buzzes overhead the Unknown force inside your borders. The force is apparently military, well organized, and entrenched in the Civil War historical fortification and at last word tourist attraction of Fort Pulaski.

"Com-Central this is Quail-Leader, Be advised opposing forces hold the fort. I see many Artillery Guns, numerous infantry, a few Anti-air vehicles, a few fast attack vehicles, and one multiple launch rocket system I believe it's a M270.

They don't appear to be hostile, no running to man the guns. But I'll bet next weeks rations there are some down their wishing they wore their brown pants.

Now that I've passed the Fort and am on the Seas edge it appears our 'neighbors' have dropped a kaiju on their own... Corpse is on a sandbar."
{Incoming Radio Transmission} "Approaching Military Force, This is Master Sergeant Fredrickson late of Parris Island. By your PODC tail markings I assume you're not intending to ventilate my men? If not could your guns assume a less provocative positioning?

Last orders I received from our C.O. were to seek out and join PODC forces in Savannah and support your efforts but when we arrived there ya'll were long gone.

My men and I knew without a Jaeger we'd never hold Savannah proper but this old fort has been a good home these last few weeks. We've taken in what refugees we could but our supplies are nearing depletion.

Can we get comms to speak with your top dogs? We want to help fight the good fight, and once the Arty peppered "Mister Crabs" there on the beach some of us are ready to sign on for the long haul."​

Corpse of smallish Cat-1 crustacean nicknamed by the garrison as "Mister Crabs" decaying on the sandbar. Ongoing environmental damage hazard. High volume of river current is spreading blue at a prodigious rate and contaminating both coastline and ocean to the south. Apparently troops here were not issued HEI rounds and used standard HE causing horrific wounds. Will require 350 R cleanup & -zero- salvage potential.

[ ] Cleanup
[ ] no cleanup, potential environmental reduction

Fort Pulaski & Cockspur Island Garrison -

Fort is currently housing a USMC reserve unit consisting of:
20x Garrisoned Rifle Platoon -
10x Towed Artillery Batteries - (+ 5 more permanently mounted 'cruciform mount' on walls of Fort Pulaski).
(1x) AN/TWQ-1 Avenger AA squad (4 humvees) -
-2 batteries of Laser guided Stinger Missiles & 1x .50 cal M3P machine gun (Hvy ssc AoE 1d3 targets)
(4x) ALSV Patrol Groups (4 vehicles) -
40mm (48 linked rnds/can)
High Velocity Canister Cartridge (HVCC)
-Flechete 1 unit AoE 1d4+1 targets hvy SSC [impact]

High Explosive Incendiary(HE-I)
-K-scale Rounds

M-2 (.50 cal) 360 degree traverse
-Hvy SSC, limited AoE (1d3 targets)
(1x) M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System

Tactical Advantage to be gained; w/o the benefit of dredging the channel mouth has been built up by silt deposits thereby forcing any kaiju above cat-zero to effectively surface before re-entering the channel to gain access to the interior via this channel.

Keeping a small contingent of artillery & infantry stationed at Fort Pulaski would be advantageous.

Cockspur lighthouse is equipped with a radio connection to pre existing Tsunami detection grid buoys (+1 to oceanic sensor rolls)

[ ] (Free Action) Councillors you need to decide now:
  1. if rolling the Fort Pulaski refugees into your population is acceptable
  2. Are you willing to make Fort Pulaski your first outpost
  3. Will you accept the Marines into your ranks
  4. What garrison are you leaving to protect Fort Pulaski ( will need #'s and troop types)
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Iron Bitch Omake
LOL, you should have never made me wait... I wait, I write. I write you get reams to read.


One final text wall before I collapse into slumber - An omake, I hope you enjoy!​
[Fade in to the con-pod of 'Mammoth Apostate']

(Technician 1) "Okay, let's get this preventive maintenance checklist done and out of the way, power up to 5% of nominal. We just wanna have enough power to check for faults without giving the Comptroller a coronary like last time."

(Tech 2) "Seriously dude, the digital display showed 5% it's not my fault it powered up to 50%. Mission control dude thought someone was trying to steal Mammoth.

The computer interface to the drift core is a bit hinky. Did you know they're using the original Mammoths drift core?
I was on the original restore team and it had so much carbon scoring on the relays you'd think someone roasted marshmallows in it."

(Technician 1) "Show a bit more respect, for all you know those were the pilots.
Display showing we're holding steady at 5% of nominal. Reactor green, check. Cooling system Green, check. Inertial stabilization is showing a 2% variance on the Y axis gyro, that's within tolerances but make a note.
Wait, I'm show an intermittent fault on the drift core."

(Tech 2) "Dude, I told you carbon scoring; Do a soft reboot of the drift core... Wait! I'm seeing some anomalous data, pull it up on the HUD."

(Technician 1)"It looks like some old schematics, the original Mk 4 version of Mammoth Apostle with some purposed upgrades. The file is corrupted but... am I reading this right?"

(Tech 2) [whistles] "A Friggin -800mm- artillery piece in a chest mount?!? [Laughs] It says here she was nicknamed the 'Iron Bitch'.
I guess they wanted him to REALLY be able to reach out and touch someone. I was wondering why the frame had so much unused room in the chest..."

(Technician 1) [Fumbles for his walkie-talkie]
"Mission Control, we need a Foreman down here ASAP, we found some previously undiscovered data on Mammoths drift core. Your going to want to see it for yourself."
[Fade to black]

"Iron Bitch"
800mm Artillery Emplacement [Defensive Mod]
3500 Resources
- Can not be deployed outside of a city. Does not benefit from city fortifications, it's just too big.
- Can not be moved once deployed
- 800mm "Iron Bitch" Howitzer: 1d10 Impact damage. +8 damage. Range 20, Hits on 7s. Will Not Cauterise Wounds,
Can fire indirectly, increasing its range to 120 units. Indirect fire is at -2 to hit.
The gun can only be fired every second turn

Jaeger Weapon"Iron Bitch Lite" Chest Module 2500 Resources
Jaeger redesign trades bonus damage for increased accuracy (hits on a 5+). May not move and fire the 'Iron Bitch' same turn.
1D10 Impact +4 Damage, range -/-/20,
Can fire indirectly, increasing its range to 80 units. Indirect fire is at -2 to hit.
The gun can only be fired every other turn. Will Not Cauterise Wounds.

Taking the day; no new content but I will answer questions and allow you to catch up. :D
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[X] Plan: Every gun south of Brellaine
(I defy anyone to get that reference)
-[X] Accept the Marines into our forces and allow the refugees into the city
-[X] Make Fort Pulaski an outpost
-[X] Leave the TABs and 5x Riflemen platoons as a garrison.
-[X] Clean up the Blue.
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[X] Plan: Every gun south of Brellaine
(I defy anyone to get that reference)
-[X] Accept the Marines into our forces and allow the refugees into the city
-[X] Make Fort Pulaski an outpost
-[X] Leave the M270, Avenger, TABs and 5x Riflemen platoons as a garrison.


Challenge accepted: Giantitp Forum reference; clone wars? re: Fran Brellaine heavy weapons specialist?

Yes, but this Gustav is a home body meant for a City Defensive mod, that is why I was kind enough to include a railroad roundhouse to hit every point on the compass. The Railcar she's sitting in had to be further beefed up for ongoing fire, so supports were designed to be welded to the round house. The railcar was only meant to transport the gun to the roundhouse.

-Can not be deployed outside of a city. Does not benefit from city fortifications, it's just too big.
- Can not be moved once deployed

The Jaeger version, I envision as an 'Uber-Taunt' and a deterrent to any kite and snipe style Kaiju. range out to 8 km, 7+ to hit, indirect fire is excellent for use with cover...

I don't see most Kaiju long ignoring the Jaeger that's shredding the local terrain that far out even on misses.

An addendum; Notice the words chest "Module" ? That means between combats the chest module can be -replaced- with other Chest modules (yet to be designed) giving Mammoth a leg up on tailored mission payloads.

If done last moment when an alert drops swapping out can delay Mammoths deployment by 5 + 1d5 turns.
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[ X ] Cleanup -350 R

[ X ] Plan: Semper Fidelis, now with more guns.

Accept refugees into the City.
Accept the USMC troops to join our ranks.
Take whatever steps are needed to make Fort Pulaski an outpost

As to troops to garrison at the Fort:

5 stationary Arty and 5 garrisoned rifle platoons should suffice.

They are after all in a Fort inside our defensive perimeter.

As to the other troops, we can man up some of the existing DP as intended, Arty & Rifle platoons as Cmdr. Devereux intended.

Fast attack vehicles and mobile AA batteries, plus a freaking M270 "grid square removal" rocket artillery.

Get all that shit home & scanned in for BP's.

M270 is the conventional version of the Super Heavy Missile boat.
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I'm glad you like the new toys. ;)


To qualify as an outpost, you need to garrison troops (check), tie in to comms (check), and install some shelters (plenty of underground tunnels at the Fort will suffice.)
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