Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Those were improvised in the field and could be done again in the upcoming battle plan.

To make them a permanent part of your arsenal (and incorporate improvements like the light burst being suspend from a parachute extending duration from a fire and fall to ground, to 10 minutes of illumination) would require a research action.

With evidence that the Mist may be a recurring threat and Nighttime combat always a possibility they could be a worthwhile investment.
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Editing in flare construction to my previous plan.

Don't think it'll change any votes but giving notice plan is edited .
One more stealth edit Re: 'Jump Hawks' they gain the Perk: Troop transport.

Checking for plan consensus 6pm EST.
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I appreciate your sentiment, I don't want to be 'that' guy. Knowing who Vegitus was or DeSaxe doesn't mean you can apply what they knew...

I am happy adding my 2 cents, but fresh eyes on EACH problem is a better overall approach then anyone being the strategy guy. Even wrong ideas inspire fresh takes as you analyze why its a bad idea.

Please everyone don't blind follow my plans because of previous victorys. Shoot holes in them, throw in some what ifs. Turn things on their heads and help me think... That's the path to victory.
That's fair. Thing is, your plans are usually quite conservative and solid. That's a good thing in this's system. Fancy maneuvers are fun, but are also often less effective. I'm only going to speak up if I noticed there's something you've missed.
Do we have those light rounds Smith mentioned after the firework idea or do we need to take an action to improvise them?
...Like that. We really should add those to our arsenal permanently, for use in the Mist.
[X ] Plan wait and see
Helicopter Tsunami - the addition of the Jump hawk's as the central core and armed helis as a ring of steel as we clear should be viable.

Moar sensors naow! Put Mammoth and the Outriders perk to work. Hopefully we will garner a clue as to what we are facing.

Woj, and some artillery modify some incendiary round to act as illumination rounds.

Without any idea of what / how many we are facing troop deployment is a sit and wait situation.

[X ] Plan wait and see has consensus! beginning write up.
[X ] Plan wait and see
Helicopter Tsunami - the addition of the Jump hawk's as the central core and armed helis as a ring of steel as we clear should be viable.

Moar sensors naow! Put Mammoth and the Outriders perk to work. Hopefully we will garner a clue as to what we are facing.

Woj, and some artillery modify some incendiary round to act as illumination rounds.

Without any idea of what / how many we are facing troop deployment is a sit and wait situation.

The thup, thup, thup of the Jump Hawks heavier propwash takes on the air of a rhythmic background noise.

48 of the heavily modified Chinooks with their dual rotors displace a lot of air, and the honor guard of 2 cobras, a Pathfinder, and a Little Bird seem scant protection for their ponderous siblings. The 'Helo Tsunami' is at least an order of magnitude greater than the one generated in Atlanta, which is good because with the waters of the Atlantic to draw from this Mist is putting up a stiff battle, doggedly rolling in and ever so slowly losing headway versus the man made maelstrom.

Just as Mammoth clears the Shatterdome Loccent gives the word the scorched panel is replaced! They are calling for all sensors capable units to see if we can find out what is lurking in the pale clammy darkness.


(OOC: Need a Savannah Sensor roll: 1d10 +2 bonus for sensor stat, +1 for Cockspur Island sensor bunus for seaside threat.

Outriders: Unique Elite Bonus: "Seeing the Unseen" one of the wings door gunners, a Walter 'Radar' O'Reily, is an ametuer electronics enthusiast and has cobbled together an improvised sensor suite from fish finder sonar, a set of IR goggles, and a cat's eye light amplification scope running on a (early release beta) copy of MS-DOS on a 5 1/4 inch floppy - for some unknown reason only he can operate it. "Radar" Rolls 1d10 + closest city sensor stat bonus (+3) + 2.

Mammoth rolls 1d10 + Dex (0) for sensors.

Wojtek's Winners relay some quick instruction on ratios of PBX vs Thermite to change their incendiaries rounds to a homebrew illumination round, between Woj and the 5 or 6 other artillery crews that felt comfortable enough to pry open live rounds you may be able to keep the fight illuminated.

Roll 1d10, and lets pray no one has a sudden urge to sneeze or was bad at conversion between what would work for a mortar vs what's needed for artillery...
Taking the 'Outriders' because Radar is hot in Nerdland.

6+5 bonus = 11, Go Radar!
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Radar geeking like a Boss Total: 6
6 6
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Cpl. 'Radar' O'Reilly in an uncharacteristic moment of surprise radios in; "Command, are you seeing this same data? Because if so we are in some deep doo-doo..."
Loccent's screens Flash:
"Multiple Contact's Confirmed. Prioritized. Anomaly: One Category 4 Non-Kaiju, Designated: Leviathan; 12 miles N/NE northern tip of Tybee Island.

(3) Micro-Breaches detected within 0.5 km of Leviathan; Anomaly: breaches are detected at positive elevation, Breaches 1 & 3 are at 0.1 km above sea level, Breach 2 is at 1 km above sea level. Breaches contain zero antiverse radiation. All sub-Category 1 contacts are raining from mini-Breaches into the ocean.

Conflicting data; 8 to 10 Multiple Category Zero contacts, 4 of which match contact 'Gudis', remaining Cat. Zeros Designated: 'Sheldon' a heavily armored crustacean.

Numerous Human scale threats detected, 20+ match profile for 'Sturgis', uncatalogued specimens 2 types remain: Type 1 is Anomalous: ?transport mode? matching profile parachuting/ballooning in from the highest mini-Breach no data on appearance, Type 2 general humanoid configuration but upon hitting water are swimming well beyond Olympic levels speeds.
Mammoths sensors confirm everything Loccent supplied intel shows, an overwhelming foe exhibiting the ability to open multiple tears in the fabric of time/space. And it has minions... tons of minions.

Within the drift, Keerat & Ezra share a grim resignation. If this is to be Mammoth Apostles last stand; they intend to make it costly...
All troop info is complete, PLEASE when forming battle plans include ammo/weapon choices where appropriate.

If not stipulated, * I will choose * what I consider the LEAST favorable...

I seriously would review your new troop types : especially the Avenger, ALSV Fast attacks, M270 MLRS. There should be some happy surprises in their perks...

You have a base, you have -some- troops, you have A Giant robot brawler... What could go wrong? Plan time people; tutorial mode disengaged.
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Well... crap.

I'm feeling good about my choices at the moment, would have preferred to be wrong.

Why am I more intimidated by the Mist this time?

I told you I felt a shit storm brewing.

Outlining a plan,this is not for voting... it's for brain storming. Please, please,please chime in!

Cat-4 grappler in water? Not on my watch... I say let him wade in land through the torpedo mine field. Engage at beach if we must but not in the depths.

Visitors swimming in from the ocean should be met with artillery fire from Fort Pulaski and area saturation by the M270 fielding rockets. 4 salvos could make a 2 km by 0.5 km stretch of beach unhealthy for smaller things like the swimmers.

Avenger and cobras should go for Sturgis & the paratroopers.

Tanks , ALSV's, Motorcycle Militia, and Woj advance with Mammoth towards beaches. Jump hawks w/t Pathfinder hover above to clear mist.

Woj & arty rotate through illuminating in turns.

Arty & Rifle Platoons continue to man wall but adjust arty to face beachward.

Edit: forgot to assign AKB's. ? Have 4 of them mount on Jump Hawks for fast deploy ? Rest to reinforce the walls?
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The M270 should load Mad Cat rockets and i'm thinking the ALSVs take Canister rounds.
ALSV perk = they carry "all the ammos" and can change on the fly as a free action.
BK-85 'Mad Cat' -really Smithsguild- ? Roflmao

If you're trying to sneak crap in at least work a little harder :rolleyes:

@Cmd. Frost if this were not a Mist battle with a ton of adds I would support the Mad Cat to whittle the armor down on big bad. Trouble is at most they will effect 4 random locations by only a few structure.

For mad cat to shine we'll need more than 4 salvos.

The M26 AoE will clear a ton of smalls. (We face a ton of smalls).

The 'Divine Thunderbolts' would be the go to if we are committing the M270 to the big bad. + to hit, AAAP, & Blast damage type and called shot capable. Downside 2 shots and go home.
A little addendum the Missile/Rocket boat version comes with its own self propelled launch loader, a dedicated resupply unit for it's ammo type chosen before deploy. (effectively doubling the payload. 2 turn/downtime for a full reload.

This will work for M270's as well. Your's for the low, low price of 350 R. (400 R w/t trailer)

SPLL carries 8 pods (4 reloads for M270); trailer +8 more. The M270 has half the launch capability meaning faster reload (1 turn/full reload) than the super heavy missile boat.
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Oh boy, a Cat IV right off the bat? Really throwing us in the deep end, huh Smith?
Cat-4 grappler in water? Not on my watch... I say let him wade in land through the torpedo mine field. Engage at beach if we must but not in the depths.
Agreed. This may also give us some useful data on how resilient it is. Since it's not actually a Kaiju, we may have misjudged it's strength, though I'm not going to suggest we take any chances on that score.

I like Katt's plan. I'm thinking we focus on the minions for the momen, while setting up to take on Leviathan at the beach. While it is entirely possible they'll just keep spawning while Leviathan remains alive, they're the squishiest things on the field right now, and they take a lot of damage from AoE.

I'd say maybe try positioning the AKBs to watch the backs of our arty and mortar squads, or any of our troops that are focused on longer-ranged work, in-case a Sturgis or paratrooper gets past our air units tries to get at them.