Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Addendum: to put things in proper perspective Re: Charleston Mk. Zeros

Those spotted most of the 5 man squad were Basics (4 of 5) and their leader would have been a Plus at best. To date no evidence exists that they have advanced their Mk. Zero program to allow Premiums.

Your roll was higher than mid-line thanks to possession of J-Tech research facility (something Charleston doesn't possess.)
Good to jnow we have the potential advantage in quality. Now we just have to make sure thay can't catch up.

Rolling for Sage's EM shielding.
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Sage Shielding Total: 8
8 8
Five with four bonus points from the city research is good enough to break the success threshold.

Exact details will be forthcoming soon(ish). It's Valentines and I owe my Mrs. an evening out (& so much more).

Minimal thumbnail sketch is they require the Ultra-compact Fusion Reactor and come in 3 classes each at a different price point.

Mk. Zero (basic) 950 R
Mk. Zero (plus) 1,150 R
Mk. Zero (premium) 1,350 R

Although a Mk. Zero will never be in the same league as a Mk. 1 Jaeger due to issues like scale and mass, there will be a marked difference in the capabilities between a basic Mk-zero & a premium Mk-zero.
Highwind's guess is fairly astute. Basic is as close to VOTOM's as any other likely pop reference.

Although Mk. Zero Basic feature armor based upon those of Jaegers the thickness is thinner than one would desire for something that technically qualifies as a super heavy unit (possession of structure points). The general design is constrained as the servo's and superstructure are bordering red line tolerances armor was the only viable sacrifice in design.

Mk. Zero Plus correct and improve on the servos and superstructure allowing appropriately scaled armor thickness (increasing overall survivability) besides allowing this unit full armor it also allows some additional internals allowing for stat enhancement over Mk. Zero Basic performance.

Mk. Zero Premiums take the foundation of the Plus and fine tune it even further by manufacturing custom crafted tailored parts to push the limits of Mk. Zero design. These units are closer to a 2nd generation knightmare than 1st, and should inspire awe in all but the most callused.
That sounds like a steal, honestly, though I'm guessing that's for the basic frames, and not counting any weaponry? The costs are close enough together that we could probably field squads of Plus-Grades lead by Premiums fairly easily. Be nice to have our regular soldiers wielding power equal to their officers.

Speaking of weaponry...
[X] - High Energy Lab: DEW (Lasers) Research focus Conventional (vehicle mount)
Roll 1d10 (+4 research bonus)
Rolling this.

Edit; Oh fer f*ck's sake. :facepalm:
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Laser Time? (+4) Total: 1
1 1
Rolling for Sage's EM shielding.

With the +4 from city research Stat thanks to K-sciences, and the +2 for a relevant research subject possessing the ability = modifying the roll to a !14!

(OOC) this roll Crushed some of my research bottlenecks, but you earned your successes. Probably 2 turns closer to ACTUAL shield tech than I expected.

Duplicating Sage's energy shield is proving an extremely difficult task, focusing EM energy into a coherent field energetic enough to act as additional layers of armor proves outside your ability to duplicate (atm anyhow), however further research may bridge this gap.

That doesn't mean the research hasn't bore useful application. Our scientist HAVE created a strong field of magnetic force capable of altering the flight path of incoming ferrous based projectiles such as tank rounds, artillery shells, and even missiles, it sometimes even causes the warping of incoming energy fields allowing for deflection.

'Sage' based EM Deflection field - 3 unit radius field (Yay! combat spacing!) - unit draws power from compact nuclear reactor

Ranged deflection (-2 to hit) vs incoming ballistic and missile attacks (items composed mostly of metal) & (-1 to hit) vs energy attacks - Critical hits are immune to deflection

Field strength (8) # of attacks it may effect in a turn, this is a depletable pool

Recharge rate (2) # of points in field strength regained/turn

Flawed - Should field strength ever drop to zero, system shuts down to prevent overload from feedback (for safety the capacitors must be grounded out completely before they begin rebuilding a charge)

IE. one turn spent shut down, on turn 2 recharge begins building field strength again


Last of the upgrade roll now spent and Whitecap Triton (2/10 obtained towards Tough 3)


Allowing 24hrs leniency for token redemption before laser write up.
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That sounds like a steal, honestly, though I'm guessing that's for the basic frames, and not counting any weaponry?

You are correct, basic frame. No weapons, no defenses beyond integral armor, no specialty gear.
A big draw for Tacit Ronin players is 'customization' why would I steal the opportunity to make each Mk. Zero unique? If it is the will of the council I can forward a few cookie cutter templates.
:facepalm: And for the deflector what is the costs Smiths? (As I look back at information shared whilst sipping my coffee.)

Oh yeah. 350 R, 1 slot as externally mounted specialty equipment. Mk. Zero's -generally- only have room for a single piece of specialty equipment, whereas Jaegers have tons of unused nooks and crannies.
Just Highlighting a few things for our 'Casual' readers for emphasis.

Minimal thumbnail sketch is they require the Ultra-compact Fusion Reactor* and come in 3 classes each at a different price point.

Mk. Zero (basic) 950 R
Mk. Zero (plus) 1,150 R
Mk. Zero (premium) 1,350 R
That sounds like a steal, honestly, though I'm guessing that's for the basic frames, and not counting any weaponry?

*As in separate purchase, this is for JUST the frame the Mk. Zero is built off of.

IE - Frame + Engine + Weapons & Extras = combat ready Mk Zero.

Edit: Just for reference compared to startup costs for an actual full scale jaeger:

Jaeger Frames & Reactors
Mk-1 Frame
50,000 r

Mk-2 Frame
75,000 r

Ultracompact Fusion Reactor (capable of powering up to a Mk-2 Jaeger)
800 r

Then weapons (including feet and fist) Mk. Zero's at least have basic feet and fists as part of frame costs.
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Just Highlighting a few things for our 'Casual' readers for emphasis.

*As in separate purchase, this is for JUST the frame the Mk. Zero is built off of.

IE - Frame + Engine + Weapons & Extras = combat ready Mk Zero.

Edit: Just for reference compared to startup costs for an actual full scale jaeger:

Jaeger Frames & Reactors
Mk-1 Frame
50,000 r

Mk-2 Frame
75,000 r

Ultracompact Fusion Reactor (capable of powering up to a Mk-2 Jaeger)
800 r

Then weapons (including feet and fist) Mk. Zero's at least have basic feet and fists as part of frame costs.
That honestly just minimizes the cost differentials between the different frames, honestly. Even with the extra 800 from the reactors, that's still pretty good. The need for weaponry is going to drive the costs even higher, of course, but still....Mark 0s seem like good value for their costs.
Allowing 24hrs leniency for token redemption before laser write up.

Time enough has lapsed. :sour: Fear not, it isn't THAT bad.


Apparently there was a failure somewhere in the HEL safety protocols, No one is quite sure where though. A random fire broke out, and was quickly suppressed. But the cleanup of the halon and getting everything squared back up for -actual- research is going to take some time.

No actual forward progress on laser research this downtime.
Only 'real' thing left for this downtime is an actionable combat plan Re: The Rescue (Bracer Phoenix & for the children) & Retaliation Strike.
Not it.

Feel like someone else needs to step up, I will gladly share my thoughts and point out any flaws I see , but writing the downtime AND a multi-layered battleplan seems excessive for 1 person to tote.
I have some ideas.

The most effective plan I can think of involves baiting their ground troops and CAS aircraft/Reaper drones into ambushes, followed by sending in the Grey Eagles to destroy their anti-air infrastructure, particularly the Radars, with the aim of creating an aerial corridor for the Strike Eagles and the team that'll rescue the children. This also draws attention away from Bracer's position, so we can send the Carry-alls and Combat Engineers to extract him.

The best bait I can think of would be a radio retransmitter broadcasting anti-Deacon propaganda. We pepper their territory with as many as is feasible, set up ambushes to destroy or damage whatever comes after them, and then haul ass to the next ambush site. No real battles if we can help it, just ambuges and skirmishes to bleed and distract.

I'll have to look at a map of the area to see if there are any buildings that can be used to set up an ambush, or any points in the terrain that would help.
I have some ideas.

The most effective plan I can think of involves baiting their ground troops and CAS aircraft/Reaper drones into ambushes, followed by sending in the Grey Eagles to destroy their anti-air infrastructure, particularly the Radars, with the aim of creating an aerial corridor for the Strike Eagles and the team that'll rescue the children. This also draws attention away from Bracer's position, so we can send the Carry-alls and Combat Engineers to extract him.

The best bait I can think of would be a radio retransmitter broadcasting anti-Deacon propaganda. We pepper their territory with as many as is feasible, set up ambushes to destroy or damage whatever comes after them, and then haul ass to the next ambush site. No real battles if we can help it, just ambuges and skirmishes to bleed and distract.

I'll have to look at a map of the area to see if there are any buildings that can be used to set up an ambush, or any points in the terrain that would help.
On the naval side, my strategy hasn't really changed much, though I plan to be a touch more careful about it that I might otherwise be. Triton and the Staurolite will scout for the surface units, keeping their eyes open for Deep Ones. They'll make their way to a good point for an ambush, far enough out to be able to make an escape if poking the hornet's nest stirs up too much trouble. Staurolite gets a bit closer than the rest of them, blows something up, thumbs its metaphorical nose at the enemy, and goes stealthy. The enemy, hopefully, comes out of their protected waters, and engages in some submarine hunting...and then the rest of our fleet hits them, and starts a running engagement back towards our own waters. Assuming there's not too many of them, anyway.
Fire and Forget broadcast beacons are do-able, but I'm afraid there would be some substantive expense (100 R per unit for something strong enough (mil-spec e-warfare) to counter Charleston's precautions granted by their city stat Augments. 'Liberty's Toll' are uniquely qualified to bypass the Counter broadcast facility.
Frankly, atm your coffers are anemic (77 R left to spend in general budget, but there is always the slush fund another 360 R gathered since BadKatt85 jumped Law Enforcement & Homelands shit. If taken it would be a non-negotiable, before any other spending LOAN taken from next turns income. Or suffer severe morale hit with Law Enforcement & Homeland for the Council being all "do as I say, not as I do"...)

Comms: 3 (Augments 2/3)
'Radio: Air Charleston' 24 hour (de)motivational/indoctrination 'Tokyo Rose Style' Broadcasting

Counter Broadcasting Facility 24 hour active jamming of any 'other' AM/FM/Mil-Spec broadcasting within Sphere of Influence or 'Echo' unit sphere.


As to Naval threats you know at one time "Patriot's Point" tourist attraction housed the USS Yorktown CV-10 (carrier), the USS Laffey DD-724 (destroyer), & the USS Clamagore SS-343 (sub). Although somewhat butchered over the years to provide walk through attractions, these examples of World War 2 Naval tech are relatively simple in design (read as easily repaired) . They were not seen in port by the SEALs and there is no evidence of their sunken hulks in the harbor. What -other- U.S. Naval ships might have been assigned, temporarily ported or in mothballs is hard to guess.
I take it the substantial price is because those 100R retransmitters would actually break trough the jamming and reach the people's ears?

Because we just need something the Deacon's forces can pick up and take offense to, rather than actual propaganda.

If that doesn't work...
The way I see it either we shelve the retransmitter idea and look for some other inexpensive bait, take the loan and make do with four retransmitters, or figure out an alternative plan.

...Maybe we can figure out something using radar reflectors to bait their air defense network? It's pretty trivial to construct a corner reflector, and you can stuff them inside baloons to keep them airborne. Add in a simple propeller to keep them moving and we could jury-rig radar decoys to serve as bait for their AA and to hide the Grey Eagles as they dismantle the air defense grid. The main problem is the fact they'll figure out which radar contacts are real and which are decoys by analyzing their flight speed, so for the best results the decoys would have to move at least as fast as the slowest of our aircraft.
The pricey units are to overcome their multi spectrum jamming and get ANY message out regardless of target audience be it civilian , their military, your military, etc.

Even your military comms in their sphere will be jammed, the only reason you'll have any effective comms at all are the fact 'Liberty's Toll' can counter jam on select frequencies and act as a switching center for a few isolated channels (provided they are included and brought into range). Otherwise you face a total comms blackout. Not something conducive of a finely orchestrated operation.

Radar decoys / radio beacons mounted on LTAV (lighter than air vehicles) especially since you've unlocked jet engine technology can provide bursty flight making for quite a ?WTF? signature they'd be forced to investigate. Nothing like a propeller / limited fuel jet assist zeppelin for sowing confusion.

Spooky II's anti-radar system can spoof contacts or modulate 'real' signatures (disguising speed/size) as well and I'd assume the strike eagles / Apaches E-suites would be capable of something similar to greater (eagle) and lesser (apache) degrees.

Edit: Again , consider this the science lite version as I'm no expert on radar/radio jamming and am taking creative license.
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Just want to make sure we incorporate our newest assets (Stinger manpads & COLT teams) effectively.

If I may make a few suggestions?

Radio E-war element - 'Liberty' and either an Avenger AA unit or 2 (or Stinger equipped AKP's) in sufficient force to deter a crippling counter strike robbing us of radio use stationed centrally to support Bracer, counter strike - kid rescue / naval offshore strike, and tie in all our air elements to comms.

Deep Scout - TAG ... COLTs used to paint AA SAM sites on walls and maybe paint to punch a clear whole in under construction portion of Wall of life, providing suppression with .50's vs target of opportunity on the Walls?

Nixeu has a solid naval plan in place. No Katt help needed there...

Highwind has a nice opening distraction forming up...

Bracer / Child rescue needs held to after the hornet's nest is fully abuzz, syphoning away as many troops as possible.

Spooky II, hopscotch around with appropriate air cover (?2 strike eagle escort?) hitting target such as Hardened SAM /Radar sites and let the Apache/grey eagles chew up the mobile shit asap.

Small(ish) Armor , akp, and helo elements hit any strongholds outside Charleston proper, we could also -maybe- threaten that supply line ... it is a real juicy target and the nature of it means it'd be hard to protect.

Edit : The Child rescue team could do a Halo jump (extreme low opening) from the C-5 super galaxy from EXTREME altitude, rest of cargo room could be diversionary chaff, small arms crates for citizens of charleston, and just general trash dropped as kinetic 'lazy dog' style projectiles to disguise hot dropping Sentinels. (things like 55 gal. drums of fuel and impact fuses)

Other things done to maximize effectiveness. Once Knight and crew are inside and have eyes they could pop flares over juicy looking industrial /research targets calling in strikes by the strike eagles to directly under their flares.
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Armor & AKP's would of course be those brought in via Jumphawks once air defense is weakened sufficiently. As many jumphawks as are not needed for the Bracer rescue.

One Vehicle per cargo pallet, + 4 infantry units per interior of each spare jump hawk. (Tanks>Hawkeye>Mortar>ALSV's) MLRS/SPLL need tandem Jumphawk dropped.

I truly wish we had enough budget to have had the insertion/extraction Combat Chinook back in the mix.
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Place MASH / Medevac Little bird near Radio E-war element, to maximize bonus to life saving from central location with AA support for safety.
Charleston citizen small arms crate: Designed to smash and thow contents 'everywhere'.

individual packages contain - silenced pistol & (2) frag grenades wrapped in bubble wrap (30ish packages per crate?)