Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS is the particular series I've stolen it from. And you are perilously close to being on target.
Yep. I like the lore of that particular series. I've also got a weakness for references to the Lesser Key of Solomon.

...Huh. Now that's a magical book I hadn't considered existing in this setting. Could be useful to find a copy. Those demons knew lots of interesting things.
Yep. I like the lore of that particular series. I've also got a weakness for references to the Lesser Key of Solomon.

...Huh. Now that's a magical book I hadn't considered existing in this setting. Could be useful to find a copy. Those demons knew lots of interesting things.
I can see the appeal in fighting the Unholy with even greater unholy power, but I'd rather not get involved with actual demons, mostly because of the dangers involved in that sort of thing that range from the demon escaping the summoner's control to getting on Councillor Knight's bad side. :V
Yep. I like the lore of that particular series. I've also got a weakness for references to the Lesser Key of Solomon.

...Huh. Now that's a magical book I hadn't considered existing in this setting. Could be useful to find a copy. Those demons knew lots of interesting things.
*Councillor Knight's eyes narrow*

I can see the appeal in fighting the Unholy with even greater unholy power, but I'd rather not get involved with actual demons, mostly because of the dangers involved in that sort of thing that range from the demon escaping the summoner's control to getting on Councillor Knight's bad side. :V
*His hand twitches for just a moment*
I can see the appeal in fighting the Unholy with even greater unholy power, but I'd rather not get involved with actual demons, mostly because of the dangers involved in that sort of thing that range from the demon escaping the summoner's control to getting on Councillor Knight's bad side. :V
The 72 demons in The Ars Goetia always struck me as rather helpful, as demons go. And more than a bit silly, As an example, the Wikipedia article on Beleth talks about how Noah's son Ham was the first to summon him, shortly after the help Ham write a book on mathematics. A decent number of Goetic demons are basically just demonic math tutors. It's actually rather comical. Almost none of them seem to offer lessons on things like magic. Nah, they'll teach you philosophy instead.

I can't help but wonder if the Ars Goetia had it's origins as some sort of scam for lazy, rich noble kids sent away to a college or something. "Here's how to summon demons to teach you everything you'll need to know about math!" Or maybe people just assumed that knowledge about such a useful, yet esoteric, thing as math had to come from some supernatural source.

That's not even getting into how much of a raw deal that must be for the demons. Imagine that you're Purson, Great King of Hell, commander of 22 legions of demons...and every once in a while, you get summoned to Earth because some dumb sh*t wizard lost their shoe (Purson knows of "hidden things"). I think he can be forgiven for not being the most accomodating of demons. To say nothing of how frustrating teaching some flunking student algebra, or trying to get Aristotle into their thick skull, must be.

Some of the things these demons can do are genuinely impressive or scary...but all of the mundane sh*t that the demonological books advertise they can help you with is just hysterical to me. Especially with their weird, often grotesque appearances. Can't imagine that helps speed up the learning process much.
*Councillor Knight's eyes narrow*

*His hand twitches for just a moment*
"Hey man, reputation of supposedly commanding the legions of Hell aside, the demons in the Ars Goetia might very well be less dangerous than any other supernatural source of knowledge we might tap. They can, supposedly, be bound by very specific, but doable, rituals. They might make for a lower-risk option than, say, the Necronomicon. Or possibly not. We'd need to understand them, and the risks, before summoning them. I'm also not advocating we summon them for just any old problem, either. Even if I could use some tutoring in calculus."
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....Do we know about this? Do we know what they do?

In as much as is posted in blue text, consider it actionable In Game intel. These are amalgamated reports compiled from the entirety of 'Liberty's Toll' knowledge painting an impression. They are aware that what the general rank and file officers of Charleston refer to orphans and cripples as 'human waste' or non-productive eaters. They hear chatter in the clubs frequented by Charleston military about these schools and how the program is a priority with the Deacon, to the detriment of channeling resources to these programs rather than building conventional military units.

But there are a small percentage of orphans that have attended programs in the 'Black Keep' who are spoken to as -almost- equals, they are the Tertius, the Secondus, and the Primus. Primus are actually given officer ranks and all appropriate privileges. What they are trained to do is a unresolved mystery.

I hope this clarified the intels source, and that it is known to you. How accurate a picture does it paint? That will have to wait on independent confirmation... No one is intentionally being misleading.
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@Nixeu I understand the desire to get your hands on actual tomes of magic, you have an uncommon glut in this respect "the Cthäat Aquadingen" and not merely a copy of the "Necronomicon" but the Original ?living? text.

Your odds of tripping over yet another Mytho's tome or some other Legendary font of ancient wisdom of such power/usefulness would be infinitesimal without some deep research, some questing, and some exceptional rolls.
@Nixeu I understand the desire to get your hands on actual tomes of magic, you have an uncommon glut in this respect "the Cthäat Aquadingen" and not merely a copy of the "Necronomicon" but the Original ?living? text.

Your odds of tripping over yet another Mytho's tome or some other Legendary font of ancient wisdom of such power/usefulness would be infinitesimal without some deep research, some questing, and some exceptional rolls.
Well, if my omakes are 100% canon we do have a library full of named Mythos tomes! Almost all of them!
...And they're all New Age editions re-translated and edited to cash in on the Apocalypse hysteria that every so often takes hold of our culture, like the 2012 Mayan calendar bullshit. Turns out creatures literally rising from the pit to destroy our world really helps increase the public's interest in occultism! Plus some books of eldritch knowledge in the wider Mythos enjoy actual publishing (and sometimes they're published by Arkham University, even!) and with how much easier printing en mass and transmitting information is nowadays, it stands to reason that even the more obscure books would be published if only in a sanitized edition.

So yeah, we have the books, and they were probably donated by bored housewives or conspiracy nuts, and they are, invariably, of very limited use outside of helping set a scene for an omake.

I imagine that the culture around these books and the eldritch lore contained in them would be very similar to the UFO and Ancient Astronauts communities where there are many books, documentaries and a whole subculture based around those theories but outside of the enthusiast most people just find the whole idea silly or wouldn't openly talk about it often because they think everyone finds it all rather silly. And then there's the crazy guys with walls covered in kilometers of colored yarn and a whole lot of crazy who give them all a bad name, and the "experts" who loudly proclaim their wild theories in front of the cameras and sell the bulk of the books, and in the end all they do is discredit the people doing serious research in the subject.

...Which is probably all part of that conspiracy's plan to keep the eldritch stuff a secret, much like the rumors that the government helps fund the Alien UFO craze to distract from their aerospace research projects.

So yeah, the only books that are worth a damn are the really, really old editions and those are either rotting in someone's collection somewhere in the US or in the hands of cultists.
@Nixeu I understand the desire to get your hands on actual tomes of magic, you have an uncommon glut in this respect "the Cthäat Aquadingen" and not merely a copy of the "Necronomicon" but the Original ?living? text.

Your odds of tripping over yet another Mytho's tome or some other Legendary font of ancient wisdom of such power/usefulness would be infinitesimal without some deep research, some questing, and some exceptional rolls.
Eh, the Ars Goetia, and the Lesser Key it's a part of, aren't exactly all that legendary, pretentious naming aside. Many of the names and demons clearly predate the first known copy, dating to the 1500's, and it ripped the majority of its demons (68/72, IIRC) from one particular book. It's the standard demonological mix of names and words from other languages and mythologies, and names of unknown origin, possibly due to being too garbled to be understood. Many of the demons also have massive overlap in their abilities and functions, making a number of them redundant. In terms of world-building, it's not the best. Basically, the only reason it's managed to stick around is its use in pop culture and the fancy title, IMO.

I'm honestly perfectly okay with sticking with the Necronomicon and Cthäat for the foreseeable future. That said, I wouldn't mind more magic lacking a Lovecraftian base, like (presumably) the
Atlanta Golem. Variety is always nice. We'll have to see how the Casting Call goes, I guess.
"Hey man, reputation of supposedly commanding the legions of Hell aside, the demons in the Ars Goetia might very well be less dangerous than any other supernatural source of knowledge we might tap. They can, supposedly, be bound by very specific, but doable, rituals. They might make for a lower-risk option than, say, the Necronomicon. Or possibly not. We'd need to understand them, and the risks, before summoning them. I'm also not advocating we summon them for just any old problem, either. Even if I could use some tutoring in calculus."
"....Did you ever watch the 'I of Newton' bit from the old Twilight Zone show? The sketch with Sherman Hemsley as a math professor, and Ron Glass as a demon who loved math? Because either way, let's assume this would go worse than that."

In as much as is posted in blue text, consider it actionable In Game intel. These are amalgamated reports compiled from the entirety of 'Liberty's Toll' knowledge painting an impression. They are aware that what the general rank and file officers of Charleston refer to orphans and cripples as 'human waste' or non-productive eaters. They hear chatter in the clubs frequented by Charleston military about these schools and how the program is a priority with the Deacon, to the detriment of channeling resources to these programs rather than building conventional military units.

But there are a small percentage of orphans that have attended programs in the 'Black Keep' who are spoken to as -almost- equals, they are the Tertius, the Secondus, and the Primus. Primus are actually given officer ranks and all appropriate privileges. What they are trained to do is a unresolved mystery.

I hope this clarified the intels source, and that it is known to you. How accurate a picture does it paint? That will have to wait on independent confirmation... No one is intentionally being misleading.
*First Reports: Councillor Knight is upset but skeptical.*
*Subsequent reports: Councillor Knight becomes very quiet and withdrawn every time the reports come in, withdrawing to his office each time.*
*Final collated report: Councillor Knight essentially disappears after the Council meeting reading and discussing the collected total intelligence on Charleston's more...esoteric...personnel programs.
Cleaning staff later reported finding one of the abandoned meeting rooms, which had been filled with old office and school furniture that someone was squirreling away "just in case", full of nothing but splinters and fragments, with piles of broken parts everywhere. The heavy-duty drywall on the wall has dents in several spaces and one hole, with some of them bearing marks that might be blood.
The next day, Knight shows up at the daily briefing with bandages wrapped around his knuckles, refusing to acknowledge this in any capacity, at least in the moment.

In his office, he makes plans.*
@Highwind , your plan looks solid. While I understand @Nixeu 's objections, I think rescuing Bracer and Bracer's pilots is a time-critical operation that we can't afford to delay. I think @Smithsguild 's proposal of a Land, Sea, and Sneaky approach is solid, and conveniently we have 2 Jaegers, each suited for one of the 2 non-sneaky approaches.

Would you be willing to add the free 150R cost action to upgrade the Silver Paladins to Jacketed AKPs, per @Smithsguild ?
Oh to be sure, your library of Mytho's and non-Mythos works are vast. They are also as Highwind indicated highly contradictory (differences are vast in publications with only a decade between publish dates) and some are just cheap knock-offs of actual works meant to cash in.

(And Yes, @Highwind 's work is cannon, Arkham has better odds than most sources to have bits and pieces of unquestioned value, their campus is one of the few credible and accredited institutions to teach about magical theory and the history of man's belief in magic. Their libraries is a natural lure to those few who believed.)

Differentiating between the dross and the valuable is the work of a dedicated, highly educated, scholar with knowledge of several obscure fields which you are fortunate enough to possess.

Also remember there -IS- a shadowy organization of great antiquity with a working knowledge of Magic, that was until recently charged with maintaining the Greater Old Ones slumber. It would benefit them greatly to poison the well of Arcane knowledge to prevent a 'hedge' practitioner from rattling the gates of reality and waking their charges.
So far, If I am not mistaken there have been 3 Councillor's ( @Highwind , @Fyrstorm , and now @KnightDisciple) who are advocating moving swiftly Re: Bracer and Pilots. Within 0-1 turns out maximum would be considered swiftly.

On the other hand, advocating a more measured and cautious approach is favored by @Nixeu . This would be building alliances (? Sons of Liberty/?Atlanta), beefing up your standing forces, etc., Gathering added intel. Action taken 2+ turns out.

Both arguments are sound, they both have potential benefits and potential pitfalls. We need more voices heard... I will give you a couple of more days to present your cases and draw support, lurkers listen up this is probably a pivotal decision in the fate of Savannah!
I may have commented that the multi-pronged distractions are a solid approach for allowing a successful extraction. This was not meant to be confused for my advocacy of any particular proposal.

(As QM it's a delicate balancing act of informing you of a plans viability versus seeming to endorse things. ;) )
"....Did you ever watch the 'I of Newton' bit from the old Twilight Zone show? The sketch with Sherman Hemsley as a math professor, and Ron Glass as a demon who loved math? Because either way, let's assume this would go worse than that."
"I mean...we seem to be risking absolute madness on a pretty regular basis, if the stories about the Necronomicon are true. I feel like a demon would probably still be slightly safer than that. At least with demons, you know what they want."
@Highwind , your plan looks solid. While I understand @Nixeu 's objections, I think rescuing Bracer and Bracer's pilots is a time-critical operation that we can't afford to delay. I think @Smithsguild 's proposal of a Land, Sea, and Sneaky approach is solid, and conveniently we have 2 Jaegers, each suited for one of the 2 non-sneaky approaches.
I'm not quite sure why it's that time-critical. Yes, Bracer and her remaining pilots are in harms way. But they've been like that for weeks now. We could use more time, and they could likely spare it. Especially to get the Elite Superheavy Nuclear Missile Submarine we just got back into service.

Speaking of which, we still have a lot of Elites to do.
New Elite Candidates -
1x AK Patrol Torpedo
1x T-95 AK Artillery (Names, no perks, may end up manning the Iron Bitch)
1x USS Georgia
1x M270 MLRS
1x AKP's
1x Jumphawk

Assuming the Sea Dragon and the Georgia's crews are willing to do it, the Sea Dragon has a name that works with my proposed naming scheme, but the Georgia would need to be renamed. I'm thinking SNS Staurolite, named for the state mineral of Georgia. Staurolite is often found twinned, in a form often called "fairy crosses", so I kinda want to do something with that. Making the flag/patch a twinned pair of crystals in a plus shape, with a fairy floating above them, seems like a neat reference to that. Unsure what ability I'd give it. Something involving cross-fire, maybe? An advanced targetting system (X marks the spot)? Holographic doubles, to reference the fairies and twinned nature of the crystal? Not sure.

An Elite Jumphawk squad really only has so many things we could do with it. We could make it harder to hit, improve loading times, improve movement speed, improve capacity, or give it weapons or support systems. Not sure which one I'd think best. Probably either evasion or movment speed. Up to you guys.
On the other hand, advocating a more measured and cautious approach is favored by @Nixeu . This would be building alliances (? Sons of Liberty/?Atlanta), beefing up your standing forces, etc., Gathering added intel. Action taken 2+ turns out.
Two turns out would be my goal. Built the dock this turn, patch up the sub, then go. The Sons of Liberty would be easy to get on our side, especially since Iceman has contacts with them. Atlanta might be trickier, but they owe Bracer for covering our tails while we retreated to Atlanta If not for Bracer, they'd never have reached the point they have today. I really doubt anyone in or around our territory would be up for leaving any Jaeger and its pilots in the lurch, assuming they're not evil cultists.
Elite Superheavy Nuclear Cruise Missile (nuclear powered) Submarine
Quote butchered to make it abundantly clear, I'm sure @Nixeu was referring to its power plant, not its payload.

An Elite Jumphawk squad really only has so many things we could do with it.

Jumphawks are the same base chassis & instrumentation as the Chinook (special forces stealth insertion gunship) so there is the possibility of your Elite jumphawks going from strictly Transport to SOCOM adjacent combat transport forces.

Edit: Name change is something that'd require a 4 vote consensus.
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Quote butchered to make it abundantly clear, I'm sure @Nixeu was referring to its power plant, not its payload.
Yep. Kinda annoying, but "missle nuclear submarine" sounds weird. And the blithe assumption that "missile sub" and "nuclear sub" are synonymous doesn't apply with lay people. "Nuclear-powered Guided Missile Submarine" is probably the most accurate name, but I was being lazy.
Jumphawks are the same base chassis & instrumentation as the Chinook (special forces stealth insertion gunship) so there is the possibility of your Elite jumphawks going from strictly Transport to SOCOM adjacent combat transport forces.

Edit: Name change is something that'd require a 4 vote consensus.
Good to know, on both counts.
Would you be willing to add the free 150R cost action to upgrade the Silver Paladins to Jacketed AKPs, per @Smithsguild ?
Sure, I'll do that.

Normal Actions:
[ ] - Turn the railway reactivation proposal into an actual actionable plan, to be enacted ASAP. (Railways Augment)
[ ] - Build a Dockworks augment (400R)
[ ] - Complete the blueprints for the Foundry
[ ] - Make a public announcement to all in our area of influence, requesting that anyone with useful information or artifacts relating to the Charleston cultists, Magic, the Mist creatures or anything else they believe important, to come forward and inform us. Anything that is verified to be true or useful will be rewarded. (The Casting Call)
[ ] - Mount an operation to retrieve Bracer Phoenix and its pilots (What do we bring for this op?)
[ ] - Increase Macon's Manufacturing by 2 (1500R)

Free Actions:
[ ] - Jaeger Tech Research: Increase Whitecap Triton's Toughness
[ ] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: Increase Whitecap Triton's Toughness
[ ] - High Energy Lab: Complete the Plasma Jet Intake research
[ ] - Kaiju Sciences Lab: Research Kaiju Blue and how it reacts with various things. Like Rare Earth elements.

Situational Free Actions:
[X] Man Elba Island plant (No resource until next downtime as crews need trained to safely handle the product.)
[X] - Environmental Cleanup -100 R If not done, you will Not receive the Regular Action (Environment) slot
[X] - Restore the 2 captured Hawkeyes (Humvee mounted) Artillery
[X] - Replenish your exhausted Mk.60 - Captor Naval minefield (7 to regain 'functional' coverage / 14 to fully restock @100/r each)
-[X] (700R)
[X] - Perform the Electrical grid upgrade/repairs 950 R (Masserone -10% new total 855 R )
[X] - Dispatch the SuperTanker to the Oil Rig to retrieve the oil and return it to Savannah for processing.
(This action should detail any precautions, escorts assigned, etc.)

Normal Actions:
[X] - Increase Scanner stat by 2 (1500R)

Free Actions:
[ ] - Robins AFB: I have no idea.

[X] Bank the crude oil surplus for future processing to gain the increased resource value (1, 200 crude R = 1,800 R processed)

[X] Use the free city augment to build an Iron Bitch.
[X] Upgrade Caravan Guard to use Strykers (250R)
[X] Upgrade the new Elite AKP into a Jacketed AKP (150R)

Treasury: 8445R
Total Cost so far:

So far, If I am not mistaken there have been 3 Councillor's ( @Highwind , @Fyrstorm , and now @KnightDisciple) who are advocating moving swiftly Re: Bracer and Pilots. Within 0-1 turns out maximum would be considered swiftly.

On the other hand, advocating a more measured and cautious approach is favored by @Nixeu . This would be building alliances (? Sons of Liberty/?Atlanta), beefing up your standing forces, etc., Gathering added intel. Action taken 2+ turns out.

Both arguments are sound, they both have potential benefits and potential pitfalls. We need more voices heard... I will give you a couple of more days to present your cases and draw support, lurkers listen up this is probably a pivotal decision in the fate of Savannah!
I still think we should move fast. The reports of them building a wall of life state that it was still incomplete which means there's still a vulnerable spot we can attack. Furthermore, Charleston just lost a lot of troops and materiel in the last fight while our own troops suffered relatively few casualties. If we don't act quickly they'll have replenished those troops and increased their defenses by the time we attack.

And speaking of troops, while it is true most of our forces are tied up in patrols and garrison duty, we can most likely afford to have them contribute to the attack if only because it's unlikely Charleston will launch a raid against those garrisons at the exact same time we send our troops out.

Assuming the Sea Dragon and the Georgia's crews are willing to do it, the Sea Dragon has a name that works with my proposed naming scheme, but the Georgia would need to be renamed.
Isn't it bad luck to rename a ship?
Other than that, I dig the name SNS Staurolite.
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Isn't it bad luck to rename a ship?

The Boat Renaming Superstition, and how to get around it…

According to legend, every vessel is recorded by name in the 'Ledger of the Deep', and is known personally to the god(s) of the sea. To change the name of a vessel without consulting them is to invoke their wrath, so in order to change a boat's name, a traditional ceremony is used to appease the god(s) of the seas.

The first thing that must be done when renaming a boat is to purge its old name from the Ledger of the Deep, and from the god(s) memory. This will involve removing every trace of the old boat name, and reciting a short ceremony to remove the boat's name from god(s) records. You may use White-Out to cover the boat's name in log books, engine and maintenance records, personalized ships life rings, etc., but it is much easier to simply remove all offending documents from the boat and start afresh. Do not under any circumstances carry aboard any item bearing your boat's new name until the renaming ceremony has been completed! Once you are certain every reference to her old name has been removed, you have to make a metal tag with the old name written on it in water-soluble ink.

Buy a bottle of good Champagne & invite your friends to witness and party.

Begin by invoking the powers of the deep as follows:

Oh mighty and great ruler(s) of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your graciousness to expunge for all time from your records and recollection the name (here insert the old name of your vessel) which has ceased to be an entity in your kingdom. As proof thereof, we submit this ingot bearing her name to be corrupted through your powers and forever be purged from the sea. (At this point, the prepared metal tag is dropped from the bow of the boat into the sea.)

In grateful acknowledgment of your munificence and dispensation, we offer these libations to your majesty(s) and your court. (Pour at least half of the bottle of Champagne into the sea from East to West. The remainder may be passed among your guests.)

You must conduct the renaming ceremony immediately after the purging ceremony. For this you will need more Champagne.

Boat Renaming Ceremony - Begin by again calling on the power(s) of the seas as follows:

Oh mighty and great ruler(s) of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your graciousness to take unto your records and recollection this worthy vessel hereafter and for all time known as (Here insert the new name you have chosen), guarding her with your might and ensuring her of safe and rapid passage throughout her journeys within your realm.

In appreciation of your munificence, dispensation and in honor of your greatness, we offer these libations to your majesty and your court. (At this point, one bottle of Champagne, less one glass for the master and one glass for the mate are poured into the sea from West to East.)

The next step in the renaming ceremony is to appease the Powers of the winds and storms. This will assure you of fair winds and smooth seas.
(Basically rinse & repeat altering ritual slightly)

But I'm sure a Salty individual like the Admiral would have such knowledge buried in his bag of tricks ;).
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I support Smiths suggestion of using @Highwind s 'Henrys Hammer' for the MLRS.

Silver Paladins have all my yes.

Staurolite & the patrol Black Marlin has my support as well.

Elite Jump hawk's should be posted on Chinook. (Most bang for buck IMO.)

Maybe for name something based from a bird of Prey or mythical flyer like a Harpy?

Elite arty on Bitch without question.

Name? Simply "The Sons" (with the 'of a' implied for their Bitch posting).
4 in support locks name, if any of these proposed transfers/upgrades/perks, etc are objected plz speak up but until then for ease I'm tying it all to name vote.

New Elite Candidates -
1x AK Patrol Torpedo SNS 'Black Marlin' @Nixeu , @BadKatt85 , @KnightDisciple, @Highwind. This is locked
(Perk: 'Slippery' aquatic version of the Little Birds Evasive)

1x T-95 AK Artillery (Upgraded to man the 'Iron Bitch') 'The Sons' @BadKatt85 , @Nixeu , @KnightDisciple, @Highwind. This is locked
(Perk: 'Zeroed In' arty equivalent of 'Comrade bear is spotter' perk possessed by Wojtek's Winners counteracts indirect fire penalty)

1x USS Georgia (Name change to SNS 'Staurolite') @Nixeu , @Highwind , @BadKatt85 , @KnightDisciple This is locked

1x M270 MLRS 'Henry's Hammer' @BadKatt85 , @Nixeu , @KnightDisciple , @Highwind. This is locked
(Perk: 'Hell of a Punch' +2 to damage rolls)

1x SPLL 'Mother Hens'
(Perk: Zero Defects - in between reloads they perform spot maintenance on surrounding ground units with the net effect being a misfire exclusion zone within a 0.5 km radius)

1x AKP's (Upgraded to Jacketed) Silver Paladins @KnightDisciple , @BadKatt85 , @Nixeu , @Highwind. This is locked
(Perk: Shield of Faith)

1x Jumphawk 'Stage Left' (Transferred to man Chinook) @BadKatt85 , @Nixeu , @KnightDisciple , @Highwind. This is locked

(Perk: All aboard - by using a combined technology of Fulton surface-to-air recovery system (STARS) and Special Patrol Insertion/Extraction (SPIE) a platoon may be extracted without the helicopter stopping to grab them, it requires the helo once it has hooked the dragline to do a near vertical assent ) and can in extremis by performed under fire with the Chinook providing suppressive fire from its 2 door guns and the ramp gun.)
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I still think we should move fast. The reports of them building a wall of life state that it was still incomplete which means there's still a vulnerable spot we can attack. Furthermore, Charleston just lost a lot of troops and materiel in the last fight while our own troops suffered relatively few casualties. If we don't act quickly they'll have replenished those troops and increased their defenses by the time we attack.
Fair. Some cruise missile support would still be nice, but yeah, hitting them while they're down makes sense.
The Boat Renaming Superstition, and how to get around it…

According to legend, every vessel is recorded by name in the 'Ledger of the Deep', and is known personally to the god(s) of the sea. To change the name of a vessel without consulting them is to invoke their wrath, so in order to change a boat's name, a traditional ceremony is used to appease the god(s) of the seas.

The first thing that must be done when renaming a boat is to purge its old name from the Ledger of the Deep, and from the god(s) memory. This will involve removing every trace of the old boat name, and reciting a short ceremony to remove the boat's name from god(s) records. You may use White-Out to cover the boat's name in log books, engine and maintenance records, personalized ships life rings, etc., but it is much easier to simply remove all offending documents from the boat and start afresh. Do not under any circumstances carry aboard any item bearing your boat's new name until the renaming ceremony has been completed! Once you are certain every reference to her old name has been removed, you have to make a metal tag with the old name written on it in water-soluble ink.

Buy a bottle of good Champagne & invite your friends to witness and party.

Begin by invoking the powers of the deep as follows:

Oh mighty and great ruler(s) of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your graciousness to expunge for all time from your records and recollection the name (here insert the old name of your vessel) which has ceased to be an entity in your kingdom. As proof thereof, we submit this ingot bearing her name to be corrupted through your powers and forever be purged from the sea. (At this point, the prepared metal tag is dropped from the bow of the boat into the sea.)

In grateful acknowledgment of your munificence and dispensation, we offer these libations to your majesty(s) and your court. (Pour at least half of the bottle of Champagne into the sea from East to West. The remainder may be passed among your guests.)

You must conduct the renaming ceremony immediately after the purging ceremony. For this you will need more Champagne.

Boat Renaming Ceremony - Begin by again calling on the power(s) of the seas as follows:

Oh mighty and great ruler(s) of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your graciousness to take unto your records and recollection this worthy vessel hereafter and for all time known as (Here insert the new name you have chosen), guarding her with your might and ensuring her of safe and rapid passage throughout her journeys within your realm.

In appreciation of your munificence, dispensation and in honor of your greatness, we offer these libations to your majesty and your court. (At this point, one bottle of Champagne, less one glass for the master and one glass for the mate are poured into the sea from West to East.)

The next step in the renaming ceremony is to appease the Powers of the winds and storms. This will assure you of fair winds and smooth seas.
(Basically rinse & repeat altering ritual slightly)

But I'm sure a Salty individual like the Admiral would have such knowledge buried in his bag of tricks ;).
Or at least one of his sailors would. And he'd be willing to listen. I'll also point out that military ships get renamed pretty regularly, usually when put into service with a different nation, or arm of the military, or when they end up in private service.
4 in support locks name, if any of these proposed transfers/upgrades/perks, etc are objected plz speak up but until then for ease I'm tying it all to name vote.

New Elite Candidates -
1x AK Patrol Torpedo SNS 'Black Marlin' @Nixeu , @BadKatt85 ,
(Perk: 'Slippery' aquatic version of the Little Birds Evasive)

1x T-95 AK Artillery (Upgraded to man the 'Iron Bitch') 'The Sons' @BadKatt85 ,
(Perk: 'Zeroed In' arty equivalent of 'Comrade bear is spotter' perk possessed by Wojtek's Winners counteracts indirect fire penalty)

1x USS Georgia (Name change to SNS 'Staurolite') @Nixeu , @Highwind , @BadKatt85 ,

1x M270 MLRS 'Henry's Hammer' @BadKatt85 ,
(Perk: 'Hell of a Punch' +2 to damage rolls)

(Perk: Zero Defects - in between reloads they perform spot maintenance on surrounding ground units with the net effect being a misfire exclusion zone within a 0.5 km radius)

1x AKP's (Upgraded to Jacketed) Silver Paladins @KnightDisciple , @BadKatt85 ,
(Perk: Shield of Faith)

1x Jumphawk (Transferred to man Chinook) @BadKatt85 ,
Throw my support behind all of those that I'm not already supporting. They all seem like fine choices.
Fair. Some cruise missile support would still be nice, but yeah, hitting them while they're down makes sense.
Your cruise Missile sub, currently has some non-K-scale munitions to sling, provided your Jet Propulsion research succeeds (with current city stat bonus to the HEL labs roll & the Jail research token roll, only some serious crit fail results could raise the bar beyond your likely reach) the cruise missiles can use target acquisition from your MQ-1C 'Gray Eagle's to distribute the 2 MAC tubes of BLU-97/B Combined Effects Bomb) .

Two tubes equates to 14 Tomahawks, each individually targetable and the (CEB) are effective against light armor, personnel and material, contains a shaped charge, scored steel casing and zirconium ring for anti-armor, fragmentation and incendiary capability.Each Tomahawks warhead distributes 150-200 bomblets over a relatively large area. Each bomblet case is made of scored steel designed to break into approximately 300 preformed ingrain fragments for defeating light armor and personnel. (That a lot of ugly in the air at ground zero).

Throw my support behind all of those that I'm not already supporting.

Vote post updated to reflect your support.
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BGM-109 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles (890 km/h = 37 mv turn) Nap of the earth flight (30-50m AGL) for use with the SSGN submarine

Range: with current technology in these atmospheric conditions, limited to about 300 km under perfect conditions. (Provided jet propulsion problem solved).

Design Flaw: Expensive - Each such missile fired costs 50 R (350 R per MAC Tube / or a total SSGN [154 Tomahawks] rearm takes 7,700 R)
Must choose HE or Combined Effects Bomb payload per MAC tube.

Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]

Edit: Yes, these are grossly expensive but an over the horizon, local spotter friendly, standoff weapon that can deliver burst damage should be. After all it was never meant to be SNS Staurolite vs the World.
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4 in support locks name, if any of these proposed transfers/upgrades/perks, etc are objected plz speak up but until then for ease I'm tying it all to name vote.

New Elite Candidates -
1x AK Patrol Torpedo SNS 'Black Marlin' @Nixeu , @BadKatt85 ,
(Perk: 'Slippery' aquatic version of the Little Birds Evasive)

1x T-95 AK Artillery (Upgraded to man the 'Iron Bitch') 'The Sons' @BadKatt85 , @Nixeu
(Perk: 'Zeroed In' arty equivalent of 'Comrade bear is spotter' perk possessed by Wojtek's Winners counteracts indirect fire penalty)

1x USS Georgia (Name change to SNS 'Staurolite') @Nixeu , @Highwind , @BadKatt85 ,

1x M270 MLRS 'Henry's Hammer' @BadKatt85 , @Nixeu ,
(Perk: 'Hell of a Punch' +2 to damage rolls)

1x SPLL Still needing name and appearance
(Perk: Zero Defects - in between reloads they perform spot maintenance on surrounding ground units with the net effect being a misfire exclusion zone within a 0.5 km radius)

1x AKP's (Upgraded to Jacketed) Silver Paladins @KnightDisciple , @BadKatt85 , @Nixeu ,
(Perk: Shield of Faith)

1x Jumphawk (Transferred to man Chinook) @BadKatt85 , @Nixeu ,
I support all the ones I didn't support before.

...Okay, stupid question, but, for the SPLLs, uh....what are they?

For the Jumphawk, my suggestion on the Perk would be Load/Unload Speed, or Load Capacity.