Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

As to what plotline/storyline I want to pursue? Whichever one needs immediate triage.

I can list a few things that were back burnered that have piqued my interest and should have some nice returns.

Sage (our captive kaiju) EM shielding, we have a living kaiju main brain from black site, there is the egg, there is the dimensional hoodoo of Sages companion who shunted some of their mass 'elsewhere'. We have the White Widower still...

We have promises we've yet to keep to Atlanta & to our Blackmarketeer.

There is the Rescue of Bracer.
Sage (our captive kaiju) EM shielding, we have a living kaiju main brain from black site, there is the egg, there is the dimensional hoodoo of Sages companion who shunted some of their mass 'elsewhere'. We have the White Widower still...
Man, I forgot about all these things.
There's also the black lotus seeds, which we need to figure out how to grow so we can get a stable supply of aetheric effluvium.

We have promises we've yet to keep to Atlanta & to our Blackmarketeer.
We got a raincheck on building our Hippo until after the Charleston/Bracer Rescue operation.

If I remember the consensus at the time correctly, we planned to commit to a real attack on Charleston so we can deal damage to them and lure their forces away from where Bracer is hidden, so the rescue efforts face as little resistance as possible.

For the attack itself, we were planning to open by destroying their AA network and radar sites, followed by bombardment and securing air superiority for a follow-up ground attack. I'm not 100% positive if we should send ground troops, but we should be able to manage at least a short siege on their walls.
Salt <------>Wound :p , please forgive my being an ass :V:V:V

No. :p

Expanded edition - I will forgive the being an ass (Some things you just can't help ;)). However I am going to give you crap [RANT Pending] about your lazy bookkeeping.

The Chinook was not just the recently acquired faceless variant of a combat JumpHawk, you'd have known that is you had properly logged our recent Elites, it was our first ELITE JumpHawk crew manning the Chinook. The brave men and women of the 'Stage Left' with the investment of our time to name them and decide to put Hannah Barberas Snagglepuss (beloved childhood memory of mine) as nose art.

I understand plot wise when a conventional troop loss occurs that is just the nature of war, ELITES are supposed to be made of sterner stuff graced with the favor of the god's, and harder to kill than cockroaches. Did they enjoy the chance to roll their extra survival dice as an Elite should have had the chance...?... I think not. Why was that?

You forgot they were Elite now didn't you???

To be fair, you produce a crapton of content. It's not laziness or lack of love for the game, it is in a nutshell your aversion to the maintenance aspect and that leads to poor information for you to write from. You casually smacking a faceless squad from the skies and quipping about it is slightly dickish, killing a shared labor of creation and then quipping about it comes across as much worse. I am sure you never knew they were Elite when you killed them or when you joked and all because of bad info.

Rant Off. Just try and do better you old fart.
We have promises we've yet to keep to Atlanta

Still have not fully funded our shared currency; however I'm sure if we wanted to offer joint ownership of the Atlanta-Savannah rail line as compensation we could probably spin that; after all the railway is a giant coup politically and for the morale of both cities.

I'd also like to see if the political climate has shifted enough to bring Atlanta into our action versus Charleston, see maybe if they are still lukewarm to actual troop committal if they'd allow other actions such as allowing us to sell War Bonds in their sphere of influence to support our war efforts.

Cash is our 2nd biggest bottleneck after our action economy, and with the recent military augments (Infantry training regiment, Motor Pool, Airfield/hangars, Naval drydocks) cash may be the bigger bottleneck now.


I also would like to take the E-warfare unit (Liberty's Toll?) under my wing and direct their pirate broadcasts if no one has an objection as a precursor to our Charleston punitive strike/ Bracer rescue. I like handling propaganda and spin doctoring. Properly worded we may rally a ton of dissidents to act when we do a call to action. (This turn introduce Savannahs intent to punish the Deacon's forces to the general populace of Charleston, /Next turn call to action to support the actual strike).


We have a very small SOCOM presence ( I think like 2 SEAL teams & whatever SOCOM support from Liberty we can finagle ) this needs to be a larger force and we need some proper socom insertion vehicles operated by specially trained troops such as SWCC troops taking advantage of a blueprint we've never built from for the Special Operations Craft – Riverine (SOC-R). Infiltration / Exfiltration of SEAL's to do some damage to assets we've never had to face -YET- , The Naval forces at Charleston's disposal. Smiths said they had co-opted the vessels of Patriots Point. WW2 vessels the USS Yorktown (aircraft carrier), the USS Laffey (destroyer), and the USS Clamagore (submarine).

This doesn't count some rather disturbing discoveries I've made such as some ships that are listed as home ported here.

USS Lewis B. Puller (ESB-3) the first purpose-built Expeditionary Mobile Base for the United States Navy. A freaking floating forward staging area big enough to host 4 MH-53E Sea Dragons simultaneously. Sea Dragons are Minesweepers... (bye/bye Captor minefield on coast), and can by design host flights of the V-22 Ospreys.

USCGC Stone (WMSL-758) a legend Class National Security Cutter (listed as currently under construction, but hull was lain Sept.14, 2018. Two other unnamed Legend class were also slated to be homeported Charleston after their construction. Stone is only one 'confirmed' but we are talking 20-30ish years in the future.

Edit : I owe a /faceplam to you all the Staurolite should be able to -easily- provide infiltration / exfiltration by sea, however the SOC-R are more easily replaced if the fishlovers actually have Deep One garrisons protecting the port.
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No. :p

Expanded edition - I will forgive the being an ass (Some things you just can't help ;)). However I am going to give you crap [RANT Pending] about your lazy bookkeeping.

The Chinook was not just the recently acquired faceless variant of a combat JumpHawk, you'd have known that is you had properly logged our recent Elites, it was our first ELITE JumpHawk crew manning the Chinook. The brave men and women of the 'Stage Left' with the investment of our time to name them and decide to put Hannah Barberas Snagglepuss (beloved childhood memory of mine) as nose art.

I understand plot wise when a conventional troop loss occurs that is just the nature of war, ELITES are supposed to be made of sterner stuff graced with the favor of the god's, and harder to kill than cockroaches. Did they enjoy the chance to roll their extra survival dice as an Elite should have had the chance...?... I think not. Why was that?

You forgot they were Elite now didn't you???

To be fair, you produce a crapton of content. It's not laziness or lack of love for the game, it is in a nutshell your aversion to the maintenance aspect and that leads to poor information for you to write from. You casually smacking a faceless squad from the skies and quipping about it is slightly dickish, killing a shared labor of creation and then quipping about it comes across as much worse. I am sure you never knew they were Elite when you killed them or when you joked and all because of bad info.

Rant Off. Just try and do better you old fart.

Ermagawd! Guilty as charged... let me noodle on this. I 'f'd up I totally didn't account for Elite status.
Begin my maintenance (LATE). Let me fix that first, then I'll try to make amends.
(OOC) Firstly my apologies for my slow movement, combination of RL drama draining my creative juices and my aversion to site maintenance causing me to drag my feet (sad but accurate).

There may also have been the wifes purchase of "Don't Starve Together" in a buy-one; get-one deal and endless hours playing with my wife, nearly estranged son and his wife in 12-16 hour marathon sessions for the last 2-3 days. RL family trumping my online pseudo-family ;)

I have earmarked today for ongoing and continuous effort for MAvtW until such time as we are back up to date.

It will require a good deal of re-reading everything from before last downtime (Tidal wave elite creation rolls to new troops acquired with the absorption of bases, add to that creation of a listing of both garrison forces and standing troops in Macon, Savannah, & all outposts.)

Querry: How does one move a mountain? Answer: you start with that one pebble over there... (hence my feet dragging, I'm inherently a lazy man :V:V:V ).

Enough stalling time to get my ass in gear.
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(OOC) Progress report (for my benefit as much as anything, to give me a sense of accomplishment to fuel further efforts).

Items found (so far) I've neglected to add/update their changed status to the roster of available forces successfully across all sheets. I'm sure more will surface...

Stryker LAV - E-warfare - Comms jamming variant (x1 elite) 'Liberty's Toll'
'Hawkeye' Humvee mounted Artillery (x2)
ALSV - Draisine Variant (x1)
Rifle Platoon Technical's -Draisine equipped (x3) -Draisine forces are those equipped to ride rail lines as well as roads.
'Oracle' FDC (Fire Direction Control) logistical support vehicle (x1)

Added the fully functional Atlanta-Macon-Savannah railway to front page - All troops (both Atlanta's & Savannah's Caravan guards permanently assigned as train defense force as the train is faster, carries more cargo than taking the intervening roadways and is more easily upgraded to a fully armored & armed train). 4 tanks, 4 Stryker LAV's with Conestoga troop trailers, & 8 full platoons of standard AKP's.

I could find no mention of anyone actually assigning the single armored crew car found at Fort Stewart Deployment Operations & Rail Marshaling Area to the A-M-S railway or any other non-caravan armaments or forces. It might be an oversight on my part or an assumption that such was a no brainer by the council, but *I* could find nothing definitive that I could say 'Councillor name requested 'blah'. There was mention (by myself I think ) that the draisine ALSV would also make an excellent advance scout running a km or so in advance of the train to report obstructions or potential ambushes, (she's butt ugly weapon wise for a glorified dune buggy) but again I can find nothing by the Council saying "yes please, do that..."

Enough crowing on my recent accomplishments, <insert whip crack sound effect> get back to work you Slacker, (Truthfully this should have been done as I go along).
From the modified opening pages.

Improvements that span your territories and boost the entirety of your Protectorate.

  • Atlanta / Macon / Wadely ( stop yet to be Added) / Savannah Railway

  • Original Efforts by the Commodity Exchange Caravan to clear the major highways between Atlanta & Savannah has now been assumed by PODC Combat Engineers (with a surprising amount of assistance from locals along the route). Roads may now be travelled in relative safety.
@Smithsguild do I still have an AKB unit or two that I get to do the fluff for? I can't remember how many Elites we still had to fluff out lol.

Better answer than the one I issued before. There were *9* new (jacketed) elite AKP's (counting the ones you've already named) so let me noodle this out... Silver Paladin's & Obsidian Champion's; think you agreed to 3 unit for the sentinels? Rest are to be general use jacketed AKP's. Reading further but I believe that still left 1 Sentinel of Faith and 6 AKP's to be fleshed out...

Third group to come later. Tweak suggestions to the above welcome.

Also found and updated -
1 Motorcycle Militia unit upgraded to Stealth Scouts
3 militia K-9 upgraded to K-9 Corps
SNS Black Marlin (PT Boat) given proper Elite status
SNS Staurolite now reflects its name change (reviewing ideas for an appropriate
Elite Perk)

(OOC) Now to address my oops; re: The 'Elite' Stage Left Chinook.

Science teams are sent out as well as the Recovery teams to attempt to locate samples of still dormant 'thread' samples from the threadbeasts explosion.

It is extremely lucky that a standard retrieval did NOT arrive first to bring back the battered Pathfinder belonging to the Outriders before the science teams scoured the wreckage for possible thread spores. Driven into the aluminum shroud protecting the engine is a single spaghetti like dormant viral strand. It was driven like a piece of straw into a telephone pole when tornado force winds have there way, any organic contact would have triggered it (whether flesh, or leather work glove) awakening the chimeric retrovirus and spelling certain doom to the unfortunate.

Fortune is shining brightly on the PODC this day, the recovery teams sent for corpse recovery, gun camera footage & blackbox info find a single survivor tenaciously clinging to life inside the crushed and charged wreckage of the 'Stage Left's' Chinook. It was the crumpled steel applying pressure that has staunched the blood flow and preventing exsanguination in exchange for the dangers of crush syndrome.

It is a credit that the EMT techs rushed out are aware of the inherent dangers of Crush and start an intraosseous IV (directly into the bone) and the introduction of calcium chloride 500 mg IV over 2 minutes & aerosolized albuterol for life threatening hyperkalemia caused by potassium leakage from the crushed extremities as the survivors symptoms indicate.

Jumpmaster/Loadmaster of the "Stage Left" survives; after some time convalescing the unit can be reintroduced by this man's knowledge alone. You only need to build him a new combat Chinook.

(OOC) Frankly this seems entirely reasonable to me, in the context of our narrative both the pilot and the gunners aboard proved to be shit and should be easily replaceable. It is this man that knows how to use the insertion/extraction equipment that makes the unit Elite.

Edit: I was half tempted to not grant this as the technology for medivac little birds has long been in your arsenal unutilized.
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Brain fog has began to develop, time for a break. I hope enough forward progress has been made today? I will be back to it ASAP, just have reached my limit for the day.

Edit: 2 additions before I forget how to brain.
M270 'Henry's Hammer' Elite status
SPLL 'Mother Hen's' Elite status
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RL dogpiled me today but I -did- manage to find x2 Combat Engineers promoted to Elite Status, If memory served @Highwind had forwarded some ideas for names & elite perk themes?
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RL dogpiled me today but I -did- manage to find x2 Combat Engineers promoted to Elite Status, If memory served @Highwind had forwarded some ideas for names & elite perk themes?

The one name I had that was good for combat engineers was Henry's Hammers. I'll need to check my usual sources of inspiration (mostly old Country songs) and see if I can come up with something.
The one name I had that was good for combat engineers was Henry's Hammers. I'll need to check my usual sources of inspiration (mostly old Country songs) and see if I can come up with something.

You beg to differ ;) (This is why I go back and re-read old posts).

Ground Dragons (Minefields and IEDs are their bread and butter)
Silent Sappers (Combat engineers specialized in infiltration and sabotage.)

Edit : Henry's Hammer was applied to the M270 MLRS because with the Divine Thunderbolts they -should- be able to blast through a mountain...
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You beg to differ ;) (This is why I go back and re-read old posts).

Edit : Henry's Hammer was applied to the M270 MLRS because with the Divine Thunderbolts they -should- be able to blast through a mountain...
Huh. No wonder those weren't in my notes*, those were the ones a friend of mine suggested when I asked him for some ideas. The man is my best friend and I'd take a bullet for him and know he'd do the same for me, but his tastes in cool names for military units are still very much in the same as we had in our early teens**. I had to shave off some of the Edge before suggesting them.
Ground Dragons and Silent Sappers sounds good to me.

*My notes are a goddamn mess. They're all saved in my phone's notebook app and are the equivalent of sticky notes stacked atop sticky notes.
**From my observations, the correct mental age one should keep in mind for the average enlisted soldier is the late teens.
I have a similarly close friend that lives in Ohio I will be going to hang with for 2 weeks in the near future, been that tight and loyal to each other since we were in our teens (nearly 40+ yrs ago) . I actually wore some jail time over a car wreck for him that by rights should have been his, circumstances were such I'd have to wear less (just until a bond hearing) and receive a slap on the wrist whereas he was looking at weeks or months to be served.

Friends help you move, Real friends will help you move bodies ;).
The Silent Sappers and the Ground Dragons naming schema has been proposed by Highwind, 3 more votes make them official.

For distinctive appearance I'd issue the 'Silent Sappers' a unit patch with a Highwayman with kerchiefed face and a leather lead filled truncheon/blackjack ( a sap), for the Ground Dragons a unit patch featuring an Eastern flightless dragon in the style of Foo Dog /Foo Lion eruptions around its feet?
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I could find no mention of anyone actually assigning the single armored crew car found at Fort Stewart Deployment Operations & Rail Marshaling Area to the A-M-S railway or any other non-caravan armaments or forces. It might be an oversight on my part or an assumption that such was a no brainer by the council, but *I* could find nothing definitive that I could say 'Councillor name requested 'blah'. There was mention (by myself I think ) that the draisine ALSV would also make an excellent advance scout running a km or so in advance of the train to report obstructions or potential ambushes, (she's butt ugly weapon wise for a glorified dune buggy) but again I can find nothing by the Council saying "yes please, do that..."

Well then, I want to go on record as putting the matter to official policy vote.

[X] Armored Trainz, need armorz
  • Armored Crew Car is to be placed directly behind locomotive engine (use combat spacing on other military assets: Tanks & Strykers transport cars of the Commodity Caravan so we increase equipment survivability.)
  • ALSV Draisine variant runs as advanced scout
Okay, but -how- are troops distributed 'on the train' ???

Who all is manning the armored crew car? Everyone? Or is it just X number of the AKP's? If that's the case where is everyone else?
I envision the 4 AKP's that ride in the troop transport trailers man the car, leaving the tank crews and the Strykers manned and ready to roll out or lay down fire as needed A.S.A.P.