Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

The BH can only fire one type of weapon at a time? Because burning a reroll on a 40% chance of success... =/
The BH can only fire one type of weapon at a time? Because burning a reroll on a 40% chance of success... =/

One weapon type limitation is accurate. I said you have the option as a friendly reminder that said option -exists-; when and where you choose to spend them is ENTIRELY your call.
What is done is done, but if I can point out a better choice for our future use?

To strike Volstrax you needed a modified 7+ , although miniguns put 2 dice in play they are 1d10-1 to hit starting out. The better choice of weapon would have been the AIM-92 ATAS at 1d10+2 (3 pips advantage is HUGE).
I thought the Valstrax had landed, meaning we can't target it with the Stinger, which is an Air to Air weapon? Granted, it's laser-guided so it won't have to do anything like locking onto the heat signature of the hatchling's wing-jets, but it's still an AtA missile.
I thought the Valstrax had landed, meaning we can't target it with the Stinger, which is an Air to Air weapon? Granted, it's laser-guided so it won't have to do anything like locking onto the heat signature of the hatchling's wing-jets, but it's still an AtA missile.

The Stinger is first and foremost a heat seeker , the laser guided is to help defeat common heat seeking countermeasures such as flares, and if it has a choice of two+ valid heat trails to help it pick the right one (Don't want friendly fire in a dogfight). The air to air differentiation has more to do with seeker slaving (steering the missile's seeker off-axis before launch to better lock onto fast moving aerial targets).


If the bastard is using his jets to boost along the ground I judge they could still achieve a lock. Personal judgement call , I know as a former shoulder launch stinger gunner (U.S.M.C.) if they had a good enough heat sig, they didn't care about elevations.
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For more in depth 'nuts and bolts' of how the stinger works, I'm including a comprehensive link.

Edit: In RL there is no laser guided variant, it was a QM thing to represent advanced 2040+ technological advances, please forgive any confusion it generated.
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The BH can only fire one type of weapon at a time? Because burning a reroll on a 40% chance of success... =/

(OOC) With the re-roll off the table we move to the remaining Valstrax's portion of the turn and then onto the arrival of reinforcement (A single Killer Shrike). Other remaining forces in theater are adjusting course to lend their support, but with so many false starts in the wrong direction their help will be a bit long in coming.


The remaining Valstrax feels the shock of his last clutchmates demise through the singularity of thought that is the Hive Mind. He is the sole survivor, and their mission has nothing to do with engaging these 'lesser' threats. They were meant to grow and become rulers of the lower skies as their 'mother' rules the verges of space. But Dead Monarchs rule nothing...

It was never intended they see battle so soon after landing, a champion's mindset fits poorly in a hatchlings fragile form. Armor would have hardened to near impenetrability and provided enough raw foodstuffs their growth rate would have been spectacular. Other clutches around the world were not unfortunate enough to meet with such stiff opposition, fate has merely been unkind to this particular clutch.

This Valstrax does not want to FAIL, expeditious retreat becomes its sole thought. The handicap of it's thruster being overtaxed from the last turns attack has not entirely faded, but the engines sputtering and popping are lessening quickly.

He tightens his wing spread to the Rocket Lance Charge posture and clips the trees impacting just the shell quickly freeing himself of the impediment. Now he drifts like a slalom skier in and through the forests trying to lose visual contact with the BlackHawk. Currently his diminished thrust allows the Copter to keep pace. It is a cat and mouse pursuit; the stakes are its survival.

(OOC) calling for a straight up unmodified opposed 1d10 die roll, high roller wins. BlackHawk rolls high, Killer Shrike can find and engage target. Valstrax rolls high, it evades any combat the remainder of this round. Next round it regains full thrust and the odds of an escape skyrocket!

Someone please roll a 1d10 for pursuit.
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(OOC) calling for a straight up unmodified opposed 1d10 die roll, high roller wins. BlackHawk rolls high, Killer Shrike can find and engage target. Valstrax rolls high, it evades any combat the remainder of this round. Next round it regains full thrust and the odds of an escape skyrocket!

Someone please roll a 1d10 for pursuit.

Edit: Might be worth a reroll, might not.
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Black Hawk used Pursuit! Total: 5
5 5
Rolling for Valstrax.

Edit: If there ever was a re-roll worthy roll...
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Valstrax evades pursuit? Total: 9
9 9
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(OOC) I'm getting nervous on your behalf.

I am imagining the carnage a hatchling that evades destruction will cause as it gorges on any and all sources of nourishment to feed it's aforementioned forced growth genetic mandate, sure it will most likely be outside your sphere of influence. But how long before he climbs a few weight classes and wants a shot at the Champ? He is a pale reflection of his full Cat. Zero stats, not to mention where he'd be if he actually climbs onto the Serizawa Scale as a Category 1+.

Definitely, not on my list of creatures I want lurking outside my sensor range...
(Edit: I am quite arbitrarily ruling the tie defaults in players favor --- Because those tokens are freakin awesome :p )

With a burst of speed it seems momentarily as if Valstrax will pull away shaking his pursuers.

Fate has other plans. Seemingly at random, a eight point buck leaps from the underbrush startled by the noise of the Valstrax's approach the 15' leap it makes in its efforts to flee carry it at its apogee -directly- into the flightpath of the draconic menace obscuring the beast sight long enough that the slalom around trees becomes more a crashing thru them maneuver.

Even had the BlackHawk not been flying doggedly on Valstraxs wake, the Killer Shrike might wonder what had toppled the middling size pine so close to its BlackHawk brethren as it made the scene...

(OOC) The Killer Shrike is up. Armaments listed below.

Valstrax is using up its evasive perk to not plow through more forest than necessary; however the dense overgrowth makes for decent cover. (To Hit is one pip worse than base to hit chance.)

(1 pod) M261 FFAR 2.75" Thermite rocket pods: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Base Hits on 4+. (7 missiles /pod)
(3 pods) AGM-114 Hellfire missile Pods: 1d10+1 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Base Hits on 5+. (each pod provides four shots.)

Yes, under the "one weapon type" ruling you may fire from 2 pods of Hellfires as a single balanced salvo... allowing 2 seperate rolls.
Firing all 3 similar pods would provide to much torque to one side of the Copter (unbalanced salvo) doing nasty things to your aerial stability; had all 4 pods been same loadout Yes, Macross Missile Massacre imitation would be possible... (hard on the airframe but possible).

Pick your weapon, roll some dice!
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The shiney new 'Killer Shrike' shows what happens when a little bird comes complete with Talons. All it takes is a half second break in the canopy to land a shot that rains molten thermite into the muscular cluster where six powerful wings once joined the spinal column. The glowing fragments burn even brighter as they eat their way through the back and wings and encounter whatever biological mechanism in the chest served as the intake for the wing jets.

Once so graceful in the air as to defy belief, when the primary and secondary brains lose their path to coordinate Valstrax seizes like an epileptic plowing through trees, and kicking up red clay, legs and tail lashing uncontrollably. If the deaths of the BlackHawks crews weren't so fresh one might take pity at the death throes being suffered. Today however it is truthfully just a sense of grim satisfaction felt by those who stand witness.

Final Valstrax fledgling destroyed!

To hit normally a 4+, cover mods it to 5+. Rolled a 9 - hit location - spinal hit.

The capture team douse the nascent egg in CO2, and close the egg snugly in the 3" thick (SeaWorld style) plexiglass containment vessel. They Fly for home post haste with the 'Killer Shrike' flying escort with weapons hot and the knowledge Hazardous Containment Research facility is on highest mobilization to receive their guest. The flight is uneventful even if it is nerve wracking. Gain an intact Valstrax Egg.

Individual vehicles linger as their fuel permits, but flying out redlining their motors and then shifting their areas of responsibility as often as this fight demanded the crews are nearly as drained as their vehicles fuel tanks. Reluctantly they turn for home, the loss of their comrades noted but any comment on it draws glares, the loss is just too fresh...

Unsatisfied with current data, the Spooky II spirals outward sensors playing over the area from ground zero to 30 km farther afield than any contact. Not once or twice but as long as their fuel holds.
They are confident the Area is secure, no further threats detected.

(OOC) I hope you've all enjoyed this encounter. I personally am quite pleased narratively on how it turned out. I am however feeling quite drained ATM myself... I will have a supplemental post coming soon(ish). Feel free to chat about any aspect of the game you want to receive more attention, there is ALOT on the table to choose from.
Once so graceful in the air as to defy belief, when the primary and secondary brains lose their path to coordinate Valstrax seizes like an epileptic plowing through trees, and kicking up red clay, legs and tail lashing uncontrollably. If the deaths of the BlackHawks crews weren't so fresh one might take pity at the death throes being suffered. Today however it is truthfully just a sense of grim satisfaction felt by those who stand witness.

Final Valstrax fledgling destroyed!
100% grim satisfaction here.

The capture team douse the nascent egg in CO2, and close the egg snugly in the 3" thick (SeaWorld style) plexiglass containment vessel. They Fly for home post haste with the 'Killer Shrike' flying escort with weapons hot and the knowledge Hazardous Containment Research facility is on highest mobilization to receive their guest. The flight is uneventful even if it is nerve wracking. Gain an intact Valstrax Egg.
Research project number one for these things should be figuring out if there are any unique markers to these eggs or the Valstrax themselves that our Sensors can track.

Unsatisfied with current data, the Spooky II spirals outward sensors playing over the area from ground zero to 30 km farther afield than any contact. Not once or twice but as long as their fuel holds. They are confident the Area is secure, no further threats detected.
If the Spooky II says so, then I'm confident there aren't any threats left right now.

I am not confident there weren't more eggs that we missed and that managed to leave the area durong the fight. And chances are those weren't the only eggs seeded by the Kaiju.

...Who wants to invest on fighter aircraft? I'd feel much better about potentially facing squadrons of Jet Dragons if we had more Air Superiority Fighters.
I firmly support @Highwind s proposal to increase our Strike Eagles.

I would also support picking 1-2 conventional units each turn and Beefing up our rosters. (Buying bulk of 1 item with a single action is the way to be efficient with our action economy ).

Most of our units are 1- 3 of a kind, and more often than I like, we have but a single unit. (Such as the combat Chinook ) exception being AKP'S and we have scores of them.

Each unique gives us -options- and choice of strategy in a game like this is beyond useful.