Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

(OOC) Feeling much better this morning, let's get the ass-kickery going , shall we?

To the NE the Chinook do everything their brief training period learning how to 'gunship' allows. And although the results are much closer to actually showing fruit, it is clear without a dedicated training facility such as the 'Smithy' (Crucible/Forge dual facility) that was proposed, and successfully researched but never funded, troops will continue to have to learn in live fire situations and live or die in the field to -get good-. The Egg rocks violently, and with a crack audible over the dual props the fledgling shakes it's shells shards away violently as it takes to the skies, malice clear on its visage as it hungrily eyes the Chinook. Target is now a combatant!

From the SW, the word is only slightly better as the two newly trained BlackHawk crews strafe their targets. BlackHawk #1 narrowly misses with both door miniguns, not all of the thousands of rounds spewed miss, but without a solid hit the few impacts are not enough to penetrate the eggs shell. The ovoid shudders and cracks, but rather than freeing itself completely this fledgling takes to the skies impeded as only its head and 4 of its 6 wings are clear of the shell. (Yes, it is reminds you of a pissy crossbreed of Charmander & Togepi; movement inhibited, but is for all purposes considered partially armored) Target is now a combatant!

BlackHawk #2 has better luck, with a solid hit the sheer wall of lead pummels numerous small holes that leak Kaiju Blue to the ground below. Target Eliminated!

With the need being to risk nothing more on bad sensor data, both the Spooky II & the Outriders run comprehensive scans comparing results; the results are fairly damned conclusive. The threats in theater that are known are the only ones existing!!!

SuperCobra from west moves to support the 'Outriders' to the North. The Pilots orders are to
"fire until -something- on the ground is on fire" the pilot grins and snickers, with thermite rockets?!? The problem is usually making sure 'only' the target catches fire. And although the approach and launch are without incident and strike the Threadbeast solidly, no one had mentioned the clouds of bubbles the beast had been venting, a largish swarm are taken into the Cobras intake, the hydrogen inside the bubbles cause the motor to spit, and sputter as the air fuel mix runs suddenly way to rich to auto-correct. ( I will need a 1d10 rolled, as the pilot attempts auto-rotation to control his descent). The pilot has his hands too full to really enjoy the pyrotechnic display as thermite meets a hydrogen rich gas bag. ThreadBeast Destroyed!!!

Sadly, the dormant crystalized mycorrhizal spores do not ; as the 2'-3' long spaghetti sized threads fall to the ground they reactivate and devour all organic matter they contact. They swell and grow, lengthening to 8' - 10' and become as thick as a fire hose before they burrow underground. These spores quickly breed and spread. The single infected unit (a tenth of a km) within a matter of seconds has devoured a square kilometer before they die out, (the exception being exposure to any bodies of water prove fatal) as they do clouds of hydrogen bubbles sail skyward. The 'Outriders' engine is now similarly afflicted. ( I will need a 1d10 rolled, as the Outriders pilot attempts auto-rotation to control his descent).

Although outside your sphere of influence, the devastation to the environment is of catastrophic proportions. ALL organic life in the area is denuded and consumed. These spores are a Precursor WMD and effective means of combating this extremophile should become a priority research topic. The purpose of the hydrogen bubbles remain a mystery, maybe analysis of the affected helos intakes could shed some light?
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(OOC) I will give you a bit to digest the above post before the new combatants get their shot at your forces.
Water is fatal to those things, huh? We should look into those watertank helicopters firefighters use against forest fires.

Pity those threads burrowed into the ground. We'll have one hell of a problem spot for... the week after the next? We're still hitting Charleston and rescuing Bracer next downtime.

I'll roll and make plans tomorrow, when I have the time.
Remember when I said I would roll and plan yesterday? Turns out I'm a filthy liar. :V

Rolling for the Supercobra's recovery.

Edit: RIP
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Supercobra Recovery Total: 1
1 1
Remember when I said I would roll and plan yesterday? Turns out I'm a filthy liar. :V

Rolling for the Supercobra's recovery.

We all know you intended to... (life is a fickle bitch, and makes unintentional liars of us all from time to time. It was just your turn. :sour:)

I will roll for the Outrider's.
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: not go splat Total: 9
9 9
The AH-1 SuperCobra makes a valiant attempt at auto rotation to safely ground the copter, but at the height and speed it was operating there was just too little opportunity. With a violent crunch of impact it would be safe to assume that both the pilot and the co pilot gunner (CPG) were dead on impact, it makes the violent fuel and ordnance fire that follow a bit easier to stomach. ( The wreckage is total, there will be no fruitful investigation of an intake manifold from this vehicle).

The infestation of the threadlike spores running across the terrain like wildfire consuming all organic materials in a kilometer wide square does little to lessen the the predicament the Outrider's find themselves in... Hydrogen bubbles flood out their engines as well, it is only through the strangled soprano squeak of Corporal Walter Eugene "Radar" O'Reilly that the Pilot spots a pig wallow at a shanty like farm, the wallow is a quagmire of fetid clay, pig shit, and a small 1/4 acre frog pond but it softens the impact and the knee high water content is proving a deterrent to the hentai like mass of writhing spores. The only real damage the Pathfinder suffers are some twisted landing supports, a chipped main Rotor, and a soggy, bruised, and battered crew that are being held prisoner inside their partially submerged helicopter by 15-20 boars and sows driven half feral by seeing more than one member of their passel devoured when they wandered onto too dry ground. They grudgingly share the pond, but grow agitated at any attempt by the crew to exit the helo. It is only after all thread signs die out that the herd of swine begin to calm.

The Outrider's Pathfinder is grounded for next turn. It will take 25 R to get the unit airborne again, and seeing as the Elite's Pathfinder is the only such vehicle in your air force, they may not -bump- a conventional crew and make use of their vehicle in the interim.

(OOC) I am find my muse rather elusive atm... The Rocket Dragons turn will have to wait a tad longer. (They are rather anxious to see how many more balls of twisted and flaming steel they can visit upon you. But I'm just not feeling the narrative juices flowing atm, so NPC's will just have to wait like my loyal readership...)
While we await I want to add my two cents Re: Threadbeast, spores, et al.

I firmly believe we need some lab suits on site at spore ground zero ASAP, I would like soil analysis and any organic samples at the fringe of 1 km square that may have 'limited' exposure... I also want a team going over the entirety of the 1 Km, to see if water is the only 'toxic' thing they encountered. Did all the dormant spaghetti threads get activated or just those that made contact with organic material? I assume the explosion of thermite/hydrogen was the means they were scattered? If so, they may have had some 'samples' land on non-organic substances (rock outcroppings, an old metallic tractor, etc. If so we need to isolate those and science the shit out of them.

@Smithsguild , I would also would appreciate some clarity. Did the threads burn themselves out (ie. deceased) or have they merely gone dormant?!?
While we await I want to add my two cents Re: Threadbeast, spores, et al.

I firmly believe we need some lab suits on site at spore ground zero ASAP, I would like soil analysis and any organic samples at the fringe of 1 km square that may have 'limited' exposure... I also want a team going over the entirety of the 1 Km, to see if water is the only 'toxic' thing they encountered. Did all the dormant spaghetti threads get activated or just those that made contact with organic material? I assume the explosion of thermite/hydrogen was the means they were scattered? If so, they may have had some 'samples' land on non-organic substances (rock outcroppings, an old metallic tractor, etc. If so we need to isolate those and science the shit out of them.

@Smithsguild , I would also would appreciate some clarity. Did the threads burn themselves out (ie. deceased) or have they merely gone dormant?!?

All valid questions, and when I'm feeling the juices flowing I'll break 'em down point by point. Tonight will NOT be that night though :cry:

Edit: I'm feeling generous, I'll answer the most important for your future planning. The Spores suffered burn-out and are dead, the Precursors don't want a Gray Goo situation to develop on a world they have targeted for exploitation.
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Hmm...can we harvest the spores for resources? I mean, just how efficient are they at fast-growth?

We should definitely research how the rapid cellular construction works, and if we can repurpose said machinery for our uses.
- boosted agri/food output
- boosted build time or maybe more built per turn

Just some thoughts on the WMDs interesting bioweapons.
Hmm...can we harvest the spores for resources? I mean, just how efficient are they at fast-growth?

We should definitely research how the rapid cellular construction works, and if we can repurpose said machinery for our uses.
- boosted agri/food output
- boosted build time or maybe more built per turn

Just some thoughts on the WMDs interesting bioweapons.

Conversion of organic material into more spores (without the intelligent control/manipulation of the host Threadbeast?) It would appear in the high 80 to low 90's percentile. They only are using their own genetic code as do most viral forms (rather than being a means to rewrite host DNA in intriguing directions) to reproduce their own spawn.

As to where these ideas can be developed for your benefit?

Research -ANYTHING- is a Versus the World tradition I firmly subscribe to... Based on your die rolls modified by bonus from research stat and narrative description of what your goal outcome is.

What could go wrong? :p

With a bad die roll + poorly worded write up?!? I shudder to think of it...
As promised: point by point answers to your questions.

Did all the dormant spaghetti threads get activated or just those that made contact with organic material?

Organic material was the needed catalyst.

I assume the explosion of thermite/hydrogen was the means they were scattered? If so, they may have had some 'samples' land on non-organic substances (rock outcroppings, an old metallic tractor, etc. If so we need to isolate those and science the shit out of them.

That is a totally reasonable assumption and plan of action, gather some support, generate a consensus for an action plan I'll write it up...
(OOC) Just a creative "what if" to fuel my ammosexual tendencies. A .50 caliber retooled to accept 12 Ga. (for the shooter whose wrist has been replace with titanium)

Eeeh, might work... if you devise a carbine stock to go with it, else you're liable to end up with the muzzle hitting you in the forehead.
Hmm...can we harvest the spores for resources? I mean, just how efficient are they at fast-growth?

We should definitely research how the rapid cellular construction works, and if we can repurpose said machinery for our uses.
- boosted agri/food output
- boosted build time or maybe more built per turn

Just some thoughts on the WMDs interesting bioweapons.
I mean, if they output hydrogen, that's a potential source of power. I dunno how efficient it is, since we're feeding it biomass that could just as easily be burnt for power generation, but I guess that depends on how it makes that hydrogen. If it's through some bizarre form of photosynthesis (not the far-fetched, honestly), then growing this stuff could be quite useful. We'll need to learn more about it to find out.

That said, I think any cultivation of this stuff might be best done near a plentiful source of water, if not in a facility built directly on the shore, or even on the water. Just for safety.
(OOC) Just a creative "what if" to fuel my ammosexual tendencies. A .50 caliber retooled to accept 12 Ga. (for the shooter whose wrist has been replace with titanium)

Have you heard about the Six12? Design-wise, on paper, it sounds like a nightmare, a modular bullpup shotgun with a revolver mechanism and a removable cylinder. And yet, at least one site managed to get their hands on some working models, and post a review earlier this year...and it works pretty well, apparently. Doesn't have the issues with the gap between the cylinder and the barrel, because they worked to fix that, with a mechanism to seal that gap. This means it can be suppressed, too, and is apparently rather quite, as suppressed guns go. They're probably taking orders by now, and they plan on shipping later this year.

They also apparently made it modular, and it's designed so it can be underslung under an AR. The reviewer was a cop, and he seemed pretty interested in that part, as, due to the design being such that one can have their fingers on either trigger pretty quick if needed, or even on both at once, it would apparently be quite useful for breaching doors, in his opinion. Apparently, current SOP is for breachers to stay in the back on entry, and this could change the need for that. They're apparently marketing towards military and cops, so I expect that's deliberate.

Of course, since it can be underslung on rifles, it can also be underslung on some models of pistols. I eagerly await the photos of such an abomination against common decency. Bonus points if they somehow manage to squeeze a suppressor on both barrels.

Edit: Review:
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Eeeh, might work... if you devise a carbine stock to go with it, else you're liable to end up with the muzzle hitting you in the forehead.

A modified Harries grip can prevent that, by using your non gunhand as a brace locking the wrist above the gunhand (instead of below as a standard Harries grip) usually this is avoided as the gunsights are blocked and pistol accuracy is impaired. With a 12 ga. Desert Eagle in CQB the spread of buckshot would make up for any inaccuracy and the stance should easily prevent a muzzling. (Shattering your pistol wrist with the forces involved on the other hand...)

(OOC) Now back to our regularly scheduled Kaiju induced mayhem.

Across the Hive mind consciousness the Valstrax brood have shared in each siblings destruction, and with each loss their collective rage has grown. To the northeast it is the Chinook that is the target of this unbridled hatred, the unfettered hatchling here is intent on knocking the ungainly intruder from his skies, he wants to hear the screams of men. This Valstrax tucks all six wings tightly to its body,and at the last second draws its head behind the calcified wingtips presenting nothing but a wedged lance of hardened barbed spears driven by six atomic fueled engines. It was engineered to survive such impacts, most victims are not so fortunate.

It flies for the Chinook, intent on instigating a midair collision.
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Rocket Lance Charge Total: 7
7 7
The Chinook provides as much resistance to the jet driven draconic figure as a pinata does to a child's baseball bat, the steel airframe crumples like a rednecks beercan, the wedgelike form skewers its way inside and as it feels the metallic skin part it flexes its wings outward violently shredding the helicopter; disparate parts rain down some aflame, others just lumps of twisted metal. Chinook unit destroyed.


To the southwest two Blackhawks are faced with an awkwardly flying Hatchling still partially encased in egg. It would be a comical image if the hatred and malice projected were not a palpable force. This beast too tucks exposed wings towards its body, awkwardly imitating its siblings charge the shell preventing the aerodynamic wedge, it fients first at one then another of the BlackHawks aware its intended prey is much nimbler than the ungainly flyer its sibling has just shredded. When it's convinced both targets feel threatened it chooses the 2nd BlackHawk as its true target.

This Valstrax flies straight towards BlackHawk #2 as if attempting a 'rocketlance charge' but at the last second throws its 4 exposed wings wide breaking its own forward momentum and faces the atomic exhaust towards its target and kicks in 'afterburners' exceeding its own engines tolerances and causing it to briefly land. Not many foes can withstand these levels of plasma like combustion, and the few that do the Valstrax can usually melee with bite, tail lash, or wing buffet to finish a softened up foe.

Again the Valstrax's tactics prove formidable, BlackHawk 2 goes down as the beast settles to the ground overtaxed.
BlackHawk #2 Destroyed!
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Turn and Burn Total: 9
9 9
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The ball is in your court dear Councillors! Plan, vote, and kick some draco-ass my friends!
Have you heard about the Six12? Design-wise, on paper, it sounds like a nightmare, a modular bullpup shotgun with a revolver mechanism and a removable cylinder. And yet, at least one site managed to get their hands on some working models, and post a review earlier this year...and it works pretty well, apparently. Doesn't have the issues with the gap between the cylinder and the barrel, because they worked to fix that, with a mechanism to seal that gap. This means it can be suppressed, too, and is apparently rather quite, as suppressed guns go. They're probably taking orders by now, and they plan on shipping later this year.

They also apparently made it modular, and it's designed so it can be underslung under an AR. The reviewer was a cop, and he seemed pretty interested in that part, as, due to the design being such that one can have their fingers on either trigger pretty quick if needed, or even on both at once, it would apparently be quite useful for breaching doors, in his opinion. Apparently, current SOP is for breachers to stay in the back on entry, and this could change the need for that. They're apparently marketing towards military and cops, so I expect that's deliberate.

Of course, since it can be underslung on rifles, it can also be underslung on some models of pistols. I eagerly await the photos of such an abomination against common decency. Bonus points if they somehow manage to squeeze a suppressor on both barrels.

I had not! Research mode activated @Nixeu , thank you for feeding the beast. LOL!
Shit! This Cat-Zero battle is being more costly than quite a few of our Kaiju Battles...

(It is Valstrax after all... but shit!!!)
The Chinook provides as much resistance to the jet driven draconic figure as a pinata does to a child's baseball bat, the steel airframe crumples like a rednecks beercan, the wedgelike form skewers its way inside and as it feels the metallic skin part it flexes its wings outward violently shredding the helicopter; disparate parts rain down some aflame, others just lumps of twisted metal. Chinook unit destroyed.


To the southwest two Blackhawks are faced with an awkwardly flying Hatchling still partially encased in egg. It would be a comical image if the hatred and malice projected were not a palpable force. This beast too tucks exposed wings towards its body, awkwardly imitating its siblings charge the shell preventing the aerodynamic wedge, it fients first at one then another of the BlackHawks aware its intended prey is much nimbler than the ungainly flyer its sibling has just shredded. When it's convinced both targets feel threatened it chooses the 2nd BlackHawk as its true target.

This Valstrax flies straight towards BlackHawk #2 as if attempting a 'rocketlance charge' but at the last second throws its 4 exposed wings wide breaking its own forward momentum and faces the atomic exhaust towards its target and kicks in 'afterburners' exceeding its own engines tolerances and causing it to briefly land. Not many foes can withstand these levels of plasma like combustion, and the few that do theValstrax can usually melee with bite, tail lash, or wing buffet to finish a softened up foe.

Again the Valstrax's tactics prove formidable, BlackHawk 2 goes down as the beast settles to the ground overtaxed.
BlackHawk #2 Destroyed!
Ouch. I still want to tame one, but damn, that stings. We're running so close to the edge right now that every unit lost is a big blow, IMO.
Ouch. I still want to tame one, but damn, that stings. We're running so close to the edge right now that every unit lost is a big blow, IMO.

Understandable, Charleston is NOT a place you want to assault undergunned. Luckily, the limited planning I've heard to date lead me to believe this is not intended as an outright liberation, just a solid smack to weaken and act as a diversion for Bracers recovery.
Understandable, Charleston is NOT a place you want to assault undergunned. Luckily, the limited planning I've heard to date lead me to believe this is not intended as an outright liberation, just a solid smack to weaken and act as a diversion for Bracers recovery.
I more meant that we're not making that much R, don't have that many Actions per downtime, and that we're expanding in all directions at once right now. We're still in the process of establishing ourselves, and a lot of our units come from lucky discoveries of leftover military hardware from before the apocalypse. Replacing any of our one-off, chance discovery units is a pain, and not one I like having to go through.