Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

(OOC) do we have a finalized plan? if so can we get consensus vote please? I'd hate to have -misinterpreted- anything.
[X] Start firing tracers to start a fire. Burn that thing and everything it touched to the ground.
[X] If the tracers and fire fail to kill the Threadbeast, get the laser tank hooked up to transport and haul it out here.
-[X] Apply vigorous amounts of lasers to Threadbeast until it stops existing.
[X] Other relevant air forces, keep doing your thing (taking out the jet dragon eggs, I guess?)

If I may?

[X] Spread out and look for clues.
-[x] NW - deploying the "Spooky II" , the Apache Longbow (& the 2 slaved Grey Eagles)
-[x] N - Outriders elite unit, search for targets, just in case.
-[x] NE - 1 MH-47G Chinook
-[x] E - 1 Smooth Operators Elite Unit
-[x] SE - 2 Little Birds Killer Shrikes (Now 1, as the 2nd is providing Escort for capture team)
-[x] S - 1 Regular Supercobra
-[x] SW - 2 MH-60M Black Hawk
-[x] W - 1 Regular Supercobra
-[x] Remain with Capture team and follow them home: 1 MH-60M Black Hawk

[ ] Plan: one plan to rule them all... (and in the Darkness bind them).
- Outriders fire tracers in attempt to catch woods ablaze.
- Southernmost force, 1 SuperCobra (Closest to Savannah from ground zero) pepper their target then swing into comms range and request the "City of Atlanta" Mastodon laser tank superheavy be dispatched just in case of the Threadbeast doesn't get its chesNUTs roasted in the forest fire.
- 1 Blackhawks (nearest source of thermite rockets) dispatch target asap, then swing to support 'Outriders'
- Everyone else engage targets ASAP, then move to support areas that aren't lucky enough to score first round KO's.

Again, (as always) I'm open for modification. But I think this incorporates everyone's ideas and makes the logistics work out.
Looks good to me.

[X] Plan: one plan to rule them all... (and in the Darkness bind them).
[X] Plan: one plan to rule them all... (and in the Darkness bind them).
[X] Plan: one plan to rule them all... (and in the Darkness bind them).
(OOC) My Muse is a fickle bitch, after the tidal wave I promised less lengthy battles and here we are; another epic fustercluck :facepalm:. (Saddest part? This is an -incidental- occurrence, not even meant to be a 'monster of the week encounter... just a gaggle of Cat-zeroes, but spooky f'ing Cat-zeroes to be sure.) Please bear with me as I try to rein her in... I swear it should go faster than it looks to.


I am breaking this down by compass point and will write up each section 1-by-1. PLEASE announce a compass point you are rolling for then read the spoiler apply the dice for attack chosen. If it 'should hit' roll location dice (2d10), Common roll courtesy is in effect take a roll, then give an hour for others a chance to participate then feel free to grab another compass point.

NW - deploying the "Spooky II" , the Apache Longbow (& the 2 slaved Grey Eagles) vs 5 contacts ( 2 of which are lighting up the thermals)
Remember the Apache & the slaved UAV's may both paint AND fire in their turn as the longbow collects and processes all 3 vehicles data, part of the Longbows 'fancy shmancy' electronics suite. (Not Readily adaptable to other platforms).

Upon arrival at the scene, you witness the two airborne Valstrax Hatchlings *playing* making mock strafing runs one upon the other, getting a handle on their flight, evasion, and the usefulness inherent in being a jet propelled armored wedge. That all stops the moment they notice that someone else is in their skies. The other eggs are nearly completely hatched, infantile leathery heads look skyward and hiss their frustration at the impeding eggs.

- (Nose & Tail) Point Defense Vulcans: Deals 1 Impact k-scale on a 5+. Range -/-/10.
May be fired simultaneously with each other, even at two different targets.
Designed as point defense, 270 degree field of fire, locks so can't self target. Works independent of Massed Fire Broadside.

- Massed Fire Broadside: (this is the combined fire of the GAU-12/Bofors Cannon/105 howitzer) 4x 1d10 Fire damage. -1 Damage. AP3. Range 5/10/15 (out at 20,000 ft / max ceiling 30,000ft). Hits on 5+. [cauterizes]

Benefits from GLTD.

Massed Fire Broadside Dice may be split (in any combination)between 2 targets -if- they are within 10 units (1km) of each other.
M230 30mm chain guns in a fixed forward-facing fitment, 2d5+1 K-scale Impact damage. 2 AAP, Range 5 / 15 / 25, hit on 5+
Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]
Ground Laser Target Designator (GLTD) 1d10 attack. Hits on 4+. Range 20/30/40.

On a successful hit, all 'accurate' weapon systems are treated as having gained 1 Ranged against the target. This point of Ranged may be used for increased accuracy, or Called Shots. Stacks to a bonus of 2 (1 against underwater targets). All bonuses are removed at the end of the round.

(1) pod containing AIM-92 ATAS (Air To Air Stinger)Laser Guided variant (4 shots)1d10 +2 to hit, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) 20/30/40 [PP]
(1) pod containing AGM-122 Sidearm air-to-ground anti-rad missiles (4 shots)1d10 +2 to hit, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) 20/30/40 [PP]
(2) AGM-114 Hellfire missile Pods: 1d10+1 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Hits on 5+.Range 15/20/30 Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP](each pod provides four shots.)
--------------->2 slaved Grey Eagle UAV's (controlled by Apache co-pilot/gunner)
(2) pods each containing AIM-92 ATAS (Air To Air Stinger)Laser Guided variant (4 shots)1d10 +2 to hit, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) Rng 20/30/40 [PP]
(2) GBU-44/B Viper Strike Small diameter glide bombs, Design Flaw: Expensive - Each such missile fired costs 50 R
1d10+1, -3 damage (min. scratch) hit 5+, Blast Damage. 1 pt AAP Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]
Ground Laser Target Designator (GLTD) 1d10 attack. Hits on 4+. Range 20/30/40.

On a successful hit, all 'accurate' weapon systems are treated as having gained 1 Ranged against the target. This point of Ranged may be used for increased accuracy, or Called Shots. Stacks to a bonus of 2 (1 against underwater targets). All bonuses are removed at the end of the round.

N - Outriders elite unit engage the surrounding forest with tracers in the hopes a fire will deal with the 'Threadbeast'. Woods fail to catch.

roll 2x 1d3, these are the number of AoE opportunities for a fire causing event. Once those are determined roll the appropriate # of 1d10's and on a roll of 7+ a fire occurs. (Once caught, prop wash can help 'spread it' in right direction.)

Other compass points are simple affairs. Declare weapon choice roll and see if hit occurs to the defenseless eggs.

NE - 1 MH-47G Chinook vs 1 contact Two clean misses; and a non-catastrophic misfire (jam)
Chinook may attack upto 4 times per turn, but is not as well designed as the Spooky for multiple weapons usage; each attack past the 1st adds a -1 cumulative penalty to the overall to hit.

(x2) M134 Door Miniguns: 1d10-1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits 5+.

Range 15/-/20 Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]

May double as Hvy SSC - limited AoE 1d3+1 targets

G models have two M240 7.62mm belt-fed machine guns fitted to windows towards the rear facing both left & right near the rear loading ramp.

(x2) M240 machine guns - hvy ssc- limited AoE 1d3 targets 10/20/25, Hits on 5+.

E - 1 'Smooth Operators' Elite SuperCobra vs 1 contact Target eliminated.
- Dual M134 Miniguns: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
Range 15/-/20 Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]
May double as Hvy SSC - limited AoE 2d3 targets

- Thermite Rocket Pod: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Hits on 4+.
Range 5/10/15 (seven shots only.)

SE - 2 'Killer Shrikes' (armed Little Bird variants) vs 2 contacts. Contacts eliminated.
Little Birds will deploy with three pods of Hellfires Missiles and one pod of Thermite Rockets in their hardpoints.

(1 pod)M261 FFAR 2.75" 7-Thermite rocket pods: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Hits on 4+.

Range 5/10/15 (each pod chosen provides seven shots.) So it -could- carry a payload of 28 thermite rockets if all 4 hardpoints dedicated to that munition.

(3 pods) AGM-114 Hellfire missile Pods: 1d10+1 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Hits on 5+.

Range 15/20/30 Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP](each pod provides four shots.)

So it -could- carry a payload of 16 hellfires if all 4 hardpoints dedicated to hellfires.

S - 1 Regular SuperCobra vs 1 contact. Target eliminated.
- Dual M134 Miniguns: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
Range 15/-/20 Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]
May double as Hvy SSC - limited AoE 2d3 targets

- Thermite Rocket Pod: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Hits on 4+.
Range 5/10/15 (seven shots only.)

SW - 2 MH-60M Black Hawks vs 2 contacts.
(x2)M134 Minigun Door guns: 1d10-1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
(1) pod containing AIM-92 ATAS (Air To Air Stinger)Laser Guided variant (4 shots)1d10 +2 to hit, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) 20/30/40 [PP]
(1) pod M261 FFAR 2.75" 7-Thermite rockets: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Hits on 4+. Range 5/10/15 (seven shots only.)

W - 1 Regular SuperCobra vs 1 contact. target eliminated.
- Dual M134 Miniguns: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
Range 15/-/20 Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]
May double as Hvy SSC - limited AoE 2d3 targets

- Thermite Rocket Pod: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Hits on 4+.
Range 5/10/15 (seven shots only.)

Ground Zero - 1 MH-60M Black Hawk Remain with Capture team / Jump Hawk assigned as an escort to follow them home.
(x2)M134 Minigun Door guns: 1d10-1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
(1) pod containing AIM-92 ATAS (Air To Air Stinger)Laser Guided variant (4 shots)1d10 +2 to hit, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) 20/30/40 [PP]
(1) pod M261 FFAR 2.75" 7-Thermite rockets: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Hits on 4+. Range 5/10/15 (seven shots only.)

(OOC) my god that was a good bit of work! I hope everyone is still enjoying it?
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(OOC) my god that was a good bit of work! I hope everyone is still enjoying it?
I am, but am also in the middle of coordinating another fight, so...

Seriously, though, Valstrax is among my favorite monsters from Monster Hunter, design-wise. Potentially having a captive one is awesome, and makes me want to figure out how to disconnect it from the Kaiju hive-mind, tame it, and then unleash it upon our foes.
(OOC) my god that was a good bit of work! I hope everyone is still enjoying it?
Still enjoying it and trying to suppress the laughter I'm getting imagining all the terrific, awesome Science we'll inflict on the hatchling we'll capture and on its siblings' remains.

Rolling for the NE Chinook, two attacks with the M134 minigun.
Highwind threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: NE Chinook Total: 3
1 1 2 2
Rolling for the NE Chinook, two attacks with the M134 minigun.

The former Jumphawk pilots are still not adjusted to flying an 'actual' Gunship. What -should- have been a cakewalk strafing run against a stationary target turns into a debacle, for some reason the pilot equates -gunship- for instantly more maneuverable, the Chinook is not designed for sudden shifts and nearly stalls when pushed to do a maneuver more suited to a Cobra or BlackHawk. Although the recovery is near instantaneous the jostling of the gunners throws their aim way off...

(OOC) Please roll the Crit Fail 1d10 @Highwind .

Although things could have gone horribly, the misfire is no more than a simple jam the gunner is quickly able to clear. She clears the jam and promises the pilot if he doesn't learn how to fly, the co-pilot can, and no one here will have a problem putting him out to walk home. (Without the benefit of landing or descending first!)
E, Smooth Operators smoothing the landscape with the dual miniguns.

Goddamnit! +1 to hit, not -1

Would be better if I slept instead of rolling at 1am after coming from work.
HolyDragoon threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Operators Dual miniguns -1 Total: 6
6 6
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modified roll of 7, 'Smooth Operator's' Elite perk drops the to hit of the minigun to 4+, an easy hit and with K-scale damage the carnage is complete.

The ease evidenced by The Smooth Operators as they line up the shot on a stationary and defenseless target underscores why they are considered Elite. The effort given is minimal and routine, but the care with which they perform this 'easy' task speaks volumes.

Fragmented egg and bullet riddled flesh are their reward.
Target Eliminated.
I'll take the SE Killer Shrikes. Going to roll for firing Hellfire Missiles from both.
EDIT: Looks like 2 hits.
KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: SE Shrikes Hellfires Total: 15
8 8 7 7
KnightDisciple threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: SE Shrikes Hellfire Hit Locks Total: 19
3 3 9 9 3 3 4 4
I'll take the SE Killer Shrikes. Going to roll for firing Hellfire Missiles from both.
EDIT: Looks like 2 hits.

The 'Killer Shrikes' are proving an invaluable addition to PODC's arsenal. The firepower of a SuperCobra and the evasiveness of a 'Little Bird' is a combo that isn't easily ignored; they make short work of their assigned targets. 2 more eggs eliminated.
Guess I'll roll for the Southern Supercobra. Miniguns seem like the better option, even with the damage penalty.

Edit: Egg most likely went "splat".
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Egg go Splat? Total: 9
9 9
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Guess I'll roll for the Southern Supercobra. Miniguns seem like the better option, even with the damage penalty.

Edit: Egg most likely went "splat".

The tried and true workhorse of the PODC air force proves it remains relevant, as the dual mounted M134 miniguns on the AH-1 'SuperCobra' chin turret spin up and throw a stagger amount of 7.62 ammo down range (in excess of 4,000+ rounds per minute) leaving a pulped mess.
I will try N. 2x 1d3 For each door gun?

Edit: those rolls blew!
BadKatt85 threw 2 3-faced dice. Reason: two door guns, to determine fi Total: 2
1 1 1 1
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: two chances to blaze Total: 7
3 3 4 4
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