Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

(OOC) Henceforth, I personally will begin referring to the Armed Variant of the Little Birds as Killer Shrikes...
~It's a Killer Shrike/Gunpowder, gelatine/Dynamite with a laser beam/Guaranteed to blow your mind/Anytime.

...I'm not sorry.
(OOC) please roll two sensor rolls for Spooky II and the Outriders.
I'll get the first one, then.

Edit: Slightly above average. I think.
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Spooky Vision Total: 6
6 6
(OOC) Curse you Nixeu, from now on the Sensor operator on Spooky II will look like Freddy Mercury (w/t mustache) in my head... :V:V:V
(OOC) Spooky a modified '8', & Outrider's a whopping modified '12' - [1d10 plus closest city stat (Savannah +2) +2]


The Spooky II's sensors find nothing amiss at the Northern vector and all previous data corroborated on the other vectors after playing a vast variety of sensors over the entire area.

'Radar' O'Reilly isn't so sure... It's nothing the little man can put a finger on either, thermals are ambient temperature, no bounce back from his modified 'fishfinder' sonar, and his newly cobbled together on-board radar is drawing blanks. But the prescient lil fart fidgets nervously, he peers out through his coke bottle thick eyeglasses and points to a unseasonable brown cluster of Georgia Pine.

"Cap, can we swing in closer to that stand of pines? I really don't like the look of them, they make my stomach churn."

The C.O. of the Pathfinder nods, the little man has shown an uncanny nose for trouble, both for where to find it and when to scoot to best avoid it.
As the Pathfinder closes to just under a kilometer out from the stand, everyone onboard nearly gags on an acrid smell, a combination of decaying vegetation and a fetid sulphuric/vinegar smell so putrid as to defy description.

Totally unlike the Valstrax ovoids; here lies a hollowed out sphere with multiple openings around the peripheries now lying empty and a trail of devastation leading away, all growth along said path is twisted and wrong as if whatever hand wrought it did so from spite and malice. The growths defy reason as if their genetic code was scrambled randomly and at the trails head is a transparent sluglike organism stretching out pseudopods caressing each tree and shrub encountered they shudder and convulse at the touch. A brown bear wanders too close, it shrieks its horror and rage as it too is altered as cancerous tumors replace flesh. What lumbers away is no longer recognizable as mammalian let alone ursoid.

The slug grows with each corruption, stealing and incorporating some of the organic mass. It grows larger and lighter, a transparent zeppelin full of threadlike mycorrhizoidal spores that begins conversion on a touch through its membranous cell wall. Even now, with visual contact and a clear target 'Radar' O'Reilly is unable to get -ANY- return on the sensors, the creature adjusts itself to match ambient temperature, it soaks every bit of the radar up leaving nothing to bounce back, it resonates to create sound waves that neutralize sonar pings. It is all but invisible to sensors while floating a few meters above the ground in plain sight.

The scene is like watching a trainwreck, it is hard to pull one's eyes away. It is useful this morbid fascination, it reveals that the organism shrinks away from exposed stone, a near ruined wire fence has the same effect. A small bubbling brook might as well be a security fence, it avoids it like a slug would salt.


The beast is one beyond most people's imaginings, but the spores are unique enough that 'Radar' O'Reilly associates them with a book recently read, Dragonriders of Pern, and the horror of threadfall. He coins the term Threadbeast, and without LOCCENT to assign a name it sticks for now.

Well, I definitely don't like the look of this monstrosity. Nor am I entirely sure how to deal with it. At most, I'm getting thoughts of trapping it in a big stone ring, and then putting a moat around that, but such plans would A) take a lot of time, and B) probably only contain it.

That said, we could always see how well it does against fire, salt, and a giant robot punching it multiple times.

I'll leave the action plan to someone with more concrete ideas, though.
My most concrete idea right now is "fucking burn that thing to cinders right the fuck now", so unless someone bas a better idea, that's what I'm voting for. I don't fancy letting those spores spread around and I'm perfectly willing to burn the surounding forest if it means no spores or mutated wildlife survive.

Calling then Threadbeasts is fine by me, but the closest thing its effect on the wildlife reminds me of is a faster and more aggressive version of the Colour Out of Space.
Yeah, fire and explosives sound great here, combined with dumping water on the remains if it doesnt like water. Hyper-adapting beasties need to be KOed before they get too capable.
Calling then Threadbeasts is fine by me, but the closest thing its effect on the wildlife reminds me of is a faster and more aggressive version of the Colour Out of Space.

(OOC) The effect on life is quite similar to the Colour, but I wanted a 'nice' but thorough genetic probe from the Precursors. I could envision nothing more thorough than something that grabs control samples while installing a retrovirus that unzips, reads, and then rezips it all back together (if but in a slap-dash manner).

I thought it would be neat as a research unit for it to be designed for stealth, the ninja hiding behind the loud and obvious rocket powered primary strike force.
My most concrete idea right now is "fucking burn that thing to cinders right the fuck now", so unless someone bas a better idea, that's what I'm voting for. I don't fancy letting those spores spread around and I'm perfectly willing to burn the surounding forest if it means no spores or mutated wildlife survive.
Yeah, fire and explosives sound great here, combined with dumping water on the remains if it doesnt like water. Hyper-adapting beasties need to be KOed before they get too capable.

Unfortunately although the Outrider's were solely responsible for finding the monstrosity, they are ill equipped to -deal with it-.

Elite UH-1 'Pathfinder' scout helicopter (Outriders) - Fly up to 8 units = 192 kph / 120 mph
1d10(x2 door mount M-2, 50 caliber machine guns - heavy ssc - limited AoE 1d3 targets) 10/20/30 , hit on 5+

Edit: no real explosives or incendiary components as your strategy requests.
Edit-Edit: I *suppose* I'm feeling generous. A switch to tracers -could- lend enough incendiary to make the damage impact/fire 😉
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I'm in agreement with the others, "KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!", switch to tracers and pepper the forest and let us see if we can piss Smokey the Bear off by starting a forest fire.
(OOC) The August heat has been particularly brutal, with a lack of rain & the constant coastal winds your odd of starting a collateral fire are good.
Has the creature started acting in any way differently since the Pathfinder found it? Moving faster, releasing more spores, trying to infect more organisms?

Because we might be able to wait until the Little Birds Killer Shrikes are done with their prey and come nearby to drop Napalm all over this place.
It seems totally oblivious, however there is a another development that was so innocuous as to almost escape notice.

Small bubbles that are lighter than air waft upwards, they are less than a 3-4" in diameter and unlike a child's soap bubbles they are transparent, and possess none of the prismatic sheen common to such small things. They are ascending at a snail's pace (less than a 100 m a minute)

Their presence was only given away by the new turbulence of the Pathfinder's propwash causing exaggerated motion that drew the eye. Only when the angle of incidence is just right do they catch the sun light and glint briefly.
[X] Start firing tracers to start a fire. Burn that thing and everything it touched to the ground.

"Only you can prevent the spread of Heresy and mutation."
-- Inquisitor Ursus Von Fumus, probably.
[X] Start firing tracers to start a fire. Burn that thing and everything it touched to the ground.
[] send reinforcements with incendiaries and high explosives to further bomb the creature.

Hmm...fellow players, any particular units that would be ideal for this?
[X] Start firing tracers to start a fire. Burn that thing and everything it touched to the ground.
[] send reinforcements with incendiaries and high explosives to further bomb the creature.

Hmm...fellow players, any particular units that would be ideal for this?
The closest to an incendiary we have here are the Thermite Rockets, equipped on the Killer Shrikes, the Supercobras and the Black Hawks. The Hellfire missiles on the Apache Longbow could probably start a fire as well.
Good enough for me.

[X] Plan kill it with fire
- [X] everyone with Thermite missiles/rockets get over to the Threadbeast
- [X] hit it with said Thermite until it stops moving.
Good enough for me.

[X] Plan kill it with fire
- [X] everyone with Thermite missiles/rockets get over to the Threadbeast
- [X] hit it with said Thermite until it stops moving.
But what about the Jet Dragon eggs? They were clearly a distraction for this thing, but they're not the sort of distraction you can just ignore.
I'll be honest; I'd completely forgotten about those. I haven't been very attentive on things in this quest recently, though I probably should if I'm making plans.

Um... do we have Mammoth or Whitecap dealing with anything at the moment? If not, we could have one of them go deal with the eggs, perhaps.

I'll try to reread the last few pages, get myself better up to speed.
I'll be honest; I'd completely forgotten about those. I haven't been very attentive on things in this quest recently, though I probably should if I'm making plans.

Um... do we have Mammoth or Whitecap dealing with anything at the moment? If not, we could have one of them go deal with the eggs, perhaps.

I'll try to reread the last few pages, get myself better up to speed.
The current dillema begins around page 177 and 178. We have a baker's dozen Valstrax eggs spread in just about every direction except North, where we found this Threadbeast. Most of the forces available right now are on page 178.

Mammoth and Whitecap are not on the field right now.
I'll be honest, I think we should definitely prioritize the Threadbeast over the Valstrax. The Valstrax are dangerous, but the Threadbeast is basically a walking chunk of the Cancerverse. It needs to be dealt with yesterday.
Okay, a few questions for @Smithsguild (or anyone else who knows);
1) do we have a MBT-93-whatever (the laser tank superheavy) already built?
2) can we cart said laser tank around with Jumphawks or whatever other transport options we have, and do we have such transport available?

If the answer to both of these is yes, then I'd like to offer the following addition to the plan;

[X] Start firing tracers to start a fire. Burn that thing and everything it touched to the ground.
[X] If the tracers and fire fail to kill the Threadbeast, get the laser tank hooked up to transport and haul it out here.
-[X] Apply vigorous amounts of lasers to Threadbeast until it stops existing.
[X] Other relevant air forces, keep doing your thing (taking out the jet dragon eggs, I guess?)
@Fyrstorm ,
1 - The 'Mastodon' MBT-93-DEW was a gift that arrived from Atlanta under its own power, it is assumed to be battle capable.
2 - Yes, it is transportable by jumphawk squadron (it requires the same amount of High capacity Chinooks as a Jaeger).
We do have the Black Hawk with the capture team, if we really need to shower them with incendiary rockets immediately. The cost would be leaving the capture team and their jumphawk mostly unprotected.