Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I will try N. 2x 1d3 For each door gun?

(OOC) Correct; just the dice gods love you not... :cry:


Although the 'Outrider's' do their very best to catch the woods alight with the tracers the Georgia yellow pines apparently retain more moisture than hoped for... some of the underbrush smoulder's and although some small tongues of flame flicker they quickly fade back out.
I'm not feeling lucky right now, but I might as well roll.
W - 1 Regular SuperCobra vs 1 contact.
Rolling an attack using the Thermite Rockets.

Edit: Disregard the dirst two dice, they're a 1d6 and a 1d7. My phone was not cooperating with me and messing with where the buttons were displayed.
Highwind threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 3
3 3
Highwind threw 1 7-faced dice. Total: 5
5 5
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Thermite Pod attack Total: 4
4 4
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I'll throw some dice as well, though I'm not 100% confident on how much to do... so for now, I'll stick with what I can tell.
SW - 2 MH-60M Black Hawks vs 2 contacts.
(x2)M134 Minigun Door guns: 1d10-1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
(1) pod containing AIM-92 ATAS (Air To Air Stinger)Laser Guided variant (4 shots)1d10 +2 to hit, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) 20/30/40 [PP]
(1) pod M261 FFAR 2.75" 7-Thermite rockets: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Hits on 4+. Range 5/10/15 (seven shots only.)

Rolling for miniguns!

Edit: looks like a hit from one (albeit with probably no damage) and a near miss from the other.
Fyrstorm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Miniguns! (-1, hits on 5s) Total: 11
5 5 6 6
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Still leaves NW, N, NE, SW, & W to be dealt with...
I'll take NW.

EDIT 2: Apache will fire the Chaingun at one of the fliers, Grey Ghosts will fire the AIM-92s at the other one, Spooky splitting its Mass Fire Broadside evenly between 2 Eggs.

EDIT 3: I think I'm done?
KnightDisciple threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Apache Chaingun Total: 6
4 4 2 2
KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Apache Chaingun HitLoc Total: 4
3 3 1 1
KnightDisciple threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Grey Eagle 1 AIM-92 Total: 3
3 3
KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Grey Eagle 1 AIM-92 HL Total: 14
9 9 5 5
KnightDisciple threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Grey Eagle 2 AIM-92 Total: 7
7 7
KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Grey Eagle 2 AIM-92 HL Total: 18
9 9 9 9
KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Spooky Broadside A Total: 11
8 8 3 3
KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Spooky Broadside A HL Total: 18
8 8 10 10
KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Spooky Broadside B Total: 15
6 6 9 9
KnightDisciple threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Spooky Broadside B HL Total: 11
1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8
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Rolling an attack using the Thermite Rockets.

The AH-1 SuperCobra launches a salvo of thermite, they fly true to target. Egg Destroyed!

Rolling for miniguns!

The duo of Black Hawk Defensive Air Penetrators one connect and the other is a near miss, an in spite of the the 7.62's being underpowered when facing 'real' kaiju they scramble defenseless eggs just fine... 1 Egg destroyed, one remains.

I'll take NW.

EDIT 2: Apache will fire the Chaingun at one of the fliers, Grey Ghosts will fire the AIM-92s at the other one, Spooky splitting its Mass Fire Broadside evenly between 2 Eggs.

EDIT 3: I think I'm done?

1 - and omg the ass-kickery ;)

2 - Noted ( as an afterward you *could* have had all 3 [Longbow and Grey Eagles], paint with GLTD to gain some hit bonuses on any accurate weapon systems your side possess... they share telemetry after all).

3 - your done when you say your done :), ( but truthfully, I see nothing you've missed.)


The Apache takes the lead opening up on one of the two fledgling Valstrax. And although all the pilot's instincts scream he had the bastard dead to rights, at the last second with a contemptuous swish of its tail, the beast vectors its 6 wings ever so slightly and pulls -almost- out of the killbox. 30mm tank killing rounds whiz by most of its body, it is the last few shots that grab a rear leg ripping it asunder and knocking Valstrax shrieking from the skies, with the massive blood loss of amputation it is unconscious long before it's body splatters on impact.

2d5+1 roll modified to a 7, normally hits on 5+; Valstrax possesses a level of the 'Evasive Perk' previously unheard of besides the 'Mighty Merlins'. Target is 2 pips harder to hit ; Attack needed a 7+ to have a chance. 7 achieved, (by a hair!!!)

! 1 flyer destroyed!!!

Now the Co-pilot / Gunner of the Apache works his magic, making the Grey Eagles dance as his puppets controlling them remotely. He chooses the Air-to-Air Stingers, heat seeking missiles designed -specifically for locking on to the heat signature of an enemy jets engines flying inside the motor and detonating their rather weak charges inside them allowing the engines to shred themselves.

Grey eagle 1 rolled 1d10+2 to hit roll modified to a 6, normally a 4+ hits, Valstrax possesses a level of the 'Evasive Perk' previously unheard of besides the 'Mighty Merlins'. Target is 2 pips harder to hit ; Attack needed a 6+ to have a chance. 6 achieved, (again by a hair!!!) ***However*** critical locations on Valstrax (head, torso, chest, & pelvis all possess 2 pts anti-conventional resilience)!

Grey eagle 2 - hit roll modded to a 9... 9 vs the 6 needed, (limbs aren't covered by his anti-conv resilience)

Grey Eagle 1 achieves tone, a clear lock is achieved. And again just as Valstrax seems likely to fall victim to a missile up his tailpipe the wings vector and he shifts suddenly away... The missiles detonate in Valstrax #2's heavily armored face doing little more than disorient the beast.

Grey Eagle 2 is a mere heartbeat behind it's sibling achieving tone, again a clear lock is achieved. this missile has a chance to adjust and goes EXACTLY where it was designed to... Straight inside a thruster in the central left wing. Whatever it encountered was not visitor friendly, a chain of small explosion ripple through each of the left hand wings finally culminating in an impressive explosion belching out the armored chest intake.

Second Flyer terminated with extreme prejudice!!!

The Spooky II opens a fresh can of whoop-ass on two unsuspecting eggs, suffice it to say you are raising the bar on defining overkill.

2 half hatched eggs dispatched, the 1 remaining egg although partially hatched is apparently 'accidentally' suppressed as the hatchling has sought shelter inside its egg and is making no move to expose itself!
truthfully, I see nothing you've missed.
@Smithsguild , past due for your eye exam, old man...

I -do- :cry:.

He forgot to roll the nose and tail point defense Vulcan's.
(Nose & Tail) Point Defense Vulcans: Deals 1 Impact k-scale on a 5+. Range -/-/10.
May be fired simultaneously with each other, even at two different targets.
Designed as point defense, 270 degree field of fire, locks so can't self target. Works independent of Massed Fire Broadside.
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@Smithsguild , past due for your eye exam, old man...

I -do- :cry:.

He forgot to roll the nose and tail point defense Vulcan's.
(Nose & Tail) Point Defense Vulcans: Deals 1 Impact k-scale on a 5+. Range -/-/10.
May be fired simultaneously with each other, even at two different targets.
Designed as point defense, 270 degree field of fire, locks so can't self target. Works independent of Massed Fire Broadside.
That was me being tired and unsure if I had to pick between rolling them or not. Un Momento, I will roll them against eggs as well.
KnightDisciple threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Nose Vulcan Vs Egg Total: 9
9 9
KnightDisciple threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Tail Vulcan Vs Egg Total: 5
5 5
(OOC) No problem, I was finishing the post on fumes myself last night.

The Spooky's nose Vulcan shatters the fragmented egg (and its cowering occupant) robbing the tail Vulcan by mere seconds.

Only threats remaining in theater is a single egg to SW, one egg to the NE, and the Northern Threadbeast.

(OOC) Redeployment orders for the units who have completed their assigned tasks, fire again for those with eggs sitting or the 'Outriders' to set woods ablaze @ Threadbeast. Jumphawks carrying the DEW Superheavy have hit the outer edge of comms, they can have the Mastodon 'City of Atlanta' on-site and using quick disconnect it will be ready for combat -next turn-.
(OOC) Redeployment orders for the units who have completed their assigned tasks, fire again for those with eggs sitting or the 'Outriders' to set woods ablaze @ Threadbeast. Jumphawks carrying the DEW Superheavy have hit the outer edge of comms, they can have the Mastodon 'City of Atlanta' on-site and using quick disconnect it will be ready for combat -next turn-.

The silence is deafening... I hope everything is going well for everyone, I will be here when you return. 🧘‍♂️
Well, I guess the units to the NE and SW can remain where they are and keep firing. Smooth Operators move from the E to the NE to help the Chinook kill the egg.
The Supercobra to the West can move to the North to fire thermite rockets until something on the ground is on fire.

The two Killer Shrikes to the SE can reinforce the Center and if nothing happens one of them can move to Threadbeast-killing duty.

I suppose everyone else can search their area for extra contacts or anything suspicious.
[x] Highwind

Sorry, was camping this weekend, then worked today. Plan looks alright though.
...Do I have to write a formal plan with brackets and all, or is my previous post enough? I just want to make sure we aren't waiting because I made a wrong assumption.
...Do I have to write a formal plan with brackets and all, or is my previous post enough? I just want to make sure we aren't waiting because I made a wrong assumption.

Plan locked by overwhelming consensus.

(OOC) [In my best guilty little kid voice]

Nope, What you wrote was perfectly acceptable... I fell prey to nostalgia and an untimely gift :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

Wife bought me Galactic Civilizations 3 and I used to burn weeks on it.( I've neglected my sleep, ignored my spoiled little dogs, and once I lapsed over into poor hygiene my wife pulled the plug so I'd come up for air...)

Write up will be out shortly. :wink2:
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Nope, What you wrote was perfectly acceptable... I fell prey to nostalgia and an untimely gift :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

Wife bought me Galactic Civilizations 3 and I used to burn weeks on it.( I've neglected my sleep, ignored my spoiled little dogs, and once I lapsed over into poor hygiene my wife pulled the plug so I'd come up for air...)
I can't blame you for that, considering I spent the last few weeks entranced by Final Fanfasy XIV's latest expansion. :V
NE - 1 MH-47G Chinook vs 1 contact

Chinook may attack upto 4 times per turn, but is not as well designed as the Spooky for multiple weapons usage; each attack past the 1st adds a -1 cumulative penalty to the overall to hit.

(x2) M134 Door Miniguns: 1d10-1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits 5+.

Range 15/-/20 Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]

May double as Hvy SSC - limited AoE 1d3+1 targets

G models have two M240 7.62mm belt-fed machine guns fitted to windows towards the rear facing both left & right near the rear loading ramp.

(x2) M240 machine guns - hvy ssc- limited AoE 1d3 targets 10/20/25, Hits on 5+.

SW - 2 MH-60M Black Hawks vs 2 contacts.

(x2)M134 Minigun Door guns: 1d10-1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
(1) pod containing AIM-92 ATAS (Air To Air Stinger)Laser Guided variant (4 shots)1d10 +2 to hit, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) 20/30/40 [PP]
(1) pod M261 FFAR 2.75" 7-Thermite rockets: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Hits on 4+. Range 5/10/15 (seven shots only.)

W - 1 SuperCobra repositions to North firing thermite rockets until something on the ground is on fire.

- Dual M134 Miniguns: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
Range 15/-/20 Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]
May double as Hvy SSC - limited AoE 2d3 targets

- Thermite Rocket Pod: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Hits on 4+.
Range 5/10/15 (seven shots only.)

SE - 2 Killer Shrikes move to ground zero to support the capture teams in the center, and if nothing happens one of them can move to Threadbeast-killing duty.

Everyone else search their area for extra contacts or anything suspicious. (OOC - I'll assume that means Spooky & Outriders scan with sensors as well as visual searches.)

Roll a 1d10 for each of your scanning craft, I'll do the adjustments...

I can't blame you for that, considering I spent the last few weeks entranced by Final Fanfasy XIV's latest expansion. :V

(OOC) I'm undiagnosed OCD, whatever my current obsession is, it tends to draw my thoughts to it with my every waking leisure moment.

MAvTW since its inception has almost exclusively been that obsession... I tune out anything on the periphery. It is not intentional but my vision becomes singular and non-related things my brain strains to connect somehow to the obsession.

Edit: rolling is now open.
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Rolling the 2 BlackHawks, (So 2 helos, both using both door guns = 4 dice / 5+ hits, rolling 1d10-1)

edit: Two sets of hits!

edit: I'm dumb, 1 hit ;)
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Black Hawk #1 Total: 9
5 5 4 4
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Black Hawk #2 Total: 12
8 8 4 4
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That covers the combat portion, someone want to throw sensor dice for Spooky II & the Outriders to help with this portion of the plan?

Everyone else search their area for extra contacts or anything suspicious. (OOC - I'll assume that means Spooky & Outriders scan with sensors as well as visual searches.)
That covers the combat portion, someone want to throw sensor dice for Spooky II & the Outriders to help with this portion of the plan?
Sure, I'm willing to do that. At least for the Spooky II.

Edit: Not bad. If there's something to see, we probably saw it.
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Spooky Vision Total: 8
8 8
And you know I'll roll for that Lil' teddybear Radar O'Reilly. (Outrider's sensor roll).
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Radar's junk sensor... Total: 9
9 9