Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Spooky is a situational beast, normally the point defense nose and tail vulcans are annoyance weapons thwarted easily by most k-scale armor but if you factor those in... Spooky gets up to FOUR attacks (per turn) , 2 for the vulcans, and then the Massed Fire Broadside applies 4d10 worth of damage that can be split between 2 targets if they are within 1 km of each other.

So Katts plan just suggests what to target with the uncommitted broadside in addition to Highwinds committal of the nose and tail vulcans.
Need Little Birds and the 'Spooky's' broadside rolled before I can process the turn.
The joint Savannah/Macon taskforce again engage this threat, scrambling to eliminate the unhatched monstrosities and prevent the hatchling from escaping.

The 'Spooky' nose point defense Vulcan's chatter rhythmically, bursting an egg just as the egg tooth pops through shells casing leaving only a meaty pulp and egg fragments.
Roll of 7 vs a 'to hit' of 5+, K-scale damage = dead
The tail gun suffers a jam and warning lights flash, it is easily enough cleared that the gun crew may do so in flight but it robs them of usefulness in this exchange, they will be ready to resume the battle shortly.

Misfire roll of 5, modified by pre-collapse manufacturing bonus = easily handled misfire.
The 'Little Birds' enter the fray. The first fires a salvo of thermite rockets that fall short of the egg (the intervening jell absorbs too much of the rocket's velocity and the thermite sizzles brilliantly inside the goo almost in a slow motion dance extended visibly a beautiful pyrotechnic display).

Simply a miss, and a narrative explanation
The second 'Little Bird' is amply accurate. The rocket flies true, devastation occurs.

Roll of 8 vs a 'to hit' of 5+, K-scale damage = flaming death
Against 'Spooky's' Massed Fire Broadside the infantile Valstrax has no chance multiple flavors of flaming death roar down... 105mm artillery & the Bofors autocannon connect solidly.

Roll of 10 vs a 'to hit' of 5+, but Valstrax possesses a level of the 'Evasive Perk' previously unheard of besides the 'Mighty Merlins'. Target is 2 pips harder to hit ; Attack needed a 7+ to have a chance. 10 = fine red mist
The 'Spooky's' Gau-12 rains incendiary tracers upon the egg to effect, the pounding received is intensive.

Roll of 8 vs a 'to hit' of 5+, K-scale damage = destruction
The death tally is impressive -1 flyer & -3 more eggs destroyed... the one remaining egg goes suddenly still apparently this hatchling is not as strong as it's fellows. Whether it has expired in the shell or is gathering its strength for a later attempt is a mystery that cannot be resolved with your sensors or at a distance.

(OOC) What do you do Councillor's? Send a 'Little Bird' back into radio range to request a capture team and a jumphawk? Do you expand the search team with reinforcements? You do have in addition to your unused Cobras; a MH-47G Chinook Helicopter (armed jumphawk equivalent), the Apache 'Longbow', 3 grey eagle UAV's, & 3 MH-60M Black Hawk's in your arsenal (all recent additions to your arsenal from Hunter Army Airfield). I understand you not wanting to utilize the Strike Eagles to keep your possession of functional Jet aircraft a secret, but not using rotorcraft you possess?!? Especially when your facing *12* widely dispersed eggs...
Have the Spooky scan the area for more eggs and live threats. One Little Bird flies back in to request reinforcements and a capture team for the Valstrax egg. Send in all rotorcraft to reinforce them.
Send all 'combat' rotorcraft... @Smithsguild is like those non-Robin Williams Genies (grant what you ask and not what you intended). It wouldn't be unlike him to send all the 'Jumphawks' as well as the gunships... o_O.

Other than closing loopholes I support plan Highwind.
(OOC) Would I 'bait' my loyal readers, and then perform an attack vs a less defended Macon (currently Home to -ZERO- Jaegers) with no Jumphawks to transport Jaegers to a city with a minimal standing conventional military? :V:V:V

In a friggin heartbeat :drevil:. (Badkatt, damn your 25+ yrs of gaming experience in my campaigns!!! :rage:)
@Highwinds Proposal (BadKatt loophole edition) seems to have 2 supporters, can we get 2 more or an alternate plan?
Have the Spooky scan the area for more eggs and live threats. One Little Bird flies back in to request reinforcements and a capture team for the Valstrax egg. Send in all 'Combat' (Badkatt loophole edit) rotorcraft to reinforce them.

Needing one more, I wasn't counting you @Nixeue as there was no post from you on this plan before my call to vote. You may be thinking of the last vote...
Needing one more, I wasn't counting you @Nixeue as there was no post from you on this plan before my call to vote. You may be thinking of the last vote...
I honestly tend to try and replace commenting with a "Like" when I have nothing of substance to add. Doesn't work, but whatever.
I honestly tend to try and replace commenting with a "Like" when I have nothing of substance to add. Doesn't work, but whatever.

Np, I didn't know that a like was to be considered an official endorsement. I am a bit leary of that, as they are easily removed but if you want me to use those as well... I'm flexible :)
Have the Spooky scan the area for more eggs and live threats. One Little Bird flies back in to request reinforcements and a capture team for the Valstrax egg. Send in all rotorcraft to reinforce them.
Send all 'combat' rotorcraft... @Smithsguild is like those non-Robin Williams Genies (grant what you ask and not what you intended). It wouldn't be unlike him to send all the 'Jumphawks' as well as the gunships... o_O.

Other than closing loopholes I support plan Highwind.
I support this as well.
The Little Bird peels away hauling ass for the comms bubble.

"Savannah Command, this is Tweety Bird. We have encountered a large Kaiju egg mass dropped by Cat-5 'Apocalypse'. Several Cat-Zero hatchling's and a fistful of egg's destroyed, one egg at impact point intact and needing a containment/capture team on-site ASAP.

Best sensor data indicates impact has likely scattered a dozen more eggs to points unknown. Savannah; the eggs contained draconic flyers that possessed bio-organic jet thrusters, mission leader stresses if they are capable of growth -or- reproduction they are a new Omega class threat. Send every helicopter in our arsenal with teeth to locate and terminate as we desperately need reinforcements to widen our net."

There is an uneasy silence, then LOCCENT responds.

"Tweety Bird, message received. Possibly Omega class threat, scrambling all Helos. Give 'em Hell and wish mission leader luck for us."


(ooc) I need a Spooky sensor roll - 1d10+2, to begin ferreting out the splashed eggs.

I will assume, a slow spiralling search pattern that covers more and more ground as helos join the fray.


These Forces are joining those on site: (They scramble with a mix of armaments they were sitting on the tarmac with).

1 Pathfinder (Elite "Outriders") 1d10(x2 door mount M-2's - hvy ssc - limited AoE 1d3 targets) 10/20/30 , hit on 5+

3 AH-1 SuperCobra's (1x Elite "Smooth Operators")
Dual M134 Miniguns: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+. -OR-
Thermite rockets: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Hits on 4+. Range 5/10/15 (seven shots only.)

3 MH-60M Black Hawk- Defensive Air Penetrators
(x2)M134 Minigun Door guns: 1d10-1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
(1) pod containing AIM-92 ATAS (Air To Air Stinger)Laser Guided variant (4 shots)1d10 +2 to hit, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) 20/30/40 [PP]
(1) pod M261 FFAR 2.75" 7-Thermite rockets: 1d10 Fire. -1 Damage. Hits on 4+. Range 5/10/15 (seven shots only.)

1 Apache 'Longbow' AH-64D (Block III) [4 hard points] & 2 slaved Gray Eagle UAV's
M230 30mm chain guns in a fixed forward-facing fitment, 2d5+1 K-scale Impact damage. 2 AAP, Range 5 / 15 / 25, hit on 5+
Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]
(1) pod containing AIM-92 ATAS (Air To Air Stinger)Laser Guided variant (4 shots)1d10 +2 to hit, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) 20/30/40 [PP]
(1) pod containing AGM-122 Sidearm air-to-ground anti-rad missiles (4 shots)1d10 +2 to hit, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) 20/30/40 [PP]
(2) AGM-114 Hellfire missile Pods: 1d10+1 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Hits on 5+.Range 15/20/30 Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP](each pod provides four shots.)
--------------->2 slaved Grey Eagle UAV's (controlled by Apache co-pilot/gunner)
(2) pods each containing AIM-92 ATAS (Air To Air Stinger)Laser Guided variant (4 shots)1d10 +2 to hit, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) Rng 20/30/40 [PP]
(2) GBU-44/B Viper Strike Small diameter glide bombs, Design Flaw: Expensive - Each such missile fired costs 50 R
1d10+1, -3 damage (min. scratch) hit 5+, Blast Damage. 1 pt AAP Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]

1 MH-47G Chinook Helicopter
(x2) M134 Door Miniguns: 1d10-1 -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits 5+. Range 15/-/20 Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]
May double as Hvy SSC - limited AoE 1d3+1 targets
(x2) M240 machine guns - hvy ssc- limited AoE 1d3 targets 10/20/25, Hits on 5+. Rearward windows to cover loading ramp (270 degree field of fire)

1 standard unarmed jumphawk carrying a capture team and some containment equipment.
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The 'Spooky' with some experience with the conditions at the ground zero impact point now know which data sets to filter and which to give closer scrutiny.

Thermal gains are filtered out for anything not near the boiling point of water (Although the splash droplets are cooling quickly, the scalding spray has left a trail of sorts.) A crimson series of small splashes on the monitors show the way, breadcrumbs leading you away from ground zero.

1 trail heads Due South
2 trails to the Southwest
1 trail West
5!!! trails to the Northwest, and at least 2 signatures here are putting off heat like a Strike Eagle with afterburners blowing full tilt.
North bears no likely heat signatures
1 trail to the Northeast
1 trail to the East
2 trails to the Southeast

Edit: (Yes, that -is- a total of 13 contacts... earlier observations were split second and were in error). Thanks to good roll you caught a masked signature.

Please as you deploy forces, list compass point & force compositions. Distances will be too great for easy re-deploy if shit goes sideways (hazards of a rotorcraft vs jet forces battle.)

All troops are outside both Macon and Savannah radio/sensor range, however the Spooky can act as a radio relay for troops in theater.
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