Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

We have have seven different directions to search, and 13 contacts total. Our total number of dice to throw at the problem is 19, 11 from the reinforcements, 2 from the two Little Birds that came with the Spooky, and 6 from the Spooky II itself. Of note is the fact the Apache Longbow has two of the Reinforcements' dice attached to it in the form of the Grey Eagle UAVs.

The Spooky is the ideal choice for the Northwestern trails, since they are by far the most numerous and dangerous group. I say we send it there, and have the Apache and its UAVs tag along. That's a total of 9 dice per turn against 5 targets, and the UAVs are equipped with Anti-Air missiles as well, so they're very well equipped to handle the two hatchlings.

That leaves us with ten units to handle eight targets spread in six directions. That's some really annoying math to plan around, but I can make it work. Keep one of the Liitle Birds with the capture team, ready to fire at the egg in case it starts stirring again, and the rest of the reinforcements spread out one to each egg, and the odd one out... it can go to any direction really. I doubt the Spooky team needs more firepower, so the odd helo out can join whatever direction they prefer.

How does this sound? Did I make any mistakes?
*wipes forehead*

Okay, I FINALLY finished reading this from page 1 to now. Now I can sign up for a AKP and a Jacket to fight the ravening hordes, right?


My Thoughts:

In all seriousness, I'm very impressed with this game, as its a very refreshing take on the "vs the World" formula, involving the smaller characters is great and feels like its a hybrid with RTS elements, almost, while not loosing the original game structure/mechanics. And punching Kaiju with giant robots is still awesome, especially when there's Power Armor (any day now!) soldiers joining the fight too!

I would rate this game 5/5 exploding Kaijus.


How I Would Like to Participate:

I would like to join this game, but I have to give a small warning ale of things. I'm not sure how much free time I'd have to post, as I'm a co-GM/editor on the "The Road Not Taken" 40K game also on SV and that sucks up a lot of my free time. I also have a summer camp job, which will end in a month, but its a LONG day (travel time is 2.5hrs one way with two buses, 1hr with a train back). I'll contribute what I can.

Also, I have to admit a lot of the mechanics in the game seem like Swahili crossbred with whatever Covenant Elites speak as their language, ie its too complicated for me to grasp the math and formulae being used. I just love reading the action posts and the turn results, which are a style I'm more familiar with (sharing elements with CK2-style games on SV and SB).

I'm a HUGE tech guy, I have a link in my signature that can be delved into for tech ideas, though its not strictly speaking meant for Jaeger-Kaiju fun, its adaptable stuff, and I always try and have supporting links to anything cool I find. I have to admit, I've already found several cool tech ideas just reading through this game!

So, my primary contribution would be thinking up tech ideas, mostly cribbing from other SF and making up technobabble for the worst of it (which is done here, so I should fit right in).


Game Tech Ideas:

In pseudo-post-apocalyptic stories like this one with SF elements, I tend to lean towards automation, robotics, and that kind of thing, though I'm a big fan of energy production and weapons techs obviously, we all seem to be here lol. Actual tech recommendations I've thought of so far:

- That 105mm mobile artillery piece that the GM posted a youtube video of, that would be a perfect design for this game!...with some modifications. Slightly larger, beefier engine(s?) to compensate for larger size, autoloaders, and instead of one barrel its three in a cyclic firing cycle, allowing for firing three rounds within 5 seconds, with pinpoint accuracy. Just occurred to me that would make a GREAT upgrade for a vehicle like that, and obviously possible if we can build skyscraper-sized robots that violate the laws of physics (and fucking magic of course).

- A drone-carrying helicopter-sized transport, a force multiplier for our always not enough soldiers/armed forces. It would be either remote piloted or have one pilot (maybe both for redundancy). The back would be a seeming solid block, with slits in the sides. Upon arriving in battle the helicopter fires these out the sides:
Imagine that with a solid circular covering, making it look like a giant dinner plate. The blades would pop out from the top. Say each transports carries ~20 plates, and each "plate" carries say a decent feed of 10mm rounds (100ish?) with various properties, and there's SWARMS of these drones coordinating their fire all together from all sides with perfect triangulation (and the drones can just reslide back into the copter-transport to rearm). And it doesn't have to be always 10mm rounds, could be those taser-balls, energy weapons, micro-missiles/smart grenades, whatever. Would be amazing against a lot of Cat 0 threats or smaller, and I can imagine the business guy would LOVE to get his hands on a few of these aerial drone transports for his own protection, if not rent ours to help him as has already been discussed. An obvious weakness is anything that emits EMP-esque signals that disrupt drone communications, but we could install programming backups that in the event of comm loss the drones aren't useless and insta-die, but just target enemies by themselves with a accuracy penalty or something until network uplink is restored. Would take miniaturization and development of specialized drones for this, but this is an ideal result.

- Slimmed down Jackets (meaning cheaper) for use in civilian construction or various industries.

- Our existing factories in Savannah, do they even HAVE robotic arms or any automation at all? Automating/roboticizing our factories would massively free up valuable humans for other purposes, plus amplify our industrial output, meaning more actions or something like that. And we NEED more actions ASAP.
- And automated warehouses like what is being developed today, with Amazon experimenting with robot workers moving pallets, crates, and parts instead of humans:

- And something to automate mines would be great to reduce safety issues (if there's less people there straight off).

- Somebody already mentioned pushing for ultraviolet lasers, and there's that organic stuff that is a better lasing medium that we can buy from the business guy (forgetting his name). Great combo. Could also get that Naudynium? - well, the new element - with platinum in some kind of high-power generating generator hooked up to capacitors to power vehicle- or Jaeger-sized Uberlas weapons like this. Obviously would take multiple researches to do, but I love the idea of cutting a Kaiju in half with a ridiculously oversized laser emitter.
- Really though, we need to buy ALL the tech from the business guy. That food one especially will really help out with pop growth and overall quality of life, both of which will effect morale, which will bleed over into productivity...people are complicated, one things ripples outwards into many things.

- Since we're violating the laws of physics on a whim now...I wonder if there are any Kaiju, recorded or not, that can manipulate gravity? Getting antigrav would be so goddamn useful, both for high-mobility combat units and non-military applications. Hey, maybe we can build even better Jaegers?

- I feel like the Iron Bitch's 800mm cannon is a bit overboard, even for taking down Kaiju. Reduce that down to say 500mm, upgrade it to be a railgun, and the additional velocity would more than compensate for the smaller diameter of the round fired. Throw in a secondary laser that ionizes the air in front of the railgun's line of firing a nanosecond BEFORE firing, and the air will be moved out of the way resulting in a faster firing time and less energy bleed off into the atmosphere, resulting in more accurate and stronger hits.
- Oh, and don't mount those on trains, mount them on giant armored turrets so they can shoot at air and ground targets. Obviously only good for larger Kaiju, but this would be a great step to upgrading defensive fortifications, and ensuring even if there are NO Jaegers available in the event of a complete disaster defenses are still adequate even with conventionals only.
- Oh, and mount them on trains too, why the fuck not. Maybe call them "Iron Hoes" or something, a cute name for them or something like the Bitch but toned down for easier manufacturing. I'm reminded of in StarCraft 2 when the Dominion built the Odin, a fuckoff huge prototype with ridiculous super-features built in, and the Odin was the mass production model with a lot of the luxuries of the Odin toned down or eliminated.

- Providing our Jacket AKPs with heavier weapons that the Jackets can handle the recoil of. "Recoilless" weapons, missile launchers, automatic grenade launchers, super-giant shotguns, etc. Considering how deadly nest creatures and Cat 0s are I'm thinking a heavier round than 7.62mm is needed, and since I have a thing for nice neat round numbers why not 10mm? Works great, substantially bigger than 7.62mm but not as hand-breaking as 12.7mm/.50 caliber rounds are, and Jackets can carry the additional ammo size just fine all day. Plus, 10mm weapons would still be quite usable by non-Jacket forces too, just with a slight mobility penalty or needing an APC to carry more ammo nearby with deployments for sustained engagements.
- Also, armor-piercing is probably going to have to become the new standard, as nest creatures and Cat 0s are still pretty goddamn tough. And honestly, I'd be okay with the standard being 10mm HEAP rounds for all non-human threats, as default.




- In a world as ravaged by the Kaiju as Earth seems to be getting, human society and life is precious, every casualty takes away irrevocable knowledge from our world, replacing it with a void. In a world where there's no global internet anymore and telecom is shot bc of Apocalypse's pulses, humanity has been dropped to almost a high-tech medievalism, whatever is in your local bubble or horizon is "the world", and California might as well be on Mars in terms of the possibility of accessibility. High-tech medievalism is the best phrasing I can think of to describe what human populations are going through (this is where my anthropology degree bleeds through ;) ).
- In the above light, Jaegers are our knights (now in giant skyscraper-mechs!), and Kaiju are our demons.


Anyway, that's all I can think of for now. Will comment later, hope any of my inane rambling helps inspire.
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We have have seven different directions to search, and 13 contacts total. Our total number of dice to throw at the problem is 19, 11 from the reinforcements, 2 from the two Little Birds that came with the Spooky, and 6 from the Spooky II itself. Of note is the fact the Apache Longbow has two of the Reinforcements' dice attached to it in the form of the Grey Eagle UAVs.

The Spooky is the ideal choice for the Northwestern trails, since they are by far the most numerous and dangerous group. I say we send it there, and have the Apache and its UAVs tag along. That's a total of 9 dice per turn against 5 targets, and the UAVs are equipped with Anti-Air missiles as well, so they're very well equipped to handle the two hatchlings.

That leaves us with ten units to handle eight targets spread in six directions. That's some really annoying math to plan around, but I can make it work. Keep one of the Liitle Birds with the capture team, ready to fire at the egg in case it starts stirring again, and the rest of the reinforcements spread out one to each egg, and the odd one out... it can go to any direction really. I doubt the Spooky team needs more firepower, so the odd helo out can join whatever direction they prefer.

How does this sound? Did I make any mistakes?
Sounds good to me, but I'm coming off a four hour car ride, 2 hours of walking around catching Ralts in Pokémon Go, and then an hour of gaming with my brother (Duck Game is addicting). After getting up early. My brain is marinading in exhaustion chemicals and endorphins right now, so I'm not likely to spot any flaws. On a related note, I'm away from home. Luckily, I usually use my IPad on here. I'll be AFK for much of tomorrow, too, as we've still got about another 4 hours till we get to where we're going.
*wipes forehead*

Okay, I FINALLY finished reading this from page 1 to now. Now I can sign up for a AKP and a Jacket to fight the ravening hordes, right?
Welcome to the madhouse. Enjoy your stay.
*concerns over ability to make contributions*
Whatever you can contribute will be appreciated. Lots of us have other stuff going on. Don't worry about it.
Also, I have to admit a lot of the mechanics in the game seem like Swahili crossbred with whatever Covenant Elites speak as their language, ie its too complicated for me to grasp the math and formulae being used. I just love reading the action posts and the turn results, which are a style I'm more familiar with (sharing elements with CK2-style games on SV and SB).
Honestly, the formulae tend to get clearer with time and exposure. I felt like they were too complex before I started planning regularly in Tacit Quest. Though, admittedly, they are kinda more complex here. Smith's been experimenting and expanding on a lot of stuff. Generally speaking, though, just throw a lot of dice at things, and they die. There are lots of parameters we just aren't going to know until we fire, so trying to calculate them ahead of time is kinda pointless.
I'm a HUGE tech guy, I have a link in my signature that can be delved into for tech ideas, though its not strictly speaking meant for Jaeger-Kaiju fun, its adaptable stuff, and I always try and have supporting links to anything cool I find. I have to admit, I've already found several cool tech ideas just reading through this game!
Oh, the exposure to weird military tech from this and Tacit quest has been one of my favorite parts. New tech people are always welcome. I'll have to take a look at that list you've got.
- Somebody already mentioned pushing for ultraviolet lasers, and there's that organic stuff that is a better lasing medium that we can buy from the business guy (forgetting his name). Great combo. Could also get that Naudynium? - well, the new element - with platinum in some kind of high-power generating generator hooked up to capacitors to power vehicle- or Jaeger-sized Uberlas weapons like this. Obviously would take multiple researches to do, but I love the idea of cutting a Kaiju in half with a ridiculously oversized laser emitter.
The Neutope? Given that we have limited amounts of it, that aircraft will be able to harvest it in-flight, and that it's entirely possible that enemy Kaiju may be able to exploit use of it (it does come from Apocalypse's dandruff, after all), I'd prefer to mostly keep that for use by aircraft. Particularly, I'd prefer to keep it off our Jaegers, for that last reason I mentioned. We do have rather compact nuclear reactors we could use instead, though.
- Really though, we need to buy ALL the tech from the business guy. That food one especially will really help out with pop growth and overall quality of life, both of which will effect morale, which will bleed over into productivity...people are complicated, one things ripples outwards into many things.
It's high on my "to-do" list. Along with "draw up and build modernized, anti-K-Scale focused, nuclear-powered Light Crusier designs, that take advantage of as many of our advancements as possible, with a side order of magic and Elder Signs if I can swing it." I'd be interested to know your thoughts on that, actually.
- In a world as ravaged by the Kaiju as Earth seems to be getting, human society and life is precious, every casualty takes away irrevocable knowledge from our world, replacing it with a void. In a world where there's no global internet anymore and telecom is shot bc of Apocalypse's pulses, humanity has been dropped to almost a high-tech medievalism, whatever is in your local bubble or horizon is "the world", and California might as well be on Mars in terms of the possibility of accessibility. High-tech medievalism is the best phrasing I can think of to describe what human populations are going through (this is where my anthropology degree bleeds through ;) ).
- In the above light, Jaegers are our knights (now in giant skyscraper-mechs!), and Kaiju are our demons.
The fact that we have literal demons and eldritch abominations, and magic, definitely supports your ideas. Hell, we're considering the merits of going full Imperium of Man and creating an Inquisition. And 40k definitely has aspects that match what you're describing.
It definitely looks like a solid foundation @Highwind ; maybe I could coax @BadKatt85 to weigh in?


(OOC) We just fed her our families interpretation of a 'renaissance feast' where my wife goes nuts with slabs of meats: honey cured ham , rotisserie chicken, & cured meats like hard salami, fruits both fresh and dried and cheese cubes (flavors beyond easy counting chosen by the Misses to compliment the flavors of the meats & fruits), Homemade bread and hand churned butter with honey from local bees that have fed on clover and fruit trees as their primary diet. She should be amicable after waking from her food coma... :V :V:V


A special welcome (& thank you for the extensive praise) to @avatar11792 , it is a casual environment contribute as you see fit -When you are able- I am a quasi-retiree with NO gaming outlet I do this as an outlet and as a way of exercising the grey matter; I do so in the hopes of being mildly entertaining while indulging in my love for all things military / pop culture / horror.

minor footnote: It is sometimes advantageous to pop open those spoiler tags whether you can decode the "Swahili / Covenant Elites speak or not" sometimes I drop clues as to why the narrative occurs as it does (revealing not immediately obvious strengths or weaknesses/exploitable opportunities/etc.) .


Hugs to you @Nixeu , the fact the lure of -our- game can draw you in *in spite of* a hectic day means we're doing something right! :drevil:
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We have have seven different directions to search, and 13 contacts total. Our total number of dice to throw at the problem is 19, 11 from the reinforcements, 2 from the two Little Birds that came with the Spooky, and 6 from the Spooky II itself. Of note is the fact the Apache Longbow has two of the Reinforcements' dice attached to it in the form of the Grey Eagle UAVs.

The Spooky is the ideal choice for the Northwestern trails, since they are by far the most numerous and dangerous group. I say we send it there, and have the Apache and its UAVs tag along. That's a total of 9 dice per turn against 5 targets, and the UAVs are equipped with Anti-Air missiles as well, so they're very well equipped to handle the two hatchlings.

That leaves us with ten units to handle eight targets spread in six directions. That's some really annoying math to plan around, but I can make it work. Keep one of the Little Birds with the capture team, ready to fire at the egg in case it starts stirring again, and the rest of the reinforcements spread out one to each egg, and the odd one out... it can go to any direction really. I doubt the Spooky team needs more firepower, so the odd helo out can join whatever direction they prefer.

How does this sound? Did I make any mistakes?

I think it is solid, I personally think throw the spare in to fly escort home with the capture team. Don't need it wrecking an unarmed Jumphawk and heading for "Exit, Stage Left" without something to chew it a new one.

MH-60M Black Hawk- Defensive Air Penetrators

This has air-to-air stingers as well, making it an excellent escort.

Other than that, the only thing is to name force composition per compass point as per Smiths request.

Edit: btw the food was delicious, no coma but I am moving s-l-o-w-l-y. :lol
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@avatar11792 , I am dumbfounded! I followed the link to tech and have found Nirvana! I am (with your kind permission stealing the 'Tech ranking & Masteries whole cloth.) It gives me a running framework to better explain how well founded an idea or blueprint is... Simply brilliant!!!
@avatar11792's List has been interesting, if slightly less detailed in areas than I'd like. Also ran into some stuff that I could definitely rant a bit about, but I'll forego that for the moment. Not the best place for it, anyway.

That said, it also had amorphous metals and superatom chemistry in it, concepts I find highly fascinating. Like, "potential future field of expertise/thesis" levels of interesting. So thanks for that. Inorganic nanotubes are neat too.

As for anything particularly useful for us, I didn't see much that was super useful. Some choice bits of technobabble for Smith to make use of, if need be, though. I guess we could try and research grasers via Halfnium-173m2 isomers, but our K-Scale foes tend to be really resistant to radiation. Some good ideas for what to progress towards with some of our projects, but nothing that really jumped out at me.

There were a couple of naval suggestions, like multihulls and hydrofoils, which, while nice, also have drawbacks. The former has limited payload weights due to stresses, and I'm looking to put heavier armor on my boats, not less. The latter would be kinda hard to manage with a really big ship, but could be a good upgrade to our patrol boats. That said, if the square cube law being repealed also means a trimaran battleship could hydroplane into combat, I'm not going to complain.
Hugs to you @Nixeu , the fact the lure of -our- game can draw you in *in spite of* a hectic day means we're doing something right! :drevil:
Eh. Even on a trip, I have time that needs killing before I sleep. And the other sort of gaming tends to keep me awake if I do it. Now, research and this sort of gaming, that I can do quite easily. Reading before bed has been a habit of mine since childhood. The way I see it, this is just an extension of that.
@avatar11792 A lot of your introductory post are ideas and suggestions and are more for the consumption of your fellow councilors, I -did- however find a question I can answer for you.

- Our existing factories in Savannah, do they even HAVE robotic arms or any automation at all? Automating/roboticizing our factories would massively free up valuable humans for other purposes, plus amplify our industrial output, meaning more actions or something like that.

Both the Superheavy ' Hephaestus ' Jaeger scale repair drone and the manufacturing auto-jigs that make components (glorified 3d printing dealing in metal, ceramic, & plastic mediums) rely heavily on automation. Granted there ARE bonuses to be gained from additional automation if research is done.

Edit: I could see something along the line of a "Self Optimizing Machine Factory" where given a schematic the line could reconfigure its waldos and auto jigs to an optimal design to produce one item per turn at reduce cost.

-Research ANYTHING!!!-
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Sounds good to me, but I'm coming off a four hour car ride, 2 hours of walking around catching Ralts in Pokémon Go, and then an hour of gaming with my brother (Duck Game is addicting). After getting up early. My brain is marinading in exhaustion chemicals and endorphins right now, so I'm not likely to spot any flaws. On a related note, I'm away from home. Luckily, I usually use my IPad on here. I'll be AFK for much of tomorrow, too, as we've still got about another 4 hours till we get to where we're going.
Hope you rest up okay, sounds exhausting.

Welcome to the madhouse. Enjoy your stay.

Whatever you can contribute will be appreciated. Lots of us have other stuff going on. Don't worry about it.
Yeah I know, just felt I should be upfront about availability and all, lots of people seem to do that.

Honestly, the formulae tend to get clearer with time and exposure. I felt like they were too complex before I started planning regularly in Tacit Quest. Though, admittedly, they are kinda more complex here. Smith's been experimenting and expanding on a lot of stuff. Generally speaking, though, just throw a lot of dice at things, and they die. There are lots of parameters we just aren't going to know until we fire, so trying to calculate them ahead of time is kinda pointless.
I'll look at is as much as I can, again just wanted to be Frank and Earnest (then change my name back to James). :D

The Neutope? Given that we have limited amounts of it, that aircraft will be able to harvest it in-flight, and that it's entirely possible that enemy Kaiju may be able to exploit use of it (it does come from Apocalypse's dandruff, after all), I'd prefer to mostly keep that for use by aircraft. Particularly, I'd prefer to keep it off our Jaegers, for that last reason I mentioned. We do have rather compact nuclear reactors we could use instead, though.
Since we have so little of the Neutope...I wonder if it can be utilized to "turbocharge" an existing nuclear reactor design? We'd have to see how it reacts to radioactive substances like plutonium and uranium first, but its a possibility.

It's high on my "to-do" list. Along with "draw up and build modernized, anti-K-Scale focused, nuclear-powered Light Cruiser designs, that take advantage of as many of our advancements as possible, with a side order of magic and Elder Signs if I can swing it." I'd be interested to know your thoughts on that, actually.
Sounds great to me! I'd add as semi-mandatory for me integrated railgun batteries (research), some form of laser-based point defense (research), and ideally we should also upgrade our nuclear reactor designs.

Also, what's the feasibility of developing a Thorium Reactor, or even acquiring Thorium? BC normal uranium reactors generate copious quantities of nuclear waste as byproducts (and still would even if we researched more efficient fission reactor designs). Thorium reactors would actually use nuclear waste as fuel, so it would be like high-tech recycling, lol. Also Thorium reactors can't meltdown and explode like uranium ones can, so if we adopted Thorium reactors as our primary energy generation we could use smaller uranium reactors solely for breeding nuclear material we need (like say depleted uranium for tank and Jaeger rounds).

The fact that we have literal demons and eldritch abominations, and magic, definitely supports your ideas. Hell, we're considering the merits of going full Imperium of Man and creating an Inquisition. And 40k definitely has aspects that match what you're describing.
Yeah, funny coincidence, eh? :p Well, the Middle Ages were certainly more "Chinese Fun" than our modern world, so...bring on the Jaeger-knights!

(OOC) We just fed her our families interpretation of a 'renaissance feast' where my wife goes nuts with slabs of meats: honey cured ham , rotisserie chicken, & cured meats like hard salami, fruits both fresh and dried and cheese cubes (flavors beyond easy counting chosen by the Misses to compliment the flavors of the meats & fruits), Homemade bread and hand churned butter with honey from local bees that have fed on clover and fruit trees as their primary diet. She should be amicable after waking from her food coma... :V :V:V
That sounds AMAZING...might have to try that one...

A special welcome (& thank you for the extensive praise) to @avatar11792 , it is a casual environment contribute as you see fit -When you are able- I am a quasi-retiree with NO gaming outlet I do this as an outlet and as a way of exercising the grey matter; I do so in the hopes of being mildly entertaining while indulging in my love for all things military / pop culture / horror.

minor footnote: It is sometimes advantageous to pop open those spoiler tags whether you can decode the "Swahili / Covenant Elites speak or not" sometimes I drop clues as to why the narrative occurs as it does (revealing not immediately obvious strengths or weaknesses/exploitable opportunities/etc.).
Oh no worries on that Mr GM sir, I try and read the formulae as much as possible. Definitely can get a lot from that stuff.

@avatar11792 , I am dumbfounded! I followed the link to tech and have found Nirvana! I am (with your kind permission stealing the 'Tech ranking & Masteries whole cloth.) It gives me a running framework to better explain how well founded an idea or blueprint is... Simply brilliant!!!
Yeah, no problem, enjoy. That's what its there for! Yay contributions! :D

@avatar11792's List has been interesting, if slightly less detailed in areas than I'd like. Also ran into some stuff that I could definitely rant a bit about, but I'll forego that for the moment. Not the best place for it, anyway.

That said, it also had amorphous metals and superatom chemistry in it, concepts I find highly fascinating. Like, "potential future field of expertise/thesis" levels of interesting. So thanks for that. Inorganic nanotubes are neat too.

As for anything particularly useful for us, I didn't see much that was super useful. Some choice bits of technobabble for Smith to make use of, if need be, though. I guess we could try and research grasers via Halfnium-173m2 isomers, but our K-Scale foes tend to be really resistant to radiation. Some good ideas for what to progress towards with some of our projects, but nothing that really jumped out at me.

There were a couple of naval suggestions, like multihulls and hydrofoils, which, while nice, also have drawbacks. The former has limited payload weights due to stresses, and I'm looking to put heavier armor on my boats, not less. The latter would be kinda hard to manage with a really big ship, but could be a good upgrade to our patrol boats. That said, if the square cube law being repealed also means a trimaran battleship could hydroplane into combat, I'm not going to complain.
I have to admit, this Tech List of mine is mainly me scrounging material I've found from other games, breaking stuff into time periods, adding my own ideas/thoughts, and tying it together with barely-justified shoestring. Its always growing and evolving as I run into new tech stuff out there or just interact with more games.

Thus a lot of those tech bits are not meant to be linked together, or don't have context? Something like that, just woke up. Hard to find words sometimes.

@avatar11792 A lot of your introductory post are ideas and suggestions and are more for the consumption of your fellow councilors, I -did- however find a question I can answer for you.

Both the Superheavy ' Hephaestus ' Jaeger scale repair drone and the manufacturing auto-jigs that make components (glorified 3d printing dealing in metal, ceramic, & plastic mediums) rely heavily on automation. Granted there ARE bonuses to be gained from additional automation if research is done.

Edit: I could see something along the line of a "Self Optimizing Machine Factory" where given a schematic the line could reconfigure its waldos and auto jigs to an optimal design to produce one item per turn at reduce cost.

-Research ANYTHING!!!-
Okay, sounds great. This also means we can scale those systems down, but we have a place to start from. Great news!

So...if we're riffing off some elements of about developing an Standard Template Construct?

Standard Template Construct (STC)

A Standard Template Construct (STC) system was an advanced, artificially intelligent computer database created during the Age of Technology said to have contained the sum total of Human scientific and technological knowledge. The STC was invented when Human interstellar civilisation was at its...

A Standard Template Construct (STC) system was an advanced, artificially intelligent computer database created during the Dark Age of Technology said to have contained the sum total of human scientific and technological knowledge. The STC was invented when human interstellar civilisation was at its technological STC allowed workers to build anything from a Lasgun to a fortified bunker or fearsome interstellar warships...STC systems possessed the ability not just to store information but also to produce new designs to meet changing circumstances.
An STC system was possessed by every group of human interstellar colonists, allowing them to build all of the equipment necessary for survival in an untamed [environment].

An STC program would enable us to encode any tech we develop into a standardized form that can be easily read and understood by any of our settlements. It would also mean that each settlement could theoretically start over from scratch if say another Apocalypse-style event happened on Earth (which if it happened once could happened again; what if the next one targets the biosphere we depend on to eat/drink/breathe, for instance?).

While developing actual AIs might not be feasible right now, pushing to improve or consolidate what knowledge of the human computer sciences exist, plus learning from Kaiju and their alien Masters, could get us say Mass Effect-style Virtual Intelligences (not AIs, just really capable search engines algorithms combined with a decent capability for human interactivity).



So, items to think about just from this post:

- Neutope possibly being utilized to "turbocharge" an existing nuclear reactor design? We'd have to see how it reacts to radioactive substances like plutonium and uranium first, but its a possibility.

- (Design, then Build) modernized anti-Kaiju, nuclear-powered Light Cruiser design. Takes advantage of as many of our advancements as possible, with a side order of magic and Elder Signs.
-- (research) integrated railgun batteries, various (20mm, 50mm, 100mm, 250mm) (the larger railgun batteries have an obvious benefit for Jaegers too, of course)
-- (research) some form of laser-based point defense (need to develop even basic lasers for that, but still a good idea)
-- (research) upgraded nuclear reactor designs to power all of the above.
-- Magic/Elder Signs??? Somebody else can work on that stuff, not my thing (though if there's Runes of Toughness, we could inscribe those on the hull and major superstructure components, would be VERY nice boost to Toughness).

- (Research) Thorium Reactors, and acquiring Thorium. Normal uranium reactors generate copious quantities of nuclear waste as byproducts (and still would even if we researched more efficient fission reactor designs). Thorium reactors would actually use nuclear waste as fuel, so it would be like high-tech recycling, lol. Also Thorium reactors can't meltdown and explode like uranium ones can, so if we adopted Thorium reactors as our primary energy generation we could use smaller uranium reactors solely for breeding nuclear material we need (like say depleted uranium for tank and Jaeger rounds).

Thorium - World Nuclear Association

Thorium is much more abundant in nature than uranium. Thorium can be used as a nuclear fuel through breeding to uranium-233 (U-233). When this thorium fuel cycle is used, much less plutonium and other transuranic elements are produced, compared with uranium fuel cycles. Several thorium-fuelled...

Thorium is a naturally-occurring, slightly radioactive metal discovered in 1828 by the Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius, who named it after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. It is found in small amounts in most rocks and soils, where it is about three times more abundant than uranium. Soil contains an average of around 6 parts per million (ppm) of thorium. Thorium is very insoluble, which is why it is plentiful in sands but not in seawater, in contrast to uranium.
The most common source of thorium is the rare earth phosphate mineral, monazite, which contains up to about 12% thorium phosphate, but 6-7% on average. Monazite is found in igneous and other rocks but the richest concentrations are in placer deposits, concentrated by wave and current action with other heavy minerals. World monazite resources are estimated to be about 16 million tonnes, 12 Mt of which are in heavy mineral sands deposits on the south and east coasts of India. There are substantial deposits in several other countries (see Table below). Thorium recovery from monazite usually involves leaching with sodium hydroxide at 140°C followed by a complex process to precipitate pure ThO2. Thorite (ThSiO4) is another common thorium mineral. A large vein deposit of thorium and rare earth metals is in Idaho.

Estimated world thorium resources1

[TD]South Africa[/TD]
[TD]Other countries[/TD]
[TD]World total[/TD]

- Also researching more efficient/less nuclear waste, smaller, and safer uranium fission reactors would be a good idea. Not only for more powerful Jaegers, superheavy vehicles, and various naval vessels, but for breeder reactors to make Depleted Uranium for weapons.

- (Research) grasers (gamma ray lasers) via Halfnium-173m2 isomers. Specifically thinking...even if Kaiju are rad-resistant, their EYES/sensory organs won't be as much. Blind them with precision graser batteries before battles, cripple them before attacking.

- (Research) Self Optimizing Machine Factory: If an auto-jig and a robotic factory made love and had a baby. Highly automated, mix of robotic assemblies, 3D printers, and high-efficiency resource feeds with minimal human involvement barring maintenance. Would require high-end computers to monitor everything (resource cost, rare components?). Given a schematic the line could reconfigure its waldos and auto jigs to an optimal design to produce one item per turn at reduced cost.

- Standard Template Construct system: for encoding all of our tech into a universal, standardized, easy-to-use format.

Standard Template Construct (STC)

A Standard Template Construct (STC) system was an advanced, artificially intelligent computer database created during the Age of Technology said to have contained the sum total of Human scientific and technological knowledge. The STC was invented when Human interstellar civilisation was at its...

A Standard Template Construct (STC) system was an advanced, artificially intelligent computer database created during the Dark Age of Technology said to have contained the sum total of human scientific and technological knowledge. The STC was invented when human interstellar civilisation was at its technological STC allowed workers to build anything from a Lasgun to a fortified bunker or fearsome interstellar warships...STC systems possessed the ability not just to store information but also to produce new designs to meet changing circumstances.
An STC system was possessed by every group of human interstellar colonists, allowing them to build all of the equipment necessary for survival in an untamed [environment].

An STC program would enable us to encode any tech we develop into a standardized form that can be easily read and understood by any of our settlements. It would also mean that each settlement could theoretically start over from scratch if say another Apocalypse-style event happened on Earth (which if it happened once could happened again; what if the next one targets the biosphere we depend on to eat/drink/breathe, for instance?).

- AIs/VIs: While developing actual AIs might not be feasible right now, pushing to improve or consolidate what knowledge of the human computer sciences exist, plus learning from Kaiju and their alien Masters, could get us say Mass Effect-style Virtual Intelligences (not AIs, just really capable search engines algorithms combined with a decent capability for human interactivity). That would probably a massive efficiency boost to not only manufacturing and industry, but also resource harvesting/mining, etc; really anything that uses computers.
Since we have so little of the Neutope...I wonder if it can be utilized to "turbocharge" an existing nuclear reactor design? We'd have to see how it reacts to radioactive substances like plutonium and uranium first, but its a possibility.
I'd be surprised. About the best you might do is trigger a temporary, sudden power spike, from the short lived ionizing radiation it outputs, which is usually not a good thing. Maybe you could get around some of the initial "warming up". Maybe. But Neutope is mostly useful in that it's not nuclear, but still outputs a lot of power. In aeronautics applications, it's thus infinitely more viable, due to increased thrust-to-weight ratios. Everywhere else, it's kinda a wash, IMO.
Sounds great to me! I'd add as semi-mandatory for me integrated railgun batteries (research), some form of laser-based point defense (research), and ideally we should also upgrade our nuclear reactor designs.
Point defense is at a lower priority on dedicated anti-K-Scale combatants. Kaiju, demons, and assorted eldritch horrors don't tend to toss around a lot of missiles. Energy attacks and maybe some projectiles are more common than anything guided. Point defense would be most commonly applied against marine infantry and Cat 0 threats, like Deep Ones, and lasers don't do well in penetrating water.

As for railguns, I'd prefer to stick with energy weapons and torpedoes on Light Crusiers, so as to keep them light. Heavy Crusiers and above are what I had planned on having mount railguns.
Also, what's the feasibility of developing a Thorium Reactor, or even acquiring Thorium? BC normal uranium reactors generate copious quantities of nuclear waste as byproducts (and still would even if we researched more efficient fission reactor designs). Thorium reactors would actually use nuclear waste as fuel, so it would be like high-tech recycling, lol. Also Thorium reactors can't meltdown and explode like uranium ones can, so if we adopted Thorium reactors as our primary energy generation we could use smaller uranium reactors solely for breeding nuclear material we need (like say depleted uranium for tank and Jaeger rounds).
LFTRs, short fot Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (which is often what people mean by thorium reactors) might not be able to melt down (or, rather, are designed with a rather hard to ruin safeguard against it, more on that in a bit), but they're still dangerous as f*ck if they leak. Liquid fluorine salts, mixed with radioactive fuel, aren't my idea of a good time. They're significantly worse than Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) in that sense, since even pressurized, superheated water is still probably less damaging if it leaks than liquid fluorine salts. Battle damage on one of those would be really bad.

Which brings me to the next issue: the reason LFTRs are "meltdown proof" is because, if they do lose power and begin to overheat, a plug in the bottom of the reactor melts, and the liquid fuel/fluorine salt mix can drain into a storage tank underneath. Guess what you can't do when building a reactor into a ship? That. Well, not without it still being a risk, anyway, if the ship sinks.

As for them not exploding in the same manner as a typical PWR, that's accurate. They have no pressurized, superheated water to produce steam explosions, nor do they have any water involved that can then react with the cladding and produce hydrogen. What they do have is lots and lots of fluorine atoms tied to heavy, low eletronegativity metal ions. Those generally aren't too stable.

Uranium tetrafluoride is the more stable form that's commonly used, and even it slowly reacts with moisture over time, forming uranium dioxide and hydrofluoric acid. I can imagine submerging it in water, as might be found on a ship with battle damage, would accelerate the process. Hydrofluoric acid is terrifying stuff, by-the-by. And UF6​ is corrosive, poisonous, and just plain nasty to have to deal with.

If you meant to imply a nuclear detonation, neither reactor design has the capacity for that. There's circumstantial evidence that really, utterly mishandling an RMBK might, maybe, produce a tiny one. As in, maybe there was one during the Chernobyl disaster. Maybe Given that the team who proposed this didn't propose a mechanism for it, I'm not convinced. The requirements for bombs and reactors are mutually exclusive. RMBKs are really poorly designed, but they're not quite nuke material.

As for LFTRs burning nuclear waste...they use thorium-232, which is then bred to form uranium-233. It's kinda in the name. There are some designs for fast reactors that can use their own reprocessed transuranics, but those are entirely different propositions.

All that aside, I tend not to inquire about how exactly our reactors are working. I'd rather not put the GM on the spot, as it were. Basically, I ask for improvements, over details. Personally, I'm partial to liquid metal cooled fast reactors. Sodium or lead, or alloys with potassium and bismuth, respectively. But that's just me.
I have to admit, this Tech List of mine is mainly me scrounging material I've found from other games, breaking stuff into time periods, adding my own ideas/thoughts, and tying it together with barely-justified shoestring. Its always growing and evolving as I run into new tech stuff out there or just interact with more games.

Thus a lot of those tech bits are not meant to be linked together, or don't have context? Something like that, just woke up. Hard to find words sometimes.
I think I get what you mean. Still, the couple of links I found that went to random, seemingly only minorly related blogs were definitely an eyebrow raiser for me. Might want to do something about those, at some point.
- Also researching more efficient/less nuclear waste, smaller, and safer uranium fission reactors would be a good idea. Not only for more powerful Jaegers, superheavy vehicles, and various naval vessels, but for breeder reactors to make Depleted Uranium for weapons.
Arguably, Jaeger reactors shouldn't be safe, so that they can be used as last resort weapons against their foes. Or at least that's my head-canon for a bunch of weird aspects of the reactors seen in the first movie.

Also, looking at the section you quoted just above this, arguably, the lack of transuranics in thorium byproducts is bad for efficiency. Several of the better Gen IV reactors are based off a prematurely cancelled (for political reasons) project for a reactor that, after the initial run, would run mostly on it's own transuranic byproducts. It has proliferation risks, but uh...somehow, I don't think that's much of a problem for us. Part of thorium's selling point IRL is that it avoids those proliferation risks. That's not exactly one of our concerns.
- (Research) grasers (gamma ray lasers) via Halfnium-173m2 isomers. Specifically thinking...even if Kaiju are rad-resistant, their EYES/sensory organs won't be as much. Blind them with precision graser batteries before battles, cripple them before attacking.
They're living reactors, engineered killing machines made of silicon-based flesh. While their eyes might be a weaker point, at that point, you might just as well use something else. Gamma particles' tendency to pass through solids actually hurts it in this context, since some of the graser's power is going to go into gammas that never collide with anything.
I am enjoying some of the cross chatter, just wanted to address a few points.

-- (research) some form of laser-based point defense (need to develop even basic lasers for that, but still a good idea)

The 'Mastodon' DEW superheavy is outfitted w/t primitive dual laser cannons (or at least a quasi-functional jumping off point). Laser tech research can get quite varied based on your lines of inquiry.

They're living reactors, engineered killing machines made of silicon-based flesh. While their eyes might be a weaker point, at that point, you might just as well use something else. Gamma particles' tendency to pass through solids actually hurts it in this context, since some of the graser's power is going to go into gammas that never collide with anything.

You think Earth is the Precursors first world they've attempted to terraform? The whole 'eyes' are a weak point... means they shift gears and design Kaiju based off echolocation, natural radar, or some other exotice sense. -RARELY- do they employ the same basic form and only if it proves a super-effective design (The Valstrax clutch appears to be such a design) an inherent weakness?!? That'd be one of the first things culled from the next design...

Edit: Thorium reactors would be possible for civilian infrastructure in hardened structures, military utilize jaeger style designs intended to fail -only- in a manner we dictate :V:V:V
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The Spooky is the ideal choice for the Northwestern trails, since they are by far the most numerous and dangerous group. I say we send it there, and have the Apache and its UAVs tag along. That's a total of 9 dice per turn against 5 targets, and the UAVs are equipped with Anti-Air missiles as well, so they're very well equipped to handle the two hatchlings.

As an example, I will break the above into the format I'm asking for as an example.

NW - deploying the "Spooky II" , the Apache Longbow (& the 2 slaved Grey Eagles)
N - ???
NE - ???
E - ???
SE - ???
S - ???
SW - ???
W - ???

& Force Disposition at Ground Zero - is Capture Team (Mounted on a Jump Hawk), & an escort To Be Decided as @Highwind suggested one combat little bird and @BadKatt85 suggested a Blackhawk because of the air-to-air stingers.
As an example, I will break the above into the format I'm asking for as an example.

NW - deploying the "Spooky II" , the Apache Longbow (& the 2 slaved Grey Eagles)
N - ???
NE - ???
E - ???
SE - ???
S - ???
SW - ???
W - ???

& Force Disposition at Ground Zero - is Capture Team (Mounted on a Jump Hawk), & an escort To Be Decided as @Highwind suggested one combat little bird and @BadKatt85 suggested a Blackhawk because of the air-to-air stingers.
Sorry, it's been a busy couple of days.

I'll make a deployment plan soon-ish.
(OOC) No rush....

Argh!!!! :mad: I hate when my brain thinks a thought, I start a project step away at mid point and my brain goes "Oh no, we finished that..."

Stats blocks on Longbow and Grey Eagles are incomplete !!! They are *supposed* to also feature the -

Ground Laser Target Designator (GLTD) 1d10 attack. Hits on 4+. Range 20/30/40.

On a successful hit, all 'accurate' weapon systems are treated as having gained 1 Ranged against the target. This point of Ranged may be used for increased accuracy, or Called Shots. Stacks to a bonus of 2 (1 against underwater targets). All bonuses are removed at the end of the round.

This is part of why they are so deadly teamed together, if any of the 3 can get a GLTD & possess LOS then even w/o the others having a valid line of sight they may fire as if they did with GLTD /pavepenny bonuses.

They may both paint AND fire, part of the Longbows 'fancy shmancy' electronics suite. (Not Readily adaptable to other platforms).
[X] Spread out and look for clues.
-[x] NW - deploying the "Spooky II" , the Apache Longbow (& the 2 slaved Grey Eagles)
-[x] N - Outriders elite unit, search for targets, just in case.
-[x] NE - 1 MH-47G Chinook
-[x] E - 1 Smooth Operators Elite Unit
-[x] SE - 2 Little Birds
-[x] S - 1 Regular Supercobra
-[x] SW - 2 MH-60M Black Hawk
-[x] W - 1 Regular Supercobra
-[x] Remain with Capture team and follow them home: 1 MH-60M Black Hawk

I think this works? The north is noted as having "no likely heat signatures" but I think the threat of jet dragons is serious enough that we should make sure. Also, the Spooky rolled a 9 and revealed we had missed an egg in the initial count, so who's to say it didn't miss another one despite the high roll? The Outriders are perfect for the job, so let's have them do their thing.
The north is noted as having "no likely heat signatures" but I think the threat of jet dragons is serious enough that we should make sure. Also, the Spooky rolled a 9 and revealed we had missed an egg in the initial count, so who's to say it didn't miss another one despite the high roll? The Outriders are perfect for the job, so let's have them do their thing.

A totally reasonable approach IMHO. You don't play maybes with shit like this... ;)
[X] Spread out and look for clues, Edition 2
-[x] NW - deploying the "Spooky II" , the Apache Longbow (& the 2 slaved Grey Eagles)
-[x] N - Outriders elite unit, search for targets, just in case.
-[x] NE - 1 MH-47G Chinook
-[x] E - 1 Smooth Operators Elite Unit
-[x] SE - 2 Little Birds
-[x] S - 1 Regular Supercobra
-[x] SW - 2 MH-60M Black Hawk
-[x] W - 1 Regular Supercobra
-[x] Remain with Capture team and follow them home: 1 MH-60M Black Hawk

Seems to be adequate, covers all the major cardinal directions with some element of recon force.

@Smithsguild, do we need to have ground forces on standby, or is that an automatic in this situation? N00b question.

EDIT: Tried making plan variant, but the GM answered my questions.
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@Smithsguild, do we need to have ground forces on standby, or is that an automatic in this situation? N00b question.

(OOC) It is 100% an open sandbox world, your successes or failures are ENTIRELY in your own hands (I merely narrate how those decisions play out).
I roleplay to the best of my ability the opposition.

In this case IE. what would -I- do if I were capable of slapping DNA/RNA together like protein chains were Legos, had a eon spanning history of acting as a locust swarm hivemind 👽 terraforming and stripping each target world of the biological, chemical, mineralogical treasures and suddenly stumbled across humanity who are proving infinitely adaptable...

That being said; if I were a player having a ground force element on standby, ALSO sounds quite reasonable. (Prudent even...) :drevil:
(OOC) Current Policy has the currently unassigned equipment (Tanks, ALSV Dune Buggies, MLRS, etc.) sitting serviced on jumphawk cargo pallets fueled up, full of ordnance, awaiting a 'go' signal to the troops billeted near the tarmac.

Shifting them closer to hand... That is entirely on you. I did however state this a supplemental encounter and not the standard 'monster of the week' if you overcommit could -potentially- be as hazardous as under committing to a valid threat. The choices as always are yours...
(OOC) Henceforth, I personally will begin referring to the Armed Variant of the Little Birds as Killer Shrikes, this will help differentiate them as a lethal version of the fast scout (At least in my mind). I would appreciate if everyone else could -try- to do likewise. My quest is equipment diverse and lack of clarity is one of the few thing I provide in abundance. :V:V:V I am renaming them on the conventional worksheets to reflect this.


[X] Spread out and look for clues.
-[x] NW - deploying the "Spooky II" , the Apache Longbow (& the 2 slaved Grey Eagles)
-[x] N - Outriders elite unit, search for targets, just in case.
-[x] NE - 1 MH-47G Chinook
-[x] E - 1 Smooth Operators Elite Unit
-[x] SE - 2 Little Birds
-[x] S - 1 Regular Supercobra
-[x] SW - 2 MH-60M Black Hawk
-[x] W - 1 Regular Supercobra
-[x] Remain with Capture team and follow them home: 1 MH-60M Black Hawk

The reinforcements arrive with the frenetic energy one would expect in a couple of swarms of yellow jackets competing to pick apart a discarded morsel on a hot summer's day. Everyone arriving at ground zero at different times because of the differences in 'best possible speed' and then turning away immediately to find their destination bearing.

The largest cluster of signatures (5 contacts with at least 2 airborne, no one wants to arrive late and allow more to hatch) have merited the attention of a force suitable to deter an armored column, the 'Spooky II', an Apache 'Longbow', and 2 'Grey Eagle' UAV's all abristle with ordnance speed to the northwest.

The other forces peel away in ones and twos, straining their motors. coaxing every ounce of performance to arrive and eliminate their designated targets before they too hatch and become active foes.

The Capture team decided before launch that rather than risking containing the currently quiescent egg inside the Jump Hawks chassis it would be safer to suspend it on a cargo pallet below, in a specially modified 'cage' pallet that should the sleeper awaken could be dropped via quick release allowing the Jump hawk and themselves to beat a hasty retreat and possibly kill their quarry through applied gravity (and if not at least distance themselves to not become a victim of their escorts k-scale weapons.

It is the 'Outrider's' job to take their Pathfinder North just to be sure, after all sensors glitch occur and people make mistakes. These entities are not something that you make a half-ass effort and declare it 'good enough...'

(OOC) please roll two sensor rolls for Spooky II and the Outriders.