Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

An organic jet engine powered by Neutope (presumably, that's replacing the Dragon element energy in the Valstrax's biology) sounds like something very worth studying.

Gee that does sound kind of neat, a reactor designed to contain and sustain a neutope reaction by preventing the exotic radioactive particles from leaping across the dimensional barrier? Why on earth would you want to research THAT?

Because it's tradition ;) . RESEARCH ANYTHING!!!
How many of the 4 broadside dice do you want to devote to the flyer? (You may split it anyway you like between 2 targets.)
Probably either an even split, or 3-1, weighted towards the flyer. While it's possible the shell might be thick enough to absorb some damage, the flyer is still the active threat.
Between Spooky being able to independently target 4 targets (2 MFB, nose vulcan, tail vulcan), and 2 combat variant little birds, I'm counting 3 friendlies and ones a beast.
Ah, yes, the bane of my existence while tired: counting. Even with the firepower on the Spooky, though, a swarm of baby Valstrax isn't necessarily going to be a cakewalk. So my point still stands.
Wait, if I'm not mistaken when you received the Combat Variant Little Birds, weren't the 'Mighty Merlin's' re-assigned to one?
I believe so, yes.
Gee that does sound kind of neat, a reactor designed to contain and sustain a neutope reaction by preventing the exotic radioactive particles from leaping across the dimensional barrier? Why on earth would you want to research THAT?

Because it's tradition ;) . RESEARCH ANYTHING!!!
...Wait, but I was literally just thinking of the basic, jet-engine-like design that harnesses the basic thermal radiation energy, which I've described before. I'm not seeing how you got from there to this. It is an interest concept, though...but half the appeal with Neutope is the lack of need for things like shielding and backup systems, IMO. It can be used to make somerhing like existing nuclear jet engine designs function, without irradiating everything around the engine. That's excellent for our purposes.
...Wait, but I was literally just thinking of the basic, jet-engine-like design that harnesses the basic thermal radiation energy, which I've described before. I'm not seeing how you got from there to this. It is an interest concept, though...but half the appeal with Neutope is the lack of need for things like shielding and backup systems, IMO. It can be used to make something like existing nuclear jet engine designs function, without irradiating everything around the engine. That's excellent for our purposes.

Why can't the Valstrax possess and utilize both? Jet Flight by the basic thermal reaction and an internal Neutope breeder reactor for ...other purposes. (Should it reach a sufficiently developed state of growth.)
Wait, if I'm not mistaken when you received the Combat Variant Little Birds, weren't the 'Mighty Merlin's' re-assigned to one?
If they were, it wasn't written down in either the Elite or the Conventional Units documents. They're still using the basic MH-6 Little Bird instead of the MH-6H Combat Variant Little Bird.

Let's fire on all the eggs first because Holy Hell I do not want to fight more than one Valstrax at a time under these circumstances, baby or not.
If they were, it wasn't written down in either the Elite or the Conventional Units documents. They're still using the basic MH-6 Little Bird instead of the MH-6H Combat Variant Little Bird.

Let's fire on all the eggs first because Holy Hell I do not want to fight more than one Valstrax at a time under these circumstances, baby or not.
Quick search of the thread for the Mighty Merlins seems to support that. As of fighting Sammy, they did not have any weaponry, and I don't see anything about shifting them to a Combat variant since then.
If they were, it wasn't written down in either the Elite or the Conventional Units documents. They're still using the basic MH-6 Little Bird instead of the MH-6H Combat Variant Little Bird.

Let's fire on all the eggs first because Holy Hell I do not want to fight more than one Valstrax at a time under these circumstances, baby or not.
Agreed on Eggs First.
Little Birds fire Hellfires at egg and Valstrax.
Edit: the new dice roller looks pretty neat.
Highwind threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hellfire Missiles Total: 15
10 10 5 5
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(OOC) And that leaves just the nose & tail point defense vulcans before I do your write up.
In the interests of making this fight go decently fast, I'll be rolling if someone else doesn't in an hour...assuming I remember to.
Combined protectorate forces from Savannah and Macon cooperate seamlessly. They assign targets and engage.

'Spooky' unloads evenly splitting the Massed fire broadside between 2 targets, the egg targeted disappears, and it would take a dedicated forensic team to identify what it had once been. (The fragments liquified and incinerated by the incendiary ammo.)
Roll of 18 vs a 'to hit' of 5+, K-scale damage = fine mist

A Hellfire from the lead Little Bird strikes solid against another egg, it pales only when compared with the devastation caused by 'Spookys' barrage.
Roll of 10 vs a 'to hit' of 5+, K-scale damage = shell fragments and boiled animal protein

The Hellfire from the second Little Bird never stood a chance of connecting versus Valstrax , it sliced through the air once occupied and encounters only Valstrax jetwash of superheated air!
Roll of 5 -normally- to hits on a 5+, but Valstrax possesses a level of the 'Evasive Perk' previously unheard of besides the 'Mighty Merlins'. Target is 2 pips harder to hit ; Attack needed a 7+ to have a chance

Spooky's other target, the hatchling Valstrax exhibits uncanny maneuverability juking sideways suddenly (as it gains altitude!) 'Spooky' nicks him, Valstrax is grazed... Fortunately his armor is still not 'cured' (being freshly hatched) K-scale Scratch was enough to shatter the newborn!!!
Roll of 7 -normally- to hits on a 5+, but Valstrax possesses a level of the 'Evasive Perk' previously unheard of besides the 'Mighty Merlins'. Target is 2 pips harder to hit ; Attack needed a 7+ to have a chance

Some targeting error must have occurred against the stationary ovoids, both point defense vulcans cleanly miss!

The airborne hatchling and 2 of the 6 eggs have been destroyed!

All four of the remaining eggs rock violently threatening to hatch, but only one possesses the strength to break free.

(OOC) feel free to rinse & repeat if you wish, it's all on you, I'm just anxious about the 12 'possible' launched an unknown distance away by the impact.
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(OOC) They've done it now... Graboid busters ;) (Just to pass the time here is some more weapon porn for my fellow ammosexuals...)

GBU-57/B Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) - It is designed to penetrate up to 200 feet underground before exploding. By some reports, it was expected to penetrate as much as 60 meters (200 feet) through 5,000 psi reinforced concrete, and 8 meters (25 feet) into 10,000 psi reinforced concrete. Something just for the Hard and Deeply Buried Targets (HDBTs) like WMD production facilities.
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Combined protectorate forces from Savannah and Macon cooperate seamlessly. They assign targets and engage.

'Spooky' unloads evenly splitting the Massed fire broadside between 2 targets, the egg targeted disappears, and it would take a dedicated forensic team to identify what it had once been. (The fragments liquified and incinerated by the incendiary ammo.)
Roll of 18 vs a 'to hit' of 5+, K-scale damage = fine mist

A Hellfire from the lead Little Bird strikes solid against another egg, it pales only when compared with the devastation caused by 'Spookys' barrage.
Roll of 10 vs a 'to hit' of 5+, K-scale damage = shell fragments and boiled animal protein

The Hellfire from the second Little Bird never stood a chance of connecting versus Valstrax , it sliced through the air once occupied and encounters only Valstrax jetwash of superheated air!
Roll of 5 -normally- to hits on a 5+, but Valstrax possesses a level of the 'Evasive Perk' previously unheard of besides the 'Mighty Merlins'. Target is 2 pips harder to hit ; Attack needed a 7+ to have a chance

Spooky's other target, the hatchling Valstrax exhibits uncanny maneuverability juking sideways suddenly (as it gains altitude!) 'Spooky' nicks him, Valstrax is grazed... Fortunately his armor is still not 'cured' (being freshly hatched) K-scale Scratch was enough to shatter the newborn!!!
Roll of 7 -normally- to hits on a 5+, but Valstrax possesses a level of the 'Evasive Perk' previously unheard of besides the 'Mighty Merlins'. Target is 2 pips harder to hit ; Attack needed a 7+ to have a chance

Some targeting error must have occurred against the stationary ovoids, both point defense vulcans cleanly miss!

The airborne hatchling and 2 of the 6 eggs have been destroyed!

All four of the remaining eggs rock violently threatening to hatch, but only one possesses the strength to break free.

(OOC) feel free to rinse & repeat if you wish, it's all on you, I'm just anxious about the 12 'possible' launched an unknown distance away by the impact.
Can the Spooky scan and fire its Point defense vulcans with no penalty?

What I really want is to secure as many (close-to-) intact Valstrax samples as possible. The one way to secure them that I can think of is to let one of the eggs hatch and just Suppress the shot out of the hatchling until it falls unconscious. Any other ideas? Should I give up and content myself with the hatchling's remains?

(OOC) They've done it now... Graboid busters ;) (Just to pass the time here is some more weapon porn for my fellow ammosexuals...)

GBU-57/B Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) - It is designed to penetrate up to 200 feet underground before exploding. By some reports, it was expected to penetrate as much as 60 meters (200 feet) through 5,000 psi reinforced concrete, and 8 meters (25 feet) into 10,000 psi reinforced concrete. Something just for the Hard and Deeply Buried Targets (HDBTs) like WMD production facilities.
I love everything about this bomb.
(OOC)The "Spooky' may scan, and still fire its weapon systems w/o penalty.

The 'targeting error' was flavor text to explain poor 'to hit' rolls.

If you manage to get to a single surviving Valstrax, the Spooky excels at suppressive fire, but will 4d10 be enough to pin down (reduce to zero movement) a being whose primary means of locomotion is jet flight?

The 'incidental' suppression damage -could- potentially render him unconscious but remember you're hunting house flies with a shotgun (K-scale damage weapons) precision is NOT 'Spooky's' forte.
Can the Spooky scan and fire its Point defense vulcans with no penalty?

What I really want is to secure as many (close-to-) intact Valstrax samples as possible. The one way to secure them that I can think of is to let one of the eggs hatch and just Suppress the shot out of the hatchling until it falls unconscious. Any other ideas? Should I give up and content myself with the hatchling's remains?
Nah, I too would like to capture one. The good news is, we have more eggs and possible hatchlings than this set, so there's no real reason to try and lock down a hatchling quite yet, IMO.
Spooky scans and fires its Point Defense guns on the eggs. Little Birds fire thermite rockets on the eggs as well. Sounds good?