Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Ya know, the thought occurs that we might get more players if you put a link to the quest in your sig.
A wonderful thought... and one I had never considered. :facepalm:

I'm not very widely travelled in any of these forums, I chased the dream of Cherno Alpha from ?SpaceBattles? to Sufficient Velocity and have been a long time reader of every shade of VS the world featured. Posting however, my presence is down right anemic. Tacit Ronin vs the World and here... that is about it.

If however my readers have enjoyed the content provided so far, there is always the Quest Recommendation thread and the possibility of upvoting. I refuse to self promote there as I think it would be tacky, but I would be eternally grateful that I was worthy of a mention there by a legitimate reader.
Having the results of 'Sit & Explore' I was asking for whether you want to "Sit tight in Atlanta for the moment" (meet the Monster of week safe behind your newly constructed impromptu defensive perimeter) or brave the road to Savannah? Or whatever other options you want to attempt (write in).

I'm with Cmd. Frost, let's fight it here.

Okay first off there's no r in Cmd. I'm the Vice Commander not the Rear Commander, there's a big difference.

Second, lets fight it here.

Sorry, family is RCAF and CA, no navy in the background.
That's adequate consensus on the what (Fight it here...). No other contenders for 2nd pilot were forwarded so I'm locking the plan AND the pilot. Mammoths sheet adjusted accordingly.

Your unwelcome guests 'stat sheet' is complete beginning the write up shortly.

Some may recognize it from Pacific Rim: Uprising I brought it back for an encore as it never got the screentime it deserved. I present you with a less mature form of 'Hakuja'...
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MOTW #1 Hakuja
About four o'clock in the afternoon, your northernmost scouts spots an unusual dust cloud due north about two kilometers outside the defensive perimeter that is shortly thereafter accompanied by a rolling thunderous din, double checking now through his binoculars; it appears Piedmont Atlanta Hospital has crumbled to rubble kicking a miasma of dust skyward.

Less than a minute later a second building just a little closer collapses; as the scout watch they see the breifest of glimpses, something organic whether it was a tenacle or tail they cannot be certain but without a doubt something wicked this way comes.

Newly installed sirens blare out their warning, and over 10,000 people scurry like roaches for the shelters. Without a dedicate civil defense force to ride herd on the mob, people push the slower aside, and the trampling of the small or feeble is a real risk. Panicky people rarely care who may not make it or the damage their haste might cost their fellow civilian.

Although every soul is glad that a Jaeger stands to defend them the vast majority know that Mammoth Apostle previously fell in combat, how much safer are they now under the protection of Mammoth Apostate a Jaeger that is largely unproven and of a lesser Mark?

The scouts maintain their vigil attempting to gather any information about the new foe, but without a sensor grid the intel is limited to visual observation of an elusive enemy relayed by voice over radio.

Preliminary reports of momentary sighting indicate you are facing a burrower.

Category 2
Designated ATL-26-001 Codename: 'Hakuja'
Short, squat, and covered in thick bony plates that run from the top of the head down the length of the tail, as well as large plates protecting the anterior aspect of each leg.
The face is armed with two hinged skewering mandibles widely enough spaced to not impair its lethal bite.

All 6 of the beasts legs end in wickedly curved heavily muscled claws that appear both strong and nimble.

Your Conventional Forces are arrayed inside the defensive perimeter, the defenses constructed support enough options for shifting to meet the likeliest approach if it maintains course and speed. The troops shuffle into place along the perimeter with surprising precision considering the length of time they've been working together.

All that's left is Mammoth's deployment (unless you choose to take any of the conventional out with Mammoth to face the beast.)

Hakuja is now 1.8 Km north of defensive perimeter.

Your deployment orders?
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Giving until noon tomorrow to get ducks in a row, then a 4hr per turn / combat schedule is my goal until combat resolved.

If that pacing is problematic please speak up... My players enjoyment is my primary goal.
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No deployment plans offered; so I feel safe in assuming you all need more time... Will check back this evening.
No deployment plans offered; so I feel safe in assuming you all need more time... Will check back this evening.

Shit, forgot Highwind isn't here.

Um how about this:

[X] Deployment Plan Alpha
-[X] Deploy Mamoth .5 kilos from defenses.
-[X] Deploy AK brigades and tanks 1 unit behind Mammoth
-[X] Launch Cobras and move them close enough to take potshots at Hakuja
-[X] Deploy resupply teams beside tanks.
Shit, forgot Highwind isn't here.

Um how about this:

[X] Deployment Plan Alpha
-[X] Deploy Mammoth .5 kilos from defenses.
-[X] Deploy AK brigades and tanks 1 unit behind Mammoth
-[X] Launch Cobras and move them close enough to take potshots at Hakuja
-[X] Deploy resupply teams beside tanks.

Heh, @Highwind had a major hand in getting the game rolling and is currently swamped. I'm hoping when we get a bit in I can convince him the touch he knows won't be considered too meta to allow him as a player.

1- he's too good a player to be guilty of metagaming he'd bow out of decisions he has foreknowledge about.
2- I'm a versatile enough QM to alter crap he has exploitable foreknowledge of... thereby eliminating undue risk.

Plan sounds solid to me. With the reminder troops that share adjacent units, can be considered 'clustered'. Just need a workable consensus or give time for your fellow players offer up any insights on potential holes in your strategy.

New player note: 'clustered' reflects the fact that damage output on a Kaiju scale attack are enormous and can cause a splash effect if troops are placed too tightly together. Utilize the words "combat spacing" in deployment orders means you are taking said possibility into account.

6 PM EST sound like an okay deadline for deployment?
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minor rule change: Added a conventional vs K-scale disabled chance instead of destroyed , and increase survivability of 'Combat veteran perk' of elites 1 pip on d10.
Deployment Plan Alpha - locked by consensus.

First off this alteration is done to reflect the info shared re: clustering AFTER Cmd. Frost posted the plan; had I done it beforehand I'm sure his plan would have been adjusted accordingly.

So I took the liberty this "ONE TIME ONLY" to save you from a flawed plan... I intend to let you all stand or fall on your own merits; I'm cheering for you but no kid gloves here.

[X] Deployment Plan Alpha (My QM Loves Me Edition)
-[X] Deploy Mamoth .5 kilos from defenses.
-[X] Deploy AK brigades and tanks 1 2 unit behind Mammoth maintaining combat spacing (ie a minimum of 1 unit between troops to avoid clusters)
-[X] Launch Cobras and move them close enough to take potshots at Hakuja
-[X] Deploy resupply teams beside near tanks but maintaining combat spacing .

Write up here shortly.
One more clarification needed - Cobras have an armament choice Hellfire missiles (more range) 2 shots or thermite rocket pods 3 shots w/t less range.


Cobras also have dual mini-guns nose mounted. So please state which is weapon of choice w/t attack orders.
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Cmd. was I right in assuming you would have opted for the 'combat spacing' after my cluster reminder?
Hakuja is gliding casually just below the surface of the earth, headed languidly your way at roughly 0.3 km per turn.

The rhythmic thump-thump-thump of the 6 Cobras that form the Wing gaining the skies, as soon as they gain sufficient altitude to gain a clear firing solution they are ready and within range to fire upon Hakuja with your choice of :

Dual M134 miniguns - 1d10+2, Rng 15/25/30 [cauterize]


Thermite Rocket Salvo (x3) - 2d5, rng 5/10/15 [cauterize]

Please select your weapon of choice by vote (first two agreeing votes keep us rolling) & once weapon is decided I will call for a roll. Please wait for the call to roll, use the in forum dice roll.
Also be aware under inventory on the opening pages you had a 'gift' in the loyalty center... a 1x use reroll token. Spend it wisely as they are both rare and must be earned.
[X] Dual M134 miniguns (1d10+2, Rng 15/25/30 [cauterize])

I prefer to save limited ammo weapons for when we have a good shot. It being underground probably means we have a less good shot at it.
While I'm awaiting consensus, I try to be productive so I tried my hand at a crew patch for Mammoth's Pilots and ground crew. For your review and amusement:
