Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Plan Cleaning House
[x] -100 R for blue Cleanup
[x] Follow Massarones suggestions for corpse removal w/t the aid of Mammoth and the AK infantry
-[x] Keep some samples of the Kaiju's claws, armor, tusks, etc, for K-Sci to analyze.
[x] Have Jack Massarone reach out to a guy...
Plan Cleaning House
[x] -100 R for blue Cleanup
[x] Follow Massarones suggestions for corpse removal w/t the aid of Mammoth and the AK infantry
-[x] Keep some samples of the Kaiju's claws, armor, tusks, etc, for K-Sci to analyze.
[x] Have Jack Massarone reach out to a guy...
Plan Cleaning House - Locked by consensus -
[x] -100 R for blue Cleanup
[x] Follow Massarones suggestions for corpse removal w/t the aid of Mammoth and the AK infantry
-[x] Keep some samples of the Kaiju's claws, armor, tusks, etc, for K-Sci to analyze.
[x] Have Jack Massarone reach out to a guy...

Will have another write up for what follows in the morning.

Start noodling on what you would like to do in the next few days ( next 2 downtime actions )
downtime #2 writeup
(OOC: I was 'inspired' to jump on the write up early... Enjoy!)

The cleanup goes well, with the use of CO2 from scavenged fire extinguishers, and some large pressurized tanks scavanged from the Coca-Cola bottling plant the blues decay is arrested before rampant decomp can occur.

The requested samples from Hakuja (armor, claw, and mandible) are flooded in Co2 and placed in refrigerated trucks for transport. It was interesting that when the various bony plates were first subjected to the funeral pyre they released a fire retardant gel that almost quenched the surrounding flames. These samples merit closer scrutiny in a dedicated lab space.

It was wise to position armed soldiers to guard the cleanup workers as at least a half dozen organisms that were secreted around and inside Hakujas body made attempts on the workers or to scuttle away. Concentrated fire from the AK-47 were more than sufficient as the APIs appeared singly, enmass it might have been a different story.

Gain Research Token - Hakuja Retardant Armor -

On an unrelated note; later in the day one of Jack Massarone workers comes bearing news.

The Black marketeer is looking for an ongoing deal, not piecework. He is willing to contract on to serve your needs in exchange for exclusive rights to all your dead specimens not counting research specimens you choose to retain at the aforementioned 20/80 split. He and his men are willing to relocate to your location.

[ ] Accept the offer for exclusive rights (not counting research specimens you choose to retain)
[ ] Decline the offer
[ ] write in is always a valid choice

(OOC - Opportunity to earn some QM appreciation and interact building some depth with some world building. Offer up a Name, mannerisms, appearance, and backstory for our Black marketeer the more involved, the bigger potential rewards. Even minor contributions that inspire me to greater efforts can reap rewards. I'm trying to offer opportunities for player investment in OUR shared world.)​
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Upon closer look I realize you only spent 1 of your 2 downtime actions... Everything else fell under offered free actions.

1 more action available for use...
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I wanted to clarify another point I may have been -unclear- on.

The downtime build action IS available to you, it is limited to what the simple auto jig in the mobile mini shatterdome can produce.

(Ie. 1 unit of conventional military (choppers, tanks, mortars), or any 1 item from build list or a weapons package containing enough RPG's and small arms to create (x5) infantry units. Should you be willing to further strengthen Atlanta arming the citizenry so they can survive your absence would be a nice gesture...)
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[X] Accept the offer for exclusive rights (not counting research specimens you choose to retain)
Upon closer look I realize you only spent 1 of your 2 downtime actions... Everything else fell under offered free actions.

1 more action available for use...

Looking to move this forward; lets put a soft deadline of 6 pm EST for next downtime plan and being me I'll roll your unused action into it.

Next plan has 3 actions available to reflect your unused action from this turn (I'll even allow 2 builds if you so elect, as this is an over 2 turn kludge).

And the decision re: Black Marketeer is a free action (I really need to get in the habitat of stating such things :facepalm: ).

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I also need (3x) 1d10s rolled to see if Cobras, Tanks, or Mortars made the leap to Elite for their active participation in the battle... looking for Natural 10s to succeed.
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[X] Accept the offer for exclusive rights (not counting research specimens you choose to retain)

Hm. We're in Atlanta?

He's clearly a "cowboy" type. Let's make him in the same vein as Hannibal Chau, but distinct.
Let's say...

Name: Buffalo Bill Bones ("Named after my favorite cowboy and my favorite steakhouse!")
Age: Uncertain, seems Early Middle-Aged
Appearance: A distinguished African-American gentleman (of comparatively average height and weight, with short hair an a finely-styled beard) in a stylish white suit, white cowboy hat, and white cowboy boots, with silver accents (including spurs!). Also carries a walking stick made from bleached white (Kaiju) bone, with a black tip on the bottom and a metallic black wolf's head on top. Occasionally seen checking a worn pocket watch, the only non-pristine item on his person.
Personality: "You kill 'em, we clean 'em!" Bill is a genial man who seems interested in helping long as he gets paid. He's not malicious, but in a world that's going to hell, he's clearly trying to ensure he's taking care of himself as well as the community. Seems to have a vested, survival-driven interest in the success of the only resident Jaeger and its attendant staff.

As for Downtime:

[X] [Downtime] Scout the area for the best place to begin setting up a more permanent base, with an eye toward Shatterdome construction.
The people's will is my mandate @KnightDisciple , However your earlier scouting expedition (ie. the Pathfinder Copters) scouted the first third of the road to Savannah and reported all clear... earlier consensus had been leaning towards a return to Savannah and seeing if you could discover the fate of Bracer and her crew. If the winds of fortune have shifted to favor becoming permanent Atlanta residents I'm malleable...

You are aware Savannah was being designed to incorporate a state of the art hazardous R&D facility, and had a completely functional Shatterdome with 2 of 6 bays operational for servicing Mammoth & Bracer Phoenix and considerable infrastructure (comms/sensors/manuf/defenses) already in place. Mammoth had multiple upgrades -in production- on the auto jigs when you were told to beat feet to Atlanta, the machines (unless destroyed) should have completed the projects autonomously. There was also your jumphawks (down for service; damn the particulates!) as well as a sizeable nestegg of resources the convoy had zero room to carry.

Your people have done well in Atlanta so far, made friends, met valuable contacts and begun earning a rep. An Atlanta restart is doable if that is the consensus, replacing some of the records of past jaeger equipment designs might be tough like a Mk.3 reactor but your scientists are the best and brightest. I'm your narrator, not your boss. Seize this AU and make your own path... Your hands are not tied by my preconceptions.
The people's will is my mandate @KnightDisciple , However your earlier scouting expedition (ie. the Pathfinder Copters) scouted the first third of the road to Savannah and reported all clear... earlier consensus had been leaning towards a return to Savannah and seeing if you could discover the fate of Bracer and her crew. If the winds of fortune have shifted to favor becoming permanent Atlanta residents I'm malleable...

You are aware Savannah was being designed to incorporate a state of the art hazardous R&D facility, and had a completely functional Shatterdome with 2 of 6 bays operational for servicing Mammoth & Bracer Phoenix and considerable infrastructure (comms/sensors/manuf/defenses) already in place. Mammoth had multiple upgrades -in production- on the auto jigs when you were told to beat feet to Atlanta, the machines (unless destroyed) should have completed the projects autonomously. There was also your jumphawks (down for service; damn the particulates!) as well as a sizeable nestegg of resources the convoy had zero room to carry.

Your people have done well in Atlanta so far, made friends, met valuable contacts and begun earning a rep. An Atlanta restart is doable if that is the consensus, replacing some of the records of past jaeger equipment designs might be tough like a Mk.3 reactor but your scientists are the best and brightest. I'm your narrator, not your boss. Seize this AU and make your own path... Your hands are not tied by my preconceptions.
So we were in Savannah but we ran because of Kaiju? But we're thinking we could go back?
Yep that is accurate, Bracer made a play to draw the overwhelming kaiju force away. Your defenses were lain out but hadn't been manned up, or you might have held them at the perimeter.

After all Bracer Phoenix... ; hell just let me quote the official cannon description: "A Mark V brute that can still run with the VI's, Bracer Phoenix shoots from the chest, with a centrifugal vortex cannon that is as spectacular as it is deadly." She's a seasoned veteran that 'earned' the nickname the Shanghai shield. With adequate conventional support Bracer & Mammoth could have held. Unsupported your Marshal (Bracers lead pilot) decided to evade and avoid was the more viable strategy.
Yep that is accurate, Bracer made a play to draw the overwhelming kaiju force away. Your defenses were lain out but hadn't been manned up, or you might have held them at the perimeter.

After all Bracer Phoenix... ; hell just let me quote the official cannon description: "A Mark V brute that can still run with the VI's, Bracer Phoenix shoots from the chest, with a centrifugal vortex cannon that is as spectacular as it is deadly." She's a seasoned veteran that 'earned' the nickname the Shanghai shield. With adequate conventional support Bracer & Mammoth could have held. Unsupported your Marshal (Bracers lead pilot) decided to evade and avoid was the more viable strategy.
Hm. Let's keep with the Atlanta scouting for this time, and do a scout to Savannah next turn. I don't trust a 1/3 the way mission...
I <3 'Buffalo Bill' whole cloth... let me throw in a few minor mods and see if he still fits your conceptualization... ?

Name: Buffalo Bill Bones ("Named after my favorite cowboy and my favorite steakhouse!")
Age: Uncertain, seems Early Middle-Aged
Appearance: A distinguished African-American gentleman (of comparatively average height and weight, with short hair an a finely-styled beard) in a stylish white suit, white cowboy hat, and white cowboy boots, with silver accents (including spurs!). Also carries a walking stick made from bleached white (Kaiju) bone, with a black tip on the bottom and a metallic black wolf's head on top. Occasionally seen checking a worn pocket watch, the only non-pristine item on his person. For personal protection Bill carries a silver plated (with real gold accents) .50 caliber IMI Desert Eagle in a quick draw holster on his right thigh, (Bill held SE regional Fast Draw champ title 2019-2022).

Personality: "You kill 'em, we clean 'em!" Bill is a genial man who seems interested in helping long as he gets paid. He's not malicious, but in a world that's going to hell, he's clearly trying to ensure he's taking care of himself, his crew, and his community in that order. Seems to have a vested, survival-driven interest in the success of the only resident Jaeger and its attendant staff.
Hm. Let's keep with the Atlanta scouting for this time, and do a scout to Savannah next turn. I don't trust a 1/3 the way mission...

1/3 is the maximum (80 mile) operational range of the helos and make the return trip, with comms range (30 mile limit to military field radios) its the best anyone has figured the logistics of. (You are also tied to a max 2 hours flight time w/o maintenance before ongoing particulate damage risks catastrophic engine failure. Cumulative risk per hour over 2...)
Throwing Buffalo Bill up for consideration as your Black Marketeer (3 more votes in favor will lock him).
@KnightDisciple your current plan addresses the the remaining action from last turn, was trying to roll another full downtime into the 6pm target care to update and spend 2 more actions? As stated I'll allow 2 build actions (1 is normal limit tied to the simple auto-jig you possess.)

Build lists and downtime actions tied to OP. (post 2-3 actually)
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@KnightDisciple your current plan addresses the the remaining action from last turn, was trying to roll another full downtime into the 6pm target care to update and spend 2 more actions? As stated I'll allow 2 build actions (1 is normal limit tied to the simple auto-jig you possess.)
I'm actually confused about if this is 1 turn or 2 at this point...Sorry.
No problem it -IS- confusing... Your last turn a lot of free actions were taken and only one of two possible actions were used.

As a kindness I'm allowing you to roll that unused action into the following turn, giving 3 actions to work with (1 from last turn, 2 from the current turn.)
Seeing as how it 'kinda' represents 2 turns I'm allowing 2 builds if you'd like (normal turn the inferior auto-jig would only allow 1).
Adding a 'Personalities' page to opening posts (post #3) with the architect, the builder, and now working on a black marketeer, it seemed right to have a seperate little nitch to help keep the important NPCs distinct and accessible.
First off, apologies an unforeseen thunderstorm knocked me off line the last 2 hours...

I suppose if @KnightDisciple who made the excellent and as yet uncontested Black Marketeer write in is amiable, I -could- offer an as yet undocumented set of blueprints for a completely unarmed light observation helo the MH-6 'Little Bird' it has a one way flight window of 280 miles (enough to hot leg it straight to Savannah, and pray for an undestroyed airfield to refuel for a return trip ) as his 'Loyalty Reward' for his contribution... This could be constructed as of of your 2 actions and sent all the way to Savannah if you can convince a particularly brave set of pilots to risk their ass on a maybe.

This seemed like a worthwhile solution to the logistical problems suffered with Knights desire to scout the entire route in one go... the Little Bird has an operational range of approx 280 miles (Savannah is 240) and operational speed of 155 mph. Meaning if it can find fuel, and the pilot isn't eaten enroute, in 4-4 1/2 hours it can be back with a high speed scout of the route... it is a hard to gain detailed info at those speeds but obvious shit like a 200-300 foot tall kaiju would be obvious.

This is all dependant If @KnightDisciple is okay with that as his reward for participation on Buffalo Bill Bones... if not I'll provide something more acceptable.
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