Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

[X] Find out is there something more to this? Then render sentence.

It will take a lot to convince me, but all the same I'm willing to let them try.
I'm of the opinion as to interrogation, we hand the former captives the biggest scariest knives we can find.

And ask would they prefer to talk to a soldier, or would they prefer the former captives start asking the questions?

[ X ] find out if there is something more to this? Then render sentence.
[ X ] find out if there is something more to this? Then render sentence.
When confronted with the idea of facing their knife wielding former captives or chatting openly with a more reasonable soldier, all but one of the bandits clamer for the opportunity to be the first to metaphorically spill their guts.

If looks could kill that lone individual would be waste deep in the corpses of his companions. It is soon revealed that the quiet one, Moloch by name, is their squads leader, and they belong to a much larger roving band of several thousand that owe fealty to 'The Deacon'.

It is a mixed bag of religious zealotry and dog eat dog para-military survivalist with hand picked leaders exhibiting the worst traits of each. They were meant to do an initial assessment of resources in the area, including the potential for forced recruitment or human trafficking. 'The Deacon' promises that his patron, will make their descendants ageless, and until then the pleasures of flesh, the hunger for wealth, the satiation of every dark impulse all are his forces due to be extracted from the kine that are mankind.

Moloch eyes grow wilder steadily as each 'secret' is laid bare, and when the Deacon and his promises are spilt to non-believers he can bear no more...

Whispering at first, his words growing in volume as if they give him courage he utters: " Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn—" He lunges at the man who blasphemed an spoke the holy name of 'Deacon' amongst the infidel and tears at his throat with his teeth the way a wolf would worry a lamb. He is hit with multiple rounds of 9mm from the ALSV's sidearms and refuses to drop until the head of his victim lulls remaining attached by the spine alone.

The others in the band grow suddenly reticent to speak further as if the threat of death is no longer enough to motivate them...

Given no way to further motivate them to share any further information, the Troopers just end it stacking the bodies and giving them a gas can cremation.

A sign is posted by the remains ' This is the fate of murders, bandits and rapists within the Savannah Protectorate - You have been warned!'
The troopers return the freed captives to their families and let them know their efforts to keep Savannah's people safe will be an ongoing project, the Council are truly interested in keeping our people safe. Should the victims need counseling every effort will be made to provide for it.

Word spreads quickly of the Law Enforcements swift success, Composite Morale Score for people in your area of influence increases dramatically!
Is BadKatt85's suggestions for Troop disposition for Exploration of Black Site acceptable? Care to format it into plan format or were you hoping for feedback first?

Re: Black Site exploration

I am of the opinion combat engineers x1, AKB'S x2, and that should leave enough room on a Jump Hawk for some scientists now that we have a Research of 1, those should be available.

Include a wing of Cobras with Hellfires just in case.

Anyone have any other suggestions?
I am generally content with that troop disposition. This is meant as a deep scout,not a fire fight.

I do however need to push harder for adding MASH & medievac little birds as well as the EMS Roadhogs to combat plans.
I'm thinking we should ad a pair of ALSV's to the Black Site force, but if everyone else thinks they aren't needed I'm fine with the current lineup.
Because the Inquisition is a horrible organisation, and one of many things we should be trying to not emulate from Warhammer 40K?

Space Marines are fine, I'd just rather we retain a decent ethical code as well.

Okay first off everyone in 40k is horrible and secondly if we built an inquisition it would have oversight.
When confronted with the idea of facing their knife wielding former captives or chatting openly with a more reasonable soldier, all but one of the bandits clamer for the opportunity to be the first to metaphorically spill their guts.

If looks could kill that lone individual would be waste deep in the corpses of his companions. It is soon revealed that the quiet one, Moloch by name, is their squads leader, and they belong to a much larger roving band of several thousand that owe fealty to 'The Deacon'.

It is a mixed bag of religious zealotry and dog eat dog para-military survivalist with hand picked leaders exhibiting the worst traits of each. They were meant to do an initial assessment of resources in the area, including the potential for forced recruitment or human trafficking. 'The Deacon' promises that his patron, will make their descendants ageless, and until then the pleasures of flesh, the hunger for wealth, the satiation of every dark impulse all are his forces due to be extracted from the kine that are mankind.

Moloch eyes grow wilder steadily as each 'secret' is laid bare, and when the Deacon and his promises are spilt to non-believers he can bear no more...

Whispering at first, his words growing in volume as if they give him courage he utters: " Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn—" He lunges at the man who blasphemed an spoke the holy name of 'Deacon' amongst the infidel and tears at his throat with his teeth the way a wolf would worry a lamb. He is hit with multiple rounds of 9mm from the ALSV's sidearms and refuses to drop until the head of his victim lulls remaining attached by the spine alone.

The others in the band grow suddenly reticent to speak further as if the threat of death is no longer enough to motivate them...

Given no way to further motivate them to share any further information, the Troopers just end it stacking the bodies and giving them a gas can cremation.

A sign is posted by the remains ' This is the fate of murders, bandits and rapists within the Savannah Protectorate - You have been warned!'
Oh joy, cultists. I'm starting to get more onboard with starting an Inquisition. Or at least some anti-cultist forces. If only to prevent us from having to deal with friggin' Shoggoths being summoned in our cities.
Well, Fraaaaaaaaaack. Ideas for dealing with this, atlanta's new protector was made by someone religious, we could use their religion as a counter to the cultists. Though that route does get really dark really fast
I'm thinking we should ad a pair of ALSV's to the Black Site force, but if everyone else thinks they aren't needed I'm fine with the current lineup.

I am fine with additional firepower but if we're bringing this much might as well include EMS Roadhogs for survivability sake. All 3 on the fast delivery pallets under Jump Hawks.
For those worried about Ethics In Inquisition, we don't have to look to the far-flung future.

Well, Fraaaaaaaaaack. Ideas for dealing with this, atlanta's new protector was made by someone religious, we could use their religion as a counter to the cultists. Though that route does get really dark really fast
A rabbi, to be precise. Judaism isn't usually big on conversion or proselytizing. Not saying it doesn't happen, though.
[ X] Black site Appropriation committee
  • 1x Combat Engineers
  • 2x AKB'S
  • 1x Cobra (air support )
  • 2x ALSV'S (perimeter security)
  • 1 group of scientists
  • 4 X Jump Hawks (speedy arrival)
Combat Engineers approach and evaluate best breach route, any hazards, then try and science our way in w/o endangering the lab rats.
I'm going to assume this minor variation is acceptable for all involved. Truthfully I would be hard pressed to figure an angle you don't have covered beginning write up now...
Black site
The Engineers are both thorough and competent. There are 3 points of entry that will not risk loss of structural integrity for the mostly underground facility. The Submarine Pen Door with the sizes involved, and the fact once open by force from the exterior it will be nearly impossible to reseal. The second is the obvious facility personnel entryway, most likely to be engineered to repel unwanted visitors, & finally a camouflaged freight elevator large enough to swallow one of the JumpHawks without scraping either rotor.

Although it is a standard cable winch elevator its roll-a-way door is locked in place by worm gear driven locking blocks. A small breach frame of c-4 will punch a hole just big enough a rappelling team can gain initial entry, skirt its way into the apex of the shaft and determine what other security awaits.

Midway down the shaft, some IR motion detectors linked to claymores would have spelt doom for the unwary. Liquid nitrogen to retard the c-4 allows a quick surgical disarm.

With no further obstacles the storage warehouse is entered. As per Navy regs a fire safety plan is mounted on the wall giving the general complexes layout.

Time to pick where/what's next? there is no active opposition the complex is deserted and powered down. The thick layers of dust Say it's not a recent development.