Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

[X] Accept the Emissary, assign him quarters and a private workspace as if it were an actual foreign Embassy. (New post disaster World/New Rules)
[X] Organize a permanent patrol force to sweep randomly through your area of influence , to engage and destroy anyone engaging in banditry.
(OOC) Oh, by no means am I advocating letting the 'guilty 10' escape... and the choice to continue the hunt (require an action you've currently committed towards the black site.) would both be satisfying and potentially rewarding (at least morale wise). You have tracking hounds and I'm sure if you devoted enough troops (heli fly-overs etc ) and time, they were not expecting a full military mobilization and would probably be relatively close to their last target.

10 heavily armed men last seen with captives, should blip pretty big on anyone's bad guy radar. Locals might not attempt a rescue, but would notice such a group in proximity to their loved ones... you even have eye witnesses that can I.D. the culprits and eliminate any possible false positives with surety.

If consensus is in favor of delaying the exploration in favor of hunting the bandits I would gladly allow it.

My earlier reticence was if we await your next actions they could be -long- gone, (needle/haystack) the odds shift dramatically if they become a priority before the trail goes cold.
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The permanent patrol & Atlanta's Emissary ( a man named Waldo Kim) both seem a done deal, so in the interest of showing Atlanta's spirit of appreciation Waldo produces the blueprints for Modifying the 'Little Bird' to serve as a Medevac vehicle, that extends the range of a M.A.S.H. unit to 15 mile radius, increasing the survivability of all combat units within that range.

Savannah Protectorate Law Enforcement Formed! Composite Outpost Morale Score improves!

Diplomatic Relations with Atlanta Improve!

As a result Modified Medevac 'Little Bird' Blueprint Gained! (added to build list)

(The M.A.S.H. bonus stacks with the EMS Roadhogs Perk as well as the Veteran perk. IE an elite survives merely disabled instead of destroyed on a Natural 7, 8, 9, or 10 with all bonuses in play and a 40% chance to survive a"Omg; how am I alive? disaster" is no small thing. And that my friends is top of the charts increased odds of survival. My original intent was to maybe give you 30% but the EMS Roadhogs were too neat an idea, they are unique and irreplaceable.)
I was hoping @Cmd. Frost would chime in, as it touches on a reward given to him (which is still momentarily safe from decay). But as they say 'The show must go on' although 'the plan' dictates explore black site. A possibility exists however, to catch the bandits terrorizing citizens within your area of influence IF you delay the exploration in favor of an immediate manhunt.

Calling for a vote by 6 p.m. today if possible. Thread has been stagnant 2 days out of courtesy, I owe better to my player base :)
Choose one:
[ ] Explore Black Site
[ ] Hunt the Bandits down
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My vote will mirror Cmd. Frost if he makes the vote deadline, if he does not, I think the bandits take priority.

A bit wishy washy on my part, but I hope this is acceptable Smiths.
[x] Explore Black Site
[x] Hunt the Bandits down

Because why wouldn't we?
[x] Explore Black Site
[x] Hunt the Bandits down

Because why wouldn't we?
Actually @Nixeu, it's a choice between the 2 options. Your plan called for explore but since it hasn't been launched yet giving the option to use the 1 action to switch to bandit hunt. My poor wording choice to blame... my apologies, editing for clarity.

Edit: And BadKatt85, that's fine.
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[X] Explore Black Site

Ten guys with assault rifles, while a problem are not worth delaying a black site raid.
Black site leading in votes:
Cmd. Frost
(proxy) BadKatt85

Nixeu's vote was not factored as he chose BOTH options as my wording was unclear.

You know what I'm going to APPLY Nixeu vote using the creative license of QM.

Because why wouldn't we?
Why indeed?

Preparing for an exploration does nothing to prevent the newly formed Savannah Protectorate Law Enforcement from attempting to fill their mandate, and no plan I heard for preparation included use of the K-9 corps. (They don't have the full military resources to draw on, but that is not the same as being ineffectual.)

So it is feasible to temporarily requisition the K-9's using a few spare Deuce and a halfs to transport them to last crime scene, spread them out fanlike to gain max use to establish a direction, remount drive 3-4 miles and narrow the trail again using the hounds. SPLE Cobra flies along those vectors searching for signs of groups that fit the profile... ALSV's explore any areas shielded from the Cobra by heavy cover along those vectors.

Someone roll me a 1d10 for the hounds, roll another 1d10 Cobra, and a final 1d10 for the ALSV's
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The hounds quickly locate a scent and begin to narrow down direction to a general North Easterly meander. However as yet no clear suspects spotted, the chase continues...
The Cobra follows the heading indicated by hounds, flying nap of the earth to surprise anyone attempting to move stealthily the least warning to take cover as possible. Despite these tactics no obvious suspects are encountered...
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The fast attack craft had no better luck than their compatriots... the pursuit continues.

Now for the Bandits escape roll: They remain unaware of active pursuit but are taking reasonable precautions; indicative of strong discipline & training.

Bandits remain at large but have yet to shake a pursuit they are not aware of...

Hounds, copter, and ALSV's roll again please
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: escape Total: 8
8 8
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Finally the hounds begin to bay, targets are close (within the 0.5 km ) radius and it's a definite match to the scent of a captive stolen from their home!

Other rolls if you please

Cobra and ALSV's
Actually @Nixeu, it's a choice between the 2 options. Your plan called for explore but since it hasn't been launched yet giving the option to use the 1 action to switch to bandit hunt. My poor wording choice to blame... my apologies, editing for clarity.

Edit: And BadKatt85, that's fine.
Oops. I guess that's what I get for dropping a vote just before I have to leave for school.
Black site leading in votes:
Cmd. Frost
(proxy) BadKatt85

Nixeu's vote was not factored as he chose BOTH options as my wording was unclear.

You know what I'm going to APPLY Nixeu vote using the creative license of QM.

Why indeed?
Oh, hey, it worked out. Cool.
Finally the hounds begin to bay, targets are close (within the 0.5 km ) radius and it's a definite match to the scent of a captive stolen from their home!

Other rolls if you please

Cobra and ALSV's
I can handle the copters. Which are also named after a snake. Seems appropriate.
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Copter-sneks Total: 5
5 5
The ALSV's begin churning through streets and alleyways, scouting dense copses of trees, and even partially collapsed buildings and although they themselves fail to spot the felons personally they produce the effect of flushing their quarry.

2 heavily modified pickups tear out of a warehouse intent to make a run, they are immediately spotted by the Cobra who spins up the dual miniguns and lays down a withering warning across the road shredding asphalt and churning it skyward. The ALSV's cut cross country and envelop the pickups surrounding it as well from multiple angles the .50 calibers and mk. 19 automatic grenade launchers a stark compliment to the lethal cobra overhead.

The ten bandits have no doubts as to the outcome if they turn this into a shooting match, weapons are discarded with haste, the vehicles abandoned as they take to their knees hands locked above their heads in hasty surrender, what they cannot take with force of arms they now hope to win with a lack of resistance; their very lives...

3 youths, in their late teens are recovered, in various states of malnourishment, severely battered & abused. One shudders to think of the indignities heaped upon them in the time they were held captive.

There is no question as to the guilt or innocence of the men involved, the only question remaining is are we going to take any captives for interrogation before rendering sentence.

Need a consensus vote please:
[ ] Just end it.
[ ] Find out is there something more to this? Then render sentence.
[ ] write in