Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

[ ] Alpha strikes for fun and profit

Attempting a charge (not best odds & opens us to counter charge if we fail) so walk forward instead 5 w/t Mammoth. (Puts Mammoth in their faces at 0.2 km) Prepare to dodge/parry.

Cobra's circle at 1.9 km, aim Wheezer again Hellfires.

Tanks & Woj advance 4 units ( 0.7 km tanks / 0.9 km Woj) and fire at Wheezer.

M270 allows allies to unload as it advances 4 units ( 0.7 km) if shield has dropped light up Wheezer w/t both missiles IF NOT DOWN light up Sage. He took damage when shield collapsed before and shield came back weaker, exploit known chinks... but if he is already aching from collapse drop the big guy.

6 AKP's are dropped in via quick rope at 0.5 km in semicircle around wheezer and fire at Wheezer if he is still on feet or Sage if he is only valid target. 'EMS Roadhogs' share semicircle in the southernmost position, closest to tanks & Woj. Combat interval.

Edit please review for holes.
Aside from it putting our infantry a touch close to the enemy, it seems fine.
Aside from it putting our infantry a touch close to the enemy, it seems fine.

@Nixeu point of order: From the conventional forces sheet :

Anti Kaiju Platoons (mounting deuce & a half transport trucks).
Move 4 mounted, - Takes 1 round to mount/dismount, moves 1 unit on foot.
3/shots RPG Bombardment: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage. [cauterize] rng -/-/5
( AK-47 - hvy ssc) 10/20/-

With RPG bombardment being the only K-scale attack they possess range 5 is as safe as AKP's are likely to get...

Edit: one more reason an AKP posting is only for the boldest, most fearless infantrymen.
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@Nixeu point of order: From the conventional forces sheet :

Anti Kaiju Platoons (mounting deuce & a half transport trucks).
Move 4 mounted, - Takes 1 round to mount/dismount, moves 1 unit on foot.
3/shots RPG Bombardment: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage. [cauterize] rng -/-/5
( AK-47 - hvy ssc) 10/20/-

With RPG bombardment being the only K-scale attack they possess range 5 is as safe as AKP's are likely to get...

Edit: one more reason an AKP posting is only for the boldest, most fearless infantrymen.
That was a minor nitpick. And yeah, AKPs are used to it.
Iceman's Trek Home
(OOC) Plot hook as Promised @cokerpilot


Michael Casey thought of himself as a simple man, he needed very little to be content, food in his belly, shelter in bad weather, and the ability to fight the foe that had taken everything that truly mattered away from him.

He shook his head in disbelief at the path chasing the latter had lead him, from a star PODC Ranger helping pilot one of the few surviving Jaegers to recent vagabond on a mission.

He scratched himself, the months of hard living had cost him. His well honed muscles now atrophied as near starvation had caused the body to beginning breaking them down for protein.

Neither Julianna, nor Heather, would recognize the shaggy headed, scruffily bearded, skeletal hobo who trudged tirelessly down the road to the southwest towards the whispers and rumors that stated the PODC had returned to Savannah. Of course they would never get the chance... K-day, the carnage of Trespasser wading into San Francisco, his wife and child lost to him forever.

Only the realization that the enemy weren't done and the formation of the PPDC gave him an outlet, a way to bloody those who carelessly trampled the best of humanity.

Michael almost washed out of Ranger training based on psych evaluation alone until they understood the root of his emotional disconnect. He refused to show empathy, as in his mind 'feeling' would be a betrayal until he served vengeance to those responsible. He would gladly ride a nuke into the breach if it meant he could pull the trigger. That attitude earned him his call sign: Iceman.

The only thing that mattered now was reaching Savannah, getting the help needed to retrieve Bracer Phoenix from beneath the rubble of the building it collapsed upon itself to hide it away from the fanatical fiends of Charleston, getting Jeannette Deveraux the help she needed to heal her broken will, and then the fight could begin again... And oceans of blue blood would flow.

(OOC) The story will continue shortly... it's success will be in your hands and is a self contained pick a path style mini adventure (No attempted interference by Savannah Forces please.)
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Not good a visualizing where everthing is right now so gona turst that terrbile mosnter of anamal85 with the plan.

[ X ] Alpha Strikes for fun and profit
(OOC) Plot hook as Promised @cokerpilot


Michael Casey thought of himself as a simple man, he needed very little to be content, food in his belly, shelter in bad weather, and the ability to fight the foe that had taken everything that truly mattered away from him.

He shook his head in disbelief at the path chasing the latter had lead him, from a star PODC Ranger helping pilot one of the few surviving Jaegers to recent vagabond on a mission.

He scratched himself, the months of hard living had cost him. His well honed muscles now atrophied as near starvation had caused the body to beginning breaking them down for protein.

Neither Julianna, nor Heather, would recognize the shaggy headed, scruffily bearded, skeletal hobo who trudged tirelessly down the road to the southwest towards the whispers and rumors that stated the PODC had returned to Savannah. Of course they would never get the chance... K-day, the carnage of Trespasser wading into San Francisco, his wife and child lost to him forever.

Only the realization that the enemy weren't done and the formation of the PPDC gave him an outlet, a way to bloody those who carelessly trampled the best of humanity.

Michael almost washed out of Ranger training based on psych evaluation alone until they understood the root of his emotional disconnect. He refused to show empathy, as in his mind 'feeling' would be a betrayal until he served vengeance to those responsible. He would gladly ride a nuke into the breach if it meant he could pull the trigger. That attitude earned him his call sign: Iceman.

The only thing that mattered now was reaching Savannah, getting the help needed to retrieve Bracer Phoenix from beneath the rubble of the building it collapsed upon itself to hide it away from the fanatical fiends of Charleston, getting Jeannette Deveraux the help she needed to heal her broken will, and then the fight could begin again... And oceans of blue blood would flow.

(OOC) The story will continue shortly... it's success will be in your hands and is a self contained pick a path style mini adventure (No attempted interference by Savannah Forces please.)
...That's a day-and-a-half bloody walk, according to Google! 36 hours total on foot, not including breaks. It's also something on the order of 111 miles. Damn, but this guy is tough. And probably going to be nearly dead when he gets here.
...That's a day-and-a-half bloody walk, according to Google! 36 hours total on foot, not including breaks. It's also something on the order of 111 miles. Damn, but this guy is tough. And probably going to be nearly dead when he gets here.

It -is- a helluva walk, through Dagonite raider held countryside (How else is a QM to get his 'Mad Max' / 'Book of Eli' / 'The Postman' on?!?)

Edit: @Nixeu at no point did I mention his starting location, so the distance could be +/- from anyplace inside Charlestons sphere of influence... Guaranteed it's a challenge, but your guesstimate does throw a light on the sheer scale a lone man is attempting in world of "kill you for your boots" raiders and SSC horrors.
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With Nixeu and Cokerpilot voicing support I feel comfortable with declaring combat consensus reached!

Coker, I will try and generate a visual aid, to represent approximate placement. Once it's in place I'll open stuff up for rolls.
Here is an attempt at making it easier to picture

The Blue/white circle is the Elite AKP 'Roy's Raiders'
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2 Cobras 1d10+1 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Hits on 5+ (Hellfire)
1 'Elite' Cobra 'Smooth Operators' 1d10+1 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Hits on 4+ (Hellfire)
2 Tanks 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+
1 'Elite' Mortar 'Wojtek's Winners' 1d10 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage.[cauterize] Hits on 4+

Once all those are complete and the conditionals are met then we open and deal with:

1 M-270 firing two BLU-122 'Divine Thunderbolt' (GBU-39 Small Diameter Glide Bomb), hits on 5+
Design Flaw: Expensive - Each such missile fired costs 100 R
1d10 +2 to hit; Blast Damage. 1 pt Anti-Armor Armor piercing, Range 15/20/30
Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot

5 AKP's 3/shots of RPG Bombardment: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage. [cauterize] rng -/-/5, hit on 5+

1 'Elite' AKP 'Roy's Raiders' 3/shots of RPG Bombardment: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage. [cauterize] rng -/-/5, hit on 5+

This is turn 2's Beginning, 2 more turns until reinforcements.
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Taking 2 cobras.

edit: nice, rolling hit locs
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Cobras Total: 16
10 10 6 6
BadKatt85 threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit locs Total: 29
7 7 3 3 9 9 10 10
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2 Tanks 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+
Cmd. Frost threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Tanks Total: 12
7 7 5 5
Cmd. Frost threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit Locs Total: 15
3 3 8 8 2 2 2 2
The cobras redeem the earlier poor performance, both Hellfires streak true. The first explodes upon Wheezers bloated Neck, the second impacts Wheezers right hand. Again the successful fire overwhelms Sages shield!

10+1=11, -2 AV Oily Leathery Hide & -2 AV electromagnetic shield = 7 Minor Wound

Throat suffers 3 strikes from Minor wound! Wheezers throat is on Fire! Suffers 3 ongoing! - Damage has caused Wheezer to lose gathered breath!

6+1=7, -2 AV Oily Leathery Hide & -2 AV electromagnetic shield = 3 Glancing Wound

Wheezers Right hand suffers a Glancing Wound! 1 strike suffered.

The incredible feedback arcs down the arms this time biting into Sages spine causing a major wound! suffers 3 strikes! -1 universal penalty!

Two tanks open up and are successful, the first scores against the Chest, the second the right ankle!

7+1=8, -3 AV Oily Calluosed Leather Shell -1 damage adjustment = 4 Minor Wound

Chest suffers 3 strikes from Minor Wound, Chest Armor destroyed! Wheezer reels from the blows!

5+1=6, -3 AV Oily Calluosed Leather Shell -1 damage adjustment = 2 Glancing Wound

Right ankle suffers 1 strike from a Glancing Wound.

The Smooth Operators show why they merited their recent elevation to elite status. Their hellfire flies true and strikes below the belt (pelvis)!

7+1=8, -3 AV Oily Calluosed Leather Shell = 5 Minor Wound

Wheezer suffers a Minor wound to the groin and suffers 3 strikes, -2 AGI! Wheezers pelvis is set ablaze! Wheezer is beyond durability & suffers endurance loss suffers a -1 universal penalty!

Premier appearance and your already responsible for a burning itch to someones junk! :ogles:
Conditionals are met; however in light of Wheezers poor shape are you SURE you want to launch both those expensive 'Divine Thunderbolts' at HIM as per 'the plan'?

As always it is -your- party I just cater it.
Given the chance, shift both Thunderbolts to Sage.

AKP's finish Wheezer off!

[ X ] Plan: Finish Him!
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Common sense and two votes good enough for combat consensus in my book!

1 M-270 firing two BLU-122 'Divine Thunderbolt' (GBU-39 Small Diameter Glide Bomb), hits on 5+
Design Flaw: Expensive - Each such missile fired costs 100 R
1d10 +2 to hit; Blast Damage. 1 pt Anti-Armor Armor piercing, Range 15/20/30
Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot

5 AKP's 3/shots of RPG Bombardment: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage. [cauterize] rng -/-/5, hit on 5+

1 'Elite' AKP 'Roy's Raiders' 3/shots of RPG Bombardment: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage. [cauterize] rng -/-/5, hit on 5+

Edit : roll for each Divine Thunderbolt separately including hit locs!
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The first elite AKP ever leads the charge to finish off Wheezer before the beast can retaliate. Sure enough the barrage solidly strikes Wheezer in the thigh!

9+1=10, -2 AV Oily Leathery Hide -2 damage adjustment = 6 Minor Wound

Left Thigh suffers a Minor wound inflicting 3 strikes, -1 AGI, over durability penalty raises to -4 universal and yet the beast lingers on!!