Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Before I open up the combat rolls @BadKatt85 has asked for some commentary on her idea for Whitecap Triton some pilots.

Take a moment to mull it over, I find it odd that since the Black Site the council haven't been looking to get 2 asses in the seats of a second Jaeger.
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Smithsguild can the empty Jump Hawks (with out infantry mounted) double back for extra troops?

2 artillery & resupply unit are still k scale effective combatants.
Smithsguild can the empty Jump Hawks (with out infantry mounted) double back for extra troops?

2 artillery & resupply unit are still k scale effective combatants.

I'd say yes, but there will be a delay... 3 turns + 1d3 additional as this an impromptu scramble and NOT part of your original plan.

Edit: 4 turns, reinforcements arrive from Savannah.
Smithsguild threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: reinforcements Total: 1
1 1
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Before I open up the combat rolls @BadKatt85 has asked for some commentary on her idea for Whitecap Triton some pilots.

Take a moment to mull it over, I find it odd that since the Black Site the council haven't been looking to get 2 asses in the seats of a second Jaeger.
Been busy and distracted. As for BadKatt's suggestions, that sounds like a good pairing to me.

Not encouraged by how much awareness and intelligence these guys are showing. That's usually a sign of a Kaiju that's a pain in the butt, especially at low Cats.
Before I open up the combat rolls @BadKatt85 has asked for some commentary on her idea for Whitecap Triton some pilots.

Take a moment to mull it over, I find it odd that since the Black Site the council haven't been looking to get 2 asses in the seats of a second Jaeger.

So far Councillors that weighed in Re: Whitecap Triton: BadKatt85, Nixeu,

Voices yet to be heard, Cmd. Frost , KnightDisciple , dgr11897 , cokerpilot , HolyDragoon , Fyrstorm
I'm busy, and have no ideas myself for Triton's pilots, so I'll just go along with

[X] BadKatt85's plan.
Nah, no problem. I like the idea, after all! I just don't have any alternate proposals either.
Suitable consensus achieved!

Opening Salvo: (-2 on all at Long range increment) please roll the following
2 Cobras 1d10+1 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Hits on 5+ (Hellfire)
1 'Elite' Cobra 'Smooth Operators' 1d10+1 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Hits on 4+ (Hellfire)
2 Tanks 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage [cauterizes], Hits on 5+
1 'Elite' Mortar 'Wojtek's Winners' 1d10 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage.[cauterize] Hits on 4+

3 empty Jump Hawks head back for additional reinforcements, & 1 empty heads back to safety in Savannah

2 remaining Jump Hawks with infantry mounted withdraw to 3.2 km awaiting enemy response to deploy next turn.
2 cobras :

Edit: rolling for misfire
Omg (sorry everyone )
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Cobra Total: 10
9 9 1 1
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Misfire Total: 1
1 1
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2 cobras :

Edit: rolling for misfire
Omg (sorry everyone )

The second cobra experiences a hangfire! Although missiles motor engages normally the mounting release stutters and opens too slowly throwing the targeting way off! The only friendly in field of fire suffers an attack, Mammoth Apostate!!!

Edit: The Hellfire caromes between Mammoths feet and explodes harmlessly!
Edit Edit: @BadKatt85 you do realize you forgot to declare targets BTW? We'll just blame it on this being first 2 kaiju battle. ;)
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Errant hellfire! Total: 2
2 2
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I'll take the tanks!

Edit: that's one hit, one near miss. I'll roll for hit location.

Edit 2: Hitting one of the Arms.
Fyrstorm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Open fire! Total: 10
7 7 3 3
Fyrstorm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hit Location Total: 18
10 10 8 8
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The hellfire flies towards Wheezer locked in on his center mass straight for the chest! But Sage raises 2 of its spindly arm, a current arcs between the metallic knobs and an actinic eye searing electromagnetic shield appears in the air (5 unit diameter 1/4 sphere) angled towards your troops. The gaussmeters scream their indignation back at Loccent Command.
9+1=10, rng adj -2=8, -3 AV Oily Calluosed Leather Shell & -2 AV electromagnetic shield = 3 Glancing Wound

Glancing Wound to chest! The fire smolders out...

The Anti Kaiju tanks open up and one scores a hit on the left arm
7+1=8, rng adj -2=6 , -2 AV Oily Leathery Hide (resilience impact -1) & -2 AV electromagnetic shield = 2 -1 for damage adj = 1 Glancing Wound

Glancing Wound to left arm!
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Let's await fresh rollers for the remaining Elites shall we? been too long and I'm sure the other councilors will appreciate the opportunity.
'Wojtek's Winners' fire and apparently "Comrade Bear" is spot on as spotter as the long high indirect arc scores a hit on Wheezers right foot! The accumulated damage overloads Sages shield it collapses in a shower of sparks, the feedback bites into the little beast!
9, rng adj -2=7 , -2 AV Oily Leathery Hide (resilience impact -1) & -2 AV electromagnetic shield = 2 -1 for damage adj = 1 Glancing Wound

Glancing Wound Wheezers right foot!

The feedback runs down both extended arms and arcs into Sages abdomen.
Glancing Wound Sages torso!
Smooth guys do something....

Edit: dice. Dice stahp. Staaaaaahp!
Roll 1d10 Misfire please @HolyDragoon

Edit: Rolling for you as you disappeared and it needs resolution before creatures turn!

Hellfire release clamp works fine but this time the missiles motor engages, sputters, and fails.
(once may be fate, twice is coincidence, third time investigate for enemy action... :ninja:)
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: misfire Total: 7
7 7
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Wheezer barks annoyed at Sages failure to protect him completely, Sage shrugs emphatically with all 4 arms, then both begin a measured run with Wheezer pacing Sages best speed, and gulping air with each stride bloating his throat sack as he closes towards your troops and easily eating 1.4 km of the buffer between you - distance to Mammoth is now only 0.7 km. (for remaining measurements refer to BadKatt Deployment and -1.4 km).

Sage again throws his arms skyward, the blue/white shield reforms but the discomfort when looking at it has lessened, as if it is not operating quite at full strength.


I need movement (if any for troops already on ground/in skies) & where the infantry fast rope in... (deployment orders) for 6 AKP's & the dismounted 'EMS Roadhogs' triage team. Once I understand placement, I'll call for appropriate rolls.
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[ ] Alpha strikes for fun and profit

Attempting a charge (not best odds & opens us to counter charge if we fail) so walk forward instead 5 w/t Mammoth. (Puts Mammoth in their faces at 0.2 km) Prepare to dodge/parry.

Cobra's circle at 1.9 km, aim Wheezer again Hellfires.

Tanks & Woj advance 4 units ( 0.7 km tanks / 0.9 km Woj) and fire at Wheezer.

M270 allows allies to unload as it advances 4 units ( 0.7 km) if shield has dropped light up Wheezer w/t both missiles IF NOT DOWN light up Sage. He took damage when shield collapsed before and shield came back weaker, exploit known chinks... but if he is already aching from collapse drop the big guy.

6 AKP's are dropped in via quick rope at 0.5 km in semicircle around wheezer and fire at Wheezer if he is still on feet or Sage if he is only valid target. 'EMS Roadhogs' share semicircle in the southernmost position, closest to tanks & Woj. Combat interval.

Edit please review for holes.
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