Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I am strongly considering scaling updates back to 1x/2x a week or just putting this game on hiatus, we are down to 3-5 (semi)active players and although I'm generating some new lurkers we aren't recouping posting members that we've lost. I'm feeling I've failed in my mission to entertain and so am losing enthusiasm as QM.

I couldn't ask for better readers, and I understand everyone has other interests/commitments/lifes beyond my little project, no guilt or shame in that.
I'd be posting right now but I'm stumped as to what to name the Elites. I kind of want to name one of them Raiders or something like that because of the oil rig and black site, but that sounds really generic and I can't think of a design.
I'm down for Mighty Merlins.

I'll try to think about the other units...What gear do our AKBs pack/use/ride, currently?
I'd be posting right now but I'm stumped as to what to name the Elites. I kind of want to name one of them Raiders or something like that because of the oil rig and black site, but that sounds really generic and I can't think of a design.

'Ryu's Raiders' - AKB's motto: "All your base, are belongs to us" :V:V:V (any R based name would work, alliteration makes names roll off the tongue)
I'm down for Mighty Merlins.

I'll try to think about the other units...What gear do our AKBs pack/use/ride, currently?

Standard fair is AK-47's and over-sized RPG's, been slogging to combat in the back of Deuce and a halfs. (Recently in Pathfinders or Jump hawks as well)

Edit: your troops, if you want to upgrade them to Bradleys or a more protected vehicle with a small $ outlay we can get creative... (Research ANYTHING)

Edit Edit:
A stepping stone development towards (WH40K) Powered Armor, might be Mobility assisting suits (Edge of Tomorrow)

Edit to third power: Above video shows a nice Jump hawk upgrade as well ;)
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I am strongly considering scaling updates back to 1x/2x a week or just putting this game on hiatus, we are down to 3-5 (semi)active players and although I'm generating some new lurkers we aren't recouping posting members that we've lost. I'm feeling I've failed in my mission to entertain and so am losing enthusiasm as QM.

I couldn't ask for better readers, and I understand everyone has other interests/commitments/lifes beyond my little project, no guilt or shame in that.
Oh, I'm still around. Sorry about that. Due to how alerts work, if you check them, and miss that there's a new post, and don't check the thread, it stops telling you when there's new comments.

I'm also not the best at naming things, most of the time. Or coming up with special traits and stuff. That said, for the AKBs, maybe something like a special rocket with an unique warhead? Could be any number of things, but maybe it could be good at penetrating armor or damaging stronger Kaiju? Or, going the other direction, could be specialized for smaller targets, since the AKBs are one of our small-scale combat units.
Okay as things stand:

Mighty Merlins 'Elite' Little birds - Little Bird Perk: 'Leaf on the Wind' when this 'Elite' uses "goes Evasive" the reduction to be hit goes from 2 pips to 3 (10% additional chance to be missed by inbound attacks) ---> Consider this locked

'Smooth Operators' 'Elite' Cobra w/t Leisure Suit Larry logo - wonderfully tacky. :V:facepalm: Consensus worthy?
Elite cobra perk - 'I can find the Sweet Spot; even in the dark' Hits on 4+ (Normal cobra hits 5+)

'R(?something?) Raiders' 'Elite' AKB's - need a unique appearance still
-maybe a stealth black/grey BDU???
Elite AKB Perk: Silenced SSC -G36 (5.56) w/t 5 round 20mm airburst capable GL

And as yet unclaimed other AKB unit. Pristinely underdeveloped...
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@Nixeu, You are a genius!

Elite AKB- Burn Unit, Unit patch is a Kaiju skull on fire.

Elite AKB- Roy's Raiders, still can't think of a symbol.
I feel like I should be posting more but am note sure what to day so I was waiting for the next bit of action to start before really posting anything sorry.
I feel like I should be posting more but am note sure what to day so I was waiting for the next bit of action to start before really posting anything sorry.

Voicing opinion of new elite designs/naming showing support or lack would allow me to close that aspect sooner , and return to face punching.
Voicing opinion of new elite designs/naming showing support or lack would allow me to close that aspect sooner , and return to face punching.
Hrm... How about the Fishermen? They are going to be fighting a lot of things with aquatic theams in the futer. Plus you know *Insert joke about Dyanamite fishing here*

Or I guess we could also go with cult blasters or something. I am bad at names.
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'Smooth Operators' 'Elite' Cobra w/t Leisure Suit Larry logo - wonderfully tacky. :V:facepalm: Consensus worthy?
Elite cobra perk - 'I can find the Sweet Spot; even in the dark' Hits on 4+ (Normal cobra hits 5+)
Sounds good to me.
@Nixeu, You are a genius!

Elite AKB- Burn Unit, Unit patch is a Kaiju skull on fire.

Elite AKB- Roy's Raiders, still can't think of a symbol.
...Roy from Fire Emblem? Or from Mario?
I can dig 'Roy's Raiders';
I am related to a 5'5" beer barrel of a man that was in the Army (Korean War), couldn't run worth a damn; but he could low crawl as fast as I could walk and he could move -silently- through barbed wire/Concertina wire like it was a hedgerow.
Okay as things stand:

Mighty Merlins 'Elite' Little birds Perk: 'Leaf on the Wind' when this 'Elite' uses "goes Evasive" the reduction to be hit goes from 2 pips to 3 (10% additional chance to be missed by inbound attacks) ---> Consider this locked

'Smooth Operators' 'Elite' Cobra w/t Leisure Suit Larry logo - wonderfully tacky. :V:facepalm: Consensus worthy?
Elite cobra perk - 'I can find the Sweet Spot; even in the dark' Hits on 4+ (Normal cobra hits 5+)
--->Consider this locked

'Roy's Raiders' 'Elite' AKB's - unique appearance: stealth black/grey B.D.U. camouflage and a Ventablack Ceramic/honeycomb Flak Jacket
Silenced SSC -G36 (5.56) w/t 5 round 20 mm air-burst capable Grenade Launcher (rather than standard AK-47 /RPG they carry a debugged O.I.C.W. )
'Elite' AKB Perk: Stealth Trained SOCOM equivalent (Gains +1 bonus to move with stealth or detect stealthy opponent)
--->Consider this locked

And as yet unclaimed other AKB unit. Pristinely underdeveloped...

Last unit...
Two possibilities forwarded; Elite AKB

Burn Unit, Unit patch is a Kaiju skull on fire. (Cmd. Frost)

Hrm... How about the Fishermen? They are going to be fighting a lot of things with aquatic themes in the future. Plus you know *Insert joke about Dynamite fishing here* Or I guess we could also go with cult blasters or something. I am bad at names.

I gave this a little thought, and I'm taking your idea and tweaking it keeping the theme as I enjoy a challenge:

'Atlantic Anglers' - Motto: "We don't leave enough to throw back..." Symbol on unit patch is a Cartoonic Deep One Head w/t X'd out eyes, with Crossed sticks of Dynamite as a background?

Just need to resolve last AKB and then we punch Kaiju face... Or more accurately we'll handle a scan roll to see what info gleaned on the 2 unwelcome Kaiju wanting to snack on your gift from Atlanta and the people bringing it...
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@Cmd. Frost could you maybe flesh out the 'Burn Unit' idea a touch more?

I'm open to supporting a well rounded idea but other than a flaming skull they just strike me as being rather 'flat'.

I'm sure that there is more to them than I've seen, I'm a fan of your other contributions and am looking forward to hearing more about them before I choose where to throw my vote.
@Cmd. Frost could you maybe flesh out the 'Burn Unit' idea a touch more?

I'm open to supporting a well rounded idea but other than a flaming skull they just strike me as being rather 'flat'.

I'm sure that there is more to them than I've seen, I'm a fan of your other contributions and am looking forward to hearing more about them before I choose where to throw my vote.

Sure, although first off @Smithsguild you should probably change the name of the AKB's unless you're abstracting away a few thousand men. Anti Kaiju Squads would work better for how few people are in each unit.
Anyway, so the story of the Burn Unit starts with it's two NCO's SSgt. Jacob Blane and Sgt. Erica Jones. See, SSgt. Blane was an environmentalist, and when he saw what Kaiju Blue did to the environment he got really pissed off. So pissed off in fact that he started experimenting in the field with various ways of fighting the blue, eventually coming the conclusion that the best way to stop the blue was with fire, lots and lots of fire.

At first Sgt. Jones was rotated in to keep Blane from doing something stupid. However as a medical student for two years and having seen the devastating effects of Kaiju Blue exposure Erica has learned well the value of cauterizing a wound if it can't be closed by other means. Seeing that their plan backfired and recognizing an elite unit command has decided to allow a few of Blane's requests.

So hows that for a little meat on the bones?
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Sure, although first off @Smithsguild you should probably change the name of the AKB's unless you're abstracting away a few thousand men. Anti Kaiju Squads would work better for how few people are in each unit.

Duly noted; the discrepancy is a left over from Legacy VtW quests. I was wondering when I would be called out on it :). With smaller squads representing fewer men that still retain the potential to wreck Cat Zeroes / Cat-1s.

Would it stretch anyone's disbelief too much to institute the following changes? All basic infantry units are based on a 20 man Platoon (4x - 5 man squads),
some special purpose units (k-9's, SEAL teams, etc. will be adjusted to make contextual sense).

Similarly vehicles (arty, tanks, mortars, helicopters, etc.) are singular units. To retain the general conventional's are (relatively) useless versus the largest/toughest K-scale opponents (some Cat-3's/Cat-4's/ & Cat-5's) feel from PR and other Kaiju films, I will borrow from Fyrstorm's playbook and allow a certain amount of resilience from conventional attacks on these upper lvl opponents.
Duly noted; the discrepancy is a left over from Legacy VtW quests. I was wondering when I would be called out on it :). With smaller squads representing fewer men that still retain the potential to wreck Cat Zeroes / Cat-1s.

Would it stretch anyone's disbelief too much to institute the following changes? All basic infantry units are based on a 20 man Platoon (4x - 5 man squads),
some special purpose units (k-9's, SEAL teams, etc. will be adjusted to make contextual sense).

Similarly vehicles (arty, tanks, mortars, helicopters, etc.) are singular units. To retain the general conventional's are (relatively) useless versus the largest/toughest K-scale opponents (some Cat-3's/Cat-4's/ & Cat-5's) feel from PR and other Kaiju films, I will borrow from Fyrstorm's playbook and allow a certain amount of resilience from conventional attacks on these upper lvl opponents.

Works for me.