Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

@Smithsguild, You did a wonderful job of conveying my plans intent. I hope my fellow councillors agree.

/Arrrgh! I know that awaiting Atlanta's response is part of diplomacy.

Patience has never been one of my skills .
(OOC) Wait no longer @BadKatt85 . You'll be too busy too worry about politics...

Loccent's screens flash and warning sirens blare!

"Multiple Contact's Confirmed. Prioritized. Kaiju Signature Confirmed: One Category 3 Designated: Wheezer; Kaiju Signature Confirmed: One Category 2 Designated: Sage, Shared Location Confirmed, 2 miles N/NE of Black Creek along Interstate 16. Kaiju are headed N/NW out of sensor range.

"Thank god, they are headed away from Savannah!, turn off the siren..." A random tech exclaims. But it dawns on the Council that is the direction to Atlanta and you have a convoy with resources inbound, and you promised Emissary Kim you'd see to the safety of the convoy and its guards. Shit!

"Hit those alarms again, we need forces scrambled ASAP!"

Need a deployment plan ASAP, detailing who, how many, and how you intend to get them on site with all haste!

Your lone Little Bird is in desperate need of maintenance, as is the 'Outriders' Pathfinder use of either will require rolls against catastrophic engine failure.
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Oh and in case anyone wants to suggest using 'Whitecap Triton' at this last second I'll remind you he's unavailable due to lack of pilots.

Bolting 'Whitecap Tritons' upgrades in place and securing 2 Pilot Candidates (I have a NPC in mind if interested, but feel free to design both candidates if you prefer).

Bring 'Whitecap Triton' online(finish upgrades using Hephaestus )
Done! (Now he only needs pilot candidates)
Available military assets: I am only listing units that can be of some use in a K-Scale Battle. (No SSC only troops, K-9's, etc.)

Mammoth Apostate

2 T-100 AK-Tank platoon
1 'Elite' Tracked AK-Mortar platoon
2 ALSV Patrol Groups
1 M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System
2 T-95 AK-Artillery Batteries
1 Resupply platoon
6 Anti Kaiju brigades

1 'Elite' Motorcycle Club Militia "EMS Roadhogs" (only included because of increased survival odds) May count as infantry if you choose to dismount bikes

3 AH-1 SuperCobra's
6 (5 available if you intended to airlift Mammoth) Jump Hawks with Cargo pallets - may mount 4 infantry (
inside heli) & still carry cargo pallet

Each Jump hawk cargo pallet may carry a single Mechanized unit (tank, mortar, artillery, ASLV, resupply or M270)

So choices will have to be made...

plans must declare ammo selection or I -will- make worse choice for you
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Before we engage in combat AGAIN, I forgot to present an opportunity for Rig combatants to become elite. Your choice we can ret-con rolls in before kaiju but to get perk we'll need names and unique appearance. Or we can give extra odds on those that participate in back to back battles IF they survive this time...

Currently eligible:
Little Birds
6 AKB's
3 Cobras

Vote please:
[ ] roll elites / kaiju can wait

[ ] roll after Kaiju
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[ X ] roll after Kaiju

[X] Plan: Rollout for Facestomping edited edition

Mammoth & his Jump Hawk (4 AKB's mounted inside)

3 cobras
Hellfire missiles

M270 & its Jump Hawk (#2) (EMS Roadhogs and 2 more AKB'S mounted inside)

(2) BLU-122 'Divine Thunderbolt' missiles (Burst damage)

'Elite' Mortar 'wojtek's winners' & its Jump Hawk (#3)

2 T-100 AK-Tanks & Jump Hawks (#5 & #6)

My choices should give us highest damage potential (M270 needs held until onsite eval done and spent wisely)
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[ X ] roll after Kaiju

[X] Plan: Rollout for Facestomping

Mammoth & his Jump Hawk (4 AKB's mounted inside)

3 cobras
Hellfire missiles

M270 & its Jump Hawk (#2) (EMS Roadhogs mounted inside)
X2 BLU-122 'Divine Thunderbolt' missiles (Burst damage)

'Elite' Mortar 'wojtek's winners' & its Jump Hawk (#3)

2 T-100 AK-Tanks & Jump Hawks (#5 & #6)

My choices should give us highest damage potential (M270 needs held until onsite eval done and spent wisely)
Is there a reason to not bring two more AKBs?
Is there a reason to not bring two more AKBs?

No reason at all. A clerical error, meant to throw them in with Roadhogs. Editing plan.

Nice catch @Nixeu and I do need and appreciate eyes on my plans rather than giving me a auto rubber stamp of approval.

I don't want to rest on my previous laurels and lose for everyone by an oversight on
My advice.
Setting a 6pm EST today deadline on vote on Y/N roll for elites now. (1 after kaiju vote BadKatt)

8 am EST deadline tomorrow morning for Battle plan.
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[X] roll elites / kaiju can wait

yeah I'm not chancing these guys dying before we can roll for them.
[X] Badkatt85

Seems decent, and I haven't had the time/energy today to think anything different up.
@Smithsguild Cmd. Frost has a valid point about rolling for elites now.

Potential loss, elites become a pip more likely to survive a near death, if you are agreeable, I wish to change my vote to 'roll now'. With a shortage of troops for general use, not hedging our bets is foolhardy .

Yes it may slow down the action but I feel that it's worth the time.
Although considerably after my intended deadlines, I will grant your request @BadKatt85 . Please roll 1d10 for each unit, natural 10 unlocks Elite status; on condition of unique name & some unique visual (unit patch, flag, painting unit distinctive color scheme, etc.) With 10 units in this batch please roll for 2 units at a time. Announce UNIT TYPE (example: little bird/cobra) then roll, 2d10.

Currently eligible for Elite roll chance:
Little Birds
6 AKB's
3 Cobras
First I want to apologize, BadKatt had logged in to SV using my computer earlier this morning and FORGOT to log herself back out; being unaware of that I just went and posted and did not realize that had occurred until AFTER -I- posted as BadKatt. Post has been delete; BadKatt Chastised (and banished from my computer - she has her own PC at her house and her cellphone). There will be no future problems of this sort.

After extensively checking my records all forces eligible are original troops, veterans of many combats, THEREFORE I am extending success range to natural 9's & 10's
Rolling for last AKB's

EDIT: disappointing, but expected.
Cmd. Frost threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: AKBvolution Total: 11
5 5 6 6
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Leaves only 1 cobra / and 1 little bird remain to be rolled on.

So far 2 'Elite' AKB's & 1 'Elite' Cobra need unique names and unit insignia for them... Once I have names/appearance I'll generate unique perks.
I'll roll for them.

Edit: huzzah!
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: A Little Bird told me... Total: 10
10 10
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Cobra Command Total: 8
8 8
Little Bird unit name: 'Mighty Merlin's'

Symbol a small stylized falcon sporting a wizards cap. Wand in claws.

Merlin is a small bird of prey (Falco columbarius) 30cm long, 60cm wingspan, weighing roughly 90g .
2 'Elite' AKB's & 1 'Elite' Cobra need unique names and unit insignia for them... Once I have names/appearance I'll generate unique perks.

All of these above need named/visual appearance WITH consensus, 2 votes so far for 'Mighty Merlins' no opposing name / plan.

Little Bird Perk: 'Leaf on the Wind' when this 'Elite' uses "goes Evasive" the reduction to be hit goes from 2 pips to 3 (10% additional chance to be missed by inbound attacks)