Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

(OOC) You do not know how badly such an idea has messed with my storyboard ( bane of sandbox, do anything, gaming, is players CAN and WILL do amazingly creative shit when the QM/DM least expects it... My god people you make my brain ache in the most delicious ways.)
Well got here late to the party. Agreed on homeland security. In the future, and if possible, could they get something that allowed them to sniff out cultists that might try to infiltrate our lands?

@HolyDragoon , Sorry I missed replying to this, saw it and meant to double back and reply then my 'oldtimers' kicked in (non-diagnosed pseudo Alzheimer's) and I forgot...

Get what to sniff out cultists? If you narrow it down to something actionable I'd allow it (if backed by some kind of resource expenditure or right research).

If they were deep one/ human spawn, physiologically they would have the 'Innsmouth look' to them that progresses as they age, and domestic animals would act strangely/violently towards them. So assigning militia K-9 to Homeland would be a reasonable thing. (Free Action)

Although the Deep One hybrid offspring are born with the appearance of a normal human being, they gradually assume the appearance of their Deep One ancestors. These traits may include:
  • Shrunken/nonexistent ears
  • Glassy, bulging, unblinking eyes
  • Narrow, nearly hairless head
  • Rubbery, blue-gray skin
  • Folds on the neck which eventually become functional gills
  • Webbing between fingers/toes

But as to more pure blooded human zealots? I'd need something tangible...
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In that case, assigning 1 unit K-9 to Homeland & another to Garrison detail as gate guards to check 'visitors' may be prudent. That will still leave 1 for general troops.

[ X ] support for moar dawgs in special units.
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@HolyDragoon , Sorry I missed replying to this, saw it and meant to double back and reply then my 'oldtimers' kicked in (non-diagnosed pseudo Alzheimer's) and I forgot...

Get what to sniff out cultists? If you narrow it down to something actionable I'd allow it (if backed by some kind of resource expenditure or right research).

If they were deep one/ human spawn, physiologically they would have the 'Innsmouth look' to them that progresses as they age, and domestic animals would act strangely/violently towards them. So assigning militia K-9 to Homeland would be a reasonable thing. (Free Action)

Although the Deep One hybrid offspring are born with the appearance of a normal human being, they gradually assume the appearance of their Deep One ancestors. These traits may include:
  • Shrunken/nonexistent ears
  • Glassy, bulging, unblinking eyes
  • Narrow, nearly hairless head
  • Rubbery, blue-gray skin
  • Folds on the neck which eventually become functional gills
  • Webbing between fingers/toes

But as to more pure blooded human zealots? I'd need something tangible...

Yeah, that was the wall I ran into. K9s shall suffice, not to mention not all cultists might be smart...

[ X ] support for moar dawgs in special units.

As for the rest... I honestly feel a bit out of my depth. Well, not quite. I think this is something that will come along research in deep one stuff. Right now, though, all I have is questions in my mind regarding symptoms of Deep One willful worship, and waiting to see how it goes along, as I'm pants at planning.
Yeah, that was the wall I ran into. K9s shall suffice, not to mention not all cultists might be smart...

[ X ] support for moar dawgs in special units.

As for the rest... I honestly feel a bit out of my depth. Well, not quite. I think this is something that will come along research in deep one stuff. Right now, though, all I have is questions in my mind regarding symptoms of Deep One willful worship, and waiting to see how it goes along, as I'm pants at planning.

@HolyDragoon Deep Ones don't really acquire worshipers per se; they promote the worship of Cthulhu although they do exhibit reverent behavior towards larger, and older Deep Ones such as Father Dagon or Mother Hydra bordering on ancestor worship.

The symptoms are about the same as those exhibited by any isolated, not widely accepted, human Cult like Branch Davidians, Moonies, etc... Shared isolation reinforced by a societal disconnect. They begin to speak awkwardly in longer conversations with non-cultist or they tend to sometimes let dogmatic ideas slip into conversation. But such social faux pas are usually among the dimmer members, a bright cultist will be a social chameleon.
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I think it is safe to do k-9 transfers to special units as it has garnered a lot of support & I see no downside that could result.

Still sticking firm to extended deadline for Plan consensus at 6pm EST tomorrow, although Plan: military supremacy 2.0 seems a slam dunk.

A fellow reader said they would be tickled to participate BUT things moved too fast and by the time they read about a vote, bam it was done and over :) I'm trying to accommodate some of our lurkers and convert them to active participation.
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@HolyDragoon Deep Ones don't really acquire worshipers per se; they promote the worship of Cthulhu although they do exhibit reverent behavior towards larger, and older Deep Ones such as Father Dagon or Mother Hydra bordering on ancestor worship.

The symptoms are about the same as those exhibited by any isolated, not widely accepted, human Cult like Branch Davidians, Moonies, etc... Shared isolation reinforced by a societal disconnect. They begin to speak awkwardly in longer conversations with non-cultist or they tend to sometimes let dogmatic ideas slip into conversation. But such social faux pas are usually among the dimmer members, a bright cultist will be a social chameleon.

Which means no subtler stuff like altered brain activity and the likes. Shame that, I hoped it could happen given the Psychic Nosebleed trick that that one guy did, besides the whole 'lightning blowing the heads' thing.
Which means no subtler stuff like altered brain activity and the likes. Shame that, I hoped it could happen given the Psychic Nosebleed trick that that one guy did, besides the whole 'lightning blowing the heads' thing.
Big difference between exposure and participation in religious ceremonies, and meeting mind to mind a (small g) god, the lightning was natural phenomena (upper atmosphere super storm) interacting with a supernatural incident (Sammael's soul slipping its remains, splitting into two pieces and zipping off to reform two distinct bodies.)

Although if the cultist had a mind to mind with his (small g) god, I'm sure the trauma caused would be noticeable on a CAT scan...

'The Deacon' probably has severe altered brain activity come to think of it.

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New spin on 'touched in the head'...
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With the creation of the Special Units & casualties suffered our general standing military has grown anemic.

It's my hope next down time our budget can be spent replenishing troops, including a naval element. That is of course predicated on our income.

I'm frankly uncertain as to how to generate a reliable income stream besides growing manufacturing ... Didn't Tacit vs the world develop something mod wise to squeeze more income out of kaiju harvesting?

Any ideas? Outposts will gradually increase our base income now Homeland is a thing.

Looking for some creative ideas for inclusion down the road.
Yep. Got a nice City Aug that increases what we can retrieve from the corpses. Nice modifier, too.

Going into less consistent territory, looting ruins, tracking down and killing Kaiju, and clearing and harvesting Nests are excellent for augmenting income. Obviously, those are somewhat limited, both in number, and in how many we can feasibly do without needing to patch our Jaegers up or build new units. It's mostly good for when you're really well established, or in dire need of resources.

Moving on, mining outposts are an obvious source of income. Not sure about the quality of the ores and the like in the Atlanta area, but it wouldn't be hard to find out. Oceanic mining seems vulnerable to Deep One attacks, unfortunately.

Recycling plants are an idea, I suppose. And you can get ores and mineral-rich silt at the mouths of rivers. Not a bad place to filter for plastic trash, either. Hell, you might even get some exotic stuff due to runoff from Kaiju and the like. It'd probably be pretty low-level, though.

Getting creative, finding something with regenerative abilties, trapping it, and steadily slicing bits off seems like an idea. Or splicing it's abilities into plants, then farming them, if food is an issue. Hell, just cultivating pockets of Anteverse plants might work. Of course, that'd also be really dangerous.
The council would need to setup a reserve of non-spendable resources (preferably valued metals that trade partners would have an interest in. Ie. Platinum, Gold, or Silver) of a sizable investment chunk (5,000 R at your current sphere of influence, +2,500 additional growth step) and mint or print your currency at an additional expense 200 r currently, +100 r each growth step).
Gold, silver, and platinum all have several industrial uses. Platinum is a commonly-used catalyst and incredibly good at transferring heat, for instance. I could see all three going into building really advanced stuff, like Jaegers, in some amounts.
So minting coinage based off a Savannah Reserve Bank backed by precious metals?

Cool, I think @cokerpilot may have struck us a blow versus Big 'C' & the cultists.

(Sorry coker, was hoping you'd chime in, if I'm stealing your idea please forgive me.)

On all Savannah currency print Elder signs front and back.
That's...quite possibly one of the most brilliant and evil ideas ever conceived. I approve.

[X] Plan military supremacy 2.0
[ X ] support for moar dawgs in special units.
Trade with other cities might also help.

I really like this, by having a trading partner (Atlanta) We could kick start a new economic boom.

A commodity exchange where something of lesser value is purchased in Atlanta and sold for profit here in Savannah. And vice versa both cities equally share in initial outlay and split profits equally. Leaving an ever larger investment seed. We each share convoy security for our half of the journey.

New income stream.

Edit: Or even better dedicate a convoy security special with equal forces from both cities. They run the whole loop.
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Lol, I'm in awe...

In less than 12 hours my players have not only figured a way to stabilize the local economy (while giving the Great Old Ones a black eye) but now you are setting up the precursor to a functional stock exchange. If Cherno were here he would say something about 'unrepentant capitalists'; me I'm just proud.
Lol, I'm in awe...

In less than 12 hours my players have not only figured a way to stabilize the local economy (while giving the Great Old Ones a black eye) but now you are setting up the precursor to a functional stock exchange. If Cherno were here he would say something about 'unrepentant capitalists'; me I'm just proud.
At the end of the day, we still need the raw materials, tools, and facilities to build what we need built. An economy can help with that, certainly. It makes supporting the infrastructure needed easier. But we still need the infrastructure to make use of it.
At the end of the day, we still need the raw materials, tools, and facilities to build what we need built. An economy can help with that, certainly. It makes supporting the infrastructure needed easier. But we still need the infrastructure to make use of it.

Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. It is a long way from an ideas inception to it paying dividends.

My dad had a saying he liked to share whenever my plans were just a bit too vast. "It is not easy to remember you're there to build a highway, when your ass deep in alligators"

edit-- this was usually about the time all the unplanned for events would shatter my masterfully crafted plan.
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While I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting on 6pm, is there ANY points that need further clarification? Story wise or regarding game mechanics?

Any critiques re: writing style, length of posts, the glut of information I provide, pacing, more kaiju, etc... I'm looking for ways to improve the quality of entertainment you receive.
Plan :Military Supremacy 2.0 (with more cooperation) locked and declared Winner!
J-tech roll 1d10 w/t full research bonus
(+1 this turn, +4 next time!)
K-Science roll 1d10 w/t full research bonus
(+1 this turn)
Savannah Division of Homeland Security - please roll 1d10 +2 (Comms bonus) to find a group willing to become a new outpost.

Please observe rolling courtesy rules;
Ie. Give everyone a shot to roll. Roll once and then give at least a 1 hour before snagging another roll. That hour passed and no one rolling? Roll another one!
downtime #7 write up
Plan :Military Supremacy 2.0 (with more cooperation)

Free Actions:
Repair 2 damaged sentries -45 R
Done! (4x UA-571's now listed in conventional forces)

Transfer a Militia K-9 to Law enforcement (per Smiths)
Done! (changes noted on both Atlanta sheet & Conventional forces)

J-tech Research - chest module - MLRS derived missile system.
Your researchers achieved parity with the M270 stats, The J-Tech engineers had hoped to do better, in fact they have some additional (but still incomplete) plans for an auto loader that would have given you 2 complete reloads in the field without any reload down time. For a total of 6 pods (you'd need to decide payload before you deploy).

If you need it made A.S.A.P., you'll have to settle for the imperfect version featuring just the 2 pods just like the M270. But the design team feel if given just a little more time to complete the auto loader they swear you'll be pleased.

Gain Blueprints for 'Imperfect Jaeger MLRS System'.

Remember that Mammoth still possesses no ranged stat and may not use ranged attacks until that is rectified. Pre-purchased stat upgrades exist you just need to devote an action to use them.

K-Science - begin hivemind research
Possessing the notes from Parris Island Black site, you have started with a substantial leg up. You easily confirm existence of the Hivemind, learn what areas of the primary brain indicates connection with the collect consciousness and have even determined which portion of the EM spectrum carries these communications. (they are handled biologically through an organelle adjacent to the the brain stem equivalent.)

By using a plethora of brain imaging techniques (fMRI, PET, EEG, MEG, NIRS, & EROS) you have created a near perfect computer model of a primary brain functions, although it will take a little further research to understand & catalogue the stress responses, and even more to begin mapping cognitive function.

Bring 'Whitecap Triton' online(finish upgrades using Hephaestus )
Done! (Now he only needs pilot candidates)

Urban Planning - request engineer constructs a facility for the betterment of our Elites (within those boundaries free reign is given)***
Blueprints for the "Smithy" (OOC: Pun intended) a dual purpose structure housing both the 'Foundry' and the 'Crucible' defensive augments; Counts as a single defensive Augment. (Blueprints are 6/10 researched as given, an exceptionally well developed starting blueprint set considering it's a two for one augment!!!)

Each Half cost 750 R to bring online.

Foundry: A facility designed to fine tune and customize gear/equipment for our Elite units, offering survival stat boosts.(Varies by unit type)
Cost for using Foundry is 10% of elite units base cost in Resources.

Crucible: This facility, Improves the training of existing elite units, improving Elites 'to hit' by a live fire training course suited to the unit. Think swat tactical course with friendly and hostiles but than can host cobras, infantry or tanks with equal ease.
Cost for using Crucible is 10% of elite units base cost in Resources.

5 general actions:
Build Garrisoned rifle platoon x15 -300 R
Done! (added to Garrison on Atlanta sheet)

Build AH-1 super cobras x 2 -600 R ***
Done! (added to conventional forces)

Expend resources to construct and distribute enough Elder Signs (all 3 designs) to seed a 0.5 km area outside the defensive perimeter. -100 R ***
Done, but to what effect? The answer remains uncertain until supporting research is conducted.

upgrade research stat to 4 -4,500 R
Done! (Lab coats for everyone!)

Have both the Little Bird & Outriders skirt our sensors edge, looking for any signs of Bracer. Little Bird is to spiral search outward from sensor periphery primarily looking for Bracer but noting anything of interest.

The search goes pretty much as searches usually do... long stretches of tedious nothing, punctuated by occasional raising of spirits as a possible clue is spotted only to be determined a false lead, then back to more tedium.

Flying the edge of Savannah's sensor detection range the Outrider's(your elite pathfinder unit)superior improvised sensor package picks up an anomaly...

A massive amount of metal at the edge of it's sensor bubble but the coordinates show it is in deep Ocean water about 15 km due east of Hilton Head. Could it be Bracer Phoenix? What the hell would it be doing so far out to sea? Kaiju trophy perhaps, drug out to a watery grave before they tired of it? Only a visual confirmation can confirm or refute.

The Outriders radio their findings back to LOCCENT and hand off the investigation to the 'Little Bird' as they continue their sweep of Savannah's sensor periphery.

For the 'Little Bird' and the speed it travels it's only a few minutes until the coordinates come into view.
It's negative for Bracer, it appears to be a deep water oil rig. The self capping style of rigs the world were forced to switch to in light of the real danger of Kaiju attacks.

Docked alongside are two large vessels, one a super tanker, the other what appears to be a former cargo container vessel converted as an impromptu refinery and the whole operation is functioning, men scrambling at the 'Little birds' unannounced and sudden approach.

The co-pilot/ comms officer scans the operation with a pair of binoculars and spots an unwelcome sight, The 'Eye of Dagon' raised as a flag. He barely has time to issue a warning to the pilot to go evasive before someone on the rig fires a Stinger missile. Comms are monitored by Loccent so information is know to command regardless of outcome. Evasive makes the little bird 2 pips harder a target than normal.

Rolling 1d10 for zealots to shoot 'Little Bird' down 7+ to hit.
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: stingers Total: 1
1 1
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Apparently another zealot thought it'd be really cute to attempt to shoot you down at about the same time using a flare gun...

The heat seeking stinger did not appreciate the intrusion in its chosen career path and veers back detonating on deck; although the explosive charge is not great it is sufficient to scatter the flare gun and most of its operator across the decking.

The unarmed 'Little Bird' takes the opportunity to make good it's escape.