Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

About to go to bed, but I'll go ahead and roll the Combat Engineers, and the 3 sets of 2 AKPs for Pembroke, Bloomingdale, and Oil Rig.

Also, @Highwind , tell me about it. I'm probably going to call "dibs" on 2-3 more AKPs, if I can manage the write-ups. :rofl:

EDIT: Holy shit, I am the Baron of AKPs apparently.
KnightDisciple threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Combat Engineers Total: 34
6 6 10 10 8 8 10 10
KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Pembroke AKPs Total: 13
9 9 4 4
KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Bloomingdale AKPs Total: 11
6 6 5 5
KnightDisciple threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Oil Rig AKPs Total: 17
7 7 10 10
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2 T-95 artillery
1 AK Torpedo Patrol boat
1 SuperCobra
1 Avenger
Mine. I was just going to roll for the boat, but I figured I should contribute a bit more than that.

Edit: Wow. Guess I got all the bad luck.
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Arty Elites Total: 1
1 1
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: (Oops on mobile) Arty 2 Total: 2
2 2
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: PT Boat Total: 3
3 3
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Super Cobra Elite? Total: 1
1 1
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Avenger Elite? Total: 1
1 1
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I'll have to come up with so many names... :confused:

Also, @Highwind , tell me about it. I'm probably going to call "dibs" on 2-3 more AKPs, if I can manage the write-ups. :rofl:

EDIT: Holy shit, I am the Baron of AKPs apparently.

I feel your pain; I have to create non-game breaking unique perks that are worth a crap for .... a ton of elites. If the burden of having too many ELITE troops at your disposal is wearing you down though... :D:drevil: :V:V:V

Fort Pulaski
5 fixed T-95 Artillery ( rolled by Highwind)
5 Anti-Kaiju Platoons (Rolled by Knightdisciple)
3 AKP's - Border Guards (Bridge demos - 1 survivor cyborgs, 2 surviving Widower pack)
(rolled by BadKatt)
15 AKP's - Border Guards along tank column approach (Roll them in 5 akp chunks)
(10 rolled by Highwind, 5 rolled By KnightDisciple)
4 Combat Engineers that rigged exit 21 overpass and fabricated your EFP-IED's rolled By KnightDisciple
Pembroke (Dairy)
2 AKP's rolled By KnightDisciple
Bloomingdale (Mining community)
3 Civilian Militia (Bloomingdale Civilians) SPECIAL: Any Bloomingdale Militia to make elite status become Homeguard (Rifleman equivalent elites)
2 AKP's rolled By KnightDisciple
Oil Rig
2 AKP's rolled By KnightDisciple
2 T-95 artillery rolled By Nixeu
1 AK Torpedo Patrol boat rolled By Nixeu
1 SuperCobra rolled By Nixeu
1 Avenger rolled By Nixeu
2 AKP's (rolled by @BadKatt)
25 Civilian Militia (Liberty Civilians) Roll them in chunks of 5, SPECIAL: Any Liberty troops to make elite status become elite SOCOM equivalent Guerilla's
(rolled by BadKatt)


New Total
So far...
2x elite Arty (Highwind rolls) Ft. Pulaski
1x elite AKP Pembroke (KnightDisciple)
1x elite AKP Oil Rig (KnightDisciple)
1x elite AKP (BadKatt) at Liberty but Under Savannah control
5x elite AKP's from Tank column defense (Highwind & KnightDisciple)
2x elite Combat Engineers from Tank column defense (KnightDisciple)

8x elite Liberty Guerillas (BadKatt) under Liberty Control


only these remain to be rolled:
3 Civilian Militia (Bloomingdale Civilians) SPECIAL: Any Bloomingdale Militia to make elite status become Homeguard (Rifleman equivalent elites)
Once all of Liberty's rolls are completed you'll receive some 'diplomatic' overtures from Maggie's Jacob on behalf of their local council.

Apparently with Charleston actually engaged in a shooting war with Savannah, some in Liberty are anxious to go from equipping resistance cells and smuggling food and medicines in and assisting with the escape of refugees to becoming a more 'hands on' insurgency. Details to follow.

(OOC) As promised, now that the Liberty rolls are out of the way.

Jacob, one of Liberty's democratically elected Council of Seven has petitioned to speak with the Council.

He looks like a combination of the worst traits of Ashram Hippie, Grunge Metalhead, and pen and paper Gaming geek, his hands and feet are gangly and oversized giving him an almost comically uncoordinated movement tripping over nothing and fumbling with a small file under his arm threatening to spill its contents with each jerky motion of his fluttering hands.

Accreditation: Jessica Jones
It is his eyes that explain why he was chosen to help lead in Liberty, they speak of a deep and penetrating intellect. They miss nothing as they sweep across the room. Although none of you can recall ever seeing the man before, he greets each Councillor by name as they enter the room. He also waits until the final Councillor arrives and then begins at a frenetic pace.

"Distinguished Councillors, we in Liberty have much to thank you for. Our freedom, the opportunity to pursue happiness as our skills and the sweat of labors allowed, the opportunity to self govern, to worship as we choose, the ability to arm ourselves and defend these rights. These have been gifts beyond price.

We have tried to assist those left in harm's way and yet bring the minimum of undue strife to your shores. We have limited our operation in Charleston's sphere of influence to humanitarian pursuits and the arming of the disenfranchised to allow revolution among their citizens as a force for change if they so chose.

Now that there is a state of open conflict between Charleston and Savannah we wish to inform you of intent to escalate our operations against the tyrants and oppressors of Charleston, and would like to ask you to allow us access to certain technologies you possess to aid in our war efforts.

Unused in a warehouse here in Savannah lies a small auto-jig you took along to Atlanta and brought back on your return. Liberty would like to purchase it, and the design schematics for your 'Pathfinder' Helicopter and your Special operations craft - Riverine.
We also would like to ask for help reverse engineering the 'Stinger' missiles on your Avenger's to their shoulder launched variant, a task that should require a minimal expenditure of time and effort. (read as a free action / 0 R cost)

These would allow us to perform speedy independent insertion and extraction of our covert forces, a capability our improvised 'technicals' have to a limited extent, but not to the degree these vehicles would allow us. The Stingers grant the ability to counter Charleston's 'Reapers' which stymie most resistance operations within their borders and would give us a true fighting chance.

Please let us know the cost for our ask, our coffers are limited but we work tirelessly and if you would extend us credit we shall make good on the debt at first opportunity. What say you Councillors?

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Rolling for Bloomingdale Militia

Edit : Looks like my hot streak is over.
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Militia Total: 4
4 4
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Militia Total: 1
1 1
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Militia Total: 1
1 1
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If/When you decide to reverse engineer the Stinger for shoulder launch it becomes an upgrade path for any infantry troop type.

FIM-92 'Stinger' (MANPADS) - upgrade 30 R, 2 team members of upgraded unit must surrender their hvy weapons potential to carry stingers (allows conventional Anti-Air engagement - is not considered k-scale). Rng 20/30/40
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I feel your pain; I have to create non-game breaking unique perks that are worth a crap for .... a ton of elites. If the burden of having too many ELITE troops at your disposal is wearing you down though... :D:drevil: :V:V:V

Fort Pulaski
5 fixed T-95 Artillery ( rolled by Highwind)
5 Anti-Kaiju Platoons (Rolled by Knightdisciple)
3 AKP's - Border Guards (Bridge demos - 1 survivor cyborgs, 2 surviving Widower pack)
(rolled by BadKatt)
15 AKP's - Border Guards along tank column approach (Roll them in 5 akp chunks)
(10 rolled by Highwind, 5 rolled By KnightDisciple)
4 Combat Engineers that rigged exit 21 overpass and fabricated your EFP-IED's rolled By KnightDisciple
Pembroke (Dairy)
2 AKP's rolled By KnightDisciple
Bloomingdale (Mining community)
3 Civilian Militia (Bloomingdale Civilians) SPECIAL: Any Bloomingdale Militia to make elite status become Homeguard (Rifleman equivalent elites)
2 AKP's rolled By KnightDisciple
Oil Rig
2 AKP's rolled By KnightDisciple
2 T-95 artillery rolled By Nixeu
1 AK Torpedo Patrol boat rolled By Nixeu
1 SuperCobra rolled By Nixeu
1 Avenger rolled By Nixeu
2 AKP's (rolled by @BadKatt)
25 Civilian Militia (Liberty Civilians) Roll them in chunks of 5, SPECIAL: Any Liberty troops to make elite status become elite SOCOM equivalent Guerilla's
(rolled by BadKatt)


New Total
So far...
2x elite Arty (Highwind rolls) Ft. Pulaski
1x elite AKP Pembroke (KnightDisciple)
1x elite AKP Oil Rig (KnightDisciple)
1x elite AKP (BadKatt) at Liberty but Under Savannah control
5x elite AKP's from Tank column defense (Highwind & KnightDisciple)
2x elite Combat Engineers from Tank column defense (KnightDisciple)

8x elite Liberty Guerillas (BadKatt) under Liberty Control


only these remain to be rolled:
3 Civilian Militia (Bloomingdale Civilians) SPECIAL: Any Bloomingdale Militia to make elite status become Homeguard (Rifleman equivalent elites)
I got 'em.
KnightDisciple threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Militia Total: 16
6 6 4 4 6 6
(OOC) As promised, now that the Liberty rolls are out of the way.

Jacob, one of Liberty's democratically elected Council of Seven has petitioned to speak with the Council.

He looks like a combination of the worst traits of Ashram Hippie, Grunge Metalhead, and pen and paper Gaming geek, his hands and feet are gangly and oversized giving him an almost comically uncoordinated movement tripping over nothing and fumbling with a small file under his arm threatening to spill its contents with each jerky motion of his fluttering hands.

Accreditation: Jessica Jones
It is his eyes that explain why he was chosen to help lead in Liberty, they speak of a deep and penetrating intellect. They miss nothing as they sweep across the room. Although none of you can recall ever seeing the man before, he greets each Councillor by name as they enter the room. He also waits until the final Councillor arrives and then begins at a frenetic pace.

"Distinguished Councillors, we in Liberty have much to thank you for. Our freedom, the opportunity to pursue happiness as our skills and the sweat of labors allowed, the opportunity to self govern, to worship as we choose, the ability to arm ourselves and defend these rights. These have been gifts beyond price.

We have tried to assist those left in harm's way and yet bring the minimum of undue strife to your shores. We have limited our operation in Charleston's sphere of influence to humanitarian pursuits and the arming of the disenfranchised to allow revolution among their citizens as a force for change if they so chose.

Now that there is a state of open conflict between Charleston and Savannah we wish to inform you of intent to escalate our operations against the tyrants and oppressors of Charleston, and would like to ask you to allow us access to certain technologies you possess to aid in our war efforts.

Unused in a warehouse here in Savannah lies a small auto-jig you took along to Atlanta and brought back on your return. Liberty would like to purchase it, and the design schematics for your 'Pathfinder' Helicopter and your Special operations craft - Riverine.
We also would like to ask for help reverse engineering the 'Stinger' missiles on your Avenger's to their shoulder launched variant, a task that should require a minimal expenditure of time and effort. (read as a free action / 0 R cost)

These would allow us to perform speedy independent insertion and extraction of our covert forces, a capability our improvised 'technicals' have to a limited extent, but not to the degree these vehicles would allow us. The Stingers grant the ability to counter Charleston's 'Reapers' which stymie most resistance operations within their borders and would give us a true fighting chance.

Please let us know the cost for our ask, our coffers are limited but we work tirelessly and if you would extend us credit we shall make good on the debt at first opportunity. What say you Councillors?

I'm inclined to give them the auto-jig for free, and the rest of his requests for a (very) small price.

What else do they want? He doesn't need to be afraid to ask, the worst we'd do is say no. We should also set up an official channel between Liberty and Savannah so we can share any intel we obtain more easily.
I'm inclined to give them the auto-jig for free, and the rest of his requests for a (very) small price.

What else do they want? He doesn't need to be afraid to ask, the worst we'd do is say no. We should also set up an official channel between Liberty and Savannah so we can share any intel we obtain more easily.

Truthfully, Liberty is in no position to act as a primary combatant. (not enough population, economy, or political clout to be anything beyond a nuisance player). They are limited to asymmetrical operations & coordinating with Charleston resistance, his request reflect their knowledge of those limitations. The only other thing is -maybe- a single combat variant Little Bird as close air support.

He is amicable to open lines of communication, and even their acting as a deep scouting force or diversionary force for Savannah if it is not a suicide run (Liberty is an all volunteer force, and each unit may accept or decline individual missions solely by their commander's decision.)
There is one additional thing he does ask: Savannah has more economic resources to draw upon, the Resistance has an overabundance of warm bodys with zero equipment and training.

If in the future Savannah were willing to help subsidize the arming of Charleston Resistance cells, it would go a long way in growing internal resistance.

(IE. As a free action on any downtime you may set aside a R bundle of ANY size earmarked for food, weapons, ammo, and things like army field manuals so the resistance can self train with proven strategic/tactical doctrine and avoid the whole reinventing the wheel approach to growing an effective military presence.)
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Instead of asking for money or materials, what if we ask for time? These folks could be a huge boon to things like "rescue Bracer and his pilots".
Instead of asking for money or materials, what if we ask for time? These folks could be a huge boon to things like "rescue Bracer and his pilots".
Sounds good to me. One of the biggest issues we might have with retrieving Bracer is having our rescue team detected and intercepted. Taking out their sensors is thus a priority, and having some taken out by sabotage will make our lives a lot easier.
When asked about helping to take down Charleston's sensor network to aid in recovery of Bracer Phoenix and its pilots as payments for the items he had asked, Jacob smiles a slow cheshire cat smile.

It is a smile Keerat would have recognized as a chessmaster, when you realize you've already predicted all outcomes possible, and each leads to a move that you favor. He opens the file folder he carried in under his arm.

"Which would you prefer to see first, maps showing the location of actual sensor clusters, like traffic cams, seismic sensors, boomerang gunshot sensors, or the covert dug-in, camouflage, and patrolled SAM remote radar sites? You'd be amazed at the level of detailed intel a case of MRE's purchases against people as universally hated as the Dagonites. Charleston's Resistance are surprisingly thorough. "
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It is a mixed bag, their are some (5%) small organized groups with better equipment and an organized hierarchy. But these always risk infiltration or the hazard of a disillusioned traitor (something the Deacon rewards obscenely).

The bigger and more successful the organized groups grow the larger the chance of it becoming exposed. Once a hint of organized resistance -is- exposed the Deacon spends as much manpower and resources as needed to crush them utterly including anyone that passively supported them. This segment of the Iceman's trek is particularly relevant.

But 95% are small cells (2-5 ppl) or lone wolfs taking action independently, with the common goal of striking at their oppressors.
Yes! Security is easiest to maintain in small independent cells. If you don't recruit you cannot be infiltrated. And if your group is cell sized, your more able to keep your hands on the emtional pulse of each member.

The biggest problem of leaderless resistance is pulling of anything large enough to matter with only a handful of people.

Liberty's Toll and their Perk allows them to broadcast by hijacking Radio: Air Charleston.

An excellent coordination tool to focus cells to act in unison to perform an action en mass.

Edit : "Tear down Big Brothers eyes and ears, blind their eyes to Savannah's fliers"
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(OOC) Actually as we are a deviant version of the main rules I am invoking QM fiat, and declaring defensive augments operate on a 2:1 instead of standard 1:1 when compared to city defensive stat.

IE. city defense 1 may host 2 augments, city defense 2 may host 4 augments, etc.

So as an example with current Def Stat Savannah can host both the Smithy and Naval Dock Works, more improvement will require you upgrade Def stat first.

Edit: Macon has Airfields & Hangars on site, meaning they can host 1 additional def. Augment.

Not sure we ever took advantage of this. Just throwing it out as a reminder.
Fort Stewart & Hunter Army Airfield are both inside your Savannah area of influence with a proper action you could find/reactivate existing base infrastructure. Low cost way of getting the most use of those sites.

Motor Pool - Maximum one per city. Motor Pool provide an automatic 20% discount on all ground craft built in that city . A city with an Motor Pool gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair,upgrade, or install ground craft equipment.

Infantry Training Regiment - Maximum one per city. I.T.R. provides an automatic 20% discount on all infantry units built in that city . A city with an I.T.R. gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair,upgrade, or install infantry equipment.

Edit: These are the undocumented versions for Vehicles and infantry. Of Course there are also Airfields and hangars available but wasn't sure if you wanted the duplication with Macon.

Or this.
[ ] - Turn the railway reactivation proposal into an actual actionable plan, to be enacted ASAP. (Railways Augment)

Actionable rail plan - will not count as an augment as it is designed to pass thru several different cities. (Atlanta's artillery rail defense was a circular track that ran the circumference of their DP.)

With your current glut of available Combat Engineers and the fact Masserone Construction possess rail maintenance equipment and the knowledge to utilize it. - Labor is easily the least cumbersome aspect.

A quick perusal of Central of Georgia Railway and Southern Railway maps lead you to several maintenance yards for easy access of on hand supplies (Rails, cross ties, etc.) only the replacement of some minor bridges are encountered (no greater than 30-40 ft spans, usually much smaller) to make the physical lines serviceable from origin to terminus. (-100 R factoring Masserone reduction).

Maintenance yard has a half dozen draisine equipped pickup trucks that could be converted to unarmored technicals (15 R each, Militia quality fighting vehicles) capable of running the rails and with flip of switch go to street mode instead.

---------- this Line is currently serviceable (after the 100 R) as a basic passenger / freight express -------
Train is MV 4, accelerate/decelerate speed of +/- 2 (w/t armor the acc/dec would be +/- 1).

Which of the stops on the original Nancy Hanks II route are you going to stop at? More stops = more economic potential, but it will also slow the overall turn around time. (+ or - 15/20 minutes per stop added or cancelled for local load & unload). The Original Nancy Hanks could due two complete circuits in a 24 hr period with all potential stops taken.

Atlanta to Macon Express line ready for receiving a 'Green light' to begin operations.

To make it an actual 'Armored Train' will take a bit of forethought and design on your part. (ATTENTION @cokerpilot )

You will need to decide such things as how many rail mounted artillery on Sandbagged Flatcars*? How many soldiers and of what troop type?
Is it going to garrison vehicles (tanks? ALSV dune buggies? helo's? etc.) on flatcars as a pursuit element? Is it designed with combat spacing in mind?
Will it have a scout vehicle proceeding it to insure track integrity or prevent it running headlong into an ambush site?

*Sand bagged position, +1 personal dura vs SSC/Hvy SSC attacks & AoE attacks are at -1 targets effected.

You possess 1 armored troop car and have the ability to produce more (w/t appropriate action/resource expenditure 250/R ).

Armored troop car with gun ports on the side walls and dual .50 cal MG with blast shield at either end, with sandbag reinforced defenses.

AV-2, dura-0, struct-1, may mount 3 infantry units and their gear. weapons: 2x dual 50's (Hvy SSC) hit 5+, AoE 1d3+1 targets, rng 10/20/30, 270 degree field of fire. (1 to front, 1 to rear)

(Troops manning the 50's gain the protection of Sand bagged position, +1 personal dura vs SSC/Hvy SSC attacks & AoE attacks are at -1 targets effected)

To 'armor up' Engine Cars, passenger cars, mess car, sleeping cars, etc... to AV-2 requires 100 r each. Or you could just weld on some cheap steel plates for 25 R each and receive equivalent of Sand bagged position*.

All train cars possess dura-0, struct-1 by default due to their mass.

A nearly incoherent ramble I did about train design based off my ADD obsessing over Atlanta's train design (if any numbers clash assume the most recent are valid).
Maintenance yard has a half dozen draisine equipped pickup trucks that could be converted to unarmored technicals (15 R each, Militia quality fighting vehicles) capable of running the rails and with flip of switch go to street mode instead.

I would like to get these, I am not sure where but I have addressed the issue of how inadequate our current law enforcement is considering the number of square miles covered.

These are dirt cheap, can run both highway and rails. We need more of a presence watching out for our non-outpost citizens.
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