Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

E- for effort, lol Smith rolled for you. Combat here all tied up with a pretty bow :V:V:V

Damned skippy, I want a unit that is geared around mindlessly throwing themselves in harms way AND surviving. Need help making a -good- name

?Lucky Lemmings? Smiths graphic.
well, I suppose that what I get for loading up a response than having to leave and coming back to realize I had not hit post.
So 'Lucky Bastards' with Lemming graphic Smiths posted? I really liked the whole Lemmings motif and the phrase he used was a neat spin on "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" giving the sense they're one notch more reckless than fools... (Remember Smiths saying they were guaranteed but only if they were Lemming related.)

Do it, I -dare you- :p

Matter of fact they survive and get a Lemming based name I will guarantee Elite Status.

Yep, for the no role guaranteed Elite, I require Lemmings. (It's a nostalgia thing I wasted weeks figuring those games out to spare as many lemmings as I could.)

I have a 'unique perk' already in mind. It's a doozy.
Lucky's Lemmings. Lucky is one of the squads' two veterans, a jaded, cynical fellow who looks at whoever calls him by his nickname with immensurable disdain. Then again he always looks at everyone with immeasurable disdain.
Once a bullet tried to kill Lucky. He looked at it with disdain and the bullet gave up. Last we know, it was looking at the yellow pages for a psychiatrist.
Lucky once won a weeks vacation to an all inclusive ski resort. Drunken wanderings the first night left him lost in the wilderness until he lost part of his over sized ears and a pinky finger on his main hand to frostbite... He was found 2 hours before his 1 week checkout. :rolleyes:

That is where he first got dubbed 'Lucky'.
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I am game with the unit being publicly called 'Lucky's Bastard's' but outside of -official- context other soldiers refer to them as 'Lucky's Lemmings'.

Perk: 'Never-ending supply of Lemmings'

Each individual Soldier of 'Lucky's Bastard's' rolls a survival roll as per UNIT rules. IE. on a Natural 9 or 10 (further modifiable by other bonuses such as MASH unit, EMS Roadhogs proximity, etc. ) Successfully rolling Unit will be injured (resulting in "mission dead" status) rather than actually dead. Such injuries are always only until downtime and then they are back in fighting trim. For some inexplicable reason this unit has the highest retention rate of any in service and never will be short of fresh recruits to replace actual fatalities.

(OOC) the following is ONLY a suggestion...

Suggestion was -totally- my wife's contribution... LOL
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I need to make it -official- AKP's to ELITE 'Lucky's Bastards' (AKA - 'Lucky's Lemmings') so if we can some votes in support of the name? Is not too late for some alternate suggestions...

[ ] for dual name Elite as purposed.
[X] for dual name Elite as purposed.

Edit: Loving the Perk, first candidate for Combat jacket 2.0 IMHO (after we actually research it), Am hoping to get the compatible 'insert' armor done...

I would also like to include tech we will possess at downtime Apache Aviator Integrated Helmet (AAIH) should come with our new Apache Longbow. Slaving the weapons on waldos and the wrist mount, 3 buttons for locking each distinct weapon system 'on target' and a trigger button. ;)

(Lucky should get the Milkor / M32 MGL as his spare weapon) loaded with these rounds as it's standard load) Stolen from our ALSV's.

High Velocity Canister Cartridge (HVCC)
-Flechette AoE 1d4+1 targets hvy SSC

Edit: that gives us our 40 mm 'Shotgun Unit' when suited.
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The other veteran of Lucky's Lemmings is Audrey L'amoreux, a woman who has survived everything that was thrown at her out of sheer spite and the cold hate she feels for everything around her. :V
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True confession time... was borderline burnt out; took the last few days playing Borderlands 2 as 'therapy'. Going to apply another 3-4 hour dose and then watch some more netflix. :facepalm:
True confession time... was borderline burnt out; took the last few days playing Borderlands 2 as 'therapy'. Going to apply another 3-4 hour dose and then watch some more netflix. :facepalm:
That's okay. I've spent the weekend doing little more than drinking with friends and playing Devil May Cry 5 myself. I can't recommend that game hard enough to do it justice, by the way.
Given how open the US military is about what hardware it uses it is surprisingly difficult to find out what it keeps mothballed and where. (Though given that time someone stole a tank maybe not surprising after all...) I have been pouring through Internet info on both the M42 Duster and the M163 VADS these last few days. Both have been retired and replaced in standard conventional use by missile systems but both are apparently still used for training uses and occasional export. The former also seems to see uses in military experiments from time to time and as such still, have a surprisingly large amount of them in storage. The latter for the most part besides training use has its weapons system parts kept in decent shape due to potential compatibility with serval of our naval vessels. Other than that I can sadly find little information on where we can get our hands on the two. So we probably have them somewhere around in storge just god know how many and where.

Which is frustrating because we could use both right now not just for AA purposes but also as Anti Cat-0 and other nasty "small" things that our Infantry have to deal with.
Iceman's Trek 8
(OOC - Rewind Two days before the Mist)

Michael was sure somewhere in his life, he had done a great misdeed... Good men should not suffer these sights.

Yamasee S.C. was a bust, no more than a ruined shell, leaving no structure of man's remaining above knee height, every basement filled with bull dozed rubble, and not a fragment of wall or a nook to break a wind.

All but a single pristine building.

A former church remarkably suffering not even a shattered window. The green sward of the church grounds would have been serenity embodied, if not for the ghoulish lawn ornaments spaced evenly around the entirety of the building.

A collection of 4" x 4" arches eight foot above ground with over 30 Flayed men, women and children displayed on them like butterflies on a mounting board. Organs neatly placed at their feet with a precision that bespoke of both madness and obsession.

The grizzly sight was accompanied by a single sheet of plywood nailed sideways over the churches main entry; an epitath in day-glo green spray paint, sprayed in foot tall letters.

"Savannah's Rebels enjoy freedom in the next life."

His blood boiled at the lost innocents and each heartbeat rang like an anvil in his ears. The charnel smell and sights coupled with the adrenaline made every nerve vibrate like a bow string drawn tight and held to the muscles limits, were just more than a sane mind could cope with.

His system purged both water and food. Peaches and Spam chunks stood in stark contrast on the emerald turf, Michael blushed emberassed, then realized his audience would never tell a soul.

No matter how tired, Michael would never rest here... All thoughts of sleep were forgoten, he needed away from this place as fast as leaden legs allowed.

Onward he would stumble, raging internally, each cherubic face haunting him locked in rigors of pain and confusion.

Arrival in Savannah became a dimly remembered afterthought, his next step was towards the south yes... but only because he lacked a direction other than forward in a new personal quest of the next Raider's throat.

South Carolina State Route 21 became SR 17, and then a frontage road parralleling Interstate 95. It was about a quarter to five in the morning before muscle fatigue turned his legs to rubber and refused any longer to support him. It was on hands and knees he spotted a dry roadside culvert for shelter before a great blackness took away his sense of self.

On waking he never remembered the crawl to it or setting up a single can & pebble tripwire, nor moving the kukri from his belt to his lap. The evidence was there, but no knowledge of the doing.

(OOC) Taking a small break from the dice rolling aspect of combat (Ye Gods, what horrors I jumped into LOL) and yet I did not want to make the campaign sit on pause as I recharged. Story elements seemed like a reasonable compromise...
(OOC - Rewind Two days before the Mist)

Michael was sure somewhere in his life, he had done a great misdeed... Good men should not suffer these sights.

Yamasee S.C. was a bust, no more than a ruined shell, leaving no structure of man's remaining above knee height, every basement filled with bull dozed rubble, and not a fragment of wall or a nook to break a wind.

All but a single pristine building.

A former church remarkably suffering not even a shattered window. The green sward of the church grounds would have been serenity embodied, if not for the ghoulish lawn ornaments spaced evenly around the entirety of the building.

A collection of 4" x 4" arches eight foot above ground with over 30 Flayed men, women and children displayed on them like butterflies on a mounting board. Organs neatly placed at their feet with a precision that bespoke of both madness and obsession.

The grizzly sight was accompanied by a single sheet of plywood nailed sideways over the churches main entry; an epitath in day-glo green spray paint, sprayed in foot tall letters.

"Savannah's Rebels enjoy freedom in the next life."

His blood boiled at the lost innocents and each heartbeat rang like an anvil in his ears. The charnel smell and sights coupled with the adrenaline made every nerve vibrate like a bow string drawn tight and held to the muscles limits, were just more than a sane mind could cope with.

His system purged both water and food. Peaches and Spam chunks stood in stark contrast on the emerald turf, Michael blushed emberassed, then realized his audience would never tell a soul.

No matter how tired, Michael would never rest here... All thoughts of sleep were forgoten, he needed away from this place as fast as leaden legs allowed.

Onward he would stumble, raging internally, each cherubic face haunting him locked in rigors of pain and confusion.

Arrival in Savannah became a dimly remembered afterthought, his next step was towards the south yes... but only because he lacked a direction other than forward in a new personal quest of the next Raider's throat.

South Carolina State Route 21 became SR 17, and then a frontage road parralleling Interstate 95. It was about a quarter to five in the morning before muscle fatigue turned his legs to rubber and refused any longer to support him. It was on hands and knees he spotted a dry roadside culvert for shelter before a great blackness took away his sense of self.

On waking he never remembered the crawl to it or setting up a single can & pebble tripwire, nor moving the kukri from his belt to his lap. The evidence was there, but no knowledge of the doing.

(OOC) Taking a small break from the dice rolling aspect of combat (Ye Gods, what horrors I jumped into LOL) and yet I did not want to make the campaign sit on pause as I recharged. Story elements seemed like a reasonable compromise...

A collection of 4" x 4" arches eight foot above ground with over 30 Flayed men, women and children displayed on them like butterflies on a mounting board. Organs neatly placed at their feet with a precision that bespoke of both madness and obsession.

The grizzly sight was accompanied by a single sheet of plywood nailed sideways over the churches main entry; an epitath in day-glo green spray paint, sprayed in foot tall letters.

"Savannah's Rebels enjoy freedom in the next life."
...Jesus Christ, I think we need to be more proactive in patrolling and protecting people. And in smiting these bastards until not a single one remains on God's Earth.

We really need to raise more troops and weapons. Hell, we might as well go Full World War Two with our industrial and military production. I really want to crush these guys ASAP.
I'm with Highwind, we need to strengthen our industrial military complex. You can bet your ass Charleston is not devoting THEIR resources to touchy feely urban renewal projects. They are bringing it to bear on ways to indoctrinate, subjugate, or destroy anyone that they do not consider loyal to Dagonite beliefs.

I'm certain that if Airfields and Hangars (Free Aircraft construction and upgrade Actions), and Naval shipyards and docks (Ship construction and upgrade Actions), exist there should be equivalents for Ground Vehicles or Infantry as well. The 'Smithy' is one research action away from being a buildable structure (upgrading our Elites to kick even more ass would be niiice).

-Areas we are lacking in:

  • E-Warfare (especially means of countering radio jamming) & counter measures
  • Irregular Warfare (SOCOM style troops, aiding existing insurgents known to the people of Liberty)
  • Sub-surface naval and large scale surface ships
  • Dedicated logistical and intelligence gathering
  • Stronger patrol presence we currently have 1 ALSV, 1 irregular infantry (hounds), and 1 cobra on patrol with an area of 2827.43
    mi² of turf to cover (area of 30 mile radius circle, it will jump with sensor bumped to 3 to 45 miles radius or 6361.73 mi²)

    Yes, currently we only have a few outposts in all that area of influence but our presence is felt that far out and the citizens look to Savannah as their government. We are under performing...
(OOC) Actually as we are a deviant version of the main rules I am invoking QM fiat, and declaring defensive augments operate on a 2:1 instead of standard 1:1 when compared to city defensive stat.

IE. city defense 1 may host 2 augments, city defense 2 may host 4 augments, etc.

So as an example with current Def Stat Savannah can host both the Smithy and Naval Dock Works, more improvement will require you upgrade Def stat first.

Edit: Macon has Airfields & Hangars on site, meaning they can host 1 additional def. Augment.
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I'm with Highwind, we need to strengthen our industrial military complex. You can bet your ass Charleston is not devoting THEIR resources to touchy feely urban renewal projects. They are bringing it to bear on ways to indoctrinate, subjugate, or destroy anyone that they do not consider loyal to Dagonite beliefs.

I'm certain that if Airfields and Hangars (Free Aircraft construction and upgrade Actions), and Naval shipyards and docks (Ship construction and upgrade Actions), exist there should be equivalents for Ground Vehicles or Infantry as well. The 'Smithy' is one research action away from being a buildable structure (upgrading our Elites to kick even more ass would be niiice).

-Areas we are lacking in:

  • E-Warfare (especially means of countering radio jamming) & counter measures
  • Irregular Warfare (SOCOM style troops, aiding existing insurgents known to the people of Liberty)
  • Sub-surface naval and large scale surface ships
  • Dedicated logistical and intelligence gathering
  • Stronger patrol presence we currently have 1 ALSV, 1 irregular infantry (hounds), and 1 cobra on patrol with an area of 2827.43
    mi² of turf to cover (area of 30 mile radius circle, it will jump with sensor bumped to 3 to 45 miles radius or 6361.73 mi²)

    Yes, currently we only have a few outposts in all that area of influence but our presence is felt that far out and the citizens look to Savannah as their government. We are under performing...
Will try to write up a couple of recruitment drive RP-ish posts in the next couple of days.
I'm certain that if Airfields and Hangars (Free Aircraft construction and upgrade Actions), and Naval shipyards and docks (Ship construction and upgrade Actions), exist there should be equivalents for Ground Vehicles or Infantry as well.

Fort Stewart & Hunter Army Airfield are both inside your Savannah area of influence with a proper action you could find/reactivate existing base infrastructure. Low cost way of getting the most use of those sites.

Motor Pool - Maximum one per city. Motor Pool provide an automatic 20% discount on all ground craft built in that city . A city with an Motor Pool gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair,upgrade, or install ground craft equipment.

Infantry Training Regiment - Maximum one per city. I.T.R. provides an automatic 20% discount on all infantry units built in that city . A city with an I.T.R. gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair,upgrade, or install infantry equipment.

Edit: These are the undocumented versions for Vehicles and infantry. Of Course there are also Airfields and hangars available but wasn't sure if you wanted the duplication with Macon.
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