Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Unarmored Technicals (15 R , Militia quality fighting vehicles) may mount only 1/2 a platoon worth of infantry ( ie-5 men) and only have room for the lightest equipped (militia or rifleman.)

Correction: Original post stated 15/ R each, that is in error. They are 15 R to equip ALL 6 of them with a pintle mount and a 7.62 LMG that is to 'upgrade' the vehicle.

Purchasing the base troop is a separate action, (Militia 5 R, & Rifle Platoon 20 R) who may assume control of 2 of the vehicles and then the unit become either Militia Technical or Rifle Platoon Technical. :)

Their benefit derives from they ARE dirt cheap, they increased infantry mobility (mv 4) when mounted, and they allow 1 man per vehicle access to hvy weapons (usually a light MG). A reason they're fielded around the world by raiders, warlords, and third world nations.

In your law enforcement role Katt they could be used to suppress more dangerous adversaries allowing time for Law Enforcement air support to arrive on scene.


But your permanently assigned garrison forces such as 'Law Enforcement' & 'Homeland Defense' are a (QM approved) drummer that dances to their own beat, Homeland has spent moneys and taken actions on their own w/o Council approval, let me check the slush fund (my syphoning off some cash off stage to allow for a certain degree of autonomy in garrisoned troops) and we'll see if Law Enforcement go off the rails and ask for forgiveness rather than permission. ;););)

Savannah Law Enforcement requisitions the Technicals and before anyone has time to ask ANY questions... BAM! Slush fund raided.

Savannah Law Enforcement gains 3x Rifle Platoon Technical's.

Law enforcement claims the purchases were necessary, their current ALSV's may now be used exclusively to patrol offroad environment (plugging that particular security concern) whereas their new Rifle Platoon Technical's will expand their coverage of urban roads and rails.
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(OOC) Talk about realistic! Your campaign feature certain government agencies giving themselves approval to spend off the book monies! :V:V:V
Minor Correction. Homeland knew about the technicals... homeland always knows o_O. (They hold the purse strings to slush fund.)
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Homeland can't behave themselves, they purchase replacement troops for Garrisoned positions because they do not want anywhere to be short staffed when the Council inevitably shuffle the new Elites to different post because of their increased utility.

3x Arty @ 50 R = 150
9x AKP's @ 40 R = 360

Total @ 510 R (Slush Fund hits deficit spending -20 R)

Edit: This should allow you to freely assign all new Elites to new projects without causing any gaps, either allowing them to rejoin standing forces or be available for new garrison duties such as "Assigned to Atlanta / Savannah Express Train".
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On the one hand, they have been extremely helpful and a degree of autonomy for each governmental organization is necessary for efficient governance. On the other hand,
Savannah Law Enforcement requisitions the Technicals and before anyone has time to ask ANY questions... BAM! Slush fund raided.
Not giving your bosses the time to ask questions is just a bit rude. :V

I'm gonna look into the plan now.
Here is a list of possible upgrades / costs for your consideration.

9 Elite AKP's - 150 r/each to jacket (if you want to continue the trend) = 1,350 R
3 Militia K-9 to K-9 Corp 10 r/each = 30 R
3 Elite Motorcycle Militia TBD on quality of upgrade (10-15 R for Motorized Cavalry, 75 R to go full Exo-Bike)
1 Motorcycle Militia (conv) to Motorcycle Scouts
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(ooc) Homeland Defense & Law Enforcement were a bit undermining of Council authority with these actions... Not that they weren't worthy of action, but to act with carte blanche? And deficit spending! It could have been handled better...

You'd be within your rights to sick Badkatt on 'em and teach them some manners. ;)
The big question for this plan is "Do we want to attack Charleston and retrieve Bracer this turn, or use this turn to build our forces and strike in the next one?"

The plan as it is in this post assumes we'll attack this turn.

And speaking of attacking...
"Which would you prefer to see first, maps showing the location of actual sensor clusters, like traffic cams, seismic sensors, boomerang gunshot sensors, or the covert dug-in, camouflage, and patrolled SAM remote radar sites? You'd be amazed at the level of detailed intel a case of MRE's purchases against people as universally hated as the Dagonites. Charleston's Resistance are surprisingly thorough. "
Actual sensor clusters that can detect infantry sneaking in first, please. If we can send a few scouts through the cracks in their sensor grid we can get more up-to-date intel and sneak a few sappers in to damage them before the main force arrives.

We'd also love to know the kocation of as many radars as possible. If we can disable those we can hit Charleston with one hell of an air raid.

Not sure we ever took advantage of this. Just throwing it out as a reminder.
If I understood the post correctly, it just rules that the number of Defense Augments we can build for a city is equal to Defense*2, as opposed to every other stats where our City Aug slots are equal to the current stat.

Useful, but it requires more Actions Resources than we can spare this turn. I think we have 3000R to spare as of the last revision to the plan.

We need to spend an action to reactivate those, and we don't have many to spare right now. Still, it's spending an action now to gain 2 free actions from the next turn onwards, so I'll see what we can drop from the plan to reactivate them.

*Snip Choo-Choo trains are serious business

I'll note this is far avove the level of complexity I expected, but I'll roll with it.

Let's have the Atlanta-Macon express line up and running immediately, and if we can get the Macon-Savannah up and running we should include a stops at Wadley and Dover, so people from nearby areas have more spots to board the train.

I'm using info from this map posted by Smithsguild a few pages back:

Normal Actions:
[ ] - Repair and reactivate the Macon-Atlanta Railroad Express line, as well as as much of the Macon-Savannah line as possible. (???R)
[ ] - Build a Dockworks augment (400R)
[ ] - Complete the blueprints for the Foundry
[ ] - Make a public announcement to all in our area of influence, requesting that anyone with useful information or artifacts relating to the Charleston cultists, Magic, the Mist creatures or anything else they believe important, to come forward and inform us. Anything that is verified to be true or useful will be rewarded. (The Casting Call)
[ ] - Mount an operation to retrieve Bracer Phoenix and its pilots (Do it now, or next week?)
- Alternatively, reactivate Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield and garrison some Elites there for the time being.
[ ] - Increase Macon's Manufacturing by 2 (1500R)

Free Actions:
[ ] - Jaeger Tech Research: Increase Whitecap Triton's Toughness
[ ] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: Increase Whitecap Triton's Toughness
[ ] - High Energy Lab: Complete the Plasma Jet Intake research
[ ] - Kaiju Sciences Lab: Research Kaiju Blue and how it reacts with various things. Like Rare Earth elements.

Situational Free Actions:
[X] Man Elba Island plant (No resource until next downtime as crews need trained to safely handle the product.)
[X] - Environmental Cleanup -100 R If not done, you will Not receive the Regular Action (Environment) slot
[X] - Restore the 2 captured Hawkeyes (Humvee mounted) Artillery
[X] - Replenish your exhausted Mk.60 - Captor Naval minefield (7 to regain 'functional' coverage / 14 to fully restock @100/r each)
-[X] (700R)
[X] - Perform the Electrical grid upgrade/repairs 950 R (Masserone -10% new total 855 R )
[X] - Dispatch the SuperTanker to the Oil Rig to retrieve the oil and return it to Savannah for processing.
(This action should detail any precautions, escorts assigned, etc.)

Normal Actions:
[X] - Increase Scanner stat by 2 (1500R)

Free Actions:
[ ] - Robins AFB: I have no idea.

[X] Bank the crude oil surplus for future processing to gain the increased resource value (1, 200 crude R = 1,800 R processed)

[X] Use the free city augment to build an Iron Bitch.
[X] Upgrade Caravan Guard to use Strykers (250R)
[X] Send Councillor Katt to have a stern talking-to with the Homeland Security about how they went about their recent acquisitions.

Treasury: 8445R
Total Cost so far: too tired to math.
Is Katt supposed to be R&D or Finance?

As to her pet project? She wants to be Public Relations (create you a mod for spin doctoring - modifying public and foreign perceptions). In my personal experience any job involving carrot and stick makes her happy as a clam. Though I will admit she is better using the stick.

any way we can improvise some spaced armour for them

AV-2 K-scale protection -is- spaced armor. Higher than that would take research in taking Jaeger armors and redesigning them for Train application (the research concept, is a "one of" designing the train templates, that would then work across ALL jaeger armors.)

We'd also love to know the location of as many radars as possible. If we can disable those we can hit Charleston with one hell of an air raid.

These were in the latest items acquired in your air force tool chest -

AGM-122 Sidearm air-to-ground anti-radiation missiles (IE. anti-radar missiles)
AGM-122 perk : lead me in... against a radar emitting enemy agm-122 hit on a 2+, non radar target require 7+ ( a niche weapon to be sure...)

I'll note this is far above the level of complexity I expected, but I'll roll with it.

And admittedly, not entirely necessary, just giving room for ppl like myself to micro-manage if they choose. I am comfortable working minimalist or detail oriented.

Repair and reactivate the Macon-Atlanta Railroad Express line, as well as as much of the Macon-Savannah line as possible. (??? 100 R)

100 R opens route from Atlanta to Savannah all inclusive.

Let's have the Atlanta-Macon express line up and running immediately, and if we can get the Macon-Savannah up and running we should include a stops at Wadley and Dover, so people from nearby areas have more spots to board the train.

Wadley is a good choice as it is meant to replace Vidalia as radio relay (Atlanta/Savannah unbroken comms plan) .

Any whistle stop where passengers may board/leave the train & cargo is loaded and unloaded will find its growth accelerated greatly. At some point if you or Atlanta want to grow those communities, additional stops can be added.

With only these stops: Atlanta-Macon-Wadley-Dover (Cutting 6 currently unwarranted stops from the old Nancy Hanks II route - East Point, Griffin, Barnesville, Gordon, Tenille, & Millen) Stop times can be extended to almost an hour at each stop, & still make 2 circuits in 24 hours giving time for a little local tourism ;) with the appropriate financial boons attached. (Cutting those 6 stops isn't enough time to allow a 3rd circuit, and a train running a regular schedule is vital for building trade.)

Alternatively, reactivate Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield and garrison some Elites there for the time being.

Not re-activating them exactly; more precisely swiping all their vital infrastructure allowing you to gain use of ITR, Motor Pool, or Hangars & Airfield defensive mods in Savannah upto allowable number for your city defense stat.

1 action allows you to grab all 3 & 200 R/facility to restock/resupply allows them to become active (if your defensive stat allows).

Edit: a bargain to be sure; they normally are 800 r/facility
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[X] Attack Charleston next turn. (Not this one.)

Reasons why?
1- time for Liberty to reach out to known resistance cells. Time for Liberty to build SOC-R / Pathfinder / close air support helo, get shoulder launch Stingers.

2- Liberty's Toll can get out an introductory pirate broadcast, set up for next turn triggering a "call to action" to coincide with our attack/rescue. More chaos on Charleston turf more our odds go up.

3- gives wiggle room on jet research, just in case.
Agree with @Highwind on rail plan 4 stops.


1 SuperCobra & 1 AK Patrol escort Tanker out from Savannah, meet Rig SuperCobra & Patrol for handoff. Rinse repeat for return trip.

Robins AFB: using knowledge of Spooky II sensor package + see if we can scoure local info for a small craft e-warfare suite.

Focus on Strike Eagle info. It's here somewhere!
Robins AFB: using knowledge of Spooky II sensor package + see if we can scoure local info for a small craft e-warfare suite.

Focus on Strike Eagle info. It's here somewhere!

I have not intentional under sold any of the next gen aircraft, but is SOOOO very hard to detail every detail in the blurb for Conv. forces.

Craft known for advance stealth/e-warfare such Black Hawk, Longbow, and Strike Eagle still have 'undocumented' bonuses in those areas, it is ALSO possible that a -supplemental- E-warfare pod exists (could be traded for use on a hardpoint instead of a weapon).
Total Cost so far: too tired to math.

Total Cost so far:
1500 R Macon Sensor stat
1500 R Macon Manufacturing
855 R electric grid
700 R aquatic minefield
400 R dock works
250 R Caravan guard upgrade Strykers
100 R Train
100 R enviro cleanup
5,405 R spent
3,040 R Available for use.
These were in the latest items acquired in your air force tool chest -

AGM-122 Sidearm air-to-ground anti-radiation missiles (IE. anti-radar missiles)
AGM-122 perk : lead me in... against a radar emitting enemy agm-122 hit on a 2+, non radar target require 7+ ( a niche weapon to be sure...)
Yes. Oh yes. So much YES.

I have not intentional under sold any of the next gen aircraft, but is SOOOO very hard to detail every detail in the blurb for Conv. forces.

Craft known for advance stealth/e-warfare such Black Hawk, Longbow, and Strike Eagle still have 'undocumented' bonuses in those areas, it is ALSO possible that a -supplemental- E-warfare pod exists (could be traded for use on a hardpoint instead of a weapon).
A cursory read of the F-15E's article on wikipedia tells me the Strike Eagle has very advanced EW equipment, but not as good as the Growler's or the F-35's. Said article does seem a bit outdated, because I'm pretty sure American Strike Eagles are already equipped with modern AESA Radars that can do a whole lot of neat things.

As an aside, for all the bad press it gets and all the teething problems it has, the F-35 is a freaking aerial ninja with really impressive sensors and EW equipment.
9 Elite AKP's - 150 r/each to jacket (if you want to continue the trend) = 1,350 R
3 Militia K-9 to K-9 Corp 10 r/each = 30 R
3 Elite Motorcycle Militia TBD on quality of upgrade (10-15 R for Motorized Cavalry, 75 R to go full Exo-Bike)
1 Motorcycle Militia (conv) to Motorcycle Scouts

Just playing devil's advocate because I'm bored.

3,040 R
1,350 = 9 Elite Jacketed AKP's!
1,690 R
30 R = All militia K-9's upgraded to K-9 Corp
1,660 R
30 R = Conv. Motorcycle Militia upgraded to Stealth Scouts (Electric bikes near zero noise - tires on travel surface mostly), EMS Roadhogs Sidecar w/t triage supplies
1,630 R
225 R = 3 Exobike equipped Elite Motorcycle
1,405 R = Remain ;)
Time to checkbox up people, Highwind has a plan to finalize ;) are we going with:

[ ] immediate invasion (this turn after downtime)
[ ] invade next turn (after downtime processed) Highwind, BadKatt
[ ] We'll let you know...

Re: Missing family and security detail, I need a better description of the investigation than :

That's concerning and disturbing, and definitely something we should investigate. My magical senses are tingling.
"Boss, I'm the one with magical senses."
Then what's this tingling feeling in the pit of my stomach, Glass?
"Your stomach's probably rebelling because you keep drinking that black brew you call coffee."
I'll have you know that's genuine Navy Coffee.
"I guess that explains why you always add a pinch of salt."

"...Yeah, that's going to Councilor Highwind. That almost certainly involved magic."

How do you approach the investigation? What resources are brought to bear, etc. (IE. what branches of research involved, what troops (if any), etc.
I'd say Law enforcement k-9, especially if they have developed or recruited for actual forensic investigation.

If not then whatever lab rats are most verbal picking apart the dvd's we raided from black site's entertainment library. Ncis, bones, and any other relevant crime shows.
Neat idea, someone roll me a 1d10 for Law Enforcement recruiting efforts. After all if they assume the 'title' you would think they'd try for proficiency in it.
I would also like to purpose that at least 2 of the 9 new AKP'S are assigned are formed from the most spiritually devout of the 90 troopers represented.

This along with the Silver Paladins will give @KnightDisciple a total of 3 jacketed AKP's to form the backbone of the Sentinels of Faith.

(Btw, I support making all 9 new elite AKP's jacketed.)
I would also like to purpose that at least 2 of the 9 new AKP'S are assigned are formed from the most spiritually devout of the 90 troopers represented.

This along with the Silver Paladins will give @KnightDisciple a total of 3 jacketed AKP's to form the backbone of the Sentinels of Faith.

(Btw, I support making all 9 new elite AKP's jacketed.)

If this gains traction I would like to propose a Unit name. The Sentinels are created as a nondenominational military unit based upon a strong faith element. I submit that a large segment of people believe in a higher spiritual power but reject the trappings of organized religion.

It is from this segment that the true believers of Aesop's Agnostics rise. They are tolerant of religious people, who they view as needing a more structured framework to have faith in a greater power.

Aesop for the fables of 'organized' religion and Agnostic due to the belief man cannot prove or disprove the existence of god.
(A more accurate naming would be Ietsism, but most people of this group wrongly self identify as Agnostic.)​
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@KnightDisciple I was wondering if -all- members of the Sentinels could share the 'Shield of Faith' Perk granted to the Silver Paladin's?

It is the faith aspect protecting them that defines a 'Sentinel of Faith' after all. ( I just didn't want to rob units of the promised uniqueness becoming elite is supposed to grant.) Thematically it is still 'unique' to the Sentinels alone.

Seeking input from all... in the end it will need a consensus vote, I just went to Knight first as the Sentinels are his 'pet project'.
It could be that they get there perk from the belief of the group. Whenever they are in combat the group "prays" or does whatever ritual that they associate with consulting a higher power. That combined force of will/belief/ritual has the effect of the perk.

Sound good to anyone?
A cursory read of the F-15E's article on wikipedia tells me the Strike Eagle has very advanced EW equipment, but not as good as the Growler's or the F-35's. Said article does seem a bit outdated, because I'm pretty sure American Strike Eagles are already equipped with modern AESA Radars that can do a whole lot of neat things.

As an aside, for all the bad press it gets and all the teething problems it has, the F-35 is a freaking aerial ninja with really impressive sensors and EW equipment.
To be fair, some of that bad press is warranted. But, between the test pilot reports of how much things improved after they took some of the restrictions off, how wing drop seemed to be a non-issue by those same reports, and the performance it showed in Red Flag against a squad of F-16s (15-to-1 losses, F-35's favor), it does seem like at least some of the criticism has been shown to be false. The cost overruns are still a pretty big issue, as is the fact that the basic concept of a one-size fits all plane for all of the services that use them isn't necessarily the best one, but it does seem to perform pretty well in combat.
It is from this segment that the true believers of Aesop's Agnostics rise. They are tolerant of religious people, who they view as needing a more structured framework to have faith in a greater power.

Aesop for the fables of 'organized' religion and Agnostic due to the belief man cannot prove or disprove the existence of god.
(A more accurate naming would be Ietsism, but most people of this group wrongly self identify as Agnostic.)
Nah, Agnostic is, or at least might be, accurate. Agnostic is purely a knowledge claim, looking at the roots of it. "A" meaning "don't" or "not", "gnostic" meaning "relating to knowledge". So, agnostic basically translates to "I don't know". But yeah, Ietsism would probably be a more correct umbrella term, as it does cover several types of belief, some of which aren't necessarily agnostic.