Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

So the Anteverse contacts we had found are converging here.

Is this a question or a statement? ;)

Actually upon close examination, sensor data confirms the API's are heading for the closest pockets of Mist life. It just happens the destination for most of those Mist creatures -IS- Savannah. The oil rigs, border troops, Fort Pulaski, etc... just happen to be handy buffet tables on the way to the main feast.

Sensor data has also confirmed that the 3 areas of heightened antiverse radiation field strength has only marginally diminished with the relocation of the life forms enroute. (? Nest Sign?) Apparently the Precursor's aren't fond of Mist incursions into what they consider their turf.


(OOC) It is your turn, feel free to begin laying out defense strategies, things will be winding down shortly... you have weathered the endurance portion, now if only you can resist the final big push.
I will be providing maps and such shortly detailing the enemy positions to aid in your decision making. Right now my belly is full and I'm being lazy.
Is this a question or a statement? ;)
More an observation and statement of fact, meant to set the gears in my head spinning and processing it.

Actually upon close examination, sensor data confirms the API's are heading for the closest pockets of Mist life. It just happens the destination for most of those Mist creatures -IS- Savannah. The oil rigs, border troops, Fort Pulaski, etc... just happen to be handy buffet tables on the way to the main feast.

Sensor data has also confirmed that the 3 areas of heightened antiverse radiation field strength has only marginally diminished with the relocation of the life forms enroute. (? Nest Sign?) Apparently the Precursor's aren't fond of Mist incursions into what they consider their turf.
You know, if we could keep the population of APIs in a nest controlled we could use probably have them act as "reinforcements" for our troops during Mist incursions. One could even make the argument in favor of keeping a Nest in captivity to produce cheap shock troops and putting bombs or something of the sort in them to kill them all after the Mist creatures die.

We won't, of course. That's the kind of terrible idea that is just shy of the kind of stupidity the bad guys from FFXV did for their magitech.
"Hey, let's use this evil miasma harvested from Daemons to power our magitech robot troops!" Said the scientist. "Brilliant!" Said the Emperor. And then everyone was eaten by daemons at the same time their troops went out of control and the world was plunged into neverending night for ten years. Bloody brilliant all right.

Where was I again?

Oh right. Don't use things you can barely control and do not understand in your armies. It ends poorly for everyone.

(OOC) It is your turn, feel free to begin laying out defense strategies, things will be winding down shortly... you have weathered the endurance portion, now if only you can resist the final big push.

For Fort Pulaski, set the AKPs to killing the eels, then have four Artillery units fire upon the heavies, two to each group, while the last one fires at whatever group is closer to the Fort's walls.

For everything else... I dunno. :V
Personally I'm regretting not pushing harder for the 'Hungry, Hungry Hippo' super heavy harvester our blackmarket kaiju contact suggested. No help for the aquatic, or even the sink hole but it sure would be nice cutting our way into that forest to dislodge hellwasps. Earn us a Payday and ease clearing vegetation that wants to snack on the workers. Refit the design with auto sentries with fixed fields of fire... hell yes!
I'm with Highwind as to Eel elimination and end the Heavies before more eel barrages are inbound.

As to other strat, I'll wait on those shiny maps ;)
As promised by theater:

Oil rig:

Lemon Island (Northern Guard - trapped unit):

2 greyhound sized widowers, one that cleared the stream in a single bound only to be mired in Georgia red clay, the other was missed but buffeted by lone gunman attack.

Savannah & Ft. Pulaski maps will come with those theaters combat... looking only for firm plan as maps are presented. We will begin your turn with Rig & Lemon isle.

Edit: Fort Pulaski map was still valid so re-posting it here for convenience:
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(OOC) As an aside the Outpost: 'Liberty' , home of your refugees saved from the Rig and those refugees they've been relocating on their own from within Charleston's Sphere of influence. (Pop. now 464)

They have been assaulted as well, but being under the effects of the Radio blackout and their civilian militia outnumbering your soldiers 12 to 1, I figured why add another theater when I could handle it off screen... Liberty enforces an every adult must carry weapons policy. No one will take their freedom easily again.

With 2 Anti-Kaiju Platoon for heavy lifting (Cat-zeroes/Deep One Heavies), & 25 Civilian Militia; lets just say their encounters were not prepared for the walls of lead encountered.

When comms blackout is lifted I think you'll be proud.
Damn it, that is another resource I forget we could tap. Liberty and their refugees!

They have grown a large community (350+ people with constant traffic in and out) in minimal time, it is almost puritanical in its work ethic and unswervingly loyalty to Savannah. What is problematic, is they are taking their rights to defend themselves seriously, EVERY man, woman, and pubescent child is heavily armed and they have apparently begun travelling northeast into Charlestons area of Influence and begun recruiting the downtrodden survivors from the wastes that Charlestons Raiders prey upon either to follow them back here or begin a resistance network there.

Allegedly their contacts are extensive and information there can be purchased cheaply for food, clothing, or other basics of survival from the newest downtrodden.

Edit: Settlement was formerly Okatie (along State route 278) , but has been rechristened as Liberty.

Native knowledge of our foes, resistance contacts, a desire to see Charleston burn. We need to be drawing on the knowledge we can probably get just for the asking. They have already helped make suggestions of how to better survive Reaper attacks to our Northern guard as just friendly chatter.

We've had cult middle management captive and interrogated for a while now, Any chance Smithsguild we could get the results of those interrogations?
We could send in the Cobra and the Torpedo boat to get a better look at the contacts near the Oil Rig and maybe kill a few of them. If we can get a few flares over their positions the Artillery could probably use those to fire at their position despite the poor visibility.

For the Lemon Island group, the best plan I can come up with is "shoot them until they're dead".

Fort Pulaski should follow the plan outlined above: AKPs kill the eels, Artillery kills the Heavies.
From the North of Savannah approaching the Northern Gate, a Deuce and half flies down the road the AKP's in back are torn between holding on to retain their seats or brandishing their Ak's against whatever new horror the Mist disgorges. Their radio although not suffering E-warfare jamming any longer refuses to operate, probably damaged in the hurry to bug out.

The AKP's are more than a little non-plussed to be sharing their seating area in the vehicles rear with the charnel remains of power suited cyborgs, it was more than a little disconcerting when a limbless head and torso starts swearing profusely and promising that 'The Elder Gods have blessed us and sworn your defeat', a few swift kicks to the helmeted head have -mostly- silenced it.

After a fevered discussion with gate guards identity is established and they are permitted entry, the radio is used to warn command of the potential northern push and how the brave soldiers of Lemon Island are trapped with the destruction of both bridges to force the lengthy detour.

The truck tears off again headed for Small scale containment at the research facility. And to inform Councillor @KnightDisciple as to our recent acquisition...

Lt. Scott has observed with envy the Elite AKP's drilling in their powered jackets, this technology seems even more advanced. He orders his men to gather the remnants in the hopes to forward Savannah's own powered armor program. They are loaded onto the Deuce and half, and the men themselves load up the bits but as they do so they realize the arms and legs don't bleed they ooze hydraulic fluids. Head, chest and torso still spill blood and ruined flesh is visible. These were no longer men in the truest sense but a cybernetic amalgam of man and machine. @KnightDisciple must be provided these research materials immediately!

Lt. Scott wishes there was time and opportunity to bury the dead soldiers now but the best he can do is to partially fill the trench they rest in until the bodies can be retrieved later. Without Comms to confirm Lt. Scott makes the call, to return to Savannah ASAP

Retrieved shattered remains of 1 units worth of Charleston's "Legion of Redeemers" Cyber Soldiers in Sarcophagus Powered Armor.
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We could send in the Cobra and the Torpedo boat to get a better look at the contacts near the Oil Rig and maybe kill a few of them. If we can get a few flares over their positions the Artillery could probably use those to fire at their position despite the poor visibility.

For the Lemon Island group, the best plan I can come up with is "shoot them until they're dead".

Fort Pulaski should follow the plan outlined above: AKPs kill the eels, Artillery kills the Heavies.

@Highwind In general I approve of your overall strategy with a few minor adjustments. For the Rig, All we need to illuminate the gribblies is shift where our Artillery launched illumination rounds airburst, (center over hostiles, instead of centered over rig) Then take our normal turn.

I agree with using Patrol boat, Cobra, and arty to snuff the baddies, I -like- having spare AKP units on overwatch with Autosentries to offset sneaky ambush shit.
Lemon Island: Shoot them 'til dead, (point blank with ak, one in distance should suck rocket flavored death from lone gunman) remainder overwatch 360.

Ft. Pulaski - eels must die, to ak fire use as many indiv. soldiers as needed. Arty dogpile on Hvy Deep ones and any remaining eliminate deep one infantry. I'd like to reserve as many AKP's to over watch once known living threats are made non-living. Use individual 'lone gunman' as needed to slap down infantry.
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The AKP's are more than a little non-plussed to be sharing their seating area in the vehicles rear with the charnel remains of power suited cyborgs, it was more than a little disconcerting when a limbless head and torso starts swearing profusely and promising that 'The Elder Gods have blessed us and sworn your defeat', a few swift kicks to the helmeted head have -mostly- silenced it.
Oh good more intel on Charleston and their gods. In the form of a head in a jar. :confused:

Yeah, this is going to be one weird interrogation.
Oh good more intel on Charleston and their gods. In the form of a head in a jar. :confused:

Yeah, this is going to be one weird interrogation.

More accurately, a head and torso (with vital organs heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, etc...) it was easier to take the factory original life support for the fanatical brain than re-invent the wheel. Although they have figured how to hotwire the pleasure centers to trigger with use of weapons systems... o_O

Edit: Tube fed protein paste and a colostomy bag for elimination needs.
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@Highwind are you okay with running with Badkatt's adaptation of your plan? We can call it a finalized plan and gather consensus.
More accurately, a head and torso (with vital organs heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, etc...) it was easier to take the factory original life support for the fanatical brain than re-invent the wheel. Although they have figured how to hotwire the pleasure centers to trigger with use of weapons systems... o_O

Edit: Tube fed protein paste and a colostomy bag for elimination needs.
As if I needed more reason to hate the Charleston Cultists. Making a nockery of life-saving technologies and conditioning a person to take pleasure in slaughter is pretty much what I've come to expect from them.

@Highwind are you okay with running with Badkatt's adaptation of your plan? We can call it a finalized plan and gather consensus.
I'm perfectly okay with it.
[ ] Plan: I'm perfectly okay with it (Highwind/BadKatt)

For the Rig, All we need to illuminate the gribblies is shift where our Artillery launched illumination rounds airburst, (center over hostiles, instead of centered over rig) Then take our normal turn.

I agree with using Patrol boat, Cobra, and arty to snuff the baddies, I -like- having spare AKP units on overwatch with Autosentries to offset sneaky ambush shit.
Lemon Island: Shoot them 'til dead, (point blank with ak, one in distance should suck rocket flavored death from lone gunman) remainder overwatch 360.

Ft. Pulaski - eels must die, to ak fire use as many indiv. soldiers as needed. Arty dogpile on Hvy Deep ones and any remaining eliminate deep one infantry. I'd like to reserve as many AKP's to over watch once known living threats are made non-living. Use individual 'lone gunman' as needed to slap down infantry.
Is now an official plan.
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As if I needed more reason to hate the Charleston Cultists. Making a mockery of life-saving technologies and conditioning a person to take pleasure in slaughter is pretty much what I've come to expect from them.

In the early days of the Cult (pre-capture of Charleston) E.O.D. raided local jails and prisons looking for the worst of the worst to swell their ranks, these institutions were undermanned as when society collapsed showing up to tend to violent criminals and leaving your family at the mercies of possible raiders was generally a poor choice.

I'm not really how sure how much conditioning the average cultist needed...
In the early days of the Cult (pre-capture of Charleston) E.O.D. raided local jails and prisons looking for the worst of the worst to swell their ranks, these institutions were undermanned as when society collapsed showing up to tend to violent criminals and leaving your family at the mercies of possible raiders was generally a poor choice.

I'm not really how sure how much conditioning the average cultist needed...
I strongly disapprove of applying behavioural conditioning techniques of any sort on humans, so the amount of conditioning they went through matters little to me. It just makes me want to deal with Charleston as fast as possible.
Just wanted to give notice this was Officially our consensus winner for absorbed base goodies. All craft have necessary tech manuals, blue prints, etc to service, repair, and replace @ appropriate R costs. Hopefully all stats will be in place when you take possession at beginning of downtime.

Consensus was by vote of Cmd.Frost, BadKatt, KnightDisciple, & Highwind.

Hunter Army Airfield
[X]3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (United States)
Acquire 1 MH-47G 'Chinook' Heavy Assault Helicopter heavily armed troop insertion/extraction
Acquire 3 MH-60M 'Black Hawk'

[X]3rd Combat Aviation Brigade
Acquire 1 AH-64D Apache Longbow & 3 MQ-1C Gray Eagles scout drones

Fort Stewart
[X]Cavalry Regiment
Acquire 2 AH-6M Little Bird Gunships & Improved Hard point mounts (free upgrade for the SuperCobras Rocket pods may fire 7 salvos / Hellfires upgraded to 4 volleys before depletion)
Acquire 1 Medivac variant Little Bird

[X]Support Battalion
Enough infrastructure and vehicles to support a Mobile Army Surgical hospital, (It will require a single action to 'recruit' knowledgeable former medical professionals to staff such a project but no R outlay. May move itself over land via deuce and halfs at 4 mv -or- may be airlifted to the front using 2 jump hawks with cargo pallets.

1 'Oracle' FDC logistical support vehicle
'Oracle'(Fire Direction Control) Unarmed Command & Control APC with trailer (APC & Trailer are considered 1 unit as the instrumentation is linked and destruction of 1 renders other mission dead)

Target acquisition consists of determining the precise target location based on a forward observer's (gps/Vortac)location if needed, then computing range and direction to the target from the guns' location. Corrections can be added for such variables as a difference between target and artillery altitudes, propellant temperature, atmospheric conditions, and even the curvature and rotation of the Earth.

The 'Oracle' may select one boost effect from the list below to use for the duration of the round. The FDC can affect any and all units with a common weapon system within 45 units, as long as there are at least two such units within range.


- Fire for Effect: Affects all units armed with a common weapon (Declare one when this boost is selected.) When multiple units fire with shared targeting data all involved units hit or miss as a collective in a single body location using best to hit roll from entire salvo, base damage remains as per weapon but with a +1 Damage per unit in salvo. All Crits rolled stack as per normal.

- Multiple Vector Fire Control: Affects all units armed with a common weapon (Declare one when this boost is selected). As long as at least three compatible units are within range, then for every three in range and using that weapon this round, a single such unit may reroll its attack dice, choosing the better result.

- Repeat Targeting Sequence: Affects all units armed with a common weapon (Declare one when this boost is selected). Choose one location struck by that weapon last round. As long as at least two compatible units are still within range and using that weapon, they may all automatically shift their hit location results one slot towards the chosen location.
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Will get to rolls shortly (maybe 'sometime' before tomorrow), I'm goofing off today and that includes my QMing duties.
Oil Rig -
When the artillery shift the illumination round to better highlight their impending foe they expose the lie the sonar has been telling.

In addition to the 3 units of Deep Ones (Revealed to be heavies) there are 2 as yet unencountered Category Zeros, monstrous jellyfish the size of a child's bouncy house whose natural physiology is so close to sea water it returns as only a mild distortion on sonar, the stinging tendrils trail outward 0.1 km and unlike most jellys these tendrils possess a hydraulic based musculature that would allow them to raise out of the water, reach to the height of the rig and drag men from the upper deck. A casual comment by an AKP becomes their new designation 'Jellied Nightmare'.

Please distribute your shots as you will, Updated map below. Original plan called for PT boat & Cobra engage Deep ones, but with the reveal they may switch to jellies if you so wish.

Forces at your disposal:
2 AKP (3/3 recoilless salvos)
2 T-95 artillery (Easily all targets are in direct fire rng)
1 AK Torpedo Patrol boat (2/3 torpedo salvos & 5/6 hedgehog volleys remain)
1 Cobra (fully armed - rocket pods) or dual m134 chain guns
1 Avenger (stingers unsuited for aquatic targets, but .50 works just fine)
4 auto-sentries ( 3/4 are positioned with possible firing solutions, currently in automated sentry mode -IE overwatch set at 3 unit distance, but may be controlled by remote operator)
While someone decides how to proceed at rig.

Roll some dice... End the threat Lemon Island.

Upto 5 Ak attacks versus Mired widower. 1d10, hit 5+ (any unused assume overwatch)

Upto 5 Lone gunman attacks versus distant widower. 1d10, hit 5+ (any unused assume overwatch)
Ak versus muddy spider at our feet - Taking these.

Braaaap. 3 for overwatch! :)
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Ak sings its familiar song... Total: 14
4 4 10 10
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