Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Edit: @Smithsguild wouldn't north bridge troops be wondering wth is up with explosions behind them in supposedly secure territory?

I'm sure there is a certain amount of wth? But Mist sometimes contains flyers and other vectors of approach besides bridges and roads, the multiple 'fwumph's' of a recoiless salvo and resultant explosions is not unexpected with friendly AKP's to their rear. The comms blackout IS suspiciously timed but without verification of hostiles behind them they won't abandon their post to investigate. They are in a state of increased awareness and watching all approaches including those to the rear.
Although I really hate risking naval assets we have 4 patrol torpedo boats contributing nothing in Savannah and at risk of being scuttled if left unmanned.

Use it or lose it seems sensible.
They might be patrol boats, but every gun counts in this sort of situation. Their torpedoes might be just the thing we need to kill some of those Sheldons and Gudis before they land.

And although increasing visibility via helo tsunami is nice, killing gribblies would be better for the Pathfinder and Cobras.
Considering the numbers we'refacing, we definitely need them. The one worry I have is that the reduced visibility from not having their prop wash and the jammed comms would make things too difficult for our troops. Well, that and more suicide Sturgis hitting them.

Smithsguild has stated artillery units may operate as effective anti-air with proper ranging and timing of fuses to burst as flak.

I'm thinking arty should airburst Sturgis, and bombard the cat-zeros, leaving AKP's to play cleanup of any remnants.
That's an amazing idea. If we can clean the air, our troops won't have to worry about getting ganked from the sky and can focus fire on the Deep Ones other ground enemies.
Considering the numbers we'refacing, we definitely need them. The one worry I have is that the reduced visibility from not having their prop wash and the jammed comms would make things too difficult for our troops. Well, that and more suicide Sturgis hitting them.

For the record you may lose some of the effect of concentrated prop wash (5 dual rotor jumphawk's & a Little Bird still move a lot of air) and if you refer to the handy map I provided Savannah proper is inside neither red circle and therefore is only having trouble communicating with troops inside those damned jammed circles.

It effectively covers the oil rig and all the border troops.
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Normally TP boats fire all 3 torpedos in their tri-barrel to do a k-scale salvo, for the case of a Cat-zero (or another Conv craft) I'd rule a single torpedo is sufficient to eliminate the target.

Each of the 4 tri-barrels may fire a single torpedo at a single Cat-zero (or another Conv craft) as the boats attack (IE 4x 1d10 torpedos in the water hit on a 5+) -or- use their Hedgehog depth bombs with proximity fuses does 1d10 K-Scale -3 dam. Min 1, rng -/-/10 (fires 24 rpg sized impact/proximity fuse depth bombs in a single salvo) if used vs SSC entire unit is subject to a k-scale AoE -or- someone leaves naval weapon station to man a .50 Cal MG.
For the record you may lose some of the effect of concentrated prop wash (5 dual rotor jumphawk's & a Little Bird still move a lot of air) and if you refer to the handy map I provided Savannah proper is inside neither red circle and therefore is only having trouble communicating with troops inside those damned jammed circles.
My apologies, I haven't got the hang of the geography quite yet.

Actually, would it be possible to make a vehicle specifically to clear maximum amounts of Mist using its propwash, with a some really strong floodlights to illuminate the area? Because that would help free up our helicopters to do other helicopter things.
[ ] Somone needs a spanking, and I vote Mist-stuff.

Southern bridge guards - investigate booms -carefully- but better to blow shit up than be blown up. If we're compromised blow bridge 1st. Northern bridge guards can hold out for evac or be sacrificed instead of leaving road to Savannah open to invaders.


Savannah PT boats light up cat-zeroes 1 torp per target.

All Arty go AA on Sturgis, next turn arty targets of opportunity in order of preference Sturgis > Cat-zero > anything that doesn't vote in Savannah elections. Lacking targets overwatch.

Perimeter Garrisoned AKP's x6 in range continue mopping up lacking targets overwatch. Same target preferences.

Cobras & Pathfinder stand ready with mop up otherwise overwatch. Same target preferences.

Jaegers, where are my Jaegers? No Kaiju masters peeping? Mammoth equips the Nemo inspired shock shotgun, Whitecap rocks his missile/torpedo hybrids. (Need to build that sniper rifle ASAP) targets of opportunity.

All other convs sit central Savannah on cargo pallets, ready for speed deploy. Stealth Edit: Over watching for targets of opportunity. If they scuttle or fly-by take their heads off.


Fort Pulaski

3x arty go AA on Sturgis, last 2 to await and engage remaining Sturgis flocks > Cat-zeros > non-voters.

5 AKP's are to use same preferences.


Best I've got. Addendum & corrections are welcomed.
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My apologies, I haven't got the hang of the geography quite yet.

Actually, would it be possible to make a vehicle specifically to clear maximum amounts of Mist using its propwash, with a some really strong floodlights to illuminate the area? Because that would help free up our helicopters to do other helicopter things.

No sweat, we have a friendly grading curve here and the scorer likes you ;) :V:V:V

Research anything... yep that'd make it possible. Gasoline powered road construction spotlights bringing daylight to night, a specifically designed vehicle that shreds mist by Jump hawk sized propellers that force air through mesh screens sounds like it'd be MORE effective.

Friendly reminder that our mortars can launch flares.
The Cargo pallet cables are released and Woj goes about their assigned task of bringing light into the gloom.

Noted and in effect.
Actually, would it be possible to make a vehicle specifically to clear maximum amounts of Mist using its propwash, with a some really strong floodlights to illuminate the area? Because that would help free up our helicopters to do other helicopter things.

Gasoline powered road construction spotlights bringing daylight to night, a specifically designed vehicle that shreds mist by Jump hawk sized propellers that force air through mesh screens sounds like it'd be MORE effective.

Being an unrepentant min/maxer and going for all the bang for the buck I can steal, let me expand further on this beautiful idea.

Jet turbine intake towers, reaching majestically skyward. Towers are lined with construction spots on all 4 sides and searchlights controlled by LOCCENT at its apex. Average sunny day it is a particulate scoop reducing parts per million of the radioactive dander, on a Mist day it shreds Mist like Tony Hawk shreds skate parks.

Edit: intakes are mid-tower safely above city traffic, exhaust vents heated moist air upwards that then runs past condensor coils that chill the air to below dewpoint and moisture is collected for waste treatment.
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Thank you both for giving it a look/see I feel confident enough to open it for voting.

[X] Someone needs a spanking , and I vote Mist-stuff
[X] Someone needs a spanking , and I vote Mist-stuff

Too late in the evening to analyze, but I can vote.
Although I really hate risking naval assets we have 4 patrol torpedo boats contributing nothing in Savannah and at risk of being scuttled if left unmanned.
"It's not exactly much of an asset if you're not getting any benefit from it, now is it? Fog might not be the best time to deploy boats, admittedly. But uh...I think it's at least one of my skippers' favorite type of weather, if you catch my drift. I wasn't exactly being nosy about where some of my sailors and officers picked up their sailing experience, and I suspect a few of them made a living circumventing certain fees on their cargo. And it's a lot easier to land unseen and unload a cargo in the fog. So they're not totally inexperienced with navigating in such conditions."

[X] Someone needs a spanking , and I vote Mist-stuff
"It's not exactly much of an asset if you're not getting any benefit from it, now is it? Fog might not be the best time to deploy boats, admittedly. But uh...I think it's at least one of my skippers' favorite type of weather, if you catch my drift. I wasn't exactly being nosy about where some of my sailors and officers picked up their sailing experience, and I suspect a few of them made a living circumventing certain fees on their cargo. And it's a lot easier to land unseen and unload a cargo in the fog. So they're not totally inexperienced with navigating in such conditions."

(OOC) I am marking this mentally as a Cannon response :). Dipping from both ends of the pool? Coast Guard and Privateer/Smugglers. You just make me so happy.
That makes 4 for consensus, Plan Locked.

I fibbed earlier I meant to go to bed but between Aldnoah.Zero & finishing Season 1 of Gundam: Ironblooded Orphans crushed those hopes, this is the /faceplant desk: "I'm too tired to watch more, final check in of the night". :V:V:V
(OOC) I am marking this mentally as a Cannon response :). Dipping from both ends of the pool? Coast Guard and Privateer/Smugglers. You just make me so happy.
I's what I'd do, IRL. Smugglers are usually pretty damn good at navigating the local waters, and that's a very useful skill set. I have absolutely no reason to try and prosecute them, and every reason to hire them, let them exercise their initiative, and pay them well for it. It not only gets me skilled helmsmen and various other sorts of talented mariners, it also means they'll be far too busy to do much smuggling once we're at the point where that's a concern again. And I'll have lots of people with excellent skills as customs officers, since they'll know exactly what to look for. When you think of it like that, I'd be crazy not to hire them.
Southern bridge guards - investigate booms -carefully- but better to blow shit up than be blown up. If we're compromised blow bridge 1st. Northern bridge guards can hold out for evac or be sacrificed instead of leaving road to Savannah open to invaders.

The remaining Lemon Island AKP's creep out of the trench network on the North side, common sense dictates a defense force should USE a defensive fortification if they invested the efforts to build one. But that is what an enemy in ambush would assume as well. The Lt. in charge does not intend to be THAT easy of a target, north side was chosen because a sensible sneak would want the earthwork between them and a threat and stay to the south. By exposing his men to the worst position possible he has reduced the chances of walking squarely into an ambush.

I need a stealth roll on 1d10 to see how silently and terrain hugging your approach was made. I will then finish South bridge narrative and call for appropriate rolls.

Savannah PT boats light up cat-zeroes 1 torp per target.

All Arty go AA on Sturgis, next turn arty targets of opportunity in order of preference Sturgis > Cat-zero > anything that doesn't vote in Savannah elections. Lacking targets overwatch.

Perimeter Garrisoned AKP's x6 in range continue mopping up lacking targets overwatch. Same target preferences.

Cobras & Pathfinder stand ready with mop up otherwise overwatch. Same target preferences.

Jaegers, where are my Jaegers? No Kaiju masters peeping? Mammoth equips the Nemo inspired shock shotgun, Whitecap rocks his missile/torpedo hybrids. (Need to build that sniper rifle ASAP) targets of opportunity.

All other convs sit central Savannah on cargo pallets, ready for speed deploy. Over watching for targets of opportunity. If they scuttle or fly-by take their heads off.

Roll a total of (12) 1d10 for 8 Sheldon, 4 Gudis 1 torpedo a piece. 5+ or better removes target (4 rolls per person / 1 hour between rolls to allow everyone who wants a chance to blow shit up)
(OOC) this only accounts for 3 of your 4 PT boats firing this turn, because I am a nice QM boat 4 is assigned cleanup of surviving Cat-Zeros as use it or loses it was clearly stated in assigning boats at all.

Roll for (8) AA artillery 1d10+1 versus 10 Sturgis flocks. 5+ or better removes target (4 rolls per person / 1 hour between rolls to allow everyone who wants a chance to blow shit up)

Roll for (6) AKP's 1d10+1 versus remaining Sturgis flocks. 5+ or better removes target (4 rolls per person / 1 hour between rolls to allow everyone who wants a chance to blow shit up)

(OOC) Ammo on Cobras was not included in plan - That means I choose. You are equipped with rockets.
Cobra's, Pathfinder, & Jaegers are on cleanup of targets of opportunity. I will deal with them after above rolls are resolved this will merely be a further extension of your turn broken down into manageable chunks.

Fort Pulaski

3x arty go AA on Sturgis, last 2 to await and engage remaining Sturgis flocks > Cat-zeros > non-voters.

5 AKP's are to use same preferences.

Roll for (3) AA artillery 1d10+1 versus 3 Sturgis flocks. 5+ or better removes target

Roll for (2) AA artillery 1d10+1 versus cleanup on Sturgis flocks > Cat-zeros > non-voters.. ( I LOL'd this) 5+ or better removes target.

Roll for (5) AKP's 1d10+1 versus 3 Sturgis flocks > Cat-zeros > non-voters. 5+ or better removes target

Trying to ninja with Southbridge crew.

The Southern Bridge AKP's quietly ghost through the broken terrain in front of the Trench, there like iron sentinels stand 5 armored men over the shattered bodies of Savannah's defenders, the cretins stand immobile eyes locked on the trench and the area to the south of it.

The Lt. Steven Scott raises his remote detonator to shoulder level in easy view of his Platoon and nods meaningfully. They shoulder their recoilless rifles and take careful aim and as the first sounds of the demolition charges collapses the bridge reverberate, a flawless salvo of warheads slam into the beast from Charleston throwing armored limbs and bodies like dry rotted rag dolls. Even the impressive powered armor is crushed and shredded under the abuse of K-Scale firepower delivered at close range there are even some secondary explosions from incendiary fuel tanks.

Lt. Scott has observed with envy the Elite AKP's drilling in their powered jackets, this technology seems even more advanced. He orders his men to gather the remnants in the hopes to forward Savannah's own powered armor program. They are loaded onto the Deuce and half, and the men themselves load up the bits but as they do so they realize the arms and legs don't bleed they ooze hydraulic fluids. Head, chest and torso still spill blood and ruined flesh is visible. These were no longer men in the truest sense but a cybernetic amalgam of man and machine. @KnightDisciple must be provided these research materials immediately!

Lt. Scott wishes there was time and opportunity to bury the dead soldiers now but the best he can do is to partially fill the trench they rest in until the bodies can be retrieved later. Without Comms to confirm Lt. Scott makes the call, to return to Savannah ASAP

Retrieved shattered remains of 1 units worth of Charleston's "Legion of Redeemers" Cyber Soldiers in Sarcophagus Powered Armor.
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The northern bridge guard commander is stunned when he hears the detonation and collapse of the bridge behind him. That means bridge south had encountered a foe who was strategically interested and not merely another swarm of Mist gribblies.

His duty was clear, blow the bridge and await evac. It would mean isolation from both friendlies and hostiles, but it would also mean he and his men would be trapped on the island with any THING already here... He shrugged once, raised the detonator and blew bridge north.

"Men we are now in a holding action, without comms or point of egress. Dig in using existing trenches but we now need lanes of fire on all compass points, grab your e-tools soldiers, that dirt won't move itself!"