Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Please grab some rolls as you can people. It takes only a few seconds to declare what you are rolling on & then throw dice.
Alright. Rolling four torpedos!
Edit: Now that's more like it!
Highwind threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Fire the torpedos! Total: 27
5 5 7 7 10 10 5 5
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Roll for (8) AA artillery 1d10+1 versus 10 Sturgis flocks. 5+ or better removes target (4 rolls per person / 1 hour between rolls to allow everyone who wants a chance to blow shit up)
Rolling 4/8.

Edit: Three hits. Not bad.
Nixeu threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Arty Fire (+1) Total: 21
3 3 7 7 5 5 6 6
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@Highwind & @BadKatt85 I'm assuming no preference as to which type of cat-zero are boomed first, as you failed to declare targets? We'll assume indiscriminate slaughter and assign 5 dead Sheldon, 2 dead Gudis between you both.
Roll a total of (12 4 remain) 1d10 for 8 3 Sheldon, 4 2 Gudis 1 torpedo a piece. 5+ or better removes target (4 rolls per person / 1 hour between rolls to allow everyone who wants a chance to blow shit up)

Plus another PT boat in reserve for cleanup 4 rolls remain 1d10 for 8 5+ or better removes target (4 rolls per person / 1 hour between rolls

Roll for (8 4 remain) AA artillery 1d10+1 versus 10 7 Sturgis flocks. 5+ or better removes target (4 rolls per person / 1 hour between rolls to allow everyone who wants a chance to blow shit up)

Roll for (6) AKP's 1d10+1 versus remaining Sturgis flocks. 5+ or better removes target (4 rolls per person / 1 hour between rolls to allow everyone who wants a chance to blow shit up)

These rolls still need some love.
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Rolling 4 AKPs to Remove Sturgis.
Edit: That Nat 1 is unfortunate, but otherwise things went well.
Highwind threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: AKP Anti Air Total: 23
1 1 7 7 10 10 5 5
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Rolling 4 AKPs to Remove Sturgis.
Edit: That Nat 1 is unfortunate, but otherwise things went well.

Roll another 1d10 to check severity of the misfire plz @Highwind

Actually Smithsguild please apply my personal re-roll token to Highwind's crit-fail now it never happened. ;)

And that means 3 AKP'S are free to roll. Rolling them now.

Roflmao dammit :p
BadKatt85 threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: AKP'S Total: 13
1 1 7 7 5 5
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Plus another PT boat in reserve for cleanup 4 rolls remain 1d10 for 8 5+ or better removes target (4 rolls per person / 1 hour between rolls
Rolling for the last of the boats.

Edit: "I think someone just earned a pay-raise."
Nixeu threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Fire Torpedoes Total: 29
6 6 9 9 7 7 7 7
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Rolling for the last of the boats.

Edit: "I think someone just earned a pay-raise."

Not quite the last of the boats Admiral @Nixeu
Lulz, the Cleanup up reserve unit jumped in front of the assigned boat. :p With shooting like that no ones even mad ;).

A single Sheldon is all that remain of the Cat-zeroes in the water, the assigned boat has 4 torps to shine with & if they fudge this they're buying beer for every one at the E-club until closing time.

Roll 4x 1d10 for PT #3 to not lose rep and get bilge duty.

4/8 artillery to go and 2/10 flocks of Sturgis remain aloft looking mighty thirsty as they loom ever closer...

Roll 4x 1d10, 5+ does the job. First 2 hits will momentarily clear the skies.


IF those rolls are successfully completed we can move on to Savannah's airforce & jaegers to deal with the suddenly panicky Deep Ones "landing force" hovering off shore.
Defending PT 3's honor.

Rolling for boat vs straggler.

Edit: blew 'em to chunks, then chunks to confetti.
BadKatt85 threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Torpedoes away Total: 29
5 5 10 10 9 9 5 5
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4/8 artillery to go and 2/10 flocks of Sturgis remain aloft looking mighty thirsty as they loom ever closer...

Roll 4x 1d10, 5+ does the job. First 2 hits will momentarily clear the skies.
Rolling Artillery. Time to swat those flies outta the skies.
Edit: Just enough to clear the skies.
Highwind threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Artillery AA Total: 19
7 7 2 2 4 4 6 6
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(OOC) Feeling much more peoplish this morning, as opposed to the monosyllabic neanderthal that logged out last night. Your understanding and patience is much appreciated.


Outside Savannah, still milling hesitantly at 2 km beyond the DP are a sizable force of Deep Ones (45 units, so roughly 450 of the fish/frog men). They are combat spaced, in ordered platoons and unlike their earlier brethren are carrying bio-organic gear that appear to be the equivalents of surface weapons.

The loss of Sheldon's and Gudis in such a brief and brutal display has greatly increased their visible unease, having lost their equivalent of tanks it is natural the 'infantry' would also lose their nerve. Some unseen force holds them in place, not quite strong enough to force them forward, but that allows no retreat.

Your Helicopters , a single 'Pathfinder' and four Super Cobras advance from their position in the Prop wash Tsunami to assume proper firing vectors.
Yes, I said four. The Elite 'Smooth Operators' signed themselves out early to a man, against Doctor's recommendations. They were sporting various braces, nursing concussions, and hobbling to the flight line on crutches in some cases.

At the Shatterdome's massive doorway an unfamiliar sight is seen, Mammoth Apostate hoists the Nemo selective fire scattergun to a shoulder as he steps out into the gloom. Almost eclipsed by the larger Mammoth, Whitecap Triton is seen for the first time without it's signature Gyrojet rifle, but wielding it's massive Kabar. Both tread to the defensive berm that comes not quite up to their knees and assume a ready stance.

Roll 2x 1d10 for the "Outriders" doorguns, each hit (5+) Hvy SSC cause 1d3 aoe casualties

The Cobra's have
your choice of:

Dual M134 Miniguns at current range (5+) Hvy SSC - limited AoE 2d3 targets
Advancing 5 units beyond DP to use Thermite Rocket Pod: K-scale . Hits on 4+ (3 salvos only)


Jaegers are your's to command (mv is at -1 to represent taking position at berm)
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Roll 2x 1d10 for the "Outriders" doorguns, each hit (5+) Hvy SSC cause 1d3 aoe casualties
I'll roll these now.

I'm not 100% on the weapons we should pick for the Cobras yet, but the enemy forces seem ready to rout and I think we can get them to retreat if we slaughter some more, or at least keep them frozen with conflicting fear of us and fear of their gods for a while longer. The AoE on the chainguns might work better for that.

Edit: welp. :cry:
Highwind threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Outriders' guns Total: 5
4 4 1 1
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Outriders' misfire Total: 1
1 1
I'll roll these now.

I'm not 100% on the weapons we should pick for the Cobras yet, but the enemy forces seem ready to rout and I think we can get them to retreat if we slaughter some more, or at least keep them frozen with conflicting fear of us and fear of their gods for a while longer. The AoE on the chainguns might work better for that.

Edit: welp. :cry:

Don't sweat small oops's Highwind. If it were a J-scale or even a weapon packing high explosives then it well might merit tears.

Smithsguild is unusually reasonable with misfires fitting the scale of the weapon. Doorgun might be unfortunate but I doubt catastrophic.

Edit: As to choice of weapons, I'd vote rockets as k-scale kill of all SSC's in unit because of cluster damage. 10 dead beats 2-6 every time.
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Smithsguild is unusually reasonable with misfires fitting the scale of the weapon. Doorgun might be unfortunate but I doubt catastrophic.

(OOC) Why thank you.


A shell casing lodges 95% out from the ejection port (caught on the casings rim) this did NOT prevent the next round from chambering nor firing. Without the port sealed as designed the 'lodged' casing became a high speed projectile in it's own right. It impacts the hand ripping a large portion of flesh away. Although not life threatening the man could easily lose the use of it permanently if not treated immediately.

1-5 generic door gunner #1 / 6-10 Cpl. O'Reilly - second roll is how severe the injury.

Generic door gunner number 1 is seriously wounded, Elite unit "Outriders" must retreat for medical attention. Out of fight 3 turns at which point they rejoin the battle with a replacement gunner and gun.
Smithsguild threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: who & how bad Total: 10
2 2 8 8
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2 like minded votes are enough for battlefield consensus. First 2 in agreement lock the decision.