Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Forgot to checkbox :)
[ X ] independently, each theater in order, but only processing the 1 turn. May be a bit more confusing but opens up chance to finish current threat and reinforce elsewhere.
[X] independently, each theater in order, but only processing the 1 turn. May be a bit more confusing but opens up chance to finish current threat and reinforce elsewhere.
[ X ] independently, each theater in order, but only processing the 1 turn. May be a bit more confusing but opens up chance to finish current threat and reinforce elsewhere.

Timelines would get wonky otherwise.
An additional note; We may soontm​ obtain a @Highwind of our very own! Last word is he was only a page or two out from being completely caught up with this thread. He , Nixeu, & Fyrstorm have been instrumental in keeping your QM more or less 'on the rails' and helped me work out (or work through) the worst of my rough patches understanding the rules.
[X] independently, each theater in order, but only processing the 1 turn. May be a bit more confusing but opens up chance to finish current threat and reinforce elsewhere.
[X] independently, each theater in order, but only processing the 1 turn. May be a bit more confusing but opens up chance to finish current threat and reinforce elsewhere.
[ X ] independently, each theater in order, but only processing the 1 turn. May be a bit more confusing but opens up chance to finish current threat and reinforce elsewhere.

Sorry, work picked up and I couldn't get on much. Also, if one more person asks me to fix a fucking Macbook this week I will brutally murder them and use their blood and entrails to pen a treast on why everyone working at Apple needs to die painfully.
[ X ] independently, each theater in order, but only processing the 1 turn. May be a bit more confusing but opens up chance to finish current threat and reinforce elsewhere.

Sorry, work picked up and I couldn't get on much. Also, if one more person asks me to fix a fucking Macbook this week I will brutally murder them and use their blood and entrails to pen a treast on why everyone working at Apple needs to die painfully.
...I'm guessing you're not working at an Apple store? If so, those people are f*cking dumb, because that's where they should be going. Apple tends to try and pack the maximum amount of stuff they can in the least amount of space. Which is one of those things you want with a laptop, as volume is definitely a factor in people's choice to buy your product. But it does make their stuff an absolute nightmare to actually open up and work on. Apple usually has the gear to handle it, but your regular brick-and-mortar computer store probably won't.

Like...I use Macs, beyond my gaming PC. But my family is more than tech savvy enough to realize that trying to ask a regular computer tech to work on a Macbook or Mac Mini would be equivalent to torture. It was made pretty clear to me at a fairly young age that one of the downsides of designs like Macbooks and Mac Minis is that they're very hard to put back together once you open them up.
...I'm guessing you're not working at an Apple store? If so, those people are f*cking dumb, because that's where they should be going. Apple tends to try and pack the maximum amount of stuff they can in the least amount of space. Which is one of those things you want with a laptop, as volume is definitely a factor in people's choice to buy your product. But it does make their stuff an absolute nightmare to actually open up and work on. Apple usually has the gear to handle it, but your regular brick-and-mortar computer store probably won't.

Like...I use Macs, beyond my gaming PC. But my family is more than tech savvy enough to realize that trying to ask a regular computer tech to work on a Macbook or Mac Mini would be equivalent to torture. It was made pretty clear to me at a fairly young age that one of the downsides of designs like Macbooks and Mac Minis is that they're very hard to put back together once you open them up.

The post Christmas rush cares not where it should go, only where it can go. It comes on an unassuming day, when the boss said half the crew could leave early because of how few people came in this week. She couldn't have known the horde was approaching, she couldn't have foreseen the maelstrom of cabling, plastic and clueless millennial's. She was new and innocent. But we knew, we knew of the horror on the horizon. We knew and said nothing, hoping beyond hope that they would spare us and assail the Apple store a mere three blocks away. We were fools, and we paid the price for our hope.

Also people who bring in Apple hardware usually don't tip for shit if at all. Seriously fuckers, you take your shit to Fry's and you'll get it back in a week. Everyone else understands that same day repair is not something you are entitled to or will get literally anywhere else in town.
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The post Christmas rush cares not where it should go, only where it can go. It comes on an unassuming day, when the boss said half the crew could leave early because of how few people came in this week. She couldn't have known the horde was approaching, she couldn't have foreseen the maelstrom of cabling, plastic and clueless millennial's. She was new and innocent. But we knew, we knew of the horror on the horizon. We knew and said nothing, hoping beyond hope that they would spare us and assail the Apple store a mere three blocks away. We were fools, and we paid the price for our hope.

Also people who bring in Apple hardware usually don't tip for shit if at all. Seriously fuckers, you take your shit to Fry's and you'll get it back in a week. Literally everyone else understands that same day repair is not something you are entitled to or will get anywhere else in town.

They can't tip, they blew it all on a (now broken) Apple-branded piece of hardware (which is broken btw).
The post Christmas rush cares not where it should go, only where it can go. It comes on an unassuming day, when the boss said half the crew could leave early because of how few people came in this week. She couldn't have known the horde was approaching, she couldn't have foreseen the maelstrom of cabling, plastic and clueless millennial's. She was new and innocent. But we knew, we knew of the horror on the horizon. We knew and said nothing, hoping beyond hope that they would spare us and assail the Apple store a mere three blocks away. We were fools, and we paid the price for our hope.

Also people who bring in Apple hardware usually don't tip for shit if at all. Seriously fuckers, you take your shit to Fry's and you'll get it back in a week. Literally everyone else understands that same day repair is not something you are entitled to or will get anywhere else in town.
You have my sympathies, good sir. Not tipping is just rude. And yeah, same day repair is really dumb to expect.
Due to the foresight of the Council to have all military vehicles park in a state of perpetual readiness (upon cargo pallets, fueled with full ammo stores) and the Jumphawk's maintained in a similar fashion (down time maintenance occurs ASAP, immediately following a landing refuel to top off the tanks) it is a small matter to issue the 'go' order last moment to Wojtek's Winners and in under 3 minutes the Jumphawk is airborne.

At first the flight is uneventful, nothing visible through the Mist, even with the powerful halogen spotlights flight would be sketchy without the VORTAC beacons and the geomapping data.

Then 3/4 of the way to the L.Z. there comes a sledgehammer like blow that rattles the fuselage, followed quickly by 2 more in rapid succession. And now a hiss, like water dumped in a hot pan. The source of these noises is a mystery until another blow occurs on the cockpit area in full view of the pilot and co-pilot. A kamikaze run by a Sturgis full against the cockpit window, which fortunately is not glass but reinforced plexiglass designed with birdstrike in mind, the resultant gooey smear would have ruined visibility if the copter was reliant on sight but does little other than unnerve the crew with sudden and brutal impact.

The intermittent hiss is soon identified as well, a pencil thin filament falls against the canopy and sizzles briefly as acid etches shallowly into the plexi.

The hardy construction of the jumphawk, workhorses designed to carry your metallic titans into battle through any inclement weather and function regardless of minor damage get Comrade Bear and it's compatriots safely to the landing zone. The Cargo pallet cables are released and Woj goes about their assigned task of bringing light into the gloom.

Without a second thought other than getting the Mobile mortar out to the battle, the pilot radios back now to Savannah they received no orders beyond get them to the front. They advise Savannah of the 'as yet' ineffectual attacks, but without clear orders are loath to return risking damage to the engines and rotors.

[ ] Write in some orders for the Jumphawk now that it's primary mission is complete.

(OOC) All your forces are assumed to be in overwatch and holding ground if / when that changes and you wish to take forces mobile or do something unexpected please inform me clearly.


Please roll 1d10 for southernmost bridge AKP's to notice 'furtive movement' nearby.


Fort Pulaski is threatened by 3 sizable swarms of 'Sturgis' (27, 32, 38) at the 3 unit visibility line, their are also 15 units of Deep Ones (combat spaced) supplemented by Cat-Zeros 2 sheldons, and a single Gudis all attackers are coming from the ocean side of the Fort.

Fort Garrison consists of 5 fixed T-95 Artillery & 5 Anti-Kaiju Platoons.

Also Please roll 1d10 for troop's to notice 'furtive movement' nearby (from the West, opposite side of Fort from the beach landing).
(OOC) perform the notice roll before stating which targets are chosen. Outcome may allow you additional targets.


Savannah is threatened by a sizable beach landing as well. (Thankfully the Captor Naval mines thinned the herd considerably) but the approaching force hit 2 km out according to your sensors and seem suddenly hesitant. The force mills listlessly, wary, their morale unquestionably shaken... but by what?!?

Sensors make out 45 units of Deep Ones, 8 sheldon, 4 Gudis and no less than 10 flocks of Sturgis (nearly 20-30 individuals to a flock) and a 40-50 high altitude paratroops descending slowly.

Savannah garrisoned troops consists of 30 fixed artillery positions (8 in range of the hostile landing forces at sea) and 30 units of AKP's manning the DP earthen berm wall (six of these are in range of the milling forces).

Standing conventional forces at Savannah's disposal - (Awaiting Orders)

ALSV Dune buggies (x2) Savannah Protectorate Law Enforcement

'Jumphawks' (x6 5) -1 dispatched with Woj
'Little Birds' (x1 elite)
'Pathfinders' (x1 elite)
'Cobras' (x1 elite, x2 conventional)
x1 Savannah Protectorate Law Enforcement chopper

T-95 AK-Artillery Batteries (x2)
T-100 AK-Tank (x2)
Attached Atlanta troop x1 Tank
M1131 Stryker troop transport: mounting 2 AKP's (1 in stryker, 1 in Conestoga trailer)
ALSV Patrol Groups (x2)
AN/TWQ-1 Avenger AA squad (x1)
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (x1)
SPLL & Resupply trailer (x1)

Resupply Platoon (x1)
Anti Kaiju Platoons (x3 elite Jacketed, x3 conventional)
Motorcycle Club Militia (x3 elite, x1 conventional)
Civilian Militia (K-9) (x1)
Combat Engineers (x10)


(OOC) Currently no other City, Outpost, or standing force in the field are in danger (yet).
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A quick visual refresher:
[ ] Write in some orders for the Jumphawk now that it's primary mission is complete.

[X] You know I'm thinking a jumphawk 'helicopter' tsunami + halogen spotlights might give our last AKP's (the men at SR 601 & SR 321) should receive some benefit; hopefully enough to extend visuals beyond their same unit. It beats potentially losing it to no real effect for a flight home. We should get some reward for our risks.

Savannah is threatened by a sizable beach landing as well. (Thankfully the Captor Naval mines thinned the herd considerably) but the approaching force hit 2 km out according to your sensors and seem suddenly hesitant. The force mills listlessly, wary, their morale unquestionably shaken... but by what?!?

Um, I'm unsure... but it could it possibly be?

[ X ] expend resources to construct and distribute enough Elder Signs (all 3 designs) to seed a 0.5 km area outside the defensive perimeter. -100 R ***

Firing targets can be chosen after rolls, I'm abstaining from rolls today as I'm just not "Feeling it" today.
Um, I'm unsure... but it could it possibly be?

You know, in a world that is suffering invasion by creatures that possess bodies crafted of water vapor and organic compounds, a iron disc stamped with warding symbols -might- be a deterrent. (It is the most reasonable explanation presented yet).
Rolling for the southern bridge AKPs

Edit: guys, the middle of an incursion is not the time for a game of poker! Pay attention!
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Spot Check Total: 2
2 2
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(OOC) Badkatt's idea for the Jumphawk is reasonable, and I doubt it meets opposition so I'm running with it. (I want to move the story along rather than await a committee for an easy decision.)

This is moments after Loccent replies to the jumphawk to takeup station keeping assisting the isolated Guards rather than risk the return.


The Southernmost bridge post hosts 2 AKP's
Okatie Highway - hwy170 - Bridge to Chechessee Point/Chechessee Bluff from Lemon Island
the side closest to the Sea and in visual range failed to notice 5 heavily armed and armored humanoid shapes rise from the water.

Please overlook the anomalous M-16, it was a trophy it was considering ;). This time I was unable to obtain permission to use after numerous attempts to reach the artist, however I still give proper accreditation. Sarcophagus Power Armor by peepok

It's a toss up what grabs their attention first the sudden constant hiss of static that pours from their field radio or the recognizable successive 'fwomph's' of a recoilless rifle barrage. That question will never be answered this side of the after-life.

(OOC) Map shows areas where your Comms are encountering STR 3 electronic warfare attacks, if you want to punch a message thru the effected area it will require a die roll Comms 1d10-1 opposed roll.
It effectively covers the oil rig and all the border troops.

(No roll required against a totally unaware target)
-1 AKP unit dies an ignoble death.

However the explosions and fireball from their position causes the remain forces on Lemon Island to abruptly cease 'their' poker game.
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Fort Pulaski is threatened by 3 sizable swarms of 'Sturgis' (27, 32, 38) at the 3 unit visibility line, their are also 15 units of Deep Ones (combat spaced) supplemented by Cat-Zeros 2 sheldons, and a single Gudis all attackers are coming from the ocean side of the Fort.

Fort Garrison consists of 5 fixed T-95 Artillery & 5 Anti-Kaiju Platoons.

Also Please roll 1d10 for troop's to notice 'furtive movement' nearby (from the West, opposite side of Fort from the beach landing).
(OOC) perform the notice roll before stating which targets are chosen. Outcome may allow you additional targets.

Still needing this roll please. Then I will describe any additional info recieved and a proper response battle plan can develop.
the side closest to the Sea and in visual range failed to notice 5 heavily armed and armored humanoid shapes rise from the water.

Please overlook the anomalous M-16, it was a trophy it was considering ;). This time I was unable to obtain permission to use after numerous attempts to reach the artist, however I still give proper accreditation. Sarcophagus Power Armor by peepok
It's a toss up what grabs their attention first the sudden constant hiss of static that pours from their field radio or the recognizable successive 'fwomph's' of a recoilless rifle barrage. That question will never be answered this side of the after-life.
Looks like they also have Power Armors, but without waldo arms.

Also, figuring out magical flares that can pierce through the Mist would help a lot, so that's one thing to add to the Research proposals.

Also also, Hi everyone, I finally caught up!

Still needing this roll please. Then I will describe any additional info recieved and a proper response battle plan can develop.
I'll roll that one.
Edit: One hell of a debut roll. :V
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Spot check Total: 2
2 2
To move it along I will 'try' I warned you though... Not feeling lucky.

Rolling Fort Pulaski 'notice bad stuff'

Saved ! a wild Highwind suddenly appears...
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Loccent immediately is aware of the E-warfare jamming . But with zero eccm they will just have to pray local commanders act as tactically sound as their training allows.
Although I really hate risking naval assets we have 4 patrol torpedo boats contributing nothing in Savannah and at risk of being scuttled if left unmanned.

Use it or lose it seems sensible.

And although increasing visibility via helo tsunami is nice, killing gribblies would be better for the Pathfinder and Cobras.

Smithsguild has stated artillery units may operate as effective anti-air with proper ranging and timing of fuses to burst as flak.

I'm thinking arty should airburst Sturgis, and bombard the cat-zeros, leaving AKP's to play cleanup of any remnants.

Just some disjointed thoughts thrown out for consideration.
Oh and regarding remaining guards at southern bridge, I'd suggest advance on former friendly position heads on a swivel, men assigned to watch flanks and rear.

Lose of comms & series of explosions is enemy action.

Edit: @Smithsguild wouldn't north bridge troops be wondering wth is up with explosions behind them in supposedly secure territory?
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