Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Okay, 2-3 additional eyes were all I asked, you were kind enough to provide that, so here goes:

[X] Plan: Like pulling teeth (initial deployment orders)

  • Northern Border Troops
Troops should hunker down in foxholes, and cut trenches between foxholes for non-exposed movement to be used only to reinforce or allow strategic retreats, moving en mass (complete units only) these trenches are designed to minimize the possibility of blast waves by incorporating steep angle zigs and zags. First sign of non-Mist life aggression (deep ones or dagonite/cultist) blow 1st bridge, retreat, blow 2nd bridge, retreat and reinforce Northern most Guard stationed along Highways.
  • Oil Rig Defense Force (Chopper & PT ship are of limited value due to visibility)
Chopper pilot stand ready to take off, hover overhead (micro prop wash tsunami) in visual range and provide fire support as needed. Allow sentry guns to point out potential targets, Avenger cupola manned ready to use .50 or stingers as appropriate. PT boat to use porcupine if underwater threat discovered. Artillery to use illumination rounds.

  • Savannah
Savannah utilize all sensors at our command (Loccent, Jaegers, & Outriders), Utilize Helicopter Tsunami formation to attempt to dissipate Mist (gunships on outer edge), rolling artillery barrage keeping illumination flares airborne around the entirety of DP. Infantry move in 1/2 unit sized patrols (ie. 5 man squads)along the defensive berm while remainder man the DP infantry bunkhouses mid-way between emplaced artillery. Mechanized military stand ready at central rally point to reinforce as needed. Adjust tactics as we get better sensor intel.

------------------------------------Macon is reliant on troops being in the field to have unbroken Comms to Savannah--------------------------------------------------------
Do you keep soldiers in the field to maintain comms or withdraw them to the Macon DP when Mist warning comes in?
  • Macon - (devoid of city sensor stats & outside Savannah's sensor range they have only the Grounded AC-130U's sensor as eyes on the world)
Macon soldiers retreat inside DP and man berm as per Savannah orders (with 1 caveat; move as whole unit, Macon was designed for 10 AKP's we have 20 on hand so wandering patrols will be full strength, and manned bunkhouses are also fully manned) . AC-130 shall utilize their on board artillery to launch illumination rounds and man their sensors. We cannot afford to expose troops just for sake of comms continuity, similarly we need all guns protecting our new civilians.
Also I wanted to put it on record PODC forces use Challenge / Response authentication, (it is standard military practice and should not require a plan addendum).

For those unfamiliar, when a person whose identity is unknown approaches a post the person holding that position issues a verbal challenge, the approachee must then provide a suitable pass word to establish themselves as a friendly.

PODC challengers will call out a NATO phonetic alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.) challenge, the approaching friendly would reply with a response starting with same letter that also meets a hidden second criteria (type of Animal, name a Sport, type of food) the Hidden criteria is time sensitive and changed regularly every 4 hours.

Example: PW is a type of food; Challenger spotting a indistinct figure in the Mist "Papa!" friendly response "Pizza", different example challenge "Bravo" / "Burgers", etc.

Each morning briefing would supply the PW category for the next 12 hrs (Bug, Food, Sport) to all friendly troops.

Approacher can request a single re-challenge, In case they can't think of a valid answer challenger then picks a second NATO letter equivalent. done by the response "Re-Challenge"
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Also I wanted to put it on record PODC forces use Challenge / Response authentication, (it is standard military practice and should not require a plan addendum).

For those unfamiliar, when a person whose identity is unknown approaches a post the person holding that position issues a verbal challenge, the approachee must then provide a suitable pass word to establish themselves as a friendly.

PODC challengers will call out a NATO phonetic alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.) challenge, the approaching friendly would reply with a response starting with same letter that also meets a hidden second criteria (type of Animal, name a Sport, type of food) the Hidden criteria is time sensitive and changed regularly every 4 hours.

Example: PW is a type of food; Challenger spotting a indistinct figure in the Mist "Papa!" friendly response "Pizza", different example challenge "Bravo" / "Burgers", etc.

Each morning briefing would supply the PW category for the next 12 hrs (Bug, Food, Sport) to all friendly troops.

Approacher can request a single re-challenge, In case they can't think of a valid answer challenger then picks a second NATO letter equivalent. done by the response "Re-Challenge"

A reasonable assumption, but if you hadn't gone on record it could have been 'a really bad day'.
Plan: Like pulling teeth is locked! However tonight I'm too exhausted to do a full write-up.

However, if we can get all the sensor rolls out of the way tonight I can jump on it fresh in the morning.

  • Loccent 1d10+2
  • Outriders 1d10+4
  • Mammoth 1d10+1
  • Whitecap 1d10+3
  • AC-130U 1d10
With those 5 sensor rolls complete, I'll have everything to start early tomorrow.
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I've got the two jaegers!

Edit: 6 for Mammoth, 8 for Whitecap.
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Mammoth Total: 5
5 5
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Whitecap Total: 5
5 5
Still awaiting 2 more sensor rolls:

  • Loccent 1d10+2
  • Outriders 1d10+4
  • Mammoth 1d10+1
  • Whitecap 1d10+3
  • AC-130U 1d10

(ooc) I can set the scene while we wait on the last 2 sensor roll.

Currently it is mid-afternoon and although the sun has reached it's zenith a couple of hours ago the sunlight barely piercing the Mist giving only the feeblest of lights much like the pseudo light of pre-dawn, only minimal details are discernable within 50 meters in any direction and beyond that the Mist could be made of stone for all the secrets it will share.

Savannah proper and the oil rig's situation is not nearly as bleak, with the illumination rounds overhead close enough the Mist cannot diffuse the light & the downward prop wash of the helicopters visibility is distinctly better. Savannah visibility stands out to 8 units (more artillery & choppers at work) whereas the rig can see out to 4 units.

Macon's sole artillery aboard the AC-130U Gunship the 105 mm howitzer is poorly equipped to fire its illumination rounds at elevation, but it does what it can, and it is better than nothing. Visual range extends to 3 units out.

The poor front line guards at the northern border are huddled down, jumping at every noise. Visibility is limited to within the same unit, this would definitely rob the AKP's of their most potent attacks 'Recoilless Rifle Barrage' would wipe out the firing unit (as clustered) at this range. 'Lone Gunman' Recoilless attacks are safer but still risk friendly casualties within the unit.

(OOC - Lone gunman attack would extend crit failure range to 1-3 on d10 if fired point blank at an enemy).
Lone Gunman Recoilless attack - represents a single AKP soldier firing their Recoilless Rifle (may only be used against Cat-1 targets if you are the lone survivor of your unit) may be used freely vs SSC combatants or Cat-Zeros : hit 5+, k-scale scratch, 0 damage, fire/impact
I'm really not happy with Northern guard not being able to see beyond the unit they occupy. Robs them of best attack.

Wojtek's Winners are uncommitted next turn I say we send 1 jump hawk to let them shed some light on the subject. Drop them centrally and let them indirect fire them so the majority of guards get some benefit.
Smithsguild said:
  • Loccent 7 (9 10) +1 for Cockspur Island tidal wave buoys
  • Outriders 6 (10)
  • Mammoth 5 (6)
  • Whitecap 5 (8)
  • AC-130U (2)
Oil Rig & Border guard have no sensors.

Parenthesis reflect adjusted rolls.

With surprising good sensor locks Savannah gets a clear picture of what is currently occurring (at least within your current sensor range). It appears now that even the various outposts are possibly threatened.

At the moment there is ZERO signs of Kaiju scale presence, however the smaller SSC and Cat-zero contacts are both varied and numerous.

Clouds of small flyers and floaters too numerous to easily count are lofting in from the ocean to your east from beyond your sensor bubble.

The oceans roil and churn as waves of Cat-zeros and SSC targets move towards landfall hidden by the waters but given away by the tidal wave buoy network thanks to the connection at the Cockspur Island Lighthouse. Although most seem to swim by the oil rig, a force detaches and loiters in the area too nearby to be a coincidence.

Even the seismic sensors wring out, Cat-zero burrowers begin to move into your area of influence from the west out towards Pembroke.


Whether it is incompetence or merely inexperience with the sensor systems on the AC-130U Macon is blissfully unaware of any approaching horrors.
As the sea bound invaders approach the aquatic edge of your DP, Captor naval mines acquire the Cat-Zeroes and engage, the sensors register thermal bloom of the explosions and sonar is a lot quieter and less crowded than it was earlier.

Apparently the SSC swimmers were not briefed as to the dangers of swimming too close to their larger companions and cluster damage has eaten heavily into their ranks.

Where once the automated sonar was having trouble differentiating blips into lone targets now it is acting more reasonably. There appears to be two major columns one swimming towards Hilton Head and points north, the other larger force spearing towards the channels north of Wassaw Island wilderness area and also the channel next to Fort Pulaski. Both forces still number 300-500 SSC swimmers and two score Cat-Zeros.

Edit: upon review my phrasing was very unclear.

Hilton/points North head force 300+ SSC swimmers & 12 Cat-zero swimmers

Savannah/Ft. Pulaski force 500+ SSC swimmers & 26 cat-zero swimmers
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I'm thinking Sturgis & Spider paratroopers again for aerial forces, Sheldon & Deep Ones for aquatic forces. And no freaking idea on the burrowers from the west.

Looks like whatever is out there is sending minions to soften us up and force us to commit our forces. That speaks to both power and intelligence.

Other than getting guards some light asap, I am of the opinion sitting tight and over watching is best atm.

I'd like to get some mileage out the capture unit we developed try for 1 each of any SSC we encounter.
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(OOC) With the recent activation of the VORTAC beacons, Savannah's LOCCENT may now act as air traffic control minimizing the risks of mid air collisions by advising pilots of nearby aerial forces heading, speed and elevation. Although FLIR (forward looking Infrared) visual systems still return corrupted readings from the Mist, VORTAC enables instrument only flight with only minimal risks. With current geo-mapping obstacles are on record (height of cell towers & location) other than the risk of a multi-story monster stomping around in zero visibility flight is a relatively safe proposition.
Any other suggestions, besides those posed by BadKatt? (Jumphawk w/t Woj to assist northern guard ASAP & sit and let the fights come where they will for the moment?)

I will begin the action shortly 8-9 PM EST tonight, if no other suggestions forthcoming.

Edit: RL intrudes it will probably be tomorrow evening for update. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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Woj should set up near the intersection of highway 336 & highway 462. (Ridgeland S.C.)

With indirect fire reaching out 3 km all but the men at SR 601 & SR 321 should receive some benefit.
Woj should set up near the intersection of highway 336 & highway 462. (Ridgeland S.C.)

With indirect fire reaching out 3 km all but the men at SR 601 & SR 321 should receive some benefit.

Duly noted; at such ranges however the beneficial effects of Woj's illumination are minimal, Sight improves to 2 units for MOST of the Border Guard (excludes men at SR 601 & SR 321).
This being the first multiple front battle how would you like it ran?

[ ] Independently, battles start to finish in each theater of operation, easier to keep track of but severely limits possibility of reinforcing weaker positions if you roflstomp your opposing forces elsewhere.

[ ] independently, each theater in order, but only processing the 1 turn. May be a bit more confusing but opens up chance to finish current threat and reinforce elsewhere.
It may be a bit more confusing, but I'll cast my vote for;
[X] independently, each theater in order, but only processing the 1 turn. May be a bit more confusing but opens up chance to finish current threat and reinforce elsewhere.

This isn't a Neo-Seattle/Everett incursion type thing, where each side has its own full complement of forces/jaeger and are a considerable distance apart. I think. Maybe. In any case, reinforcements are clearly an option with this fight, so why not enable them?
I'm with Fyrstorm, I think as long as each theater is clearly marked, we can handle it in 1 turn chunks.

More options are always welcome.