Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

@dgr11897 has inspired me some more...

Odd duck research projects, remember the jet engine intake towers I suggested as a way of improving the 'Helicopter Tsunami' idea to shred Mist and/or hoover up Apocalypse particulates? Now once we have amassed a metric buttload of particulates, why couldn't we weaponize them?

Particulate air burst rounds, our gift to Charleston non-injuring civilian non-combatants, and shitting up their area of influence comms with no power requirements or maintenance required. Once it becomes our 'turf' install some intake towers.

The historic Civil War fort with its high walls was designed for combat a hundred and fifty years ago and only the introduction of rifled cannons on the Union side caused its fall .

It is a design that is proving timeless. Between the sunken moat and the steep walls the Deep Ones are forced to besiege it as scaling is not something casually done with out preparation.

Deep one infantry are reduced to attempting to plink at exposed soldiers using primitive spear gun volleys. Barbed Urchin spines 3 feet in length are not to be taken lightly.

It is the Deep One heavies that appear to pose an immediate threat, standing off they use all available cover of the natural ground swell as they both appear to be prepping some sort of living mortar.

(OOC) Any attacks against the heavies will incur a slight to hit penalty from the use of cover. Please announce type of attack and targets, I'll assign rolls and needed to hits.
Yeah, we gotta deal with the Heavies first. The defenders usually have an advantage on sieges, at least in the short term, but that won't mean much if they have something that can get past the walls.

What units do we have on the fort again?
I support Highwind heavies need eliminated ASAP.

[X] No BBFF (Big Badass Fish Frogs)

Lone gunman x2 for Both Heavies.
When 2 votes are in & combat consensus achieved.

Roll up to 4x 1d10, First 2 rolls are for c-2, then 2 more for e-2.

To hit is 6+ (local cover), if hit successful then ALSO please roll 1d10 AoE dice and that many heavies die.
I support Highwind heavies need eliminated ASAP.

[X] No BBFF (Big Badass Fish Frogs)

Lone gunman x2 for Both Heavies.
We have 45 men, plus five Artillery units to deal with twelve enemy units. I think we can do a bit better than just two Lone Gunmen attacks per Heavy group.

[X] Plan Big Ugly Fishes, Farewell (BUFF)
-[x] Assign two Artilley units to firing at the Heavies, one to each group. The other three fire at the closest groups of Deep Ones.
-[x] Of the AKP units, three full Platoons will focus on bringing down the other closest Deep One groups with Lone Gunmen attacks. The other 15 will focus on cleaning up survivors from the rest of the attacks, prioritizing surviving Deep One Heavies, then survivors from the Deep One groups we hit, and finally the unscathed groups.
We have 45 men, plus five Artillery units to deal with twelve enemy units. I think we can do a bit better than just two Lone Gunmen attacks per Heavy group.

[X] Plan Big Ugly Fishes, Farewell (BUFF)
-[x] Assign two Artilley units to firing at the Heavies, one to each group. The other three fire at the closest groups of Deep Ones.
-[x] Of the AKP units, three full Platoons will focus on bringing down the other closest Deep One groups with Lone Gunmen attacks. The other 15 will focus on cleaning up survivors from the rest of the attacks, prioritizing surviving Deep One Heavies, then survivors from the Deep One groups we hit, and finally the unscathed groups.

No, you have exactly the 5 individual soldiers (4 who were on overwatch) that were leftover over watch from YOUR turn. It is the creatures turn but overwatch triggers before they can get their licks in.
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Edit was made to above post, please check it.

All these actions are left over overwatchs triggering. We are firmly in the bad guys turn.
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No, you have exactly the 5 individual soldiers (4 who were on overwatch) that were leftover over watch from YOUR turn. It is the creatures turn but overwatch triggers before they can get their licks in.
Oh, I read that as 5 AKPs, one of them at half strength. Things are considerably more dire than I thought.

In that case, we should go with two Lone Gunmen attacks to each Heavy group, while the Artillery fires at the Deep One groups.
@dgr11897 has inspired me some more...

Odd duck research projects, remember the jet engine intake towers I suggested as a way of improving the 'Helicopter Tsunami' idea to shred Mist and/or hoover up Apocalypse particulates? Now once we have amassed a metric buttload of particulates, why couldn't we weaponize them?

Particulate air burst rounds, our gift to Charleston non-injuring civilian non-combatants, and shitting up their area of influence comms with no power requirements or maintenance required. Once it becomes our 'turf' install some intake towers.

yes, All of my yes. Also, the whole reason I was suggesting an EMP device is because I thought we could whip one up in combat.
Oh, I read that as 5 AKPs, one of them at half strength. Things are considerably more dire than I thought.

In that case, we should go with two Lone Gunmen attacks to each Heavy group, while the Artillery fires at the Deep One groups.

No, you have exactly the 5 individual soldiers (4 who were on overwatch) that were leftover over watch from YOUR turn.

There are NO artillery available, you reduced the incoming force from this during your turn:

Fort Pulaski is threatened by 3 sizable swarms of 'Sturgis' (27, 32, 38) at the 3 unit visibility line, their are also 15 units of Deep Ones (combat spaced) supplemented by Cat-Zeros 2 sheldons, and a single Gudis all attackers are coming from the ocean side of the Fort.

That didn't count the widowers ambushed from the south...

Everything considered I believe you are doing quite well.

Edit: as well as could be hoped for "no" but compared to what was inbound at turn start... not so bad.
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yes, All of my yes. Also, the whole reason I was suggesting an EMP device is because I thought we could whip one up in combat.

Techs are in Savannah and if you burnt an upcoming downtime research early I'd say maybe. However, the Cyborgs were encountered in the area being jammed. So no radio puts a crimp in requesting your science guys ability to improvise quick and dirty tech. Savannah has no idea cyborgs exist outside of Star Trek : TNG episodes.
There are NO artillery available, you reduced the incoming force from this during your turn:

That didn't count the widowers ambushed from the south...

Everything considered I believe you are doing quite well.

Edit: as well as could be hoped for "no" but compared to what was inbound at turn start... not so bad.
Well, I'm really off my game today. :facepalm:

I'll just shut up and back Katt for now.
(OOC) Please don't feel the need to 'shut up' over a breakdown in communications. These turns ARE confusing and considering the number of wheels in motion (factions involved, what is motivating them, what is heading where) with the sheer number of sub-battles I'm not easily tracking everything myself.

LOL, I am conducting additional off screen battles to see how fair the Sturgis versus the psycho-wasps in addition to Border, Rig, Fort, & Savannah.
A hell of a thing considering this is my first shot at multiple battles. :facepalm:


Roll up to 4x 1d10, First 2 rolls are for c-2, then 2 more for e-2.

To hit is 6+ (local cover), if hit successful then ALSO please roll 1d10 AoE dice and that many heavies die.

Rolling the attacks.
Highwind threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: AKP shots Total: 16
1 1 3 3 9 9 3 3
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: AKP AoE Total: 4
4 4
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: AKP misfire Total: 4
4 4
The unwelcome round from a Karl Gustav throws a unit of Deep One Heavies into disarray and kills four members of the armored abominations. (This unit is stunned and will not recover in time to attack). Two other rounds impact close to their targets but not close enough to inflict casualties or impair their performance. The final Gustav has a flawed round, it's propellant charge refuses to ignite.


The bloodlust radiates from the remaining infantry, but spearguns are by nature a more ballistic flight and ill suited to arcing over the high walls.
(This unit normally hits on 5+, but are fighting against opponents did not move last turn turn and is in cover +1, Target is not in direct sight (Firing blind)
+2. So unit hits on 8+)

Only 7 units of Deep One infantry are in range with their spearguns. 7x 1d10, 8+ hit.

1x Deep One Heavy bio-mortar attack, 1x 1d10, 5+ hit. (Special*)

*Hit so special takes effect. An egg mass splatters on the ramparts disgorging a number of 'Shrieking Eels'.

3-8 Shrieking Eels (1d6+2) that slither to attack individual soldiers. As long as they live the emit a piercing shriek that causes all to hits to be rolled 2 pips worse. IE. 5+ becomes 7+.

Edit-Edit: 4 eels attack 1d10, hit on 6+

Eel-Edit: Blind Eels hit jack shit. But all your attacks are worse until they are eliminated.

Spear-edit: one spear attack hit you lose 1 of the 5 lone soldiers, down to 4.
Smithsguild threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: spear chucking froggies! Total: 30
4 4 7 7 2 2 9 9 4 4 3 3 1 1
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: crit-fail Total: 8
8 8
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: mortar combat! Total: 5
5 5
Smithsguild threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: how many Eels? Total: 2
2 2
Smithsguild threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: When Eels attack... Total: 15
5 5 2 2 4 4 4 4
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We definitely need to kill those eels right quick. We take a couple shots at the unscathed heavy group and kill the eels with the surviving AKP?
We definitely need to kill those eels right quick. We take a couple shots at the unscathed heavy group and kill the eels with the surviving AKP?

On your turn yes, and seeing as how that is the end of the badguys attacks at Fort Pulaski for this turn you'll be up next. 4 full units AKP, 1 injured AKP (4/10 survivors) & 5 artillery.

Let me review the other theaters to make sure all badguys had their attacks. And we can get your strategies together.
LOCCENT Command, Savannah. New Sensor contact Deep water Oceanic.

A lesser tech in training squeaks, "I need to speak to the Comptroller, and he may want to schedule a meet with some Councillors a.s.a.p. some of the contacts are not coincidental, they match 'EXACTLY' with Sensor readings from almost 2 months back. We've let something slide in under our radar and its come back to bite us on the ass!"

Scan for wandering Kaiju:
The techs review sensor data, they are certain there are no 'wandering' kaiju (Category 1-5) within Savannah's sphere of influence. However there are a few anomalous areas, that ring as possessing elevated antiverse radiation zones.

What exactly that entails remains currently unclear.
Site 1 - Coastal Marsh Site (heavily forested)
Site 2 - Deep Water Oceanic
Site 3 - Inland Sinkhole
Cursory exams, by flybys reveal little more information...
(OOC- These sites will each require a downtime action and force specific expedition to garner further details.)

"Sir, the Burrower's correspond to the site of the unexplained inland sinkhole at Maddox cemetery, The Wasp swarm originated from the Coastal Marsh site, and now we have contacts churning the waters at Deep water radiation site...

Sonar reads them as fast movers 2.0+ km/turn swim speed, they take a few long distance jets, then rest before jetting along again. Sonar Patterns are gibberish, our most experienced sonar tech says they remind her of the noise produced when a large population of alpheid shrimp were in mid-breeding season battling to claim the most attractive turf or the style of agitation response if a known predator entered the colonies turf."
Alpheid, aren't those more casually known as pistol shrimp? If it is, those are scary cool.

Pop a claw and make a shock wave that'll break glass of the tank they're held in.
LOCCENT Command, Savannah. New Sensor contact Deep water Oceanic.

A lesser tech in training squeaks, "I need to speak to the Comptroller, and he may want to schedule a meet with some Councillors a.s.a.p. some of the contacts are not coincidental, they match 'EXACTLY' with Sensor readings from almost 2 months back. We've let something slide in under our radar and its come back to bite us on the ass!"

"Sir, the Burrower's correspond to the site of the unexplained inland sinkhole at Maddox cemetery, The Wasp swarm originated from the Coastal Marsh site, and now we have contacts churning the waters at Deep water radiation site...

Sonar reads them as fast movers 2.0+ km/turn swim speed, they take a few long distance jets, then rest before jetting along again. Sonar Patterns are gibberish, our most experienced sonar tech says they remind her of the noise produced when a large population of alpheid shrimp were in mid-breeding season battling to claim the most attractive turf or the style of agitation response if a known predator entered the colonies turf."
So the Anteverse contacts we had found are converging here. Judging by the Wasps' behaviour they're not here to help the Mist forces. They also aren't here to help us.

If we could route the Burrowers to one of the concentrations of Mist forces so they take each other out, that'd leave us in a better position to kill whatever survives. The question is how we can do that.

Alpheid, aren't those more casually known as pistol shrimp? If it is, those are scary cool.

Pop a claw and make a shock wave that'll break glass of the tank they're held in.
And something in the depths has pissed them off. I think that's one of those places we shouldn't mess with until they wipe each other out.

Also, apologies for my reduced participation. It's Carnaval here, so I'm spending the days partying and the nights also partying.