Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Iceman's trek #2
Michael noticed evening was coming on and being alone and out in the open at night was never a good choice if you wanted to see your next sunrise. Some of the things from the alien nests hunted better at night, and the winged ones were not hesitant to forage far afield especially once they had developed a taste for man flesh.

The Dagonites weren't as diligent about clearing infestations if they were far enough out from Charleston and the nest remained small enough not to slow their frequent raids.

Michael almost hated the bastards as much as the kaiju, as they were collectively the worst humanity had to offer.

Anyone who considered fellow people as a renewable resource of only minimal value, to be extorted or enslaved and slaughtered on a whim shouldn't sleep too soundly. Michael had only ended the ones fate had forced him too...

The ones who ventured to close to Bracer, the ones who had captured and held Jeannette for a handful of days, the ones who insisted on more tribute than he and the others could survive without.

Not to imply he was hesitant to end these animals in clothing, they polluted his world and tainted his memories of how things once were (and if fate was kind could be again).

No, he just knew too many missing Raiders drew a mobile 'Locust Camp' (10 heavily armed & armored 'Greyhound' busses that mounted 60+ motorcycle scouts) that would circle up like a wagon train and would dispatch 'Slash and Burn' raiders in a 5 mile radius to slaughter all encountered & who would take everything of value and firebomb the rest leaving no shelter standing. Inspired no doubt by Sherman's March to the Sea.
These camps had the ability to request air support in the form of MQ-9 'Reaper' drones (Predator-B) and were more than capable of IR surveilance from altitude followed by a salvo of hellfire missiles as their 'hello!'

Life was hard enough 'sharing' tribute, trying to forage enough to live while staying out of sight of "shoot first" raiders was intolerable and had nearly starved them to death.

Indiscriminate killing brought more hardship in already near impossible world. It was just easier to hide Jeanette and pay until it hurt.
Possession of modern firearms or mil-spec weapons by 'thralls' was a double edged sword, illegal for personal use or possession but valued tribute. No, 'Thralls' were expected to either survive with bows or blades or any other weapon suitable for uncivilized savages.

If survival was just too rough, "Radio: Air Charleston" promised safety and food behind their high safe walls in exchange for your labor, contributed enough and you too could become a citizen-soldier in the 'Deacon's' armies foraging and raiding in his great name and share in the plunder.

Ahead a partially burned out shell of a house, promised at least a dry level floor and maybe a chance to refill his bota bag if no one else had scavenged the water from the reservoir of the toilet or drained the water heater.

Michael loosened his biggest and most obvious knife in its sheath, the single barreled sawed off was hidden on a twine sling that looped over his head ran down the off hand sleeve of his enormous duster and could be accessed by removing the loop with his good hand allowing the weight to make it drop to hand. It was much louder and messier than the small silenced .22 at the small of his back, the .22 had only 5 rounds in the clip but it lacked serious penetration. The 12 guage was loaded and another dozen shells were scattered hidden in his gear.

Not the most hidden of stashes but enough to pass a casual once over -especially- if Michael put on his best cower, possibly including self urination.
The house loomed closer...
10/15 downtime planning
Mammoth makes short work of the stunned Sage, despite the fact when first grabbed and its neck squeezed there was no visible signs of being choked. Mammoth doesn't relent and goes for a bear hug around the torso constricting slowly lifting the kaiju from the ground, a loud 'Blat!' of protest comes from -below- where the beasts legs attach. Yes, Sage apparently talks out of its ass, (as well as breaths and eats...). It is not but a moment of feeble struggles with ineffective arms flailing before it lapses into unconsciousness.

The whole submission is filmed for later distribution, it has a wondrous effect on morale across your area of influence. Morale rises to Calm!


Income 4,445 R
-2,700 R to finish construction of both containment's (K-scale/ & SSC) as well as Hazardous High Energy Lab (free energy research action each downtime). (3,000 R - 10% from Massarone Construction deduction.)

Morale Improves to Calm! +10% to manufacturing income!!
Environment level improves! (if not for the
Mines runoff, would have reached Growing & received +1 additional general action.)

Remaining Balance before Income = 1,745 R

-275 R Kaiju Cleanup (optional, but suffer environmental damage if left undone)

-200 R for the two 'Divine Thunderbolts' used.

Black market salvage Cat 3 - +1,000 r/ quick kill 500 r

+250 R Casino taxation
+50 R Fort Pulaski Market
+450 R 'Landrum-Pickering Titanium mine'
+1,100 R Manufacturing (includes morale bonus)
+600 R Processing Crude to Petrochems (2 more down times of crude remain)
+941 R Ports Authority (Cargo Container Income)

New Income total: 6,161 R 10/15/2018 downtime begins!
(OOC) Quick footnote - I allow synergistic research across compatible labs. IE for arguments sake lets say you wanted to "theoretically" research a kaiju ability that used large energy emissions. You could use both the K-science AND High Energy Lab (HEL) to gain standard 1d10 +4 (research stat) + (1/2 research Stat AGAIN for additional lab synergy) with a good enough justification there is no practical limit to how high these stack. Each lab may however only give ONE stat bonus per downtime (full solo or 1/2 as synergy)

Dazzle me with your technobabble!


Free Actions:

[ ] Full or partially Fund the Shared currency program ( 0000 / 5,000 R ) Atlanta will match for use on their end, IE they will maintain their gold / platinum reserves up to 5,000 R to back the currency. 1,000 R in to start / +200 r mint cost

[ ] Assign troops and "seed money resources" for start of Commodity Exchange

[ ] upgrade All our applicable forces that could benefit from existing new tech (GLTD/ PP/ Recoiless) 280 R

Kaiju Blue Cleanup

[ ] Clean
[ ] No clean

[ ] one free J-Tech Research Project

[ ] one free K-Sciences Research Project

[ ] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus)

[ ] one free High Energy Lab (HEL) Project

Five General actions (1 per Population) :

  1. Used for Containment/Lab Construction
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -

Possible projects needing attention:

Finish Blueprints for the "Smithy" a dual purpose structure housing both the 'Foundry' and the 'Crucible' defensive augments; Counts as a single defensive Augment. (Blueprints are 6/10 researched with a research bonus of 4, it is a guaranteed success.) Build order can be issued as a free action turn BP completes. Each 'half' requires 750 R.

Use the Already purchased Ranged (5 rolls) /Dexterity (5 rolls) /Toughness (15 rolls) for STAT Upgrades ( 1 action per Jaeger being improved - Hephaestus compatible upgrade)

Allow J-Tech chance to upgrade 'Imperfect Jaeger MLRS System' into a better field reloading compatible system.

With completion of HEL, the scientist from Atlanta that promised he had a potential fix to allow flight w/o worry about radioactive particulates can begin research.
(This can open up jet powered flight again, as well as remove the 2 hour flight window before prop driven engines must be overhauled).

Any of your research tokens;

  • Research Token - Retardant Paint (from Hakuja's Retardant Carapace Plate)
  • Research Token - Anti-Armor (based off Ickthorn's Anti-armor Flail Tail)
  • Research Token -Kaiju Cleanup (Ickthorn Nest Moss Sample)
K-Science continue Hive mind Research: more research to understand & catalog stress responses, and begin mapping cognitive function of Primary Brain.


(OOC) that should give you enough to begin noodling a downtime plan...

Later today I may do a write up Re: Atlanta convoy, Emissary Kim's return and response to shared currency/commodity trading/ & Atlanta's stance on your war on terror. and IF I feel particularly motivated, another installment w/t Iceman.

Edit: I also will need 1d10 rolled for Homeland, to see if they find a suitable outpost please.
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Iceman's Trek 3
Michael crept forward stepping down on the outer edge of his feet,slowly rolling the wieght onto it evenly to judge the ground upon which he now stepped, careful not to snap the smallest twig.

'Hunter' aka Ian St.John had taught him to move this way and called it fox-walking, it was a HUGE pain in the ass.

But it had meant the difference between gliding into a room full of raiders undetected instead of him doing his normal bull in a china shop, so Michael burned the extra calories and worked his senses like his next few breaths depended on it.

The house was quite, a quite that bespoke of small life: crickets chirping, a small furitive scurry of a rodent crossing bubbled linoleum. The smell was of old charcoal and molded wood, even the cool moist breeze gave comfort.

Comfort was a lie, and Michael knew better than to trust it.

Inside the house there was a sudden scramble, the rodent squeaked protest and was suddenly silenced. What followed was an unearthly chitter and small crunching noises. The crickets were silenced for only a few moments after the hidden violence and again began their song, apparently accustom to the danger lurking, no threat to them apparently.

Michael was faced with a hard choice a night in the open or investigate and deal with the potential threat.

What does Michael decide Councilor's?
[ ] A night in the open.
[ ] Deal with it.
Iceman's Trek 4
Consensus is pretty solid, I'm calling it earlier as no opposing plans were offered.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------Iceman's Trek 4--------------------------------------------------------

Michael screws his face up, indignation flaring. Sleeping out in the open, one eye open, awaiting a soaking by dew fall, and shivering at the lightest breeze after a footsore day?

To hell with that... Whatever stood between him and a dry room, sheltered from the breeze, and the mosquitoes was going to have a bad evening. Why should he hold a monopoly on discomfort and suffering?

As he slipped the thong from around his neck he palmed the single barreled sawed off in his left hand easing the hammer back, he paused and listened. When he heard nothing, his right hand slipped inside his duster and he retrieved the .22, even with the silencer the thing was barely bigger than his outstretched hand.

He would prefer to drop the threat with the silenced pistol, and know that he didn't have to worry a gunshot would reach the wrong ears. But small calibers were never known for stopping power, and it was reassuring to have the weight of the sawed off there 'just in case'.

Michael remembered 'Hunter's' admonitions, when entering unfamiliar areas visually sweep left to right, floor to ceiling, paying extra attention to deep shadows and potential cover, looking for anomalous shadows, things looking the wrong depth, and trusting your lizard brain.

The other man was an emotional, hug it out, want-to-be pacifist; but on the scales of predator or prey the man knew his shit and was worthy of the nickname Hunter.

Creeping forward, Michael noticed that among the leaf litter that collected just inside the hole burnt through the one wall, what at first glance he had thought were sticks were nothing of the sort.

They were discarded legs, reminiscent of a crabs legs and were nearly 2" in diameter, and a length of over 2 foot. The legs were no more than hollowed husks as if a long rasp like tongue had dug the marrow out.

As his eyes adjusted for the inner gloom, he saw it was not a single leg, or a handful even. No, there were thirty or forty limbs scattered and chitinous shell chunks the size of trashcan lids, and by the roof in the deepest shadow (Thank you, Hunter!) hung a single battle scarred arachnid horror the size of a Sumo-wrestler.

This had apparently at one time been a nest, and when local prey became scarce, it seemed rather than move on, they had resorted to cannibalizing the smaller and weaker members until only this horrific specimen remained.

The .22 was unlikely to penetrate that chitinous shell, He slipped it into an empty pocket, placing his right hand on the hilt of the large kukri at his waist...

I need 2 rolls:

The first is the most vital; it will represent your stealth roll
1d10+3 as Iceman is being -very- stealthy.(vs. Hidden target Number)

Second is a shotgun blast to hit roll and will be modified by stealth success or failure. (stationary unaware target or a dodgy beast seeking a good meal)

1d10+4 (Scatter weapon at point blank range)
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K-Scale reading inside the defensive perimeter
The Mighty Merlin's zip into visual range long before anyone else begins the trek to Skidaway Island, although they are flying evasively, it is clear that the two tentacled mounds of flesh sprawled out oozing black blood should be no threat.

Illustration provided with kind permission by Beastrider9 ( feel free to check out their work).

The sensors anomalous readings were caused because no one had thought to add parameters for the corpses of conjoined twins on the Serizawa scale, below are two dissimilar beings, a winged cyclops versus a more humanocentric featured beast, but both evidence shared parentage as tentacles sprout from limbs, torso, and head without rhyme or reason. Their appearance suggests that even moving -any- distance would have been a horrific chore requiring both beings to cooperate. Hunting or growing their own foodstuffs would have been impossible, and yet they do not appear undernourished.

As the Little Bird circles relaying data to Loccent, only for the briefest of moments a small, undernourished, teenager is spotted wearing rags before he darts for deeper cover... and is lost to sight.

Thus ends the initial report, a full scale military presence is probably Not required. However the mystery of how it made it here, what killed it, etc. still has no answers.

How shall we proceed Councillors?
Iceman's Trek 5
Michael is able to creep up on the beast, and get within arms reach, only then does something disturb it.

A variation of air pressure, a shadow falling across it, an impending aura of doom, something causes its four red eyes to shift on their stalks and focus on the gunmetal grey of the gun barrel just as the hammer falls.

The buckshot tears a ragged hole blowing pieces of head and brain -into- the torso and spraying the surrounding walls with ichor and thicker things.
Nearly 300 pound of pseudo-arachnid spasm once and fall to the ground with a meaty thud.

Michael reloads the shotgun, draws the .22 back from his pocket and continues to sweep the house, maintaining his back to a wall he now moves as quickly as he can surveying each inch of the floors, walls, ceiling and every nook and cubby.

The house is his alone.

He begins now to take stock of what he has won beside a place to rest dry and out of the breeze. For a man used to living rough, its a treasure trove.

An undisturbed water heater holds gallons of water, and the basement laundry room has bleach to treat the water. The houses shelves holds 3 cans of SPAM, and a half dozen cans of mixed veg as well as a can of peaches none swollen. A discarded pillowcase makes a handy knapsack for storage. There is also a fishing rod in one of the closets, Micheal steals the spool of line.

As he treats the water, he gorges on canned goods as quietly as he can manage; ALWAYS keeping an ear out in case someone or someTHING heard the shotgun blast.

He improvises a makeshift alarm, pebbles in the cans strung on fishing line he loops it over the basement door handle on the inside where it gives no sign.

The basement is secure and the windows are wide enough to give him an alternate path out if push comes to shove. Pushing the Dryer under a window to serve as an impromptu ladder his escape path is clear.

Once he's drank as much as his stomach can hold, he settles his back into a corner to sit with a clear view up the stairs, weapons in his lap and sleeps.
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10/29/2018 downtime planning template
5,724 R available

Free Actions:

Sarin Cleanup 224 R
[ ] Clean
[ ] No clean

[ ] one free J-Tech Research Project

[ ] one free K-Sciences Research Project

[ ] one free Mist Life Sciences Research Project

[ ] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus)

[ ] one free High Energy Lab (HEL) Project

[ ] one free Bureau Paranormal Research & Defense (Magic) Research Project

Six General actions (1 per Population) (+1/environmental bonus) :
  1. -
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -

Incidental research (IE. Plot driven, no action cost involved)

Doc Brown files a preliminary thesis - he has so far eliminated all mundane materials in use in the lab, that leaves only the exotic alien crystals he has named Neuatope after John von Neumann, (A scientist Doc idolizes & tope from isotope). His thesis is something catalyzed the crystal, but that being the case there should have been a corresponding release of radiation... None was recorded on the labs internal sensors.

He will continue puttering with it in his spare time.


The behavioral scientist observing the taped behavior of the cult sub-leader being exposed to the three versions of the elder signs, has made some anecdotal connections. The Derleth pentacle has next to no data as the subject has steadfastly kept his back to all three symbols, but the Lovecraftian 7 limbed branch , and the Horned Pentacle have remained on the subjects periphery and are occasionally 'accidentally' glanced at.

The 'Branch' and the viewing of it are followed by periods of increased twitchiness, as if the subject has an unscratchable itch or some other unresolved irritant disturbing his comfort.

The 'Horned Pentacle' has nearly the opposite effect, immediately following accidental glimpses are periods of lethargy and almost narcoleptic episodes.

Neither are definitively causal, but behaviorally the subject is experiencing these behaviors well outside normal patterns.
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downtime #8 write up
Write up for Coastline v.3

Clean up Sarin 224 Rs Done!
Although the Sarin cleanup presents its own unique hurdles, thermal sterilization is found to be a fairly effective and easy initial sterilizing procedure.
You roll out the M270 with its area denial warheads and pepper the affected area with 3 salvos of the HE/I submunitions. A task that would have been an all day process without your Self Propelled Launch Loader (SPLL) resupply vehicle has been handled within the span of a quarter hour.
Some stubborn heavily saturated areas require intervention of the 'Ghost Riders' and their bike mounted flame throwers.
Once thermal sterilization is complete the Kaiju cleanup crews in their Hazmat suits and self contained breathing apparatus mount construction equipment and remove the tainted wreckage of the Tomahawks, that is then sealed in cement.

Build 5 AK Patrol Torpedo Boats 1,000 Rs

Upgrade comms once 1,500 Rs
Done! Savannah Comms to 3.

Upgrade the civilian shelters 900 Rs
Done! Upgraded to Disbursed NBC Shelters.

Dispersed NBC Civilian shelters - positive pressure airlock doors seal the shelters & mitigate civilian casualty die roles. 1 AP vs all Casualty die rolls, 1 shelter purchase permitted per 2 points of population. 10 population = 5 shelters = 5 ap vs Casualty die rolls cost: 300 r / per (Stacks with Defense City Stat AV)

Buy 10 ranged and 10 dexterity rolls 400 Rs

Send the Engineers to restart the Oil Rig, get the original crew to come back on or train some replacements.
The people of Liberty are enthusiastic to help teach replacement riggers and a few dedicated souls agree to stay on despite the place being a constant reminder of 'The Orders' brutality and the inhumane conditions they slaved under.
The Engineers are thorough and efficient in removing the booby traps and scouting the rig for any surprises the cultists may have snuck in since their last visit. Within less than four hours the rig is pumping the storage tanks full, they will radio Savannah when the Supertanker needs to be escorted out.

Need your rolls to gauge success on these actions:

Hephaestus: Upgrade Mammoth's ranged and dexterity stat.
I will need single rolls 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus) labeled as either dex or ranged. A success is a natural roll of 8+.
Keep rolling until 2 additional successes are generated or the 10 upgrades are used up.

Free High Energy Lab: Research particulate resistant jet engines. Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)

Free Mist Life Sciences Research: Distill the organ tentacle from the conjoined Kaiju in a non-destructive manner to harvest the science resistant luminous flecks, hopefully in larger concentrations and continue to try to understand them
Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)

Free Bureau Paranormal Research & Defense (Magic): Investigate empowering sigils from the Chaat Aquadingen.
Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)

Scan for wandering Kaiju
Roll 1d10 +2(Sensor stat bonus)

Free J-Tech: Research a J-scale hand held, cylinder fed, scatter, Shock/impact firearm.
Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)

Free K-Sciences Research: Research better methods restraining captured Kaiju.
Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)
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Iceman's Trek 6
Michael wakes, he can tell by the lightening gloom it is merely false dawn slanting in the basement windows.

His body is a mass of kinks and knots from sleeping in that awkward posture, the adrenaline rush made his feast sit like lead in his stomach most of the night and coupled with the near famine of the last few months, the air and gas building up are causing abdominal cramps. The cool damp of the basement had also crept into every old injury and made them stiff.

Michael assumes a serviceable imitation of Hunter's voice "Another beautiful day, eh Lad?"

Then chuckled silently to himself he thinks; I guess it is, I woke up right side of the dirt (no one who hurts this much can be dead), my belly has food to complain about, I'm one day closer to Savannah.

He readies his gear, stretches to work out all but the most persistent of knots and heads out. Savannah won't come to him...
Yesterdays progress was feeble, only twentyish miles in 9 hours, that would mean he still had nearly a weeks walk ahead of him.

He could only push himself so hard on foot before exhaustion would overtake him. He needed Savannah and to be back in Bracer now Damn it!
If only he could find some Raiders fat, full of liquor, and asleep and could steal a vehicle without bringing a drone down on his head.

Michael had passed any number of abandoned vehicles that might have been coaxed back to life but he knew about mechanic work about as well as he did about piloting the space shuttle. Nothing,and that any attempt on his part would assuredly end only in frustration and tears.
If he trudged diligently he might make Yemassee with enough daylight to scout another safe camp.
Flagg's visit
(OOC - @KnightDisciple , I will need your participation in this upcoming 'conversation')

Councillor Knight, lay in his bed practicing stilling and fortifying his mind, ever since he derived the 'Symbol of True Faith' such exercises came easier and his rest was more peaceful. No longer were the drift visions of subjugated worlds beyond counting the center piece of his dreams, normal sleep had been restored.

Just as he achieved the edge of slumber he felt another mental presence, similar to the one before, but with no inherent malice.

Where the other had been an assault on the senses, this was the lightest of touches the brush of a cats whisker in a pitch black room.

< Knock, Knock, my martial friend. Your mind is sealed to me... that is... -impressive- Might we speak?>
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