Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Iceman's Trek 13
(OOC) I'm finally back, with the help of Andrew W. ( our mole inside the EOD/ AT&T branch) an 'Actually' helpful member of AT&T customer support sorted it out. Keep it on the DL; I'm sure being actually useful/helpful is a firing offense.

We can now re-start saving the world, one post at a time. ;)

WARNING - Incoming first of multiple txt walls.


Michael warms to this band of misfits, people who life threw together and they seem to have gelled into a coherent unit.

The offer of a ride to Savannah with only a couple of hour detour? A meal and someone to watch as he grabbed some shut eye? Hell yes!

(It'd be with one eye open as he trusted no one 100% to watch his ass but himself, but if they had meant him harm it would have happened when Pak's blade was resting on his spine.)

As they settle into the Garage, Tammy and Roger begin to heat water in a hotpot that uses the dune buggies cigarette lighter to draw power.
The quality of the MRE's went way up when actually served warm.

When everyone is served, casual banter begins as Rusty wheedles for any unwanted food items.

Michael asks Maggie: "So Maggie, how'd you all get into the life of resistance members?"

Rusty groans a long suffering groan.

Pak gives a minor chuckle, "Don't encourage her Michael, the only rest our ears get is either when she's chewing or snoring!"

Gregory and Sarah titter mischievously.

"Shush the all of you..." Maggie waves her plastic spork like a police truncheon "...I'm just filling silences."

Pak continues "You're right Maggie; I was being totally unfair. You're also quite whenever 'your Jacob' is near. Then you go all moonstruck schoolgirl, all demure and shy, she even blushes. It's the biggest role reversal since Jekell & Hyde."

Maggie throws the spork like a dagger and Pak casually waves it away.

Rusty snorts, catches Maggie's eye and then pretends it was only him choking instead. Now the junior party members go from veiled titters to full throated open laughter.

Maggie lifts her chin imperiously and pointedly pretends the last exchange never occurred, one would think she were truly mad if not for the laugh lines at the corners of her eyes and the upturned corners of her mouth as she faux-scowls.
"Anyhow to answer your question, we are all natives more or less of the area inside Charleston's control. To really understand us you need to understand the Origins of Liberty."

Sarah whispers to young Gregory "Pay up, I -told you- she'd do the origin story."

Crestfallen the boy hands over the hard candy from his MRE. But his eyes dart back up to Maggie in anticipation of the beloved yet too familiar story.

"As is too often the case, the story begins with suffering of some people under the yoke of Charleston. These were a few dozen men working an oil rig and feeling the overseer's boot more often than anything else.

That is until the Overseer's made the mistake on firing on an unarmed helicopter from Savannah. Twas a hornet's nest they kicked, in less than an hour platoons of men were rappelling in as helicopter gunships kept a vigil.

These were trained soldiers who knew their jobs; the riff raff serving the overseers were only thugs with guns.
Saying it was a one sided battle is putting it mildly.

The thugs resorted to blackmail and threatened to capsize the tanker from the Captain's deck, Savannah refused to be strong armed and blew the entire command deck apart with a rpg barrage and took control of the ship from steerage and the engine room.

Once they had control, they sorted thugs from the men they had abused. They ended the thugs quickly and with no joy, but they understood that rabid dogs are best laid to rest quickly.

The captives they offered a gift, a choice take some supplies and head wherever in the world they wished or come settle outside Savannah and enjoy the fruits of their own labor.

Savannah discouraged 'mob rule' and allowed those men to make their own way. Violent crime wouldn't be tolerated in their borders, and they even offered soldiers to help keep those men safe until they could fend for themselves.

Never wishing to be a burden to our new friends in Savannah, the people worked hard and learned to protect themselves. They re-christened the hamlet held to 'Liberty' to daily remember the gift of choice and the freedom to decide our own path.

Sometimes old habits die hard, someone offered our armed guardians 'tribute' in appreciation of the better life.

This unnamed soldier said something that changed 'Liberty's' way of thinking forever.

"I appreciate your offer, but I have all I need. Keep it for yourself or if you really don't need it give it to someone else who does."

That struck a chord, there were so many people under Charleston's thumb starving and struggling to make it until tomorrow.

Sometimes the struggle is so fierce you begin to wonder, why bother? Not everyone finds an answer... It was just the reality of life in Charleston's shadow. Everyone who's lived it has it etched into them, and it's always only one bad dream away.

I can see it on you too Michael, not as deep as some but there as sure as I live and breath.

In Liberty we can smile, but that reality still lingers an hour or two over the horizon. Who can put it truly behind knowing that?

The men gathered and argued is there no way to share this gift forward, that Savannah had given?

Some of those dozens of men had family or friends that were left struggling in the badlands around Charleston. Could we not sneak in and bring some of those people back here? And if they wouldn't come back couldn't our surplus be given to make their lives there BETTER?

In weeks Liberty grew from a handful of men, to hundreds of people, even whole families migrated back.

No person sitting with you tonight Michael were among that first handful rescued from that Rig, we are the beneficiaries of Savannah's gift being paid forward.

We all as individuals have our own tales to share if we wish, but they have the common thread "Suffer in Charleston's shadow until given back their freedom by a Son or Daughter of Liberty."

My crew and myself? Why we're just paying it forward.

As to becoming the resistance, that was just us evolving to give the gift of choice without losing as many as we gain. Experience is a harsh teacher.
My Jacob is a helluva gunsmith but he's no fighter, he trips over his laces when he walks the dear, but he gives back by building solid weapons and ammo for those that run the border and those who refuse to leave. Those that are too scared to leave or to arm up we still offer food or health care to as we can.

Some of us have a talent for violence when pushed... Rusty, Pak, even young Greg over there. They look out for Ol' Denmothers like me who can talk or think our way out of a scrape, or Tammy there who knows how to treat sickness with Herbs and can do a mean suture in a pinch. It all balances out.

Pak there, taught a lot of us how to survive... He was retired black ops military from over in Asia. Was it China or Korea again Pak?"
Maggies eyes twinkle at her intentional mischief.

Pak went from smiling to looking like he had bitten a persimmon.

"Niether Maggie, it was Cambodia and it is a land of much beauty and of dark hearted men like the Deacon." The Dark pall only lasts a heartbeat before Pak's mask slips back into place. "But I prefer Georgia and all the pretty peaches!"

Maggie grinned like the cheshire cat knowing her barb had evened the score for his earlier teasing. Pak smiled and tipped an imaginary cap to her.
Maggie continued on unabated, switching back to her story like she'd never left it.

"And there is always room in our vehicles and in our homes for one more back in Liberty...

We push no one to do anything they don't want to do, but so far all rescued have felt a debt, and find their own paths to contribute.
We do ask that all our citizens learn to defend themselves and never be an easy victim again.

The dissidents, and those others that seek our aid, often insist on paying in exchange with scavenged salvage. Things the raiders would steal away anyhow, that is the surplus we give to Savannah each month, we keep only enough from it to keep the wheels rolling and to expand our operations as needed.

At any one time we probably have 6-8 crews like ours working the Badlands. They form spontaneously whenever a group 'clicks' and thinks they can do the job, they make a few runs with an experienced crew to learn the hows and whys, and more importantly what NOT to do.

Crews only run with Liberty's Council's approval and with the understanding, we aren't an Army, and we aren't trying to wage a war. We are only helping free those we can and give aid to those that won't leave.

There are some Hardcore resistance people out here in the Bad pushing for us to bring a war, but Liberty doesn't have the resources, or manpower to win a shooting war. Harass and obstruct is the agenda we argue back... don't bring Savannah a war until they say they're ready for it.

One day Savannah will bring the 'Real War' and if the Rig stories are the right of it, the thugs of the Esoteric Order of Dagon, the sodding fish fondlers, will suffer a rude awakening. I swear, Savannah even has two Jaegers!".

Michael thought to himself, maybe one Jaeger piloted by two untested rookies in lord only knows what current state of disrepair, and another buried on its last legs in the heart of enemy territory.

Maggie continues on with barely a pause to inhale. "Mammoth is a beast with at least a half dozen kills, and the other one, whatz'is name Pak?"

Pak smiles 'Whitecap Triton'.

Maggie grins "That ones thin and wiry, same way a Sea Lion is and he looks like he'd not leave a ripple in his wake."
Michael sits for a heartbeat like he'd been pole-axed, mouth half open forgetting he was in mid-chew.

At least Six kills?!? Ezra and Keerat were owed an apology when he got back. And a second Jaeger and it wasn't on any of the active rosters -OR- even being planned as far as he knew of, and being regularly melded with a Marshal there weren't a lot ways to keep a Jaeger a secret.

Could Savannah be doing good enough to have -built- a new 'Jaeger' from the ground up? Jeez Louise, was he out of the freakin loop.

He came to himself a few seconds too late to cover his slip, both Maggie and Pak were staring holes in him.

Maggie is the first to break the silent tension.

"I'll be damned, you -ARE- him! You're Michael Casey,one of the co-pilots for 'Bracer Phoenix'.
You had the same look on your face when that talk show host during his live interview brought up the death of your wife and daughter, a lost look mixed with confusion. I cried for you that day, that heartless bastard ambushing you for ratings.

Everyone Savannah way, they think your dead! Where are Hunter and Angel? Was Bracer destroyed? Shit! I'm just concerned and curious, share no more than you will.

As the leader; I'm scrubbing the arms delivery, Browdrick has missed the last two meets and left our dangly bits flapping in the breeze waiting on him. He takes a back seat to getting this man home to Savannah. We can drop the MRE's at Sally's squat she'll see it gets to where it's needed.

A half hour after this Mist lifts we'll be Savannah bound running hot and pray no drones are watching. We're not far enough in for us to be likely found. And I feel getting you to Savannah's Council ASAP may get us a step closer to giving Charleston the finger."

(OOC) If you want more info, respond as Michael, an omake style response or simply a list of question you want me to ask in Michaels voice. If this answered your questions about the resistance and your content with information given then just let it lie.
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Iceman's Trek 14 (conclusion)
Holed up in the Garage, the wait in the Mist passes sleeplessly without incident other than momentary furtive scratching at one door. There is no way to tell what had been attempting entry. First sign of Mist dissipation, the crew begins to load up.

True to her word Maggie with only the briefest of stops offload some MRE's for distribution among the needy of the Charleston Wastes.

Maggie & crew point their convoy south and west. They virtually fly along their route, dodging abandoned vehicles at a breakneck pace. Michael sits white knuckled one hand braced upon the dashboard the other clutching the 'oh shit' handle mounted at the door silent but grimacing at each sudden course correction.

It seems like no time at all when the vehicles slow to a more leisurely pace. Maggie looks over at Michael "Savannah checkpoint ahead, we don't want to come barreling in like a suicide bomber."

Sure enough, less than a kilometer later some grim faced men wearing PODC uniforms have Gustavs bristling over sand bagged positions. Once they recognize the people of Liberty the faces brighten, weapons are lowered and greetings and banter fly both ways like bullets in a fire fight. They are waved through and are quickly on their way.

"One down, two more to go Sport". The scene is mirrored at checkpoint two.

But at the approach to checkpoint three Maggie draws the vehicle to a slow creeping crawl. The scene before you is a vista of destruction Exit 21's overpass has been collapsed, shattered hulks of Tanks, Humvee's, and two unidentifiable tracked vehicles lie scattered and twisted as if a child had tossed his toys in a tantrum. Craters from heavy weapons fire score a kilometer wide circle of roadway and the terrain to either side as if some invisible hand had drawn a circle around these wrecks, denying them escaping, pinning them in place like a butterfly on a mounting board.

It takes more than a few minutes to negotiate around the scene and regain the highway beyond the tumble of the former overpass. Once past it Maggie regains her suicidal pace, you can almost hear Michaels teeth grinding.

Michael is slowly lulling from nervous exhaustion and true physical depletion as his body has been ravaged by the trek. It is through heavy lidded eyes he first glimpses Savannah, a Savannah whose lights glow in stark contrast to the area immediately outside the defensive perimeter.

"Michael, something's up... Everything for two to three kilometers outside the city were lit my last visit maybe three days ago." Maggie breathes it out in almost a conspiratorial whisper.

Gate Guards are much tighter with admission inside the defensive perimeter, random vehicles inspected, k-9's walking amongst the milling throngs awaiting permission to enter. It looks like it will be a long painful wait, that is until Michael pulls out a set of lacquered PODC dog tags, a style only possessed by Councillors and Jaeger Pilots. The small tags are not only visually distinctive but carry a RFID chip programmed with all the owners biometric data (fingerprints, optical scans, gate recognition, dna, etc. for easy comparison) to prove identity and act as a security version of an all access pass.

"Maggie, thank you and the rest for getting me home. I'm sure my debrief will be a long gruelling affair, no need to wait. Get yourself to your Jacob, and I swear I'll come to Liberty to visit." Michael assumed a military posture and saluted her the honorific effect ruined as she grabbed him in a bear hug.
Maggie replied "You better Lad, or I'll collect your ballsack for a coin purse." She winked impishly and swept away into the crowd chuckling.

Michaels identity confirmed, a soldier radios LOCCENT - "One of Bracers Pilots Michael Casey has returned, we're bringing him in LOCCENT"
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6/30 downtime processing
QM's response to PLAN: Over Budget and Way Ahead of Schedule.

Normal Actions:

Repair and reactivate the Macon-Atlanta Railroad Express line, as well as as much of the Macon-Savannah line as possible. (100R)

The Combat Engineers led by the Massarone Constructions railway crews finish the missing bridges in an amazing display of competency and effeciency. The entire route is given a thorough once over, from Atlanta to Savannah not one detail is out of place.
During the maiden run of the new Atlanta to Savannah Express, she is greeted by unexpectedly large crowds that have turned out just to watch its arrival and departure.

The train is the first overtly visible symbol that life is no longer limited to only isolated little pockets of humanity. Mankind is reclaiming the spaces in between the fortified camps that are the new reality of daily life.

Savannah Morale improves.
Macon Morale improves.
Atlanta citizens perception of Savannah improves.
Atlanta leaderships perception of Savannah improves.

Commodity Exchange gains a +05% transportation bonus
(increased volume of cargo the train allows over the use of trucks)

- Commodity Exchange Escort Forces re-assigned to accompany train, they follow and protect the exchange goods wherever that may be.
Tanks, Stryker's & Conestoga trailers put on flat cars with ramp/side rails
4 tanks, 4 strykers w/t trailers, & 8 AKP's (half of which are Atlanta troops)

Build a Dockworks augment (400R)

Existing infrastructure is pressed in service by Masserone Construction along with the modified CAD jaeger design program acquired from the Black Site all under the watchful eye of Admiral Nixeu.

Savannah Gains: Naval Dockworks.

Naval Dockworks - Maximum one per city. Only in cities with a waterfront. Dockworks provide an automatic 20% discount on all naval craft constructed in that city. A city with a naval dockworks gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair, upgrade, or install new naval equipment.
Due to the use of preexisting structures, the project completes ahead of schedule, so far ahead of schedule some minor repairs are effected on the Georgia, she is made safely submersible and presentable enough for her renaming ceremony. (She still needs extensive durability and structural integrity issues addressed at normal resource/action costs to restore her to full fighting glory, but she is no longer hamstrung. IE not -currently- suffering over dura penalties.)

Increase Savannah's Defense stat by 1 (1000R)


Existing earth work ramparts are reinforced by driving steel piles into the mounds of tightly packed earth. Outer and inner surfaces are given a ceramic coated brick facing. The top of the ramparts are broadened to allow a single conventional vehicle at a time to drive by without displacing the infantry from their positions, and ramps are placed strategically along the inner edge to allow vehicular access. Externally the position is further strengthened vs SSC aggressor's with the addition of a 10' deep by 20' wide trench and concertina razor wire coils.
Make a public announcement to all in our area of influence, requesting that anyone with useful information or artifacts relating to the Charleston cultists, Magic, the Mist creatures or anything else they believe important, to come forward and inform us. Anything that is verified to be true or useful will be rewarded. (The Casting Call)

Modified roll of (10)

Will be detailed in a later post, as it merits its very own textwall.
Recover as much of the useful infrastructure that remains in Fort Stewart and the Hunter Army Airfield and use them to build all three relevant augments (600R)

Having the infrastructure of the two neighboring bases and the existing runways of Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport close at hand to draw on it takes minimal effort for Masserone and the Combat Engineers to bring Savannah's military industrial complex online.

Savannah Gains:
Airfield & Hangars - Maximum one per city. Airfield & hangars provide an automatic 20% discount on all aircraft built in that city . A city with an airfield & hangars gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair,upgrade, or install new aircraft equipment.

Motor Pool - Maximum one per city. Motor Pool provide an automatic 20% discount on all ground craft built in that city . A city with a Motor Pool gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair,upgrade, or install ground craft equipment.

Infantry Training Regiment - Maximum one per city. I.T.R. provides an automatic 20% discount on all infantry units built in that city . A city with an I.T.R. gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair,upgrade, or install infantry equipment.

Increase Macon's Manufacturing by 2 (1500R)

Repurposing old existing factories and warehouses in Macon to take advantage of advances such as the autojig allows Macon to become several steps closer to becoming a self sufficient community.
Free Actions:
Jaeger Tech Research: Quick release clamps that can endure Jaeger combat. (Fyrstorm's pet project)

Modified roll of (10)

Positive results are achieved on the first prototype, an electromagnetically spun tumbler that causes rods like a bank vault to extend or retract from the underlying frame. Backed up with a recessed physical cotter pin, to prevent errant magnetic fields from stripping away armor mid-combat.

The 'Hephaestus' waldo arms are easily equipped with a manipulator to pull or replace the pin and spin the tumbler as a single motion.

The design works so well and is so intuitive the armor plating removed from Whitecap Triton for his toughness upgrades is modified to work with the system long before his upgrades can be accomplished. It is only a minor side job to incorporate the locking slots in his framework to receive the rods, It also allows the former bulky armor attachment space to be reclaimed a net savings in overall weight while retaining original durability.

Whitecap Triton gains Modular Armor (sub-system).
'Deepwater' Carbyne Enhanced Composite Plating (for all areas but Con-pod) converted to [Modular] 'Deepwater' Carbyne Enhanced Composite Plating.

High Energy Lab: Complete the Plasma Jet Intake research
Modified roll of (12!)


PODC has unlocked unrestrained jet flight (including missile/rocket propelled flights. However; long duration non-piloted craft still suffer from particulates causing a persistent gaussing effect that adversely affects current computers; think of it as cumulative systemic EMP poisoning for computerized systems. ICBMs / Low Earth Orbit / etc. still outside your reach)

2 new Research Branch unlocked - Localized Atmospheric Scrubber & Neuatope isotope recovery research becomes feasible.

Localized Atmospheric Scrubber Research
It is posited that if the localized atmosphere has the parts per million of particulates reduced sufficiently, certain benefits could be regained. Comms & Sensors would reach farther per point of city stat, & certain currently non-feasible technologies such as local television broadcasts could be restored within affected areas.

Neuatope isotope recovery research
A completely alien radioactive element when triggered to violently decays produces no harmful radiations as a by-product, it only produces intense heat and light? Possible research avenues...

?Smaller & lighter reactors? / ?Thermobaric weapons of atomic scale with no lingering radiation hazard?/ You figure out the potential!

Kaiju Sciences Lab: Research Kaiju Blue and how it reacts with various things. Like Rare Earth elements.

Modified roll of (6)

K-science wants to begin testing of Kaiju biomass and how such things impact and interact with various things in earths bio-sphere. The most impactful to date has demonstrably been kaiju blue; there is no way a creatures blood should 'randomly' act as an aerosolized nerve agent that is effective both inhaled or absorbed thru the skin across all earthly fauna.

With Sage your prisoner in Hazardous Research and Containment facility you are presented the unique opportunity to study 'kaiju blue' under controlled lab conditions and see the how and the why as it reacts, rather than merely dealing with (and trying to survive) the after-effects.

It is found that Blue begins its transition from thick toxic sludge to a bluish vapor as it reacts with one of the most common elements present in the soil worldwide - Aluminum.

K-science continues to work diligently through the periodic table and discovers a few other unexpected interactions.
Platinum causes an explosive combustive interaction in the presence of oxygen, comparable to liquid rocket fuel but on an unprecedented scale.
It severely taxes the Hazardous research centers fire suppression, and only the fact the containment cabinet is of limited volume and the internal halon suppression caused the blue to become oxygen starved before the heat and pressure ruptured containment saved the researchers and surrounding lab.

It is not until the lanthanides are reached, that another surprise is encountered. Specifically the Rare Earth Element Neodymium is tested.

All hell breaks loose...

The event is measured as enduring less than a millisecond.

In that brief window a hole is opened to elsewhere, apparently this elsewhere demonstrates traits best explained as a hard vacuum as the atmosphere inside the cabinet is sucked away.

But it is drawn away faster than the vacuum of space would account for through an aperture that size should allow, almost as if it were being obliterated instead of drawn out.

From a hole the size of the smallest scale needle, as the atmosphere escapes lightning arcs into our reality in exchange, and when the dust settles the grounding wire to the cabinet is discovered to only remain as molten slag.

Almost as an afterthought the metal pings inward at the violence of the decompression and then squeals in protest but it holds. Crumpled like a rednecks beer can.

LOCCENT alarms scream, BREACH EVENT DETECTED. Coordinates: Hazardous research lab and containment facility.

Situational Free Actions:
Man Elba Island plant (No resource until next downtime as crews need trained to safely handle the product.)

Training is going as projected, it is a bit harrowing at times as processing potentially explosive materials tends to be with an all rookie crew, fortunately a 70 year old plant retiree was found living nearby who has agreed to come on as a safety consultant.
Environmental Cleanup -100 R If not done, you will Not receive the Regular Action (Environment) slot

Cleanup is tedious, but routine. Hardly worth noting except for the fact a single 'grey widower' was encountered, and the armed cleanup crews of Buffalo Billy made short work of it.

But it does inspires the military to break out their newly upgraded K-9 corps and do a block by block sweep of the city. It is a good thing too.

Hidden about the city was a small nest of four 'Sturgis', two more 'Widowers', and a pseudo-paper nest the size of a man's torso containing Larval 'Hellwasps'.

Samples of all were taken by your capture team and now are isolated in Hazardous Research and Containment facilitiy for examination at your convenience.
Restore the 2 captured Hawkeyes (Humvee mounted) Artillery
Done! Added to your roster.
Replenish your exhausted Mk.60 - Captor Naval minefield (7 to regain 'functional' coverage / 14 to fully restock @100/r each) (700R)
Perform the Electrical grid upgrade/repairs 950 R (Masserone -10% new total 855 R )
Dispatch the SuperTanker to the Oil Rig to retrieve the oil and return it to Savannah for processing.
-Send all torpedo boats, a Fast Attack Little Bird, and a Supercobra to act as escorts. They are to keep their eyes peeled and ready to fire warning shots at anything that looks even slightly fishy.

Done! Trip was rather routine, but it is better to err on the side of caution than to lose so much revenue to complacency.
Upgrade 9 Elite AKPs with Combat Jackets. (1350 R)

Upgrade all Militia K-9s into K-9 Corps. (30 R)

Upgrade Regular Motorcycle Militia into Stealth Scouts. (30 R)

Normal Actions:
Increase Scanner stat by 2 (1500R)

With Sensors that now encompass its surrounding environs and the equal of their comms ability, Macons sphere of influence extends out to 30 miles. People who were living nearby now begin to consider themselves 'citizens' of the Protectorate.
With its own dedicated sensors, the people of Macon feel more secure than having to be reliant on the sensors of a vehicle ('Spooky II' ) that is sometimes away on missions, as their only warning of imminent attacks.

Macon morale improves significantly!
Free Actions:
Robins AFB: Remain Idle.
Bank the crude oil surplus for future processing to gain the increased resource value (1, 200 crude R = 1,800 R processed)
Use the free city augment to build an Iron Bitch.

Savannah Gains 'The Iron Bitch' defensive Mod.
"Iron Bitch"
800mm Artillery Emplacement [Defensive Mod]
3500 Resources
- Can not be deployed outside of a city. Does not benefit from city fortifications, it's just too big.
- Can not be moved once deployed (Installed on a Railway Roundhouse so it may fire at any point of the compass)
- 800mm "Iron Bitch" Howitzer: 1d10 Impact damage. +8 damage. Range 20, Hits on 7s. Will Not Cauterise Wounds,
Can fire indirectly, increasing its range to 120 units. Indirect fire is at -2 to hit. normal 7+ (see perk)
The gun can only be fired every second turn

---- Crewed by Elite Artillery Unit----
'The Sons' - elite perk: 'Zeroed In' counteracts indirect fire penalty
Upgrade Caravan Guard to use Strykers & Conestoga (250R)
Send Councillor Katt to have a stern talking-to with the Homeland Security (& Law Enforcement per Katt's response) about how they went about their recent acquisitions.

Re: Sending me to teach Law Enforcement & Homeland Security proper independent purchase etiquette.
I merely start with a thank you for such insightful purchases, then move on to how the slush fund is intended as an independent safety net removed from the normal budget to cover a worst case scenario.
An empty fund is useless in any emergency.
Then I point out, that it is a sign of deepest trust to be the guardians of the seeds to regrow. A betrayal of such trust would be grounds for transfer to the hazardous research and containment facility as the person who cleans Sages cage...

The respective heads of each organization glow at the praise, then nod knowingly as Katt reiterates the purpose of the funds, they begin to look alarmed at her statement; "An empty fund is useless in any emergency." and then they pale visibly as the underlying threat becomes overtly implict, there is no doubt they realize to the validity of her concern and the restrained strength of the council in the event of other such 'thoughtless incidents' in the future.

Properly chastened they retreat tails tucked, grateful it was only a mild verbal rebuke... this time.

=== holding off on the toughness rolls to get turn out to meet my self imposed deadline ===
[X] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: Increase Whitecap Triton's Toughness (Use 15 rolls in the Inventory)


(OOC) several points I want to commit to writing before my addled brain misplaces them. You have more $ than @Highwind projected...

Masserone deduction not applied to Savannah Defenses, Macon Sensors, or Macon Manufacturing. I'll redo maths and issue you an appropriate credit.
Second point and we'll let this slide as I should have caught it. 4 troop production augs (Airfield, Dock, Motorpool, & I.T.R.) + Iron Bitch is 5 defensive augs putting you at 5/4. We'll let it float but Def stat must be upgraded BEFORE any other Savannah city stat is eligible for upgrade.
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Jaeger Stat upgrade rolls
how many Jaeger stat increase rolls we can buy per action, or how much each roll costs.

Sorry @Highwind , I meant to answer this much earlier... but being in my dotage I saw something shiny and completely forgot until time to actually do the rolls.

15 rolls may be attempted at cost of a single action, 50 R/per roll purchased.
Sentinels of Faith
Bringing the Paladins and Champions in here, and adding data on the 3rd of my starter Sentinel groups. @Smithsguild if you could threadmark this it would be awesome.

The Silver Paladins

This unit is built off of the hardened survivors of one of Savannah's most recent, and brutal, battles, as well as individuals from other units with both the skills and the mindset to match them. They are a unit whose identity is only beginning to take shape, but whose destiny holds enormous potential. For while all the forces of Savannah, be they Jaeger, Ground, Sea, or Air, are vital to her defense, these men and women shall be charged with defending them from the darkest, most depraved threats from within and without. Cultists and the terrible things they do and call up are some of their primary targets. At least when not engaged in the general defense of the city.

The Paladins wear BDUs woven with silver-sheened thread, armor that has highly-polished external plates, and Combat Jackets that have been polished and, in places, even chromed. In addition to bearing the unit logo on their left breastplates, their Jackets and armor each bear a multitude of symbols designed to repel the likes of the Mist-dwellers. The more protective/repellent iterations of Elder signs, other generic warding symbols, as well as symbols connected to the belief and faith of each member of the Paladins. Councilor Knight made it clear from early on that this Unit would take any faith-member, so long as they were committed. Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hebrew, Shinto, and more besides fight side-by-side, their armor set to repel any beings that would dare stand against them and threaten their minds and souls.

The Paladins try not to lock themselves into strict weaponry loadouts, preferring to adjust on the fly. However, the growing trend is to leave at least one of their actual hands free from projectile weapons to instead wield a melee weapon of some kind or another. Right now, these are often simply improvised, scavenged, or antique pieces, but there's talk of Councilor Knight attempting to get them some high-quality gear that will let them, perhaps, even wound a Kaiju-scale opponent in melee...

Shield of Faith
By surrounding themselves with appropriate religion appropriate Iconography and the 'Symbol of true faith', the Paladins may more easily steel their resolve in the face of external mental influence, unnatural fear, or maintain mental stability in the presence of the truly sanity rending 'things'.

This will be a dice based ability as an individual's faith (no matter how devout) waxes and wanes. Even a crit-fail will provide more protection than the common soldier will have...

The Silver Paladins tend to favor Combat-Jacket-sized Hammers and Maces as their Melee Weapon of choice, while preferring high-power, high-accuracy Solid Projectile Weapons for their ranged option.

The Obsidian Champions

The Silver Paladins are borne from a desire to be a shining shield for Savannah, and Humanity in general. In contrast, the Obsidian Champions are the sword from the darkness; they exist less to protect, than to eliminate threats.

The Champions were borne out of a small group of soldiers who found the rather noble-bright culture developing within the Paladins to clash with their desire to slash and burn the foul things that came from the oceans and the Mist and the dark places. They would be the ones to fight where others could not, kill and destroy where others could not.

It should be clarified that the Champions are, like the Paladins, a mixed-faith group. They are not a group centered on "intolerance", but they are much more oriented toward aggression and proactive use of violence.

The Champions wear BDUs woven with flat black thread, armor that has soft, almost satin-black finish, and Combat Jackets that have been darkened with a paint scheme that's only a couple of steps above Vantablack in terms of how dark and light-absorbent it is. In addition to bearing the unit logo on their left breastplates (in a slightly shinier/more polished black), their Jackets and armor each bear a multitude of subtly woven or stamped symbols designed to repel the likes of the Mist-dwellers. The more protective/repellent iterations of Elder signs, other generic warding symbols, as well as symbols connected to the belief and faith of each member of the Paladins. Councilor Knight made it clear from early on that this Unit, as part of the larger Sentinels of the Faith division of the armed forces, would take any faith-member, so long as they were committed. Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hebrew, Shinto, and more besides fight side-by-side, their armor set to repel any beings that would dare stand against them and threaten their minds and souls.

The Champions try not to lock themselves into strict weaponry loadouts, preferring to adjust on the fly. However, the growing trend is to leave at least one of their actual hands free from projectile weapons to instead wield a melee weapon of some kind or another. Right now, these are often simply improvised, scavenged, or antique pieces, but there's talk of Councilor Knight attempting to get them some high-quality gear that will let them, perhaps, even wound a Kaiju-scale opponent in melee...

Shield of Faith
By surrounding themselves with appropriate religion appropriate Iconography and the 'Symbol of true faith', the Champions may more easily steel their resolve in the face of external mental influence, unnatural fear, or maintain mental stability in the presence of the truly sanity rending 'things'.

This will be a dice based ability as an individual's faith (no matter how devout) waxes and wanes. Even a crit-fail will provide more protection than the common soldier will have...

The Obsidian Champions tend to favor Combat-Jacket-sized Swords as their Melee Weapon of choice, while preferring rapid-firing projectile weapons and missile/rocket weaponry for their ranged option.

The Ivory Angels

While the Silver Paladins and Obsidian Champions are units formed whole-cloth from just a concept in Councilor Knight's heart and mind, their cultures a combination of miscellaneous bits of the various special forces, faith groups, and (semi-secretly) nerds among them, the Ivory Angels are different. The Angels were formed around a core of experienced Air Force Pararescue members, alongside several experienced members of the fire-fighting and EMS agencies in the area around Atlanta (a space that was, thankfully, rich with such personnel). All members are thoroughly trained in combat, but their focus is on the saving of life, not its taking.

Members of the Ivory Angels act as, in essence, the Pararescue equivalent for the current PODC combat forces. Their focus is on the retrieval of crew from downed and destroyed vehicles and Jaegers, as well as extraction of individual wounded personnel from the battlefield. It is distinctly possible they would be deployed in a "civilian" disaster, albeit only if extreme capability was needed. The Angels have a strong, already-established culture, with one of the most striking creeds: "These things we do, that others may live". Every single member of the Angels is ready, willing, and able to lay down their life to ensure the safe return of any and all men, women, and children in the face of harm, and to take every possible step to stabilize injured people. They have even undertaken some measure of training with remaining US Coast Guard personnel, to help them enact rescues at sea.

While the Angels are by no means the be-all, end-all of Atlanta and the PODC's emergency responders, they are absolutely the most heavily armored and individually capable rescue force, at the very least on this part of the Eastern Seabord, if not the nation/continent, and perhaps the world. But instead of boasting of this, the Angels are more apt to simply shrug and move on with their work.

There's always someone else to rescue, after all.

The Angels wear BDUs woven with white thread, armor that has white-painted external plates, and Combat Jackets that have been pained white with silver accents. They bear their unit logo on their left breastplates of their armor, or the left pocket of their BDUs. They bear some of the same protective symbolism of the Paladins and Champions, but a bit more subdued in comparison, though they have taken to having the technicians "stencil" their armor plates with many of the same protective symbols. Their right breastplate (or BDU pocket) bears a medical corps caduceus.
Councilor Knight made it clear from early on that this Unit, as part of the larger Sentinels of the Faith division of the armed forces, would take any faith-member, so long as they were committed. Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hebrew, Shinto, and more besides fight side-by-side, their armor set to repel any beings that would dare stand against them and threaten their minds and souls.

The Angels have the most distinct equipment loadout of the Sentinels, owing to their vastly different mission profile. Only 1 in 10 Angels (one per 10-man Squad) still carry the the traditional waldo-borne weaponry of a Combat Jacket. The rest have traded heavy weaponry for a variety of life-saving equipment necessary in the chaotic, heavily-armored modern battlefield. All members of the Angels continue to bear the "lighter", hand-held weapons that other Jacketed AKP soldiers use (currently the extra-heavy rifles, shotguns, and the like, along with melee weapons).
A typical Squad consists of:
-1 Gunner (normal Jacketed AKP weapon loadout)
-4 Carrier Medics, with Jackets outfitted to literally strap wounded soldiers to them for rapid exfiltration from a battlefield. They carry the lightest possible weaponry on their person, and have a variety of medical supplies strapped to themselves in armored heavy-duty medkits.
-2 Heavy Medics, whose Jackets bear a variety of heavier-duty medical equipment, as well as deployable armor barriers to shield them while performing emergency field "surgery" on soldiers (typically just enough to stem catastrophic bleeding or the like to allow for transport). They also have breathing aid gear, and at times you will see a Carrier and Heavy Medic jogging side-by-side, with the latter connected to the former's passenger by several sturdy hoses.
-2 Heavy Rescues, who bear an assortment of powerful, precise tools for the extraction of troops from destroyed vehicles and Jaegers. Saws, clamps, and the Jacket-borne equivalent of the Jaws of Life give them the ability to pull men and women from wrecked machines as easily as one might peel an orange.
-1 Search and Rescue, bearing advanced sensor equipment that allows them to find people trapped under tons of rubble, as well as gear that will allow them to either begin extraction, or stabilize wreckage until the Heavy Rescues can arrive on-scene. While they have no waldo-borne weapons, the SAR soldier typically has a heavy, long-range weapon, and can act as a pseudo-sniper at times.

When splitting into "fire teams", the typical arrangement is 1 Gunner or SAR, 2 CMs, 1 HM, and 1 HR.

Deathless Allies: All units within this units movement radius (4 units "running speed", if lose mv; radius shrinks it is meant to reflect this unit performing field triage) suffer the disabled status rather than destroyed by 1 additional dice pip , so a unit with 'combat veteran' now survives on a natural 8, 9, or 10. (IE 30% chance of only being 'mission dead' and not 'throw dirt on me' dead.)
Lesser Shield of Faith: By surrounding themselves with appropriate religion appropriate Iconography and the 'Symbol of true faith', the Angels may more easily steel their resolve in the face of external mental influence, unnatural fear, or maintain mental stability in the presence of the truly sanity rending 'things'. (-2 on Die roll compared to their brethren)

The Ivory Angels tend to wield Axes, powered armor scaled Fatmax Fubars (a wrecking bar multi-tool), or Pickaxes as their Melee Weapons, due to being able to use them in a rescue capacity as well. For their (limited) ranged weaponry, they prefer Rifle and Shotgun type weaponry, due to the lighter weight.
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Pg 200 giveaway
OOC Post -

Well here we are. After some fits and starts we have reached 200 pgs of posts a milestone for success few of our Vs the world brethren ever reached.
You my loyal readers are the reason, your enthusiasm, your creativity, your willingness to give.

I am offering a humble gift in return. Each and every reader that reads this now and into the future (however long this game remains active) merely quote this green text and respond "Claimed" receives a 1x use (+2 token) that is stackable with any other modifiers, including the personal re-roll, they may be applied to ANY call to roll dice.

Again my personal thanks for making our personal AU such an entertaining place to write for, it is probably the greatest campaign I've ever been associated with.