Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Mm hmm. Canon never goes into why Teana can use Starlight Breaker but not flight. My pet theory is that just like RL, people all have different strengths and weaknesses, and Teana is just worthless at flight spells. Maybe she can't get the spell to work at all, or maybe she can do the initial math right and can power it but then can't control it and so it's just too dangerous for her to try flying around.
My head canon is now that she could fly, but she's afraid of heights and has trouble bringing herself to do it. I know that even if I suddenly got the power to fly part of me would have a hell of a time trusting that it wouldn't suddenly cut out leaving me to fall to my death or something, even if I intellectually knew that it wouldn't happen. It can be bad enough when the imagination runs away with oneself on a plane, and planes have the benefit of a solid floor under you so you don't feel quite so vulnerable.

Edit: Say, could Ragnarok in principle work under water, or is going after Leviathan between attacks not practical?

...that makes me wonder if Taylor's fire resistance extends to steam, actually. I'd imagine it's more temperature resistance than strictly fire resistance, but I don't know.

Edit edit: Ooh, it'd be interesting to find out if Cassiel's precognition battle planning works against her siblings or not.
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Also, Starlight Breaker is a bit different from Ragnorak since it doesnt really use a lot of the castor's mana for the firing. It requires there to be a lot of ambient mana to be really effective.

It's on the same tier as Ragnorak but it has different requirements.

Iirc in the mock fight in Vivid Nanoha doesnt use cartridges to cast her Starlight Breaker. Neither does Teanna.

But the breakers were powerful because there were a dozen higher tier mages throwing around spells and mana all over the place. Kind of like if Taylor was using Vampiric Ray. Except Starlight Breaker gathers power from the environment. It's why it can be used at the end of the fight even when Nanoha's running low on mana.
Say, do non-bombardment types have any spells that are equally as impressive and mana consuming? It makes me wonder.
All the templates have a breaker equivalent. Infinite Enhancement has access to summoning magic. Extinction Knight has a closer range equivalent to Ragnorak. And Gadgeteer has the ability to create breaker tier weapons.
Interesting. Pity Lacey and Tim don't have A or A+ linker cores.

What sorts of things can breaker-tier weapons do? My mind leaps to something like Excalibur from the Nasuverse.
Really? How do they get around the mana requirements?

(And why haven't we asked Tim for apocalyptic weaponry?)
I'd say you should go back and read the FAQ and how the templates work.

People that are given templates will have their linker cores artificially enhanced over time.

As for Tim. We haven't gotten around to giving him the Large Weapons tech ability for him yet.
I'd say you should go back and read the FAQ and how the templates work.

People that are given templates will have their linker cores artificially enhanced over time.

As for Tim. We haven't gotten around to giving him the Large Weapons tech ability for him yet.
I read my way through on, seems I missed a lot. Thanks.

What sorts of things are people considering for upgrades in the near future?
Say, do non-bombardment types have any spells that are equally as impressive and mana consuming? It makes me wonder.
Nanoha As final battle has a bunch.
As does Strikers.

Vita - Gigant Crusher - Hammer several times bigger than the already huge target. Breaks barriers by massive impact.
Signum - Sturmfalcon - Flame arrow. Pierces barriers by hypervelocity, then discharges a flame attack inside the barrier.
Fate - Zeus Zamber - A lightsaber sized for carving cities. Breaks barriers via rending effect.
Caro - Bahamut Summon Dragon God Summon - Literally summons her tribe's god to kick ass for her.
Miura - Decided that Starlight Breaker is a perfectly good melee weapon. I blame Subaru.

Theres a great deal of variety, but way I see it, Bombardment mages focus more heavily on Busters and Breakers, because as standoff casters, they have the time to charge up something big while enemies try to close in, or are bound, or not expecting it.

Melee specialists tend to have more of a mixed bag, because they need more close in techniques to be viable, especially their movement and counters techs. Its a lot harder to get the room to wind up a big one.

Support specialists don't put as much into high end spells like that, but its less a lack of ability and more that they're too distinct to assign a standard. Combat supporters like Caro focus in on familiar enhancement mostly.
Say, do non-bombardment types have any spells that are equally as impressive and mana consuming? It makes me wonder.
Yep. Both combat specialists (bombardment and melee) can have superpowered attacks like that, though obvious they look different. As @veekie pointed out, it is harder for Knights because Breaker-level spells all have a charge time that make them sitting ducks, plus the fact that spells of that level tend to have such big areas of effect that their casters either have to be quick in and quick out or throw them at the target from a big more of a distance just to avoid being smushed by their own attack.

On the support type end, it's sadly only mages with the Summoning Rare Skill that really can do that, and that's through summoning the Giant-level summon of their bloodline, like Caro's Voltaire and Lutecia's Hakutenou. Unless you count high level Restoration spells that bring people back from the brink of death (or even past the brink) or that grant incredible Boosts like the one that makes the target invincible for a short amount of time.
What sorts of things can breaker-tier weapons do? My mind leaps to something like Excalibur from the Nasuverse
The most obvious is giant cannons to literally fire Breaker-level laser beams. Smaller weapons with huge effects are likely possible, but that would require 1) buying the Large Weapons skill for Tim and then 2) experimenting with it.
I read my way through on, seems I missed a lot. Thanks.
FAQs are on the very first post, which also contains all the known character sheets. I keep them up to date.

If you look up at the top (or bottom) of the page next to the page select buttons, you'll see a drop-down menu called Informational. That also contains a lot of very useful information, including a list of things people have previously suggested Tim build.
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Yep. Both combat specialists (bombardment and melee) can have superpowered attacks like that, though obvious they look different. As @veekie pointed out, it is harder for Knights because Breaker-level spells all have a charge time that make them sitting ducks, plus the fact that spells of that level tend to have such big areas of effect that their casters either have to be quick in and quick out or throw them at the target from a big more of a distance just to avoid being smushed by their own attack.

On the support type end, it's sadly only mages with the Summoning Rare Skill that really can do that, and that's through summoning the Giant-level summon of their bloodline, like Caro's Voltaire and Lutecia's Hakutenou. Unless you count high level Restoration spells that bring people back from the brink of death (or even past the brink) or that grant incredible Boosts like the one that makes the target invincible for a short amount of time.

The most obvious is giant cannons to literally fire Breaker-level laser beams. Smaller weapons with huge effects are likely possible, but that would require 1) buying the Large Weapons skill for Tim and then 2) experimenting with it.

FAQs are on the very first post, which also contains all the known character sheets. I keep them up to date.

If you look up at the top (or bottom) of the page next to the page select buttons, you'll see a drop-down menu called Informational. That also contains a lot of very useful information, including a list of things people have previously suggested Tim build.
Thank you for taking the time to indulge reader curiosity. :)

I for one would be pretty interested in seeing what sorts of things could be done with personal scale breaker weapons. It seems like it would be hard to use the larger ones, although Dragon could probably control them on aircraft like adapted transports. Oh, we could call them Dragon's Breath, it's perfect.

By the way, one other question I was wondering about; once Tim built the mana generator for powering the interdimensional radio, was it necessary for Taylor to sleep for three days in the pod to power new template/device assembly off her linker core or could the generator be used instead?
As @veekie pointed out, it is harder for Knights because Breaker-level spells all have a charge time that make them sitting ducks, plus the fact that spells of that level tend to have such big areas of effect that their casters either have to be quick in and quick out or throw them at the target from a big more of a distance just to avoid being smushed by their own attack.
Except the BoD defense program.
Crazy thing does Danger Close with Breakers .

Diabolic Emission isn't meant to be dropped on your own head to clear mobs...
On a related note, there is that lance thing that Nanoha does? The one where she stabs through someones shield and then nukes them directly in the face? You could probably do that with a regular lance or spear style weapon too.

On a related note, there is that lance thing that Nanoha does? The one where she stabs through someones shield and then nukes them directly in the face?

Hnnnng, are we quite sure we can't get a Flare-Blade Breaker without it being our first pick? Because I want to see Alexandria's face when Taylor pulls that video clip on an Endbringer.

"What, you thought I was a ranged attacker like Legend? Fuhuhu"
By the way, one other question I was wondering about; once Tim built the mana generator for powering the interdimensional radio, was it necessary for Taylor to sleep for three days in the pod to power new template/device assembly off her linker core or could the generator be used instead?
Yes it was. The generator doesn't have nearly the amount of output needed to power Immortal Assimilation Engine when it's making a new template. The only way to power it without stuffing Taylor inside is by building a manatech power plant large enough to power a city and hooking IAE up to it, which also has the risky side effect of splitting Perfect Storm (Taylor's Device) and Immortal Assimilation Engine (the Lost Logia that led to the deployment of a ship with two Enforcers and an Arc en Ciel cannon to stop it from activating).
Yes it was. The generator doesn't have nearly the amount of output needed to power Immortal Assimilation Engine when it's making a new template. The only way to power it without stuffing Taylor inside is by building a manatech power plant large enough to power a city and hooking IAE up to it, which also has the risky side effect of splitting Perfect Storm (Taylor's Device) and Immortal Assimilation Engine (the Lost Logia that led to the deployment of a ship with two Enforcers and an Arc en Ciel cannon to stop it from activating).
I'm confused. The generator is enough to continuously power the interdimensional radio, which drained so much it actually caused Taylor injury in just a couple minutes. That seems contradictory with IAE pulling vastly more power than the generator can provide.
I'm confused. The generator is enough to continuously power the interdimensional radio, which drained so much it actually caused Taylor injury in just a couple minutes. That seems contradictory with IAE pulling vastly more power than the generator can provide.
There's a reason Taylor is unconscious when she's powering IAE. Having someone be awake while being drained like that would be torture, especially with IAE actively manipulating her Linker Core to pull more mana through it and keep it from accidentally exploding and killing her in the process.
Yes it was. The generator doesn't have nearly the amount of output needed to power Immortal Assimilation Engine when it's making a new template. The only way to power it without stuffing Taylor inside is by building a manatech power plant large enough to power a city and hooking IAE up to it, which also has the risky side effect of splitting Perfect Storm (Taylor's Device) and Immortal Assimilation Engine (the Lost Logia that led to the deployment of a ship with two Enforcers and an Arc en Ciel cannon to stop it from activating).

Perfect Storm's Evil Twin Episode
[] Yes - It's a trope, we gotta do it!
[x] No - Too cliche
I for one would be pretty interested in seeing what sorts of things could be done with personal scale breaker weapons. It seems like it would be hard to use the larger ones, although Dragon could probably control them on aircraft like adapted transports. Oh, we could call them Dragon's Breath, it's perfect.
Breath Weapon is a perfectly fine name... Broken Wind is not.
Mm hmm. Canon never goes into why Teana can use Starlight Breaker but not flight. My pet theory is that just like RL, people all have different strengths and weaknesses, and Teana is just worthless at flight spells. Maybe she can't get the spell to work at all, or maybe she can do the initial math right and can power it but then can't control it and so it's just too dangerous for her to try flying around.

It could be a multitasking issue. Perhaps we should see if she'd be interested in a flight harness from Tim.

One of the strange details of Nanoha is that we see very little in the way of personal tech that isn't a Device or something similar powered directly by their magic. Large scale stuff, yes, but it's like they can't make generators small enough to be worthwhile, with the tech never being developed because there was already an alternative for strong enough mages. Tim's contributions to the Infinite Library could make for substantial shifts to Midchildan technology/society as is, with every new entry to his exotic physics giving birth to entirely new fields of study.

Iirc in the mock fight in Vivid Nanoha doesnt use cartridges to cast her Starlight Breaker. Neither does Teanna.

She doesn't use cartridges the first time, either. Cartridges just speed things up and let her cast it without needing a high concentration of background mana to gather.
Realign 14.1
Realign 14.1

Monday, August 1

You look to your right at 'Diana', who looks back with a pleasant smile. To your left, Samantha stares at the small screen with an opaque back floating in front of her. She will be no help to you here. Finally you stare straight ahead at the winged devil with her innocent mein. "Cassiel."

She looks at you with a placid expression.

"Do you… have any threes?"

The feathered fairy glances at her own screen and shakes her head. "Go fish."

You snarl quietly and hit the draw button on your screen. A worthless five of coins appears in your lineup, matching exactly nothing you have in your hand.

"Hey, Taylor?" asks Samantha without looking at you. "Got any threes?"

This time your growl is much more audible as you slide both your threes off your screen in her direction, and a glowing numeral 3 lights up along with the 7, 11, and capital E for the Empress rank. Yet another book collected for the Guardian Beast.

Despite all your attempts for the last two days, Perfect Storm has stubbornly refused to create a normal deck of cards. Galean culture had its own deck with five suits and fifteen ranks, one through twelve and then the Sinner, Prophet, and Empress. Two Death cards, which are apparently essential in some card games and seem to be analogous to the Joker, complete the 77-card set. Your Device initially tried to teach the four of you games from Galea, but the actual rules were in the memory files that had been corrupted beyond recovery. Instead you were forced to adapt Earth games to these cards, with Go Fish being the most recent attempt at passing the time.

A game that, despite being a regular raccoon prior to you finding her dying in the street, Samantha is utterly spanking you at. You cannot remember being beaten this badly at cards since your mother was alive.

"How long have we been stuck here?" you ask no one in particular. The 'here' in question is the featureless room the Tampa PRT stuck the four of you within once some semblance of order had descended upon the island.

"Fifty-eight hours, thirty-six minutes," Perfect Storm chimes.

Samantha groans. "How long did you say we were going to be treated like rats in a cage, Dragon?"

"If the PRT is using standard Master/Stranger protocols, which they undoubtedly are considering who it was who attacked the island, anywhere between forty-eight and seventy-two hours." She shrugs and points at the digital mask she was projecting onto her face. "They will undoubtedly be extra cautious with us considering we are capes."

The capes the PRT knows about, that is. Missy, not being in costume, you saw being shepherded along with several other normal people, and when Cassiel came fluttering over without her prior Unison partner, you knew Laura was planning to vanish into the crowd of civilians as well. You have not seen them or anyone else since the four of you were shoved into this room.

"They better let us out soon," you say into the ensuing silence. "I've never noticed it before, but the longer I'm stuck here in my Barrier Jacket, the more I can't help but remember that I'm running around naked except for a forcefield."

You are tempted to post that on the Internet just to have something to do, but 'Cinder' has enough new threads on PHO as it is. Someone took photos of the aftermath of your fights with the Fallen and uploaded them, and the collective nerds of the 'Net went crazy soon after. Dragon had not overestimated the threat the cultists posed, and then in the course of an hour ten of their capes were dead and another nine were captured, not to mention the unpowered gunmen who do not appear to warrant mention on the forum. It attracted attention.

You know it had to be a member of the PRT who released the photos, both because the only people who were present in the dome who have access to the Internet are the four of you thanks to Perfect Storm and because one of the photos shows a row of ten bodies covered by sheets. It is still up in the air whether that was done to compliment or denigrate you, and the forum-goers cannot seem to decide either. Some of them are praising you for taking care of the Fallen while others worry who you will go on a killing spree against next. A few even called for you to do the same to the rest of the Fallen, an idea Samantha is fully in favor of and which you cannot help but find tempting as well.

Almost as though your less than charitable thoughts have summoned them, the door opens to reveal a full team of PRT agents backed up by one of the flying Brutes from earlier. "Come on. You're free to go."

"Finally," Samantha mutters. Cassiel nods in agreement and drifts upwards to settle herself on the Guardian Beast's head. That earns an eye-roll and a huff but nothing more.

"I'm glad you finally realized we aren't thralls of the Fallen," you add, because really? You would be a pretty terrible slave if you went around and defeated all your masters and supposed allies. If anyone could have been cleared of Master influence without a second thought, it would be you.

Your comment was made half in jest and half in frustration, but even with as light a delivery as it was you still notice the troopers grip their guns tighter. Clearly somebody or somebodies have been reading PHO.

"Just get moving," the lone cape says. "Yours is the last group. Your belongings are in the suites where you left them. Once you have them, we will escort you to the Tampa Protectorate office so you can change back into civilian clothes and can catch a ride to the airport."

Dragon frowns lightly. "You only need us to come to the Protectorate office as a waypoint? It is not for an official statement?"

"No ma'am. Your… friend's actions," he says with no little disgust, "are enough of a statement on their own."

Your fist clenches. It would be satisfying to let him know just what you think of the statement made by his actions, but assaulting a member of the Protectorate is unlikely to let you get home faster, no matter how satisfying it would be.

The voice Dragon uses is so sickeningly sweet that it is obvious she is as unimpressed with his attitude as you are. "Then thank you for the offer, but we will have to decline. We are perfectly capable of teleporting home on our own."

"Wait, what?" one of the troopers says.

She just nods. "Yes, we arrived via teleportation, and we shall leave the same way. You do not have to go out of your way to accommodate us." Left unsaid but clearly heard by all was the underlying message that you could have escaped this quarantine any time you wanted, and that is more effective than anything you can think of to set the troopers and the cape quivering in their boots.

You smile at that, and the display of your teeth does not help their nerves any. You actually suggested doing just that, teleporting to your stuff, grabbing Missy, and getting out, but Dragon shot that idea down by pointing out that doing so would put a target on the backs of everyone involved. Cinder is just a temporary disguise, but Samantha and Cassiel cannot change their appearance so easily.

Despite being the voice of cooperation, you now wonder just why she pushed for that only to lash out at the Protectorate member who came to retrieve all of you. Not that you mind, of course, but you are curious. «If that was meant to put them at ease, I don't think it worked,» you send her teasingly.

«It wasn't. I just wanted to remind him which of you has the bigger stick.» You blink in surprise at that, and she gives you a small smile. «There is a reason why unlike many in the Guild, I am not also a member of the Protectorate. It was not solely due to being an A.I.»

That revelation leaves you reeling.

Fate must have enjoyed spiting your expectations because the suite you were supposed to stay in and where your belongings are is not empty as you assumed. Laying on her bed and watching television, Missy turns her head to look at you when you enter the room. "Hey. Finally get let out?"

You nod and look around the room. It will be quick work to throw all your things back in your suitcase, though you are also considering being lazy and just sealing them inside Perfect Storm. In contrast, Missy's bright yellow suitcase is standing beside her bed already packed. "When did you get out?"

"First group." You raise your eyebrows as that means nothing to you, and a grimace sweeps across her face. "About noon."

"Noon." A glance at the clock tells you no, you have not gone crazy. "It's eight o'clock. You've been sitting here for eight hours?"

"I— Yeah." She shrugs. "I was in the same group as Kayleigh and her folks and Laura. They all took the PRT's offer to get them to the airport, but I told them I was going to wait for the rest of our party. I didn't expect the PRT to keep you in containment so long."

"I'm sorry we kept you waiting." And you are. You understand her desire to leave as one group, but this is beyond excessive. "Samantha! Dragon and Cassiel are teleporting back to Vancouver on their own?"

"Uh huh," comes the response from the living area. Samantha pokes her head into the room and sees Missy. "Ah. You're taking her home?"

"She's been stuck here long enough. I'll meet up with you back at the house." A thought has your Cinder disguise falling apart to be replaced by your normal costume, and you sigh as the magically created fabric fits you more normally. That is better. Pointing your staff at her suitcase, you suck it up into Perfect Storm's storage space and do the same to your own. "All packed. Let's get out of here."

Missy rolls off the bed and takes your offered hand, and you whisk the two of you away.

The sun is setting over the cityscape of Philadelphia, and you look around to find your destination. You did not want to appear directly on top of the base, due in part to the last several times you showed up unexpectedly at a PRT location. You were tired of being called a villain a long time ago, and the same accusations being leveled against Cinder have not helped.

The short trip over to the base is a quiet one but not uncomfortable. You doubt Missy had any more fun being stuck in Master/Stranger quarantine than you did. "Did you ever have to go through that in Bro—"

Missy cuts you off with a raised hand and a quiet "Shh". She points to the base of the PRT building and asks, "Do you see them?"

You don't, but your friend fixes that by shrinking the distance between you and them. Eleven people are gathered at the entrance to one of the garage doors. All of them seem to be wearing the normal body armor of the PRT, but none of them carry containment foam sprayers or rifles. Instead they carry a strange assortment of weapons and tools, including pistols, a book, and a gauntlet, but it is the staff in the hand of one of them that tips you off.

These must be some of the mages you found, now armed with their very own Devices.

"Do they… have… ears?" Missy mutters in surprise.

You want to slap yourself. The dog ears poking out of the helmets some of them wear is another good hint as to their identities, yes. In your defense, you have become so used to Samantha's own ears that animal features on a human figure just do not strike you as strange anymore.

Your revelation does nothing for Missy's own confusion, but you worry about just what kind of feelings enlightening her will engender. Particularly when the last time you two really spoke, she was lamenting the mental protection a Device could provide her if only she had a Linker Core.

No matter how much it could hurt her, she does not deserve a lie.

"They're mages." Her head whips around to look at you, but you keep your eyes focused on them so you do not have to look back. "Legend approached me to help locate mages within the PRT here and teach them how to use magic. The spell I taught them was the same ritual I used to create Samantha. It looks like they've gone beyond just that."

She looks away. "Oh. How… How many did you find?"

"Thirty. Most of them had relatively weak Linker Cores," you add in a weak voice. "They were all in the PRT proper, too. No one in the Protectorate or Wards had one."

Missy is silent for several seconds, and then the close-up of the mages snaps back to reality. "That shouldn't make me feel better."

"But it does?"

"…But it does."

This arc is going to be so much fun for me, I can just tell. :D

Next week is the start of the new school year, and the arc-specific quests will become available at that time. For now, though, you still have a week of vacation left. Pick out two social events to mourn the end of summer.

  • Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
  • Go on patrol. You can vote for one non-Samantha character to join you if you want.
  • Explore somewhere on Earth Bet. A location must be included. You may bring 1-3 other characters with you.
  • Explore another world. If you do not select a world where Taylor has been or already knows about, one will be selected randomly.
  • Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell to work on.
  • Write-in (subject to my approval)
Take 24 HOURS to get back in the groove of normal life and figure out what you are going to do.

And before anyone asks, Missy will be with Taylor to check out Tim's mutagenics lab on Wednesday, so if you're thinking about burning a social event on that, don't.
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