Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

The issue here, again, lies in this not actually being a proper story. This is a quest, a game.

As a result, we are basically stuck leveling up before we return to the main quest.

Fair enough. But as a reader rather than player, it's not fun to read. Hence, stopping. I guess quests just aren't my thing if they get this unfocused. Similar to how I don't really enjoy watching someone do all the side quests in Fallout or Skyrim.
Fair enough. But as a reader rather than player, it's not fun to read. Hence, stopping. I guess quests just aren't my thing if they get this unfocused. Similar to how I don't really enjoy watching someone do all the side quests in Fallout or Skyrim.
Well, that's actually a pretty good way to put it. This quest is a bit of a sandbox, and it isn't likely for someone that doesn't like games with a lot of side quests like it. Not all quests are like that though, so I would recommend trying out others before deciding that quests aren't your thing.
Huh. OK. Thanks for the input. There was a particularly long Game of Thrones quest that I was looking at, so maybe I'll give that a try. I love long-form stories, but they have to have some kind of underlying theme or plotline to keep me engaged. For example, the Princess of the Blacks story by SW kept me engaged for something like two years. I guess that just like stories, quests can vary. And I haven't tried enough yet to know if they're my thing. I don't want to "play" per se, but if the "game" results in a good, strong story then it doesn't matter how it got there.
Fair enough. But as a reader rather than player, it's not fun to read. Hence, stopping. I guess quests just aren't my thing if they get this unfocused. Similar to how I don't really enjoy watching someone do all the side quests in Fallout or Skyrim.

Whereas I've never completed the main storyline in Skyrim, working my way through every single dungeon in the game instead of going for the "main" plot. I'm definitely the type to go through every little facet of the game, reading all the books, talking to all of the characters, and generally being OCD* enough to drive others batty.

*I don't have it as bad as my sister, though, who has to count the M&Ms in a bag to verify there is an even number of them or she can't eat it. Fortunately for everybody who knows her, they've found some meds to help with that.
Huh. OK. Thanks for the input. There was a particularly long Game of Thrones quest that I was looking at, so maybe I'll give that a try. I love long-form stories, but they have to have some kind of underlying theme or plotline to keep me engaged. For example, the Princess of the Blacks story by SW kept me engaged for something like two years. I guess that just like stories, quests can vary. And I haven't tried enough yet to know if they're my thing. I don't want to "play" per se, but if the "game" results in a good, strong story then it doesn't matter how it got there.
I can't say anything about a Game of Thrones quest, but the Alchemical Solutions quest by Gromweld has a much more author-controlled plot than this does. It's Worm crossed with the Exalted tabletop RPG, but the relevant portions of the latter are explained in-story.
Whereas I've never completed the main storyline in Skyrim

I haven't, either. I love just randomly wandering around games myself. I just don't like watching someone else do that. I just watched my wife play the entire storyline of Horizon Zero Dawn, and it was always more fun when it had some story impact than when it was a fetch quest or gathering materials or whatever. It's weird, because the same stuff I like doing in games I don't like watching someone else do, and I guess that extends to stories.

I can't say anything about a Game of Thrones quest, but the Alchemical Solutions quest by Gromweld has a much more author-controlled plot than this does. It's Worm crossed with the Exalted tabletop RPG, but the relevant portions of the latter are explained in-story.

Thanks for the recommendation. I've been leery about Alchemical Solutions because I don't know jack about Exalted, but if it explains that stuff I may give it a shot.
Alchemical Solutions, all the Exalted stuff is OCP for worm. Its actually pretty reader friendly for people who dont know Exalted
You probably could recommend a CK2 quest The Practice War, that quest is pretty focused. First, on preparing against an alien invasion in Turn 10 and dealing with aftermath, then (after a shift in focus) nominally choosing the bleeding edge research opportunities to prepare for another alien invasion in-between Turn 20 and Turn 30. Spoilers, it's now Turn 25 and that alien invasion is just arriving. Also spoilers, but the highlight of the post-focus-shift isn't in actual mission statement but in social interactions.
I'm gonna say no, mostly so I don't add that complication in right now.
Admiral Dietrich "Nothing good ever came out of Galea" Tucson had another opinion on that matter:
That girl was either going to be one of his best Enforcers, or she would be the death of him. And that was ignoring her terrible, terrible luck in the kinds of cases she wound up taking part in. First the disaster with the Mariage, and now this? He might have to stick her with a desk job just to keep her from getting killed.
A thought struck me yesterday about Danny: What if his amnesia is the regeneration he was given trying to heal him back to the last point in his life where it considers him to have been healthy, back just before his wife died. Then, the emotional distress he goes through every day at finding out his situation leads to the regeneration healing him again. That could even explain his lost powers, as emotional proximity to a similar situation as a trigger event can enhance powers, perhaps being completely devoid of those conditions keeps his powers from working. Unlike case 53's, his powers aren't locked in the ON position, and they aren't being kept from moving forward even with their complete retrograde amnesia, so they aren't a conclusive argument against this interpretation.

I know Danny is unlikely to ever return to the game, even if his memory were somehow restored, but I still found this idea intriguing enough to share. I apologize if I've said this before and then forgotten.

Admiral Dietrich "Nothing good ever came out of Galea" Tucson had another opinion on that matter:

SW has also said that the Entities had encountered magic before to such disastrous effect that they avoid any world where it is being used, AND that they had never encountered magic before. The game's been running a long time, so details have shifted.
Admiral Dietrich "Nothing good ever came out of Galea" Tucson had another opinion on that matter:
Ixy went back to sleep for about a year after the Mariage incident so there is a period of time where both statements are true.
I'm talking about when Ixy woke up on a semi-permanent basis in Vivid. It is after the Mariage Incident, but before she was actually capable of interacting with the wider world for an extended amount of time.
SW has also said that the Entities had encountered magic before to such disastrous effect that they avoid any world where it is being used, AND that they had never encountered magic before. The game's been running a long time, so details have shifted.
This detail hasn't shifted. You're just overgeneralizing. An Entity somewhere somewhen encountered a high-magic world, hence the other cluster world the TSAB talked about in their interlude. That Entity simply was not Zion, Eden, or Abaddon; none of these three specific Entities have ever encountered magic.
This detail hasn't shifted. You're just overgeneralizing. An Entity somewhere somewhen encountered a high-magic world, hence the other cluster world the TSAB talked about in their interlude. That Entity simply was not Zion, Eden, or Abaddon; none of these three specific Entities have ever encountered magic.

While I recall this specific point being brought up more recently in the forums after the TSAB update referring to that cluster world, there was also a point much further back, when people were discussing the interactions between magic and parahumans, specifically if any powers could affect magic. In at least two different instances, you stated that the entities had no way to interact with/manipulate/control magic, so no power could give somebody control over it, but in one of those times, you also mentioned that they had encountered magic in a prior iteration of the cycle, and that it going badly for them being why they now avoid any magic using worlds.

After all, the problem locking parahuman abilities out of mages in this story is a technological matter, not something inherent to magic and its use, so other aliens from worlds before Earth Bet would not necessarily have had the same issues rendering the experimentation phase of the cycle a failure.
Having thought about it overnight, it occurs to me that the comment I'm thinking of just said "the Entities", not "Eden and Scion", so you could have meant that cluster world at the time, even though it was a very long time before we learned that more than two Entities had targeted the Earth alters before, with that problem being what kept them from attempting to consume large numbers of alters to launch a swarm of child entities.

I have to wonder how different those other Entities were that they were capable of leaving without that orgy of destruction, since that being impossible for Scion without Eden is one of the most important details of how the Cycle works in canon.
Suntan 13.1
I'm baaaaack! :)

Suntan 13.1

Tuesday, July 26

"Mistress… Mistress, awaken…"

"Muu… uhh?" Your eyes are stuck tight together, and it takes nearly too much effort to pry them open. "Whaa?"

"Mistress's friend requests contact."

Your sleep-addled brain needs a second to parse Perfect Storm's typical language. A phone call, you think that is what is happening. You glance over at the clock and let out a whining moan. It is only eight in the morning; considering you had to get up at two-thirty to go to Australia and the fight with Leviathan ended about an hour later, plus the time to de-evacuate everybody, you are exhausted and for good reason. Who the hell is calling you? "Pick it up."

"Taylor, it's about time you picked up! I have great news!"

You aim a bleary glare at your Device and wish the girl on the other end could see it. "I'm going back to bed, Kayleigh. Talk later."

"Message terminated. Will defer messages until Mistress awakens again."

You are already asleep before Perfect Storm finishes.


By noontime you are feeling much more like yourself, and after a shower and lunch you have Perfect Storm call Kayleigh back.

"Are we actually going to talk now?" the other girl asks in a voice just this side of petulant.

"Yes, we can actually talk now. I wasn't in the mood this morning because…"

You cast your mind out for a believable cover story, but Kayleigh beats you to the punch. "Oh. Oh, wait. You went to fight Leviathan, didn't you? I heard that was really early this morning. I'm so sorry. You probably just got back when I called."

The truth works better than any cover story you could come up with, and you are rather grateful Kayleigh is able to understand why you had not been not in the mood to chat. "It was a couple of hours before you called. I was just still exhausted." You shake your head. "Anyway, not something you need to worry about. I'm rested and awake now. What did you want to talk about?"

"Remember what I said a couple of weeks ago about us going on vacation and how you and Samantha were invited? And how Daddy was just waiting to make sure Leviathan wasn't going to attack while we were there?" You give her a confirmatory noise. "Clearly we won't have to run from an Endbringer, so I wanted to let you know so you can let me know if you want to come."

"I don't know. Isn't school supposed to start up soon?" School itself is not the main issue. It is more that you are sadly not well-versed in how typical non-cape vacations go. The last one you were on was a couple of years before your mom died, and even though you went world-hopping with Vista recently, that still had the feel of being Calamity Witch, not Taylor Hebert.

"Not for, like, two weeks. We have plenty of time. Daddy was talking about flying out on Friday and coming back on Wednesday. Laura's coming, too, so the three of us could hang out while Samantha spends time with my parents and aunt and uncle— Huh? I'm on the phone with Taylor. Why?…

"Can you hold on a minute, Taylor? Daddy needs to talk to me about something."

A rustle of cloth, and then you can only hear a dull susurrus as Kayleigh discusses whatever it is with her father. Considering the timing, it would not surprise you at all if it is to let her know that she is inviting too many people. You and Samantha would make three guests with Laura, so six in total. Her father works as an accountant if you remember right, so even if he makes enough to bring his daughter's best friend with them on vacation, six might push him past his limits.

"Hey, I'm back."

"Bad news?"

"Oh, no. Actually good news, depending on how you look at it. Like I was saying, my aunt, uncle, and cousin were all supposed to come with us. Well… It turns out he has to be in court on Monday. Apparently there's a girl who's saying she's pregnant with his kid and is trying to get him to pay child support, and he didn't tell anyone so my uncle didn't know until his lawyer called the house today, and the whole story came out. So they can't come."

"O… kay? I'm not sure how this is 'good news'."

"For one, we don't have to deal with him. I love Aunt Emma and Uncle Dan, but Herman's a dick. Literally, it sounds like." She snickers at her own joke. "But the really good part is that they have a condo down there they were planning to stay in, and they offered to let us use it, except Daddy already rented two for all of us, so he said if I wanted to invite a couple of extra people, I could. I was thinking maybe you could invite people. You've met most of my friends, and I'm curious to meet some of yours."

You cannot stop yourself from smiling faintly. Kayleigh is a puppy, alright; endlessly enthusiastic but still a little naive. "You know that all those friends are people I know from 'work', right?"

"Oh, yeah. I didn't think about that." A couple of meaningless noises come from her end of the line. "Whatever. I'm still leaving it open. If you think of some people who'd be willing to come, they're welcome. If you don't, no problem."

"How is your dad even paying for all of this?" you wonder out loud. "If we're talking about eight or nine people going to Florida for a week, that's got to be expensive. I don't want to cause any problems for him."

"Don't worry about it. His day job is an accountant, but he also does some stock stuff on the side. And this is our big vacation for the year, so we've been saving up. But if you're not going to have fun with your money, what's the point?"

Not the view you would take on personal finances, but especially for the last few years you and your dad were solidly lower middle class. Kayleigh grew up just a teensy bit higher on the socioeconomic spectrum. Whether her parents would have enough to pay the bills is undoubtedly a concern that has never once crossed her mind.

"I'll think about it," you finally tell her. And maybe ask Dragon for a loan just so you don't feel so much like you are taking advantage of Kayleigh's generosity.

"Awesome! Remember, we're leaving Friday morning. I can come pick you and Samantha up if you want. This is going to be so much fun!"

Yes, the special Arc 13 I have been looking forward to for so long is that anime staple, the beach episode! :lol:

Anyway, who among your friends and allies do you want to bring with you? You can have up to three invitees.

[ ] Tim – He's been busy, and everybody needs a break now and then. If he does not come on vacation, he will have a build vote as normal.
-[ ] Firefly and Nostromo – These Guardian Beasts will not leave Tim alone in the lab but can be left behind on their own. If they do not come, they will have 2 build slots each.
[ ] Lacey – After going to the Leviathan fight, she deserves some R&R. Because her job with the hospital is so new, she will likely take the mornings off to teleport back to Philadelphia to do some healing.
-[ ] Kurt – His marriage is still on the rocks, so he won't be surprised if Lacey goes on vacation without him. Sad, but not surprised.
[ ] Dragon – She has never been on vacation before, mostly because she never had a body. This would be a new experience for her.
[ ] Cassiel – Even though she did have a body before, she never visited the beach. She will be the automatic third invitee should Tim and Dragon both go as they do not trust Firefly and Nostromo to keep a close enough eye on her by themselves.
[ ] Vista – It isn't the same as fighting crime, but this should get her away from the stress of not going on patrol in Philadelphia.
[ ] Epoch and Maclibuin – This should be a good test to see whether they have re-solidified their positions in New York or not. Because you don't know them all that well, they are a package deal.
[ ] Standstill and Cat Sith – Standstill is the "official" invitee. Cat Sith would accompany her in cat form, and therefore they wouldn't count as two people like Firefly and Nostromo or Epoch and Maclibuin would.
[ ] Someone else. This is a write-in and subject to my approval.

If for whatever reason you want to bring fewer than three people, please include one of these in your vote:

[ ] Invite no one
[ ] Only invite 1 person
[ ] Only invite 2 people
[X] Dragon – She has never been on vacation before, mostly because she never had a body. This would be a new experience for her.
[X] Cassiel – Even though she did have a body before, she never visited the beach. She will be the automatic third invitee should Tim and Dragon both go as they do not trust Firefly and Nostromo to keep a close enough eye on her by themselves.
[X] Vista – It isn't the same as fighting crime, but this should get her away from the stress of not going on patrol in Philadelphia.
Torn between replacing Dragon and Cassiel with Lacey and Kurt, but this is my gut instinct vote.
Uh... Why do we need to vote to have Cassiel and Dragon go with us? They're the size of a doll. If they go idle they could sneak along in our suitcase, it's better than the logic used to package Standstill and Cat Sith.

[X] Have Cassiel and Dragon sneak along in our suitcase
[X] Standstill and Cat Sith
[X] Vista
[X] Lacey

If the vote to sneak Cassiel and Dragon along doesn't go through, then the rest of my vote stands.
[X] Vista – It isn't the same as fighting crime, but this should get her away from the stress of not going on patrol in Philadelphia.
[X] Dragon – She has never been on vacation before, mostly because she never had a body. This would be a new experience for her.
[X] Cassiel – Even though she did have a body before, she never visited the beach. She will be the automatic third invitee should Tim and Dragon both go as they do not trust Firefly and Nostromo to keep a close enough eye on her by themselves.
Uh... Why do we need to vote to have Cassiel and Dragon go with us? They're the size of a doll. If they go idle they could sneak along in our suitcase, it's better than the logic used to package Standstill and Cat Sith.
Because they might want to do more than sit in a suitcase once you get there? And revealing that you're bringing along fairies, one of whom claims to be the greatest Tinker in the world, might do some damage to your secret identity? :rolleyes:
If the vote to sneak Cassiel and Dragon along doesn't go through, then the rest of my vote stands.
You can go ahead and consider it not going through.
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[x] Dragon – She has never been on vacation before, mostly because she never had a body. This would be a new experience for her.
[x] Cassiel – Even though she did have a body before, she never visited the beach. She will be the automatic third invitee should Tim and Dragon both go as they do not trust Firefly and Nostromo to keep a close enough eye on her by themselves.
[x] Vista – It isn't the same as fighting crime, but this should get her away from the stress of not going on patrol in Philadelphia.

Friend, Friend, and Friendbringer