Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.

Unless we throw something REALLY big at the fucker, he won't budge. And that something really big would drain too much, not kill him and make us the target. If there enough Thinkers, we can use the downtime between waves to shoot him something from a distance, and through Storm we can have a picture of the fight, in case Leviathan needs an explosion in the face for just a second, but the overall objective is making sure that there's still a city by the end of the day, and we can do that without taking unnecessary risks too.
Secondary to Lancelot's question @Silently Watches , when Unisoned is Dragon still capable of maintaining control of the variety pack of drones she uses at the same level? And if so, could Taylor potentially tap into sensor feeds from them? If so I'm leaning heavily towards Blaster with Unison to maintain assorted binds while going ham with Solar Wrath. Just some thoughts
Oh man, this just occurred to me: We should ask Cassiel if Behenmoth's dynakinesis can manipulate mana or the energy of Ragnarok. Or if it has any limit of the amount of energy it can manipulate.
Leviathan may not have Behemoth's raw power, but he is crazy fast. I wouldn't put it past him to swat bombardment people out of the sky with just his water-afterimage trick.
That's why it would be good to have a mage with good barriers amongst bombardment people.

[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
-[X] Samantha to Impact group.
I was able to determine that the Second will attack somewhere on continent of Australia. There are five targets with a high probability. Which he plans to strike I could determine with more time
My guesses at the five high probability targets are:

1) Sydney

It is our effective capital (Canberra is technically our capital for complex historical reasons but in reality the nation is ran out of Sydney) and home to 20.7% of our population. Yes one fifth of the country lives in the greater Sydney area; there is a reason I called it our effective capital.

On top of that hitting Sydney has great secondary effects as the tidal waves will devastate the surrounding coastline which is important because so much of our vital infrastructure is in the area.

2) Melbourne

The other major city in Australia with 18.2% of our population and a serous vulnerability here. For all that an attack on Sydney could be more devastating an attack on Melbourne would likely be more effective simply because the city isn't designed to handle it. Sydney gets hit with major storms regularly enough that it has a robust storm drainage system. Melbourne occasionally gets flooded but it's rare enough that it is considered a freak event rather then an annual one like Sydney flooding.

3) Tasmania

Size wise it is right in the middle of Kyushu (36,782 km^2) and Newfoudland (108,860 km^2) at 68,401 km^2 so a perfectly valid target for Leviathan to attempt another island sinking as a way to remind the world that Endbringers are still scary as fuck despite Ziz's seeming demise.

That being said I rank it only as 3rd because Tasmania just ain't that important. Half the state is national parks and wildlife refuges. On top of that it has a comparative small population (500k) and a full third of those are on welfare. To put things into perspective many Australians often forgot Tasmania exists. Seriously there is a wikipedia page on the various incidents in which Tasmania has been left off maps of Australia. So if it weren't for the damage the resulting tsunami would cause to Melbourne you could legit argue that we wouldn't even notice if it sank beneath the waves.

4) Perth

While not having the same population levels as Sydney or Melbourne (just 7.6% of the country) Perth, at least IRL, is a major player in the Australian economy. Western Australia dominates the Australia economy because it is full of some of the world's largest and most profitable mines. For example Australia is the second largest (behind only China) iron-ore producer and we hold the world's largest supply basically all of which is in Western Australia.

This is important because while there are multiple ports, Port Hedland for example, in Western Australia Fremantle Harbor (which is effectively in Perth) is still the largest, busiest, and most important. On top of this hitting Perth also interferes with shipments to the rest of Australia since Perth acts as an important hub. Plus a lot of the fly-in-fly-out workers in Western Australia live in Perth due to the convenience.

5) Brisbane

While it's certainly got the population (8.8%) to be a major target and is basically all lowlands vulnerable to flooding damage I tend to rate Brisbane towards the bottom of the list. The reason being that Brisbane is regularly flooded and is frankly just used to it. On top of that depending upon how exactly Leviathan's tidal waves work it is quite likely well protected by the trio of Bribie Island, Morton Island, and North Stradbroke Island.

The wave and giant monster damage would be new but aside from that an attack from Leviathan would really just be "same old same old". Plus like most Australian cities the population density is low enough that most people wouldn't even feel the direct impact. Seriously Brisbane is 10% larger then Connecticut and that is counting the water. On a land for land basis Brisbane is 26% larger.

"Plenty of time, then. We'll use Canberra as a rally point and command center. It's inland and therefore not Leviathan's target, but it's also close to several places he might choose to attack. Deploying the upgraded Ladon and Pythios as well as the Zomok."
I have to say Canberra is a bit of an odd choice here. The closest likely site (Sydney) is ~240km away so not exactly close. It is certainly well protected from Leviathan being 100km inland and behind the Great Dividing Range. Still I suppose it makes sense when you consider literally every city larger is on the coast and so are the following four cities and it's not like Toowoomba is really that better a choice. Still feels weird to see Canberra being mentioned though.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.

Most versatile group, especially since waves have intervals in between each other. Could switch groups easily from here anytime.
when Unisoned is Dragon still capable of maintaining control of the variety pack of drones she uses at the same level?
Dragon herself is not capable of controlling her ships, but she could walk Taylor through operating them.
And if so, could Taylor potentially tap into sensor feeds from them?
She could pull up screens to do so, yes, but it would not be looking out of their "eyes" if that's what you're imagining.
My guesses at the five high probability targets are
This is actually very interesting information here. It certainly helped refine some of my plans :evil:
I have to say Canberra is a bit of an odd choice here. The closest likely site (Sydney) is ~240km away so not exactly close. It is certainly well protected from Leviathan being 100km inland and behind the Great Dividing Range. Still I suppose it makes sense when you consider literally every city larger is on the coast and so are the following four cities and it's not like Toowoomba is really that better a choice. Still feels weird to see Canberra being mentioned though.
Keep in mind that you have teleporting capes and a ship with built-in teleporters. With those, stationing a base of operations that far inland makes sense. It keeps the high-value players (the healers and Thinkers) safe from Leviathan taking a swing at them.
[X] Transport group – Some capes, Tinkers especially, are using the extra time to finish preparations for the big fight. Head out to pick them up just before Leviathan shows.

As some of the few Movers with instant intercontinental (planetary and dimensional) travel we can get the stragglers here quickly. It also segue's perfectly into defense if it's needed.

That said, someone pointed out that being able to shield the Blaster Group in case Leviathan decides to start shooting water clones at them is probably a good idea, but dropping a Ragnarok is a pretty bad idea, for SO many reasons.
[X] Transport group – Some capes, Tinkers especially, are using the extra time to finish preparations for the big fight. Head out to pick them up just before Leviathan shows.

As some of the few Movers with instant intercontinental (planetary and dimensional) travel we can get the stragglers here quickly. It also segue's perfectly into defense if it's needed.

That said, someone pointed out that being able to shield the Blaster Group in case Leviathan decides to start shooting water clones at them is probably a good idea, but dropping a Ragnarok is a pretty bad idea, for SO many reasons.

While I'm curious about what SW said would be interesting if we were to hit an Endbringer with Ragnarok, I agree that, at the moment, it is best to keep Ragnarok a secret from the remaining EBs until we have enough power to completely kill one. We do NOT want them to decide to stop holding back, which might happen if we used an attack powerful enough to actually hurt them, even if we can't kill them on our own.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
People don't seem to be putting much discussion into which group we should be joining. Lets change that.

Impact group – With Flare Blade and an upgraded Barrier Jacket, you have a better chance to survive going hand-to-hand than you did in the last Endbringer fight.

So we know fighting Ziz back in Arc 3 would have been certain death which makes given that our old Barrier Jacket crumpled against an RPG. Now however it might be worth considering. Taylor has Knight Armor which is "significantly stronger", Blitz Move for high speed dodging, and Flare Blade for both damage dealing and parrying.

One of the most important questions here is how much tougher is Taylor's Knight Armor? Well from this:
Hint: Samantha's Inherent Forcefield is already Knight Armor equivalent.
we know Sam's defenses are equivalent to Knight Armor so we can pivot this question into: "How tough is Sam?"

Well we know that dying against Behemoth was a possibility for her:
Had you sent Samantha to the fight, she would have gotten a survival roll and needed to beat Behemoth's attack roll to survive. Considering Behemoth got an 82… But! It would have given me another survival roll to work with so Danny could have gotten more than 15, his difficulty check for surviving this fight. As I've said before, a Guardian Beast is technically expendable, or at least replaceable. Your father is (was?) not.
that said the threat wasn't Behemoth so much as the psudo-Sting attack he reflected towards HQ which means it doesn't really provide a good point for comparison.

We do have another in the form of the fight against Lung:
Except Lung apparently did not know how this was supposed to go. There was a faint effect, his foe's attacks doing just a tiny bit more than they had before, and then he was growing again. Definitely more than fifteen feet in length now, and the rest of his half-formed wings ripped themselves out of his back while liquid muscle and membrane leaked out of innumerable cracks and wrapped itself around the bones. He would be flight-worthy in just a few minutes, less if he could pull off this sudden growth trick a couple more times.

A figure wearing blood-red armor and with a string of all-too-realistic skulls hanging from one shoulder teleported to them in a flash of fire and noise and slammed a stone axe into Lung's side.

The dragon screamed, his pain and rage speeding up his growth, but that did not matter. Alexandria might have backed off at the newcomer's sudden appearance, but Samantha was not going to let this opportunity go to waste. She moved faster, her shape blurring to anyone watching as she boosted her speed as far as she could go without getting lost in her own cruel fury. She danced around Lung's lunges, dodged blows that could have ripped her head off even with Inherent Forcefield, and jabbed her spear again and again against the beast's armor. Her impromptu ally took advantage of her power's effect, each blow of the enormous axe reaching flesh before the hole inevitably refilled.

Twisting around a strike at his face, Lung let the other woman's weapon dig deep into his neck before he pounced on her. A hand grabbed her mask and slammed her into the ground, and then his short snout, quadruple-jawed like no creature on Earth, opened wide. For a second Samantha thought he would bite the other cape, but instead he vomited up a torrent of flame that wrapped around them and hid his head and her entire body.

Samantha thwacked his right-hand wing joint, but then he exploded once more into flame. The fires did not discomfort her in the slightest, but the unexpected blow across her back from his wild writhing flicked her off. She hit the ground and carved a trench ten feet long before finally stopping. Laying there for a moment was nice, especially with her body aching in a crumbly way that she instinctively knew meant her Inherent Forcefield had taken too much punishment for her peace of mind. Only when a gloved hand came into view did she reach up and let Myrddin pull her to her feet.
So Lung who was over 15ft long and had just sprouted wings was powerful enough that a direct hit would have instantly killed Sam and even an accidental hit from his wings was enough to injure Sam through her Inherent Forcefield. For comparison this is Lung at 15ft in canon:
Interlude 22 said:
He can't ignore me now, Lung thought. He was only half the height of the Endbringer, but it was enough. Fire against water, claw against claw. Leviathan hit harder, but Lung healed faster. Every second he fought without Leviathan tearing him in half was a second that was to his advantage.

Basically; Impact Group is still a massive gamble. Probably not quite a death sentence like it would have been before but a single clean hit and we are dead.

Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.

This is where everyone expects Calamity Witch to go and where a lot of people are (understandably) voting for her to go. Which makes sense since the Calamity Witch Template is all about hanging back and bombarding a target.

Problem is Leviathan is fast and sneaky. If the Enforcers have some top tier support mages on binding duty then yeah we can probably hit him with a Solar Wrath or two. Or if Alexandria pins him down somehow. But other then that we ain't going to be unleashing any of our major spells.

Despite that we are still fairly well suited to Blaster duty. Wide Area Search to keep a constant track on Leviathan. Flight to sit mostly out of reach of the battle. Multishot + Homing Bullet to make it rain fire without causing mass collateral damage.

Definitely a good example to remind people just why Calamity Witch really deserves that Blaster 9 (or higher) that the PRT have been holding out on giving her.

Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.

There are a lot of people voting for this but I'm not sure I entirely understand why. We are Calamity Witch not Infinite Enhancement the only Barrier spells we have are Round Shield and Shell Barrier which are both intended for personal defense not city defense. The largest example I can think of for a casting of Round Shield was about 3x Fate's height in the 1st Movie which puts it at ~13ft in diameter. Even if we say 3x Taylor's height that is only ~17ft in diameter. For comparison:
Interlude 8 (Bonus) said:
"Wave!" someone screamed.

Forcefields went up, and being as high as they were, they were out of reach of the worst of it. She could see it, a tide of water several stories high. The impact was reduced to a manageable level only by the shattered Boardwalk and fallen buildings at the end of the road, the uphill slope.
A story is generally accepted to be around 10ft so with the wave being several stories (IE: definitely more then 2) water will spill over/under any shield Taylor throws out.

On top of that consider just how damn big a coastline is. Even being ultra conservative here and saying we need to shield the mouth of Sydney Harbor, for example, that is still 1.57km (5,000+ feet). We're far better off leaving this to people who are actually capable of shielding large areas.

Search and rescue – You played this role once before, when fighting the Simurgh. You shouldn't need to rescue capes this time, just help get civilians to safety.

Kinda pointless to be honest. Even with thirty minutes notice there is just no chance of even a significant portion of people in any of the big cities making it to a shelter or safety. Especially not at sunset which on the 26th of July 2011 happened at 17:17 in Canberra. Most people would be just knocking off work and the roads in full gridlock. We're talking hundreds of thousands of people, probably over a million in Sydney, on the road right now. More now that the Endbringer sirens would be blaring.

We can certainly help but it is going to be a drop in the bucket.

Transport group – Some capes, Tinkers especially, are using the extra time to finish preparations for the big fight. Head out to pick them up just before Leviathan shows.

As one of the few capes capable of international teleportation we'd actually be pretty damn useful here. Plus it is short enough to free us up to join one of the other groups afterwards. Something we need to bare in mind is that psudeo-Sting railgun from the Behemoth fight still has more ammo:
The Gauntlet's Tinkers were working with a number of scientists at the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology to create an anti-Endbringer weapon. What they came up with was a railgun-cannon that fired dimensional-shifted tank shells, the plan being to use dimensional shenanigans to get the shells past an Endbringer's outer layers and into what they assumed would be softer and squishier innards.
If you look back at those rolls, you'll notice there was an "Oh Shit" roll. That was to determine if there was a second payload the cannon could fire. Since that roll passed, I'll just keep the idea in the back of my head for maybe the next Endbringer fight. :evil: It's… certainly a "desperate measures" strategy for dealing with them.
so we may be bringing that in or other heavy support.

Gofer – Dragon should have Tim and the healers well in hand, but there is always the possibility she will need a mobile pair of hands. Mobility you can do.

Honestly this is a waste of our capabilities. It is probably the safest of all the options since it keeps Calamity Witch outside of the fight (more or less) but we'd be far more useful in other areas. It would also make her look like a coward since we already skipped out on the Behemoth fight. That at least could be justified by saying "fire blaster + dynakinetic == bad". This time; not so much.

TL : DR -
  • Impact Group: Dancing with Death (OHKO)
  • Blaster Group: Think thousands of Homing Flare Bullets not Solar Warth or Ragnarok
  • Wave Group: Completely pointless (small shields)
  • Search and Rescue: Drop in the bucket.
  • Transport Group: One of only a handful capable and still leaves us free for other work.
  • Gofer: Safe but a waste of our abilities.
[X] Transport group – Some capes, Tinkers especially, are using the extra time to finish preparations for the big fight. Head out to pick them up just before Leviathan shows.

On second thought, Transport sounds best. Like Uber said, our shields are tiny. Way too tiny to stop the waves.
I am pretty sure the aim is to kill the EB's, not just drive them off.

The end goal of the game is their deaths, yes. We cannot currently accomplish an EB death, though. This means that the best we can possibly accomplish at the moment is to convince him to withdraw. Then we have 4 months or so before the next EB to get us to the level where we can kill one.

Impact group – With Flare Blade and an upgraded Barrier Jacket, you have a better chance to survive going hand-to-hand than you did in the last Endbringer fight.

So we know fighting Ziz back in Arc 3 would have been certain death which makes given that our old Barrier Jacket crumpled against an RPG. Now however it might be worth considering. Taylor has Knight Armor which is "significantly stronger", Blitz Move for high speed dodging, and Flare Blade for both damage dealing and parrying.

One of the most important questions here is how much tougher is Taylor's Knight Armor? Well from this:

The biggest flaw in fighting Leviathan in melee for us is that we get no real advantage from it. Flare blade should be substantially less effective than Armsmaster's nanotech halberd in canon. Recall that flare blade is the Knight's equivalent to our flare shooter. It's nothing to sneeze at in most situations, but it just wouldn't cut it against an Endbringer.

Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.

This is where everyone expects Calamity Witch to go and where a lot of people are (understandably) voting for her to go. Which makes sense since the Calamity Witch Template is all about hanging back and bombarding a target.

Problem is Leviathan is fast and sneaky. If the Enforcers have some top tier support mages on binding duty then yeah we can probably hit him with a Solar Wrath or two. Or if Alexandria pins him down somehow. But other then that we ain't going to be unleashing any of our major spells.

Despite that we are still fairly well suited to Blaster duty. Wide Area Search to keep a constant track on Leviathan. Flight to sit mostly out of reach of the battle. Multishot + Homing Bullet to make it rain fire without causing mass collateral damage.

Definitely a good example to remind people just why Calamity Witch really deserves that Blaster 9 (or higher) that the PRT have been holding out on giving her.

I disagree about how likely we are to be able to hit him with Solar Wrath. While it does have a build up time, it is a pretty short one that can be further shortened with cartridges, and the actual attack is pretty fast. We are not committed to the exact aim before firing the spell. According to SW, we can hold the spell until we have a clear shot and only then fire. WAS would make that aim even easier.

There are a lot of people voting for this but I'm not sure I entirely understand why. We are Calamity Witch not Infinite Enhancement the only Barrier spells we have are Round Shield and Shell Barrier which are both intended for personal defense not city defense. The largest example I can think of for a casting of Round Shield was about 3x Fate's height in the 1st Movie which puts it at ~13ft in diameter. Even if we say 3x Taylor's height that is only ~17ft in diameter. For comparison:

Shell barrier would let us shield the other anti-wave parahumans, but I agree completely that we are not suited to this task. I suspect it's only an option because somebody would have brought it up on their own.

Kinda pointless to be honest. Even with thirty minutes notice there is just no chance of even a significant portion of people in any of the big cities making it to a shelter or safety. Especially not at sunset which on the 26th of July 2011 happened at 17:17 in Canberra. Most people would be just knocking off work and the roads in full gridlock. We're talking hundreds of thousands of people, probably over a million in Sydney, on the road right now. More now that the Endbringer sirens would be blaring.

We can certainly help but it is going to be a drop in the bucket.

Cities on Earth Bet, particularly coastal cities, do Endbringer drills, with many shelters scattered over the entire city. We wouldn't be able to help much with that directly, but we could transport groups of people from hospitals, people too weak/etc. to easily move, to other hospitals around to world if we wanted to do evacuation. Bringing more allies to the site is also a valid approach. Should we go that route, I advise that we include the sub vote that we switch to a combat role the moment he shows up.
[X] Transport group – Some capes, Tinkers especially, are using the extra time to finish preparations for the big fight. Head out to pick them up just before Leviathan shows.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
I disagree about how likely we are to be able to hit him with Solar Wrath. While it does have a build up time, it is a pretty short one that can be further shortened with cartridges, and the actual attack is pretty fast. We are not committed to the exact aim before firing the spell. According to SW, we can hold the spell until we have a clear shot and only then fire. WAS would make that aim even easier.
Remember Leviathan has super speed.

Cities on Earth Bet, particularly coastal cities, do Endbringer drills, with many shelters scattered over the entire city. We wouldn't be able to help much with that directly, but we could transport groups of people from hospitals, people too weak/etc. to easily move, to other hospitals around to world if we wanted to do evacuation. Bringing more allies to the site is also a valid approach. Should we go that route, I advise that we include the sub vote that we switch to a combat role the moment he shows up.
Do you have a citation for Endbringer drills? Because canonically Taylor didn't even recognize the sound of an Endbringer siren:
Worm - 7.12 said:
I was halfway down the stairwell to the first floor when I heard it. A whining noise, like you might hear from a particularly large baby preparing to scream. The nasal 'wa' sound stretched out, so loud it was painful to listen to. A siren? An air raid siren.

I reversed direction and ran back up the stairs. Tattletale was already in the living room. The TV was showing evacuation directions in a rotation of images: Leave your homes. Find the nearest shelter. Follow the directions of local authorities. Leave your homes…

"Bomb?" I asked, raising my voice to be heard over the siren, "Bakuda leave something behind?"

Lisa shook her head.

I'd seen her in the presence of Lung, around Glory Girl, Bakuda, Purity, Night and Fog. Looking at her, now, I saw an expression on her face that I hadn't seen in any of those scenarios. There was no trace of her vulpine grin, none of her characteristic humor or reckless abandon.
"Then what is it?" I asked her, though I already had a dark suspicion. Even the Bakuda's terrorism campaign against the city hadn't warranted the sirens, and that left very few possibilities.

Her response was one word, final. "Endbringer."
Similarly the television in that scene is showing a generic evacuation notice when you'd figure if they are prepared to the extent of doing regular drills there would be an instantly recognizable pre-recorded message. Re-reading this passage I'm actually starting to doubt if there even is a specific Endbringer siren, like fanon so often implies, rather then it just using the generic air raid siren system.

In fact looking at the next chapter:
Interlude 7 said:
Colin moved quickly, spinning in his chair to reach a small console. He opened a glass panel and flipped a switch. Air raid sirens immediately began their ominous whine.
even Miss Militia says it is air raid sirens going off.

Finally if we look at the first chapter of the Leviathan Arc:
Extermination 8.1 said:
The crush of bodies was a tide that Tattletale and I had to push through. There were a thousand or more scared people in our immediate area, surging against and around us. Even our costumes didn't give people much pause or reason to give us space. Thoughtless in their panic, the crowd was guided only by the barricades of policemen and police cars that had been established at the intersections to guide the masses to the shelters.

Everybody had been informed, in the pamphlets that came in the mail and in schools, about emergency procedures. There were multi-level shelters spaced around the city, enough for people to hunker down in for a few hours. They'd all been told that they could bring our larger pets if the animals could be trusted to behave. They could bring only necessary medical supplies and what they could have on their person. People weren't allowed to use their cars, unless they were in one of the areas on the periphery of town. Too easy for there to be an accident in the panic and hurry, leaving everyone else stuck in a traffic jam when disaster arrived.

But people were stupid. A chronic condition of our society, that so many people somehow thought they were special, the exception to the rule. In this panicked crowd, every rule was being broken. There were people with luggage on wheels, one kid carrying a lizard in a glass cage. People were pushing and shoving, shouting and swearing. Pets were reacting to the ambient stress with barks and snarls, dashing around and getting others tripped or tangled up in leashes. Tattletale and I passed two cars that were even making their way forward in the midst of stampede, inch by inch, honking their horns the entire time. Between the air raid sirens and the honking horns, I couldn't make out the words people were shouting. I could barely think.
there is no mention of drills of any kind. Just that people received pamphlets in the mail and at school about the emergency procedures. Even better this section of chapter even details how everyone was ignoring the emergency procedures and how it was complete chaos with the police desperately trying to direct things.

This is in a city of 300,000 not multiple millions like most the probable targets would be. There sheer impracticality of getting millions of people out from the city centers doesn't even bare mentioning. Nor the idea of trying to cram enough Endbringer Shelters into those super-dense super expensive areas for all those people.

Although I must revise my estimate on Sydney being a potential target. Apparently it was already hit once before in 1998:
Wildbow on Reddit said:
Sydney was destroyed but would've been rebuilt. Other areas that suffered direct or incidental damage received a great deal of international funding and support... which declined as time went on.

Sydney was early enough in the grand scheme of things to get some attention, before the decline & the crisis fatigue of the world at large. In the Wormverse notes, it doubled down on its nickname the 'The Harbor City' in that it gratefully received the international support, rebuilt, and tried to transform the negative into a positive by providing shelter and support to others (That is, safe harbor). The good was a great deal of national pride (and international pride in the country). In terms of the bad, well, I actually wrote the notes before the whole political shift and the voice xenophobia has found in politicians in recent years, but you could see new Sydney as a kind of microcosm of that sentiment. While it offered shelter to the displaced and the needy, it also was argued to be a shelter and haven for crime and shady types looking for a footing.

Dunno if you're far enough along that you can't use that note, but such is my jotted-down notes in the Worm bible, re: Australia. (I'll leave Canberra aside)
Which I'd say actually makes an even better target then I first thought. The population would likely be higher (thanks to all the refugees brought into the city) and it stands as a shining beacon of rebuilding post-Leviathan. This makes destroying it again all the more devastating since it hammers home the futility of trying to oppose the Endbringers.
I think the logic for the wave group is that we can use spellpower to split or even vaporize incoming waves to ease the burden on the rest of the shielders.

Splitting the wave should be Vista's job. That or compressing it into an area small enough for the other parahumans to shield. We know that when the area is unimpeded by humans her power is sufficient to turn the planet into a pretzel, so this should be within her limits.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
Adhoc vote count started by ayula on Jul 2, 2019 at 2:48 PM, finished with 21070 posts and 41 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by ayula on Jul 2, 2019 at 2:49 PM, finished with 21070 posts and 41 votes.
[X] Transport group – Some capes, Tinkers especially, are using the extra time to finish preparations for the big fight. Head out to pick them up just before Leviathan shows.

Changing the vote, because it actually seems like a good idea to help transport others before Levi comes to the town. At least if we can get to blasting when he arrives and aren't stuck transporting the whole fight.
Remember Leviathan has super speed.

Remember that Solar Wrath is even faster, and that Leviathan uses bursts of superspeed. He does not use it constantly, instead jumping to a spot, attacking, then jumping again, at least as I read the canon encounter. It may not travel at the speed of light, but Nanoha energy blasts generally move really fast.

Do you have a citation for Endbringer drills? Because canonically Taylor didn't even recognize the sound of an Endbringer siren:

I know I read it. I think it was mentioned at least once in canon, but I could be mistaken. It could be that only one specific city was mentioned as having them. It could also be that the relatively high crime and poverty in BB meant they couldn't afford them. Still, every minute helps, and if we could get people to gather in small groups(coordinated by Dragon, naturally) we could make a difference. It wouldn't be a huge difference if we weren't evacuating hospitals and such, but every person we saved would be one less casualty and a serious balm on Taylor's morale when she hears how many she couldn't save.

It wouldn't be logical, but canon Taylor says she would feel incredibly guilty. That's part of why she put up with Coil as long as she did, as it was letting her save more people. Note, I said part. There were many other factors, including her compulsive(likely shard induced) need to control everything she could, to do the most good she could.

Although I must revise my estimate on Sydney being a potential target. Apparently it was already hit once before in 1998:

Since it was rebuilt, it becomes a symbol of hope. Leviathan returning would be a major blow.
Remember that Solar Wrath is even faster, and that Leviathan uses bursts of superspeed. He does not use it constantly, instead jumping to a spot, attacking, then jumping again, at least as I read the canon encounter. It may not travel at the speed of light, but Nanoha energy blasts generally move really fast.
I'll comment on Leviathan's super speed tomorrow when I've got the time to re-read Extermination but in the mean time I'd like to point out that Nanoha beams aren't anywhere vaguely close to light speed.

To quote myself from when we were previously talking about the range on Buster attacks:
Making Taylor that much scarier against stationary targets? If we say that Vita was 7 miles away then that gives Divine Buster Extension, which traveled the distance in 7 seconds, a nice round speed of 1 mile per second.

Three seconds of charge up plus five seconds of travel time mean things at maximum range have a full eight seconds to move out of the way. That is a very long time. Even if we say the target loses three seconds to noticing our Solar Wrath and going "WTF!" before running even an average adult human can cover ~30 meters (~100ft).
1 mile per second is certainly not slow (1,609.34m/s) but it is more high speed bullet or anti-aircraft missile then anything close to lightspeed.
Is there an easy way to see what stories somebody is posting? The best I've found in the profile screen is everything they've commented on, which doesn't help me find older stories they've written. I figure the answer to this will be stupidly obvious and I'm just missing it.